Nuwa System

Chapter 46 – Zuko and Iroh

Following their sex session, Zuko and Mai cuddled whispering some postsex sweet nothings.

They are soon interrupted by a few slashes on the wall divider that connects the locked rooms that Zuko/Mai and Katara/Aang are staying in. Water returns to Aang’s flask as he looks at Zuko and Mai’s naked bodies with a big smile.

Aang waves, “Hi there! I’m Aang, the Avatar. You must be Zuko. I’ve heard a lot about you. It’s nice to finally meet you!”

Zuko’s eye twitches repeatedly as Aang barges into their private moment with no sense of propriety regarding all of them being in the nude. “..Hello.”

Mai nonchalantly introduces Zuko as she hugs him adorably, “Katara, meet my baby daddy Zuko.”

Katara looks at Zuko and blushes at his attractive face, “We’ve met. I cured his scar after all, but he was in a rush at the time.”

She thinks, ‘If only Aang was as attractive as Zuko. Oh well, Aang’s dick is a fair bit bigger. I can’t imagine training my waterbending with a smaller one.’

Mai gets stars in her eyes, “Oh yeah! Thanks so much for that! I wouldn’t want Zuko’s beautiful face to stay blemished. I’ll introduce him formally. Katara and Aang, meet Zuko, the crown prince of the Fire Nation. He grew up with the Gang. Nuwa always tried protecting him from Azula’s bullying when we were young, so he grew up as Nuwa’s little bro. He’s on our side against the war and Ozai.”

Aang cheerfully replies, “That’s great! You’re a firebender right? Could you teach me?”

Zuko, still put off by the situation, offhandedly mutters, “What?”

Aang explains, “Azula’s explanations never make sense to me. She says stuff like ‘Open your Heart chakra and you will understand’ or ‘fire is life’. How’s that supposed to make sense to a newbie like me!?”

Zuko nods, also not understanding, “I guess I can try to teach you later.”

Noticing Zuko’s discomfort with his nudity, Mai slightly misunderstands thinking that he is jealous of Aang’s size. She strokes his arm comfortingly as a small, unspoken gesture that he can please her just fine. ‘Plus, Nuwa said he’s above average! Aang probably has his Avatar status to thank for that donger.’

Breaking the awkward atmosphere, Katara suggests they go back to what they were doing before. Mai agrees and promises to have lots of fun with Katara later. Katara bashfully looks at Aang’s dick and closes the part of the wall divider that’s cut open with ice. In other words, they can still hear each other and see each other just fine, it’s just muffled.

Zuko points at the hole, “You are fairly uninhibited, don’t you think? It’s like you reached Nuwa’s level of perversion overnight.”

Mai pouts, “It just makes things easier not to worry about it if we’re always having sex.”

Zuko’s mouth twitches, “Now I’m quite jealous of Ty Li. She got to have you every night?”

Mai’s brows droop into seriousness, “Why? Do you want her?”

Thinking slightly longer than necessary, Zuko shakes his head, “As long as I have you, that’s plenty enough for me, Mai!”

Mai smiles, “That’s the correct answer, but you’ll have her with me anyway. I can’t wait for both of us to plug her squishy holes in tandem.”

Zuko looks at Mai drooling pervertedly at the thought of double penetrating Ty Li and feels a sense of deja vu. ‘Yeah, looks like Nuwa did some damage.’ Anyway, he’s also too excited thinking of Ty Li’s legendary jiggles to bother about that any further.

~ ~ ~

Kuei wakes up from fainting on Bosco’s lap and rubs his unfocused eyes. He feels so warm and fluffy that he wants to go back to sleep, but he somehow gets the sense that there are important things happening. He rouses himself awake and sees Bosco looking down on him with a curious gaze. Noticing his position on the bear’s lap, he jumps up and checks if anyone saw him.

Seeing only an old man sipping some tea in the throne room, he calms down with a sigh of relief. He thinks, ‘How embarrassing would it be to be caught in a lap pillow with a bear by those hot women!’ Completely ignoring the fact that those women were intending to usurp his throne.

“Bosco, you’ve got to be my wingman! We can’t be overly affectionate anymore now that I’m moving up on the ladder.”

Bosco mopes with his head down.

Kuei continues, “That’s right. No more bear hugs, kisses or slap ass! This is my chance! It’s time you find a girl for yourself as well. A nice big hairy bearess to take care of you.”

Bosco covers his eyes and shakes his head.

“Nonsense. You can’t just ignore the tantamount duties of procreation and parenthood just to avoid female bears! So what if they’re a bit domineering? A lazy bear like you should be shown his place. It’ll be a growing experience! I can’t help you in that regard because I’ve got a beautiful woman of my own to court.”

Bosco whines, points at Kuei, and does a few wookie roars.

“Eh-hem. That time when I fainted I was just flustered! What did you mean she had a plain face? I never even looked at her face.. but it’s impossible for someone with a body like that to have a plain face! It’s illegal in the Earth Kingdom as of today! I’ll get some Dai Li to enforce it. Anyway, I refuse to believe it. Even if she does have a plain face, it must be fake. That body is absolutely the peak of the female figure!”

Iroh looks over at the strange King talking to his animal companion and joins the conversation. “Well met, my friend. I hope I have not made you displeased by entering your home uninvited or disturbed your conversation.”

Kuei sits down next to Iroh, exasperated over his argument with Bosco. He picks up a cup of tea that Iroh pours and sips casually. “No problem, old geezer. I haven’t seen you before, but you seem nice.”

Iroh looks around at the Ba Sing Se Royal Palace that he nearly conquered a dozen years ago with nostalgia. “Time passes like the wind, as do the whims of men.”

Kuei nods sagely, “Correct, sometimes I think flat is justice and other times I want to make it illegal. Ever since that woman came, I can’t get her D cups out of my mind though.”

