Novice Reincarnator

Chapter 38: Charmed


A chorus of groans resounded as the examiner signaled that the written portion of the monthly intermediate explorer exam had ended. I set my pencil down on my desk and gave a sigh of relief. The exam was tough, but I had studied enough to answer every question.

As long as nothing went wrong, I would pass the written exam. All that was left was the practical test which involved diving into the dungeon. I found a corner of the exam venue to eat the lunch that Ralph, the Master Chef, had cooked for me.

As I thought, I wanted to eat his food for the rest of my life. Sticking with Cecilia had its benefits. 

Unfortunately, I wasn’t sure how long I could continue living together with Cecilia.

If she got a lover and married, then it would be too awkward for me to stay in the same house as them. That meant my blissful days of eating food prepared by a Master Chef would only last as long as Cecilia remained single.

“Hey, did you hear? The hero party is participating in the expert explorer exams today.”

My ears perked up at hearing news related to Leah. Unaware of their new listener, the extremely young intermediate explorer exam taker continued to share news with his friends.

“The expert explorer exam involves conquering the fourth floor of Beast Den. The hero party is participating in that exam today.”

“Beast Den? Are you sure? I thought the expert explorer exam involved clearing Beast Trial.”

A second, much older demon explorer in glasses spoke up in confusion. The youngest intermediate exam taker was quick to clear things up.

“I don’t know where you heard about Beast Trial, but that dungeon was sealed off over 50 years ago. There were far too many deaths. The dungeon closes up and doesn’t allow anyone to enter as long as there is an explorer party taking the trial.”

The old explorer in glasses gulped.

“W-What is the recommended level to clear Beast Trial?”

“It is level 40, so don’t you dare get the two dungeons mixed up again, old man. Beginner explorers like us will die the instant we enter the Beast Trial dungeon.”

The group of intermediate exam takers continued to chatter, but I no longer had the heart to listen. Whether it was Beast Trial or the fourth floor of Beast Den, both were far outside of my capabilities. Like the young intermediate exam taker said, I would have no choice but to die if I found myself in those dungeons.

I had thought I caught up to Leah. Perhaps I did catch up as Ash when I wiped out the first floor of Crystalline Caverns, but they left me in the dust during the time I spent as Fang. Unlike me, they weren’t limited to a max level of 20. They could continue to grow stronger while my poor talent hindered me from advancing.

I spent the rest of my lunch break lost in thought. I wasn’t able to brush off my poor talent as easily as I usually did. The strange haze in my heart only cleared up when an examiner spoke up about the practical exam.

“For this month’s practical intermediate exam, each explorer will need to reach the third level of Beast Den. This exam will take place over the entire afternoon and groups of explorers will be allowed to enter Beast Den from the first floor every thirty minutes.”

It was like Carl knew what the practical exam was going to be when he helped me prepare. I knew Beast Den like the back of my hand and I had even defeated the strongest monster on the 2nd floor, the Sharp Clawed Bear.

The other test takers didn’t take the news of our unveiled practical exam as well as I did. An unhappy groan was pretty much the universal reaction to the news. Beast Den’s second layer was treacherous to everyone that lacked strong detection abilities.

“Don’t worry. Instructors will be on standby to rescue anyone that falls into a dangerous situation. Those that are rescued will immediately fail the exam, so try your best not to get into life or death situations. There is always next month to try again.”

We moved together as a group under the supervision of the examiners and were made to draw lots. My lot ended up placing me as one of the later ones to enter the first floor of Beast Den. I passed the time by chatting with the other Novice Club members that were taking the exam. Eventually their turns came, leaving me alone. It wasn’t long before an unexpected guest showed up.

“Byleth, what are you doing here? I’m in the middle of an exam.”

“Not even the most prestigious academy in the Upper Realm can stop me from visiting who I want, Fang.”

Byleth sat down in the open seat next to me. The few remaining exam takers all stared at the two of us, but Byleth and I ignored them with practiced ease. In an odd turn of events, Byleth was doing an impression of Cecilia as she remained quiet for an extended period of time.

“Thank you for joining me. It was a little lonely by myself since almost everyone else formed a party for this exam.”

Asta Ashford was never a loner, but most of my time in the Upper Realm was spent alone. Somehow, it just ended up that way. There was no way Ash could from a party considering her circumstances, but it was different for Fang.

I had made quite a few friends that I could team up with, but I always found myself going into dungeons alone. The only people I wanted to explore the dungeon with were on an entirely different level than me.

