Novice Reincarnator

Chapter 37: Warning

“Tomorrow is the big day.”

I muttered to myself at the entrance to Beast Den. I entered the dungeon to loosen my limbs and release some of my stress. A part of me was certainly worried about the intermediate explorer exam, but a larger part of me was nervous about my plan to talk to Leah after the exam.

My resistance to going out with Leah had faded a lot, but that didn’t mean I wanted to date her. If anything, I wanted to remain best friends. I wasn’t sure if that was possible after everything that happened.

I shook my head and started the familiar walk back home. I was as prepared as I could be for tomorrow. All I needed was a good night’s rest and I would be in top shape to ace the intermediate explorer exam.

It had grown dark while I was hunting monsters in Beast Den. Stars twinkled in the sky above. I briefly pondered if I would ever light up the night sky like those stars before laughing at myself. There was no way I could shine that brightly.

Change often comes suddenly. That man appeared without warning.


A terribly cold voice called my name. A frigid smile appeared on the face of a man that was far too beautiful. An incomprehensible light dwelled within his red eyes. All he did was say my name, but my world suddenly changed.

Day replaced night and the earthy city was replaced with a shining castle in the clouds. The man and I stood at the top of the tallest tower. A chilling wind stole away all of my body warmth.

I couldn’t speak or move. [Instinct] screamed that I would die the instant I tried to do anything. I was completely and utterly helpless.

“Fang, oh Fang. If you knew your place, we wouldn’t be meeting like this.”

The man took a step towards me and I had the illusion that tens of spears had stabbed through my body. Intense pain pierced my mind and I fell onto my knees.


…had just happened? I didn’t have the strength to finish my question out loud. Eight snow white wings appeared on the man’s back. It was as if the world itself was trying to crush me. I couldn’t breathe.

“You sound like you don’t know why this is happening.”

The man’s tone never changed. Strength left my body and I collapsed onto the ground. I couldn’t get up no matter how much I struggled. His classy brown shoes stopped in front of my eyes.

“Stay away from my Cecilia. A lowly mutt like you isn’t worthy of her.”

I barely managed to tilt my head to look up at him. It was like I was looking at the Crystalline Colossus again when I was a new explorer. He towered over me promising certain death.

This strange world had to be the [Domain] skill of a peak Epic class. A level 35 Crystalline Colossus, when compared to a peak level 80 Epic class, was nothing more than an ant. He didn’t even need to stomp on me. I couldn’t breathe and was slowly losing oxygen.

“This is the last chance I will give you. If you don’t want to suddenly disappear one day, then pack up your bags and return to the lower worlds where you belong.”

It was a clear and unmistakable threat to kill me. In his eyes, I saw thousands of different ways I might die. Overwhelming terror consumed my mind. Thankfully, something caught his attention. The man lost all interest in me as he looked into the distant sky.

“It appears that abomination has come for you. Remember what I said.”

My vision grew blurry. A girl with black hair and twelve jet black wings charged through the shining world with an ominous spear in her hands. Slightly behind her was a blond haired Demon Princess in an armored dress flying on her contracted monster.

I had changed. I knew I had changed. Then, why did I feel this overwhelming sense of helplessness again?

I lost consciousness as the twelve winged Fallen Archangel clashed against the eight winged Angel.

I woke up with my heart pounding in terror. It took me a moment to realize that I was back in my room at Cecilia’s mansion. I was safe. That man didn’t kill me.


I thought I had changed from that day, but that wasn’t the case at all. I still needed Cecilia to save me. I knew that it was unfair to think of it like that. Anyone would have needed to be rescued if they were put in my shoes.

A level 80 Epic was at the peak of strength in the Upper Realm. Only the Legendary talents were stronger and there were less than 10 such individuals in the world. Even so, that didn’t make me feel better. I hated that feeling of powerlessness.

The warmth on my hands drew me out of my thoughts. This sensation seemed familiar. I glanced to my side and sure enough, Cecilia was sleeping next to me while holding my hand. That still didn’t explain the soft warmth on my other hand. I turned the other way and was met with a sleeping Byleth.

Somehow, all three of us ended up sleeping in the same bed. Their presence calmed the turmoil in my heart. It felt like I would be able to get through whatever storms life threw at me as long as I remained by their side.

That man would never allow such a thing. I involuntarily tightened my grip on their hands and ended up waking them up. Byleth turned me every which way as she examined my appearance.

“Are you okay Fang? Aurelius didn’t do anything to you, did he?”


A silver haired Cecilia answered my question with a sad expression. She didn’t usually display this much emotion while her hair was silver.

“Aurelius Snowlight. My father.”

“We managed to chase him off, but I can’t believe your dad attacked Fang. He always treated the rest of us so well.”

“He is kind and gentle to those he likes and ruthless to everyone else.”

Byleth was stunned by Cecilia’s words. I apparently wasn’t someone he liked. His ruthlessness was on full display in front of me. I looked at Cecilia’s sad violet eyes and faltered. If I told her what he said, it would only hurt her further.

“Tell me.”

The strong will contained within Cecilia’s voice convinced me.

“He wanted me to leave. He said I was not worthy enough.”

Cecilia didn’t respond, but her grip tightened on my hand as if to say that she wouldn’t let me go.

“What is that!? A Legendary like Cecilia is free to be with whoever she wants. Someone weaker than her has no right trying to dictate what she does.”

A weight that I didn’t know I was carrying on my shoulders lifted. Both Cecilia and Byleth thought I should stay.

“What will you do now, Fang?”

Violet eyes searched for answers from my golden eyes. The last bit of fear from my encounter with Cecilia’s father disappeared. Since Cecilia wanted me to stay, there was only one answer.

“My plans haven’t changed. I’ll take the intermediate explorer exam, talk to Leah, and continue living here if you will let me.”

“If that is the case, then are you good on time? The exam is today.”

My face paled. That was right. Last night was the day before the exam. Since the sun was shining down on me, that meant it was already the next day. The written portion of the exam was in the morning and the practical portion was in the afternoon.

Nothing went as planned. I had wanted to have a calm and peaceful morning the day of the exam, but instead I was running around left and right as I scrambled to prepare for the big day. I hardly tasted the food I threw in my mouth and ended up needing a ride to the academy.

Aurelius Snowlight's warning had quickly faded to the back of my mind.

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