Iroh chuckles and misunderstands slightly, “So you fell in love with a cup of a woman’s tea? That reminds me of my dear Heza, bless her soul. It’s been many years since she went missing, and I couldn’t bring myself to make a grave for her. Every day, I try to copy the taste of the tea she prepared for me all those years ago.”

Iroh tears up slightly, “Someday, I’ll make the exact same brew and sip away all my sorrows. We have a lot in common, my friend. Both of us know how to appreciate a lady’s tea. Be sure not to let go of your opportunity to taste it frequently. You never know how much you miss it until it’s gone.”

Kuei gazes at him with tears in his eyes, “Thanks, old geezer. Only you understand me. I’ll be sure to properly appreciate her cups every opportunity I get. Even if I feel death encroaching upon me, my nose bleeding like a tap, and my consciousness fading, I will not go gentle into that good night.”

Iroh smiles at the exaggerated analogy of Kuei’s devotion to tea, “Good, good. You’re a good kid. No, I should call you young man. You’re around the same age as my son would have been. Would you like to play some Pai Sho with this old man?”

Kuei agrees immediately, “Guards! Bring the best refreshments for this honorable elder.” Two Dai Li agents drop down from some pillars, recognize Former General Iroh, do a double take with tensed muscles, look at each other, then shrug, and finally walk off to get some drinks.

Iroh pulls out his personal Pai Sho board from his pack and sets it on the floor between them. “Young man, would you like to come with me on a journey? It can be for as long as you want and as far as you want. I can sense that you yearn for adventure.”

Kuei helps Iroh set the board, “Of course, what hot-blooded man wouldn’t want to go on an exciting adventure!? I just don’t know if you’d be able to keep up, old geezer!”

Iroh heartily laughs and pats his belly, “Hahaha, as long as you can slow down for this fat belly of mine, I can accompany you. All I need with me are my tea set and my pai sho board.”

Kuei gets caught up in the moment, “Easy enough.. I’ll ask Bosco to come! Three makes for great company! Pack up the board, we can play later!”

Iroh feels that leaving before speaking with Azula or Zuko is in poor taste, but understands that fate has drawn him to Kuei for a reason. He also seems to be swept up by his youth, which once again reminds Iroh of his own past. Iroh leaves a message for Zuko with a Dai Li agent saying that he will be strolling around the city with Kuei, also implying that the stroll might be indefinite.

~ ~ ~

+30k LEE, Total: 1679k LEE

Nuwa returns to the throne room clothed and clean from a lengthy sex session with Ty Li, Dan, and Azula. The others are all tuckered out, but Nuwa has a pep to her step. One of the nosier Dai Li agents updates her that Iroh has gone on a journey with Kuei after striking up a friendship over tea.

Nuwa sighs and doesn’t know whether to be mad or grateful since she wants to get rid of Kuei but also wants Iroh to help the brainwashed people. She feels mild frustration at her lack of proper planning since leaving any sort of message to Iroh about brainwashed people would have compelled him to stay and help. Nuwa instinctively feels that these sorts of small mistakes could lead to life-threatening situations in the future, just like her ocean pickup plan.

She writes down the explanation about the former and current state of Dai Li affairs, especially in regards to the brainwashed people and her needing help to restore their mental health, on her business card and gives it to a nearby converted agent. “Find them and give this to Iroh.”

With that task delegated, Nuwa figures that she should buy a Face Mask tool for Zuko so that he can join them. Ozai will be too focused on the eclipse and subsequent comet to worry about his adventuring children. Of course, he will suspect foul play, but all he can do is suspect the Earth Kingdom. He’d never imagine that Zuko and Azula would overcome their fear of him and go so far as to oppose him.

Nuwa walks up to some locked rooms and reaches her dao awareness out for sexual energy signatures that she recognizes. Sensing four familiar signatures, she approaches the door with Zuko’s signature and knocks, “Hey Mai, it’s me.”

Mai opens the door in the nude and the two girls giggle at Zuko’s bashful expression as he covers his groin from his big sister’s erotic gaze. “It’s good to see you again, Zuzu.”

Mai snorts at Nuwa’s extra seductive voice, “Can’t you behave when I’m around at least?”

Nuwa concedes, “Heh, fine fine. Oh and here’s a Face Mask tool for you, Zuzu. This way we can all stay together without any issue.”

-5k LEE, Total: 1674k LEE

Mai smiles heartwarmingly at the thought of Zuko staying with them and getting some nice dating in. Zuko looks at the disgusting piece of silicone and hesitantly takes it, swallowing his discomfort in favor of spending more time with his top girl.

Mai taps the mask onto his face carefully and observes the nondescript characteristics. “What do you want your new name to be?”

Zuko considers for a moment, “How about Lee?”

Mai looks at Nuwa. Nuwa shrugs and says, “My original name is Ty Lee, but no one calls me that so don’t worry about it.”

Zuko still feels weird, but mostly he feels a huge burden off of his back since he no longer has his crown prince identity with this face and name. Before, he could never relax with the future responsibilities of ruling the Fire Nation clashing with his desire to end the suffering caused by the war in his mind. Now he can be more in tune with his desire to end the war, which is the path of Nuwa’s group.

Zuko sighs and says, “Thanks, big sis. I really needed something like this.”

Nuwa looks sadly at his face, “I’ll miss your handsome mug.”

Mai shoves Nuwa out the door, “OK, thank you, we’re done here!”

Laughing out loud, Nuwa peeks at Katara getting it on with Aang through the ice and feels like maybe she intruded on them having some sort of raunchy double date. Absorbing the LEE with some sex daons, she heads to the throne room to await Iroh’s return.

+7k LEE, Total: 1681k LEE

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