Nuwa System

Chapter 45 – Vanilla

Zuko enters the Palace with an eager face since he hasn’t seen Mai for months and she’s been pregnant! He ignores the confusion of the Joo Dee as she looks around at the lack of guards within the Palace. The Dai Li agent led the Joo Dee away to knock her out so she can be brought back to consciousness by Nuwa once she is done with her fun.

Iroh didn’t really want to come to the Palace. He would rather open a Tea Shop in the outer ring to spread joy and appreciation for tea to the common folk in need of comfort. However, he figured he should stop by to see if his wayward niece, Azula, somehow took over Ba Sing Se. He also hoped that quirky lass, Nuwa, would be a good influence on her.

Mai awaits him just inside the throne room, sitting down in a picturesque pose that she probably spent an hour setting up. She undoubtedly already has a sore bum even before she started her fun with Zuko.

Iroh has no clue that Mai was pregnant, so his eyes went wide with shock seeing Mai caressing her stomach in an exaggerated maternal pose. “HAHAHA! I’m going to be a granduncle! No wonder you mellowed down so much, Zuko! You’ve become a real man! Hahaha!”

As Iroh gives a belly laugh, Zuko and Mai ignore him as they gaze deep into each others’ eyes. They were acting like they were the main characters of the Notebook, as if they were having a reunion after years of missing each other, when it’s only been several months.



Zuko starts walking up to her in steady steps, then jogs, and then runs. He reaches Mai as she stands up and picks her up into a princess carry while twirling her around! Mai gives a small shriek and joyous giggle.

Zuko bent his face down to Mai’s cheek and gave her small kisses. Mai put her arms around Zuko’s neck and gave him small kisses back as she nuzzled in his neck.

Nuwa had a Dai Li agent use Azula’s new [Smartphone] from the Elite Guard Gang to film the reunion just to rub it in their faces later.

“Zuko, I love you so much.”

“Mai, I missed you so much. How’s the baby? Are you eating enough for two?”

“Zuko, shut up and make sweet love to me so you can properly greet the baby.”

“I can’t wait, but will you be ok?”

Hearing talks of dicks greeting babies, Iroh starts tuning them out.

Mai nods bashfully, “Of course, Nuwa told me that as long as we take it gently and don’t disturb the womb, it will be healthy to have sex. It helps keep the birth canal prepared for the baby and avoid a prolonged labor.”

Zuko replies with some exaggeration, “Oh wow, well if it’s related to your safety, then I have no choice in the matter.”

Mai laughs cheerfully and pulls Zuko into a hallway. Iroh hums a tune and takes a seat on a cushion at the side of the throne room.

Zuko and Mai enter a nearby room and see a nice sofa for their plans to come to fruition. They lock the door and notice sounds past a room divider. Mai pays it no mind, but Zuko points questioningly.

Recognizing the moans of Katara, Mai explains, “That’s Katara making love with Aang. She’s also expecting a child. I was hoping our kids could grow up together. Katara and I are great friends.”

Zuko nods with some surprise. Somehow, their magical correspondenses thus far have been quite lacking in description. Mai strokes his arm and turns toward the sofa again, “I’ll introduce you to everyone when we finish.”

Zuko smiles and wraps his arms around Mai from behind her. He carresses her baby bump. Mai entwines her fingers with Zuko’s and they both take a moment to appreciate the blissful reunion, but this time with the budding life as well.

Feeling contentment and love, Zuko buries his head in Mai’s neck. She is not slouching as much since she began her travels, so he is surprised their heights are the same. He also feels that her abs are quite defined. Zuko feels some thrill that Mai’s fitness is so good, since he plans to have plenty of sex.

Zuko knows that Mai isn’t as hot as Nuwa or as noble-mannered as some of the other Pea sisters, but whenever he’s with her, he can feel her boundless love. It’s similar to the feeling of being with his Mother, but with plenty of passion and without the melancholy.

He did not understand love at first back when he was more focused on making his Father proud. However, since the incident of him taking Nuwa’s virginity and Nuwa defending him against Azula, he thought about it a lot.

He thought about the betrayal and despair on Azula’s face and he felt like he could see it on his own face if his Father admitted to killing his Mother. Or if he saw Mai happily getting fucked by General Zhao. In that sense, he felt that Azula’s emotional outburst was warranted and his scar a result of his carelessness in his defense.