Byleth’s serious expression told me that this wasn’t just a friendly visit. She went straight to the reason she was here.

“You suffered because we were late. It will not happen again.”

It wasn’t an apology. To Byleth, an apology wouldn’t change anything. Instead, she made a promise that yesterday’s events would never happen again. That was how the proud and noble daughter of the Demon King, Byleth Evernight, acted. I knew that Byleth was like this and that this was her own way of apologizing, but I couldn’t accept her words.

“I suffered yesterday because I was weak. There was no way you could have known Cecilia’s dad would attack me. To begin with, my safety is not your responsibility.”

We were friends, not a bodyguard and escort target. The only one responsible for my safety was me.

“Aurelius found out about you because I insisted on taking you on a date with Cecilia. It is my fault that you were attacked by him.”

Aurelius Snowlight hadn’t made a move on me until Byleth announced my close relationship to Cecilia through our little dungeon dive together. Up until that point, many saw me as just another maid working at Cecilia’s place.

“Cecilia has countless fans that are just as crazy as Aurelius. I knew what I was getting into when I agreed to the date and I don’t regret joining you two.”

Even if Ash was a relatively popular person to talk about recently, Leah Maxwell and Cecilia Snowlight were far more common conversation topics. The heavy expression lifted from Byleth’s face and a small smile graced her charming lips.

“I’ve underestimated you. I should have known better considering that you are the reason that I was able to return to Cecilia’s side.”

“That is right. I am the childhood friend of that idiot, so this is nothing to me.”

I puffed out my nonexistent chest in pride. Byleth’s bewitching red eyes took in my appearance and she licked her lips.

“Oh Fang, why aren’t you a Demon? We could have had so much fun and gotten to know each other better.”

“W-W-What are you saying, B-Byleth?”

My face turned bright red at the sudden shift. It wasn’t like Byleth’s mesmerizing appearance ever let me forget, but it was only now that I realized that Byleth was a girl. I had grown so comfortable being around both Cecilia and Byleth that I had stopped viewing them as girls.

“You are an interesting girl that I would like to get to know more intimately.”

“As friends, right?”

“Of course. I have a few ideas in mind that would deepen our friendship to the point where nobody will ever be able to come in between us.”

Even as I hit the peak of embarrassment, a strange disconnect welled up within my heart. I had absolutely hated it when Leo brought up the idea of being something more than friends, but that overwhelming sense of rejection was absent when Byleth mentioned it.

“What about Cecilia?”

“Cecilia will be my main wife, but her guard is too high and that skill of hers makes her nearly impossible to approach, even for someone as strong as me. As the second wife, it would be your responsibility to teach Cecilia how to fulfill her duties as the main wife.”

I fell into Byleth’s bewitching red eyes and the thought of saying no to her disappeared from my personal dictionary. I noticed once more just how beautiful she was. It was like her clothes existed for the sole purpose of highlighting the seductive curves of her body.

A heat different from embarrassment filled me and suddenly, Byleth was the only one that mattered. I wanted her in a way that I had never felt for anyone else. I would do anything for her. I spoke up to better understand her desires.

“Do you want me as your second wife with how I am now, or…?”

Byleth cupped my cheek with her hand. I was the happiest girl alive to feel her touch.

“As a Demon. That should be a simple matter for you to rectify as long as you reincarnate with the desire to be my second wife.”

My heart pounded in my chest. I was so happy that Byleth wanted me that it seemed like I was born for this moment. My hand reached up to hers and removed it from my cheek. I was so happy, but…


Tears threatened to spill from my eyes. This overwhelming feeling of sadness was somehow even greater than the happiness I felt from Byleth’s request.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t be your second wife.”

“What did you say?”

Byleth’s kissable lips opened in surprise. Her demonic charm was so potent that it hurt to deny her generous proposal, but it was impossible. She may be calling me Fang, but Ash was the only girl in her heart. In this life, I was Fang.

“We can only be friends.”

“...As I thought, you are an interesting girl, Fang. It is usually impossible for those weaker than me to resist my charm skill.”

All of a sudden, I came to my senses. It wasn’t because of anything Byleth said, but rather because she withdrew the bewitching charm around her that captured my soul. An unexpected voice cut in before I managed to figure out what had just happened.

“Pfft! Byleth, your maid rejected you even after you used a [Charm] skill on her!”

My face paled. I knew that voice, but it was impossible. She should have been in the depths of Beast Den taking the expert explorer exam.

