Number One Under Heaven

Chapter 44: Spirit Beast

Inside a Cathedral somewhere in the Holy Continent, Yun Xiuying is currently kneeling on the floor, eyes wide from shock.

“A-a-a Mutated Celestial Phoenix God! It is definitely his doing! So he was over there…” With her Cultivation, how was it possible for her not to notice it’s formidable Aura? Even if she were farther away, she would still pick it up!

“Should I— No, I will wait here patiently. Not to mention his Church is still being established…” Although she now knows his location, she will still wait patiently! Her stubborn character outweighs her impatience!

“But for him to summon one here… What is going on?” If she knew that he summoned it only for travel purposes, she would definitely cry!


* * * * *


The Sect Mission Hall is always crowded with disciples and Elders, making this a lively place.

However, at this moment, the place is dead silent!

Everybody there had their jaws glued to the floor, eyes popping out, and their souls frightened to the point of already sticking out of their body! They were shocked to the point of not even able to stand up! The ones there with a strong heart were kneeling on the floor, while the weaker ones were on their butt! Some of them were so scared to the point of playing dead! Because of this Beautiful Azure Phoenix that appeared out of nowhere, everybody here forgot who their mother was for a second, and their father the next!

The Azure Flames on the Phoenix glitters, almost as if it was made of real Stars. It’s beautiful Crystal Blue eyes, clear as the sky. Just looking at it makes your Soul purer! The Majestic and Imposing Aura it sends out naturally was enough to make Gods and Demons tremble from awe!

“Yan Yan, it’s been awhile since I’ve last seen you. How have you been?” Tian Yi pets the Phoenix’s head, making her wings tremble from excitement and joy.

“Master, you’re so mean. You promised to travel this Universe with me, yet you’ve done nothing but sit in your house all day and Cultivate…” She cries with injustice.

“Hahaha, I know, that’s why I called you out today. Look around, see anything different?” He laughs. Although he was petting her head made from Azure Flames, it did not burn him at all. It was soft and smooth like a fluffy cloud. Loving this feeling, he always pets her, even sleeping on her back at times.

Yan Yan looks around, and her eyes glitter from surprise, “Master! This is not the Celestial Emperor’s World! Where are we?” She did not recognize this place.

“We are in one of the 99 Mortal Worlds, World of Clouds, the Mortal’s Realm.” He said.

“M-Mortal World?!? Mortal’s Realm?! Erk, no wonder why the Spirit Power Quality here is…” She does not like the Spirit Power around here. Compared with the Spirit Power back at the Celestial Emperor’s World, it was like comparing dirty wastewater with the water the Celestial Emperor drinks…

“But Master, what are we doing down here? What about your father? Did he finally allow you to travel?” Knowing how overprotective her Master’s father was, it was near impossible for him to let her Master travel at his age, which is why she asked.

“No, I sneaked down here. He’s definitely throwing a fit right now as we speak, trying to find me.” He giggles like a mischievous young boy.

“M-Master… You did something this crazy? Remember what happened when you made a Spirit Contract with me without getting your father’s permission?” She could not believe that he did something this crazy!

“Yan Yan, what are you talking about? We’ve already said that we’ll tell him after you’ve Transcended. Right now you are still in your adolescence, barely a Hundred Years Old. ” He laughs.

“Ah, you’re right. Master’s crazy actions have made me forget. Hehehe. ” She also laughs with him.

“T-Tian Yi, w-what is going on?” Xuan Wanshan still in shock, asks her calm disciple who is currently laughing with the Phoenix. They were like two mischievous kids laughing at their little stunt.

“This is one of my Spirit Beast, Yan Yan.” He introduces this Beautiful Phoenix like it was normal.

“Spirit Beast?!”

She was even more shocked now! That Phoenix is his Spirit Beast?!?! These who owns a Spirit Beast are called Spirit Beast Tamers. Spirit Beast Tamers fights with their Spirit Beast by supplying their Spirit Beast with their Cultivation, increasing their strength overall.

