Nuwa System

Chapter 47 – Heza

Reading the message from a random Dai Li agent, Iroh immediately understands the reason that Nuwa called him to the Palace in the first place. ‘What lunacy! Brainwashing people and making them prisoners inside their own mind. This is exactly the sort of thing a relaxing cup of tea can solve.’

‘I’m also curious what kind of occupation Nuwa means by Registered Sex Therapist. I hope it’s not something perverted.. Kids these days are really wild. How did she even make the letters so neat? Well, forget it. She’s a responsible girl with a lot of secrets. I shouldn’t pry. Her existence is beloved by the Spirit Realm after all.’

Iroh informs Kuei that he has urgent business in the Palace and they can always go out on adventures later. With no complaints, Kuei follows him back while drooling because he remembers that Stella is still in the Palace.

Back at the Palace, various Dai Li agents are entering, dragging over unconscious agents and Joo Dees from throughout the city for Nuwa to undo brainwashing on before leaving again. Iroh returns to see Nuwa tapping a restrained Joo Dee’s crown chakra and that girl’s breakdown of emotions upon finally being free.

Iroh sighs and shakes his head in pity. Nuwa calls out to him, “Uncle.”

Iroh sees through her “Stella” disguise easily due to his high soul tier. He remarks, “Hello child, truly an astonishingly impressive disguise.”

Nuwa nods and rubs the back of her head, “Haha.. yeah.”

Internally, Nuwa panics, ‘I totally forgot that he would think that I went to Mother of Faces for these and suspect some connections between myself and her.’

Actually, Iroh can sense souls to a degree and knows that the Mother of Faces was not involved, because that would involve some soul manipulation in the domain of memories and names. If the Mother of Faces were involved, he would have sensed that the memories of Nuwa did not match the face of Stella.

But when he looks at Nuwa, he knows that the face of “Stella” does not exist and it’s “nonexistent” with regards to the Spirit Realm. Nuwa has no idea that Iroh is so attuned to the Spirit Realm that he can sense these things.

Iroh praises, “Nuwa, for you to have been enlightened at such a young age, I sincerely congratulate you. Surely, the young surpass the old. Which chakra did you..? Oh, never mind. I can make a good guess.”

Nuwa proudly proclaims, “Of course it’s my Sacral chakra!”

Iroh winces and tries to move the topic along, “Good, good. How’s my dear niece, Azula? She’s not making too much trouble is she?”

Nuwa smiles widely, “Azula’s doing great! She was enlightened in her Heart chakra just like you and has the Solar Plexus and Sacral open as well.”

Iroh drops his mouth gobsmacked, “Well, the young truly surpass the old. How wonderful. She’s always been out of touch with her heart. I’m very thankful to you, Nuwa, for doing what we could not.”

Letting Iroh take over some of the de-brainwashings, Nuwa smiles smugly at the praise, “It was my pleasure, after all, she’s my lover.”

Iroh coughs, which almost catastrophically erases the mind of a Joo Dee, while grumbling, “Kids these days..”

They continue making small talk and banter while fixing the final remnants of the brainwashed in Ba Sing Se. Nuwa lays out a mental health program for the now 400 unbrainwashed children, Joo Dees, and agents that involves a morning and evening tea and incense session led by Iroh.

In the afternoon, they play intense games with rewards for winners that build trust between teammates and watch out for individuals displaying extreme behavior for future targeted sessions. In general, the most competitive or most traumatized would either not play if they don’t care about the reward or play like their lives depended on it.

Iroh feels intrigued by the detailed setup of the plan, but also believes that every individual should get targeted one-on-one sessions with him. He resolves himself to find time to get to know and speak to all of them.

Team Avatar Gang arrives in the throne room since it’s become a sort of hub for planning. Kuei has several servants come with tables and food. Zuko meets Dan and hearing that he’s Nuwa’s toy, he somehow feels a mixture of strong pity and mild jealousy at the same time. It could be said that momentary jealousy is the instinctual biological response of any male after hearing that the “most beautiful” woman is not theirs alone, especially if they have a close relationship.

Azula approaches Zuko and after a push from Nuwa, slowly, awkwardly hugs him. She says with some monotony, “Sorry, brother..” Zuko barely recognizes Azula because of her “Zulrath” Face Mask and the fact that her body language is totally different from the perfectionist Azula that he knew.

He tenses up when he first hears her familiar voice. Then he relaxes when he senses her vulnerable state. He even tears up a bit sensing the genuine apology and affection underneath the monotonous words. Nuwa pats Azula on the back comfortingly with praise at how well she’s doing and Azula hugs him tighter.

Zuko pats Azula’s sides as a signal to let go when he feels like he’s about to pop a boner because of Azula’s boobs, “I forgive you, little sister.” Nuwa giggles with a knowing smirk on her face and kisses Azula on the lips after she lets go as a reward. Azula was already outside her comfort zone hugging her brother so sincerely for the first time, and now she got kissed in front of her Uncle Iroh who’s also laughing in joy.

