Number One Under Heaven

Chapter 45: Phoenix

“Master, can you tell me what you know about the Phoenix’s Continent?” Tian Yi asks Xuan Wanshan who was sitting next to him, dazed.

She watches as the earth below them trembles nonstop from Beasts running left and right in a panic, all running for their lives.

The Beasts there could not believe what was happening! They were all just chilling around the wilderness, until an Azure Flamed Phoenix shows up, scaring them left and right! Everywhere Yan Yan goes, like ocean waves, the Beasts will spread left and right! These Beasts who was already too close to her gives up and drops on the ground like dead corpses! Because of Yan Yan’s speed, the earth is littered with millions of Beasts lying on the floor, playing dead! They were so scared that they didn’t even dare to breathe loudly, afraid she might hear them!

From the Kings of their territory to the ants in their holes, they were all playing dead!

“T-the Phoenix’s Continent is the second strongest Continent, right below the Holy Continent. The Feng Clan rules over the Phoenix’s Continent, with their Clan Head being one of the few Sky Realm Experts left in the Mortal’s Realm. The Phoenix’s Continent has a Phoenix as their Guardian Spirit, but it has not appeared since Two Hundred Thousand Years ago. People already assumed that it has passed away, but nobody still dares to mess with him, afraid of the possibility that it might still be alive.” She explains what she knew about the Phoenix’s Continent.

“A Phoenix is Immortal no matter what Cultivation they have, even if it’s a low-grade Phoenix. It’s definitely just hiding somewhere, Cultivating in silence. As a matter of fact, I can already sense this Phoenix that you’re talking about from here.” Yan Yan confirms that the Phoenix’s Continent’s Guardian Spirit is still alive. Holy Beasts such as a Dragon or Phoenix can sense their own bloodline from far away, not to mention Yan Yan’s Cultivation and Strong bloodline.

“It’s still alive?! T-then compared to you, how strong is it?” Xuan Wanshan was curious, who was stronger, Yan Yan or the Phoenix’s Continent’s Guardian Beast?

“I won’t say anything disrespectful to you because you’re Master’s Master, but never compare me with such a low-grade Phoenix, it’s worse than insulting me.” Yan Yan sneers. How could she even compare her with this low-grade Phoenix? To her, this low-grade Phoenix is not even worthy of being called a Phoenix! Such a disgrace to her prideful name.

“I-I apologize that if my ignorance has offended you just now. I have no knowledge of something as Mythical as Phoenixes, so I asked something inappropriate to you.” Xuan Wanshan apologizes, feeling a bit fearful. She accidently offended a Phoenix!

“Master, it’s fine, don’t worry about it. Yan Yan is just a bit prideful.” Tian Yi calms down the pale-faced Xuan Wanshan.

“Then can you teach me more about Phoenixes? What kind of Phoenixes are there out there, and how are they different?” She asks, trying to avoid offending her again in the future.

“There are many kinds of Phoenixes out there. It’s all about the type of their bloodlines. The one you’re talking about is just a low-grade Phoenix, at the bottom of the Phoenix Race. They don’t even have a title, so people just call them Phoenixes.” Yan Yan answers her question.

“Then what kind of Phoenix are you?” She asks her.

“I am from the Celestial Phoenix God Race, with the Purest Imperial Bloodline of all Phoenixes. You can even call my Phoenix Race the Ancestor of all Phoenixes.” She brags about her Race.

“Celestial Phoenix God Race? Imperial Bloodline?” Xuan Wanshan had no idea what these words meant! But Yan Yan’s last sentence shocked her to the Core! Ancestor of all Phoenixes! What did that mean? That means her Race is the most Ancient among all Phoenixes Races, the Ancestor!

“I-is that so?” She starts to sweat, what kind of Family did her Disciple come from to have a Phoenix Spirit Beast with the same Bloodline from the Ancestor of all Phoenixes?!?!

“Master, why are there so many Beasts sleeping today?” Tian Yi asks her with bewilderment. The entire earth was littered with Beasts! But they were not dead because he can still sense their healthy life force.

“… I would sleep too if I were these Beasts down there. They’re obviously scared of your Spirit Beast.” She said with a sigh.

“Eh? Why? We’re not here to eat them, but just traveling.” Tian Yi did not understand. This did not happen back at home.

“But do they know that?” She asks.

“…. Well, it’ll be fine. It won’t hurt them to sleep a bit.” He coughs.

“….” She turns speechless.