Spirit Beasts, a Magic Beast that has been tamed by a Cultivator. Their main purpose is to protect the Master and grow stronger with him or her! In order to get a Spirit Beast, you have to make a Spirit Contract with the Magic Beast. You can only make a Spirit Contract if the other party agrees, or else it will not work out.

That is only if they were on equal footing. If the Cultivator is way stronger than the Magic Beast it is trying to Contract, they can forcefully make them submit to the Contract, making it a Forced Spirit Contract. But this is not suggested, because the bond between the Master and Spirit Beast is crucial, just like a Master and Disciple. If the Magic Beast was forced into making the Spirit Contract, then they’ll definitely feel some kind of hatred towards the Master, making it an inadequate Bond.

A Spirit Beast can have a higher Cultivation than their Master if the Spirit Beast accepts the Contract on its own will. If it’s a Forced Spirit Contract, the Spirit Beast will normally be weaker than their Master. You can only have a certain amount of Spirit Beasts Contracted at one time, which is why everybody chooses carefully.

If the Master dies, the Spirit Beast also dies, because they are bonded by their souls, making this even more serious to the Spirit Beasts. However, if the Spirit Beast dies first, the Master will at most have their souls injured, damaging their Cultivation. Why? Because only Cultivators can initiate a Spirit Contract!

Most people, even in the higher Realms, are only able to have one Spirit Beast at a time. Only these born with a unique soul can Contract more than one, at most three.

Once you have a Spirit Beast, they will live in your Dantian, protecting it. If you have more than one, they’ll protect other places, such as the Soul. The Master can also use special Cultivation Techniques given by the Spirit Beast, making them even more powerful! This is why most people want to have a Spirit Beast, to protect their Cultivation from being crippled and to gain power! However, not every Cultivator can make a Contract with Magic Beasts. As a matter of fact, many Cultivators are not able to make a Contract no matter what. Why? Because they were not born with this talent. Only Cultivators born with a Spirit Gate in their Soul can have Spirit Beasts!

Without a Spirit Gate in their Soul, they will never be able to have a Spirit Beast! Only 1 in 10,000 are born with a Spirit Gate in their Soul!

At the end of the day, Spirit Beasts want a Master to help them Cultivate and ascend faster, while Cultivators will use the Spirit Beast’s power to make them even stronger! A win-win situation! But this only applies to the lower Realms, and not the Realms at the top!

“B-but… A Phoenix?” Xuan Wanshan cries bitterly in her heart.

Even to a Spirit King like her, a Phoenix was a Holy Beast, a Legendary Creature! In the entire Mortal’s Realm, only the Phoenix’s Continent has a Phoenix. It was even their entire Continent’s Protector, a Guardian Spirit! When a Spirit Beast protects something big like a Continent or Sect, they are considered as a Guardian Spirit! To Mortals like them, Phoenixes and Dragons were Legendary Creatures. So Legendary that almost all people will live their whole lives without even seeing one! But now not only is she seeing one, but it was also even her disciple’s Spirit Beast! What did this mean? This meant that her disciple could already walk around the Mortal’s Realm like a walking Phoenix’s Continent! For him to have something like this, she’s now even starting to question why he even chose her as his Master. With that much power, why does he even need a Master?

“Yan Yan, this is my Master, Xuan Wanshan.” Tian Yi introduces his Master to his Spirit Beast.

“MASTER?!” She was instantly shocked even more than these Mortals around her! As someone who was born in the Celestial Emperor’s Realm, of course, she knew what it meant for him to have a Master. Forget about her Master sneaking down to a Mortal World; this matter was hundred of times worse!

“Eh–Umm—Ehh…” She was so shocked that she did not know what to think in this situation!

She walks in front of Xuan Wanshan and with her head bowed, she talks to her with Divine Sense, “G-Greetings, Master’s Master. I was born without a name, but Master named me Yan Yan.”