The pain that the scar gave him tortured him greatly for a couple days, during which time he did hate Azula with a passion, but that went away as soon as the pain reduced to a tolerable level. He mostly felt gratefulness for his perverted big sis, Nuwa.

It was the first time he saw her cry, and he knew that she cried not only on his behalf, but also for Azula. He knew that Nuwa loved Azula in a different way than she loved him, in a way that disapproved of Azula’s violent nature. Neither was he jealous of the love Nuwa and Azula shared, because he had Mai that loved him romantically and Nuwa would always love him as a big sis.

He discovered these truths about his past during his journey with his Uncle Iroh. They came to him gradually while he was watching the interactions between regular people like a married couple sending their son off to war or a widow grieving for her missing husband. He found clarity on the relationships between himself, Mai, Nuwa, and Azula. And ever since he decided to forgive Azula, his scar no longer hurt.

Zuko did end up realizing that he never let go of his anger towards all the torture Azula put him through during his childhood though, when Nuwa used Azula’s voice while fucking him. He felt that maybe he did want some sort of revenge after that steamy sex session, but after thinking it through, he knew that imposing his subconscious desires wouldn’t be the right thing to do.

He’s not that petty of a person. Nuwa just said that because she’s a pervert with incestual fantasies and wanted to rile him up.

Zuko retreats from his thoughts and returns to the feeling of Mai’s boundless love. He leaves a trail of kisses along her neck up to her ear. Mai blushes and gives a low hum of pleasant arousal.

Zuko offers, “Shall we begin, love?”

Mai coos, turns around, and pulls Zuko into a smooch. After spending so much time with Nuwa, all of the Gang learned a lot about the art of pleasure. Nuwa sometimes gives sex lessons mid-orgy to spice things up. Oddly enough, Katara and Aang were the most attentive. They seemed to like to compete on who could get each other to orgasm faster, and called it waterbender training.

Mai kisses Zuko expertly with plenty of tongue, and Zuko feels like his mouth is entering heaven. Mai rolls her tongue around Zuko’s and without overexaggerated movements. After they finish swapping saliva, seeing Zuko slightly dazed, Mai giggles and says, “I practiced with Ty Li..”

Then, remembering the hundreds of times she’s had sex with Ty Li, she looks at Zuko with some guilt and hope, “I hope you’re not mad..”

In fact, Mai fantasizes about Ty Li quite often due to how much sex they have together, but her true feelings of being her best friend have not changed. She hopes that Ty Li can find the person she loves, but in the meantime, Mai hopes to scratch Ty Li’s itch with Zuko.

Mai’s very happy seeing the newfound love and devotion to her in Zuko’s eyes, so that sight helps increase her comfort level with plays that involve him fucking other women. Anyway, the group has so many orgies that it’s hard not to imagine getting bored with just duo sex for the rest of their lives. She doubts she will ever take the penis of another man inside her, but most other things seem fine.

Zuko shrugs, “There’s something I’ve realized when it comes to being around Nuwa, she’s quite perverted compared to other people. Considering I’ve already had sex with her, I’ve got no right to get mad about you having sex with Ty Li. Anyway, I know how you feel about me and that’s what matters.”

Mai kisses him deeply and feels like a huge burden is off her back, “Thanks, Zuko. You’ll have to show me what life is like away from Nuwa later.”

Zuko laughs, “Well, it’s quite a bit more boring, but I imagine we’ll be fine anywhere with just us.”

Mai feels an unexpected melancholy when thinking about not hanging out with her friends, even if it’s just Zuko. They’ve all carved a place in her heart as lifelong friends.

Mai undresses Zuko like a dutiful wife, but with a bit of eagerness. She’d rather have sex than get carried away with stray thoughts.

Sensing her impatience, Zuko also begins undressing her. Mai already took off the Nanotube Maternity Guard so that she doesn’t look fat in front of her lover. There’s only a few pieces of loose, slim clothing that emphasizes her slender figure. Mai and Katara dress modestly compared to the other members of Team Avatar Gang.

Zuko, in his teenage youthfulness, considers everything Mai does beautiful so he’s even attracted to strange things like the way Mai covers all of her skin in public. His tunnel vision rationalizes that she does this so that only he can see her pale naked skin in private.