They carry on flying through the air, shocking every Beast within sight left and right.


* * * * *


Somewhere in the middle of Phoenix’s Continent, there is a gigantic mansion filled with busy servants running around.

“How should we arrange the tables?”

“What about the number of chairs needed?”

“How many guests are we having? What about Honored Guests?”

They were all extremely busy trying to organize for the upcoming banquet.

This banquet was made specifically for the Treasured Daughter of the Feng Clan, Feng Yan. She is one of the most talented younger generation in the Mortal’s Realm, with Fire Heaven Veins, she became a Spirit Realm Expert at age 19. Not only is she talented, but she is also one of the most beautiful females in the Mortal’s Realm, able to stand toe to toe with Chan Jingyi, who is considered the most beautiful woman in the Jin Long Continent!

When Feng Yan was being pushed out of her mother’s body, the sky above their Mansion had a Heavenly Phenomenon, with imaginary Phoenixes dancing in the sky! When a Heavenly Genius is being born, also giving birth to a Heavenly Phenomenon, it was called a Heavenly Constitution! In this case, Feng Yan gave birth to a Phoenix Constitution, granting her the title of Phoenix’s Treasured Daughter!

In just a few days, it will be her 20th birthday, making her an official adult! In the Mortal’s Realm, these after 13 Years Old are considered to be young adults able to be engaged to others. And once they turn 20, they will usually marry to their engaged partner. But there are also many people who get married before the age of 20. These who marry before 20 Years old are usually Mortals trying to marry off their daughters to Families bigger than theirs, increasing their own Family’s background!

But as the ruler of the Phoenix’s Continent, do they need any more backgrounds? Of course not, which is also the reason why this banquet had another meaning to it. This banquet is not only her birthday party, but it is also her marriage gathering! The head of the Feng Clan, Feng Huan, is trying to find a suitable husband for his Treasured Daughter in this marriage gathering!

He did not care if the selected candidate had a low background, as long as the candidate have a Heavenly Talent and was able to make his daughter love him.

If her husband’s talent is trash, how will they have a talented baby? If his daughter did not love him, what’s the point of the marriage?

Because of this Marriage Gathering, talented geniuses from all over the Phoenix’s Continent flocks over there like hungry pigeons. Which male there did not want a peerlessly beautiful wife? Which one of them did not want to become famous after marrying her? Who did not want to have a background as big as the Feng Clan? Everybody and their father did!

“Hey, have you heard about the requirements yet?”

“No, what is it?”

“It’s actually very simple. So simple to the point that even I’m questioning if it’s genuine.”

“Well, what is it?”

“There are only two requirements! The first one is to have at least Heaven Veins, and the second one is to make Fairy Yan like you!”

“What the fuck? Simple, are you insulting me? The first one is already going to disqualify most males! The second one is even more impossible! There are even rumors saying that even the Holy Son of the Divine Phoenix Sect was not able to move her heart!”

“Aiya, what do you know? Almost all talented males in the Phoenix’s Continent will be coming to this marriage gathering! There will surely be many hidden Dragons and Tigers among the participants. As for that stupid rumor, it’s not even true! She has never even met with him, how will he be able to move her heart without meeting her?!”

The Servants whispered among themselves, trying to make their boring work more fun.


Out of nowhere the earth suddenly shook and the bright sky darkens, dying the bright sky red!




Everybody starts panicking and screaming!

Many old Experts comes out of their Closed Cultivation from shock and stares dumbfoundedly at the bright red sky as if the entire sky was set on fire!

“What is going on?!?” Feng Huan cries from shock.


A gigantic ball of flame appears in the middle of the sky, and a Phoenix-cry can be heard throughout the entire Phoenix’s Continent!


The gigantic ball of flames explodes, burning the entire sky with red flames!

Everybody watches dumbfoundedly as the flames disappear and a giant Phoenix can be seen hovering in the sky! This Phoenix’s flaming body was so large that it blocked the entire Phoenix’s City, the biggest City in the Phoenix’s Continent! The entire City was panicking from the sudden appearance of this Phoenix who was blocking their sunlight, and replacing it with its flames!

“It’s a Phoenix!”

“Is that our Phoenix’s Continent’s Guardian Spirit?!?!”

“So it was alive after all!”

The Phoenix hovers in the sky, staring into the distance with its sharp red eyes. The people below could not see it, but there was fear in his eyes!