“Ah–Ehh–I–Greetings to you too.” Xuan Wanshan did not know how to act and returned with a bow! How was one supposed to act when a Phoenix greets them with a bow? She had no idea!

“Next is my Personal Servant—.” Tian Yi tried introducing Meng Xiang, who was currently curled up into a ball from fear.

“…. Meng Xiang, don’t be afraid, she won’t bite you.” He walks over to her, picks her up and walks back to Yan Yan.

“!!!!!! He also found a Personal Servant?! And a little Mortal at that?!” The shock increases in Yan Yan’s heart. What the hell is going on! Her Master keeps on picking up things he’s not supposed to! First a Master, now a Personal Servant?! She does not know who’s more shocked at this moment, the Mortals or Her?!

“Meng Xiang, you can just imagine her as a little chicken— or a big chicken for you… See? She’s not biting.” Tian Yi carries the frightened Meng Xiang to stand in front of the dumbfounded Yan Yan.

“LITTLE CHICKEN?!” Yan Yan cries in her heart. Her Master was giving her weird nicknames just to make this little Mortal feel better…

“Big Chicken?” Meng Xiang finally looks up to see the beautiful Phoenix in front of her. Because Tian Yi was carrying her, she did not feel as scared anymore.

She stares at this Phoenix in front of her carefully, “Un. Big Brother’s right, she’s just a big chicken on fire.” She nods to herself.

“Can I touch her?” She looks at Tian Yi with questioning eyes, scared of the flames on her body.

“Un, the flames won’t hurt you.” He nods and extends his arms until Meng Xiang can reach with her short arms.

“So soft!” Meng Xiang smiles once she touches Yan Yan’s flames. They were softer than clouds!

“…..” Yan Yan cries in her heart more. For the first time in her almost hundred years of life, someone other than her Master is petting her, and a Mortal at that…

“Okay, now let’s start our journey to the Phoenix’s Continent. Yan Yan, we’ll be able to travel around now.” He smiles at the Phoenix with watery eyes.

“Yes, Master!” Despite her current sour feelings, she instantly becomes excited, “Finally we get to travel! I’ve been waiting for this day for five years!”

Tian Yi made the Spirit Contract with her when he was only 13 Years Old.

Tian Yi jumps onto her back carrying Meng Xiang, “Master, sit here.” patting Yan Yan’s back, telling her to sit there.

“…. Tian Yi, you’re telling me that we’ll be traveling to Phoenix’s Continent on a Phoenix?” She did not believe her ears! They’ll be flying around on a Phoenix there? Is he cracking a joke with her again? Is this not smacking Phoenix’s Continent’s face? To use their most worshiped God, a Phoenix like a horse?

“Of course. That’s why I summoned her.” He looks at her with an ignorant face. Why else would he summon her if not for traveling?

Looking at his ignorant face, she crosses out the possibility of him joking in her heart.

“….” She still stands there speechless. Did he summon a Phoenix just to travel? She’ll be riding on a Phoenix just to travel? Is she dreaming or is she still dreaming?

“Looks like there’s still a lot more to know about this new disciple of mine…” She cries in her heart and jumps onto Yan Yan’s back.

“So this is what a Phoenix’s body feels like?” She touches Yan Yan’s back, feeling bewildered. This is her first time touching a Phoenix, not to mention riding on one!

“…. This is the first time someone other than my Master is riding on me, two of them too…” She cries bitterly in her heart. She is now definitely more shocked than the Mortals around her.

“Okay, Yan Yan, go slowly, or you won’t be able to see the scenery.” He reminds her. If she flew with her full speed, they’d be there in the next second, making summoning her to lose its purpose. He only summoned her to let her experience traveling, or he would’ve just flown there by himself.

“Yes, Master.” Flapping her Beautiful Wings, she flies into the air, leaving a trail of Azure Flames behind like a Heavenly Road.


Even after many minutes, the Disciples and Elders there are still in shock. Unable to move, they can only stare dumbfoundedly at the Heavenly Road made of Azure Flames in the sky slowly disappear.

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