“Shut up, disappointing hero. You are in no position to talk when your best friend hated your confession so much that he ran away to an entirely different realm than you.”

My head turned to the source of Byleth’s ire. Sure enough, Leah Maxwell and her party were looking at Byleth and I.

Claire was blushing bright red with her hands over her eyes. Even so, she could see through the gaps in her fingers. Melissa was anxiously looking back and forth between Leah and Byleth. Tabitha was nowhere to be seen and Elizabeth had a friendly smile on her face.

My best friend, on the other hand, didn’t look happy to see us. More specifically, she looked like she wanted to get back at Byleth. The last time the two of them met, Byleth had shot down Leah’s request to meet Ash.

Leah turned to me and her princely aura cranked up to max. A bad feeling welled up within my heart even before she spoke up.

“Fang, was it? A lovely girl like you deserves to be treated with respect and common decency. How about you work as a maid at our mansion? I promise we will not mistreat you like how Byleth used a charm skill on you.”

Horror filled my heart. Leah obviously hadn’t used [Appraisal] on me or else she would have known that I was the person she had been searching for. Even so, she knew my name. That could only mean one thing.

“How long were you watching Byleth and I?”

“Ever since Byleth claimed that Cecilia was her main wife.”

It was all over. Leah saw basically everything. While I was reeling from shock, Leah closed the distance and held my hands.

“There is nothing to be ashamed of. The [Charm] skill is so fearsome because people can’t control themselves under its spell. Rather, you impressed me. You managed to shake off the evil demoness’ charm and come to your senses all on your own. Not many can do the same.”

Byleth cut in from the side.

“If I am an evil demoness for using my [Charm] skill, then what does that make you, Leah Maxwell? Unlike you, I haven’t used my skill to gather up a harem around me.”

“It’s different. I have never intentionally used my [Charm] skill. The passive charm from the skill has brought me nothing but trouble and I would never stoop as low as to try to charm someone like you, Byleth.”

Byleth laughed dangerously at Leah’s claim. I felt like a mouse trapped between two titans.

“Oh? Then tell me. What you would do if Ash truly was your best friend and she still wanted nothing to do with you? Would you not use your charm skill to make her yours?”

Leah hesitated. I was so scared from seeing her hesitate that I jerked my hands out of Leah’s grasp and retreated as far back in my chair as was possible. My movement woke Leah from her daze.

“No, it isn’t like that. I promise. I would never do such a thing!”

“Sure, sure. Whatever you say, hypocrite hero.”

Byleth’s sarcastic voice made me want to rethink my plans. It sounded like a bad idea to deliver myself to Leah’s doorstep. Ah, but was it any safer hanging around Byleth when she used her own [Charm] skill on me just now?

“Fang. You believe me, don’t you? I’m different from that evil demoness.”

I looked into the desperate blue eyes of my best friend. Memories of all the happy times we spent together rose to the top of my mind and I found myself speaking up.

“You and Byleth are the same. You are both flirts and neither of you has any evil intentions with your actions.”

Byleth had shown an easy willingness to [Charm] me, but I doubted she would have actually done anything. The effects of [Charm] would wear off as soon as the skill ended unless I was subjected to repeated exposure of it.

I had the intermediate explorer exam coming up and Byleth knew that. No matter what outrageous request she made, I would come to my senses the moment we separated and I began my exam.

“How am I the same as this hypocrite hero!?”

“How am I the same as this evil demoness!?”

Their two hot denials were so in sync that a chuckle escaped from Claire’s lips. She immediately panicked and covered her mouth with her hands, but it was too late. Two furious gazes silenced her.

“I agree with Fang. You and Byleth are quite similar. Perhaps that is why the two of you are always butting heads.”

Elizabeth spoke in support. Her words emboldened Melissa to chime in.

“I thought so too.”

“Leah, you flirt with every girl you meet. In that sense, Ms. Evernight is a far better person. At least she limits her flirting to Cecilia and Fang.”

Tabitha appeared from behind Elizabeth, shocking me. [Ki Sense] hadn’t noticed her presence at all until she revealed herself.

“You girls. I’ll remember this.”

Leah dragged her party members off in a huff as if to escape from Byleth’s gloating smile. A firm hand landed on my shoulder once they were gone. It gripped my shoulder so tightly that I thought my bones were creaking.

“Fang, why don’t you try telling me once more just how I am the same as that hypocrite hero?”

I spent the rest of my time before the practical exam of the intermediate explorer exam desperately explaining myself to Byleth. My nervousness over the practical exam had disappeared somewhere along the way.

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