“What kind of Phoenix Race does it belong to, and what is it trying to accomplish by coming towards my Phoenix’s Continent?!” He could sense Yan Yan’s Heavenly Aura coming towards this place at a steady pace, making him stressed out! Just her Aura alone is already enough to scare him beyond anything he has ever encountered in his million years of life! Even the Phoenix Blood in his body is reacting to her as if it wants to submit to a Queen!

“Oh my Ancestors, are you trying to play me to death? Not only is the Calamity coming soon, but I also have to deal with this unknown Monster?!” He cries in his heart, hoping that it is an ally and not an enemy. Because if it was an enemy, he would have to kiss this Phoenix’s Continent of his goodbye…

“Fuck it! I’ll go and see what it wants!” He flaps his gigantic flaming wings, creating tempests everywhere in the Phoenix’s City!


He disappears in a second, leaving all the citizens to stare at the bright red sky dumbfoundedly…

“What the hell is going on?! Why is our Phoenix’s Continent’s Guardian Spirit appearing out of nowhere?! ” Feng Huan starts to feel worried, afraid that some unknown Calamity might hit their Phoenix’s Continent.

“Not to mention my daughter’s birthday banquet is in a few days! Heaven, are you playing with me?!?” He cries in his heart.

For the next few days, the entire Phoenix’s Continent was in chaos, trying to figure out the reason why their Guardian Spirit came out of hiding. Many of them were excited to see a Phoenix for the first time in their life, while the others were worried about the future, hoping that nothing bad has happened.


* * * * *


“Master, the Phoenix we have been talking about is coming here.” Yan Yan warns her Master.

“Un, I know.” Tian Yi nods.

“You know? Know what?” Xuan Wanshan becomes confused.

But she was only confused for a moment, because the next moment, a gigantic fireball can be seen flying towards their direction!

“What is that?!?!” She cries from shock, pointing at the fireball coming towards them at an extremely fast speed.

“Master, it’s just the Phoenix we’ve been talking about.” He answers her in a calm voice.

“The Phoenix’s Continent’s Guard Spirit?!?!?” She was even more shocked now!

She knew it! Coming to the Phoenix’s Continent on a Phoenix is definitely a smack on their face! Now even their Guardian Spirit has come after them!


The gigantic fireball stops a few miles away from them and explodes, turning into a gigantic Red Phoenix many times larger than Yan Yan. Their sizes were like comparing an egg with a watermelon!

“Big Brother, it’s a Humongous Chicken on fire even bigger than yours!” Meng Xiang said with a surprised voice, but she was not afraid.

“…..” Yan Yan becomes speechless…

Yan Yan stops flying and hovers there, staring at this newcomer with calm eyes, as if it did not even surprise her.

The Phoenix looks at Yan Yan with wide eyes, “!!!!! What a beauty!” He cries in his heart with alarm! He has never seen anything as beauty like her in his life! Her peerless azure flames, her beautiful crystal blue eyes to the way she flies! Everything about her is perfect and elegant! As a Phoenix himself, of course, he will feel attracted towards other Phoenixes. But because he has never seen any other Phoenix besides himself in the Mortal’s Realm, he gave up on trying to find a Phoenix for his partner long ago! But now out of nowhere, a peerlessly beautiful Phoenix appears in front of him, how can he not be shocked?! He fell in love at first sight!

He fixes his posture, flapping his wings in an elegant style, he asks her with Divine Sense, “M-may I ask who this beautiful lady is? I have never seen someone as beautiful as you. If you don’t mind— ”



The space around Yan Yan cracks for miles and the sky darkens, turning daytime into nighttime!


His ignorant actions have angered her to the extreme! She did not care about Mortals, but when it comes to Magic Beasts who disrespects her Master, her personality changes from an obedient girl into an imposing Queen! How dare this little chicken disrespect her Master in front of her! A mere low ranked Phoenix has slapped her, a Celestial Phoenix God in the face right in front of her beloved Master! This is definitely the biggest humiliation for her yet!


Before the dumbfounded Phoenix can even think, his gigantic body was instantly terrorized by an insanely scary Spirit Pressure, slapping his gigantic flaming body into the ocean right below them!


The impact from his gigantic body hitting the water creates a 300-meter tall Tsunami from all sides!


The red flames on his body evaporate the water the moment it touches it, filling the entire place with hot steam!

Unable to fight back the nightmare like force, the Phoenix continues to sink deeper and deeper into the depths of the ocean, with his gigantic shadow disappearing from the surface of the ocean in seconds!

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