Of course, he forgets he just OK’d Mai to have sex with Ty Li and he doesn’t know that everyone else in Team Avatar Gang see her naked daily. Neither does he consider that Mai might just not like showing skin in public. Teenagers in love tend to be their own type of crazy, so one can only hope that Zuko isn’t in for a rude awakening.

Mai gives Zuko an attempt at a striptease as he pulls off her clothes. Finally, she’s left naked, covering her privates with her hands. Zuko would have been thinking that she’s a shy maiden, if he hadn’t looked into her erotic, cloudy eyes or noticed one finger sneaking into her pussy.

Skipping the foreplay, Zuko sits on the sofa and guides Mai onto his lap gently. Mai laughs, “You don’t have to be that careful with me. Neither myself or the baby is fragile to that extent.”

Zuko stammers, “U-um, why don’t you take the lead? I’m quite afraid since I have no idea how hard I can do it..”

Mai gazes at him with love, “You’re ever so kind as always, Zuko. Very well.”

Sitting on Zuko’s lap, Mai rubs her pussy and clit on the base of his cock. Zuko groans gently, feeling Mai’s shaved pussy rubbing on his hard penis. She directs his dick with one hand into her pussy as Zuko struggles not to move.

Mai and Zuko both gasp as they feel the initial penetration of the head into the tight pussy. Mai feels like years have passed since she could finally get a taste of Zuko’s dick inside her again. The heat itself gives her a miniorgasm. She feels it smouldering its way up her insides as she drops her ass down its length slowly.

Losing her grip out of arousal, Mai hurriedly whispers between gasps and moans, “Oh Zuko.. you feel heavenly. Please.. hold me up. I can’t this on.. my own anymore! Remember.. don’t let yourself.. hit my cervix.”

Zuko feels frustration at not being able to have his way with Mai throughout the slow penetration, but dutifully controls himself and only goes two-thirds of the way inside. Zuko’s penis is above average, and Mai is quite thin so his thrusts make Mai’s belly bump look even more prominent.

Mai gasps and moans, getting off to Zuko’s burning hot rod inside her. She smiles gently at how her baby is getting to meet papa up close and personal.

Zuko tries his hardest not to lose control inside Mai’s tight hole. He slowly speeds up his thrusts within his earlier self-imposed restriction to make up for his inability to go wild inside her. As he reaches the peak of pleasure, he groans, “I’m cumming!”

Mai screams, “I want it hot inside me!”

Zuko complies and firebends his cum as he gives his first gift to his baby. The first in a long line of similar gifts. Mai cums hard and feels like she’s been dipped waist down in a hot spring as she feels the hot cum soak her insides. “Have I ever told you how much I love you, Zuko?”

“Um yeah, everyday.”

“That was rhetorical, silly.”

Author’s Note:

Hi guys,

I recently received a comment asking: Why isn’t Nuwa getting into a gangbang scene with a bunch of random men if this is supposed to be a novel about a slut? This is a perfectly reasonable question! Ultimately, the answer is that it wouldn’t fit her character. Currently, she’s still very much focused on her feelings for Azula and not chasing after power or being a slut. If she wanted the latter, she would just fuck everyone she sees on the street or scheme a way to do so around Azula’s back.

Moreover, with Azula next to her, there’s too much firepower protecting her. So there’s no chance of guys finding Nuwa alone incidentally. She wouldn’t let them fuck her too, because the fun she feels from sex comes from the fact that she’s having a great time messing around with her friends. She loves sex, but that’s not a reason for her to do it with strangers.

As you may have noticed, Nuwa is vacillating between her love for Azula and her goal of becoming a Goddess. This internal struggle will be the main recurring theme within the entirety of my story. How will Nuwa navigate a path that gets her both power and love with a shady [System] that seems bent on raising her power?

For those waiting for the Avatar arc to end and for the story to get to the gangbanging already, I don’t have an estimated chapter for when it will end. You’ll have to be patient! There’s no way I’m sacrificing the character development, plot, combat, or humor just to get to stranger-danger gangbangs sooner, sorry :). Feel free to offer suggestions to improve any of these aspects.

ON THE OTHER HAND, even I am excited for Nuwa to get her full slut on! I am so stoked! I am dying to see her wrecked!

*Cough, cough.* Sorry.. That was uncouth of me as an author and beloved creator to my own OC. Anyway, stay tuned and keep me in the library. I’m here for the long run.

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