She buries her face in her hands out of discomfort at the unusually happy family atmosphere, but everyone can see the big smile on her face behind her hands. Even Kuei has a big smile on his face at the warm atmosphere he feels around the dinner table. His father died when he was very small and his mother disappeared shortly after, so he’s never felt a family atmosphere like this.

They all have a merry time and retire to bed. Azula cuddles with Nuwa and they fall asleep without any sex.

~ ~ ~

Nuwa wakes up once Azula is in deep sleep with a tormented expression on her face. She connects to the Spirit Realm and teleports to the Mother of Faces. She says, “I’m ready.” and holds her hand out with 5 Face Masks on it.

-25k LEE, Total: 1656k LEE

The Mother of Faces greets, “Hello, child. Your face is far too beautiful to have such a troubled look on it. The World has instructed me to shield and defend your face as you find your fate.”

Nuwa laughs cynically to herself, “Ha ha.. ha.. my fate, huh?”

She sees the Mother of Faces guide Heza’s face as it floats around her back towards herself. Once she touches Heza’s face with her hands, Nuwa’s own perfectly sculpted face slowly detaches itself. Nuwa covers the face in a shield of 64 tightly orbiting daons so that it doesn’t affect its surroundings too much. Heza’s middle-aged, wrinkled, but gentle and kind face slowly attaches itself to Nuwa’s spirit.

Nuwa immediately feels different from her usual self. She feels a deep and irresistible yearning for her husband, Iroh and their son, Lu Ten. Nuwa shakes her head and tries to retain focus on her own goals and consciousness. She feels the remnant consciousness on Heza’s face fighting back strongly and resonating with her own Main Mission.

Communicating with her, she found that Heza desires to complete the mission for her. After giving birth to another child for Iroh, her residual consciousness would naturally fade away and enter true death. The World’s Will was not as cruel as she thought. However, spending 9 months with her consciousness asleep as Heza carries the child to term is also unacceptable to her. It’s undoubtedly the cop-out easy mode method where she has to accept that she is a weakling who cannot handle her own feelings.

Nuwa’s soul glows dimly as it overpowers Heza’s residual consciousness with its sheer pressure. Nuwa conveys to Heza and herself, ‘I must be the one to complete my Main Mission, no matter how many tribulations it involves! I refuse to sleep it out. That is not the way of a True Daoist!’

Heza’s consciousness, feeling like a small boat on the raging ocean of Nuwa’s soul, sighs with acceptance and tries to convey her memories so that Nuwa can act like her to seduce Iroh. Nuwa soon finds that Heza’s memories come in small snippets with many blurs and inaccuracies. Her consciousness is clearly quite dull so many years after her death.

Luckily, she has a solution to this issue. Nuwa teleports to the Tree of Time, on the opposite side of Vaatu’s prison and enters a small hollow on its side. It’s smaller than Vaatu’s prison, but enough to fit her and allow her to view scenes.

The insides of the Tree of Time have a running record of the Avatar Record’s time. If a person enters inside a hollow, they can feel the Dao of Time at a closer level. As a foreign soul attempts to view time daons, they instead see reflections of time, which are their own memories replayed. This is the only way that those unversed in the Dao of Time can interpret the concept of time.

Nuwa comes to the Tree of Time to review memories of Heza’s past. As long as she views memories through the filters of Heza’s consciousness and face, she can view Heza’s entire lifetime. Nuwa swiftly strips her clothes off and calls to her Tree-friend to speed up time for her body through sex so she can view all the memories in a short time with full enlightenment. If time is sped up around her body, while time outside the tree remains the same, then it will be as if she spends hours inside the hollow, while only seconds pass outside.

The Tree of Time recognizes Nuwa’s soul body and wraps her up with wooden tentacles as she gets herself prepared for a long movie. E-Nuwa emerges as one of the wooden tentacles enters her tight vagina and she lets out a prolonged moan. As E-Nuwa watches Heza’s life and absorbs information, she soon realizes that Iroh is too powerful not to see through Nuwa’s current acting skills.

E-Nuwa knows that Iroh has a stable tier 2 soul, which means he can instinctually get a feeling about inconsistencies between souls, faces, memories, and names of any soul tier 1 individual. She decides to crank up the memory absorption.

E-Nuwa views Heza’s entire 40 years of life two times over in the span of a single hour. She gives Nuwa an ultimatum: she must learn the Dao of Deception during the times that the tentacles pull out of her pussy or else she shouldn’t leave this Tree. If she leaves, that means she gives up and may never come to find the resolve to truly deceive herself.

E-Nuwa feels the time sap shoot into her pussy and knows that it’s time to test if Nuwa can succeed. Time stretches out as the dense time daons ripple through Nuwa’s body as E-Nuwa rips herself off the tentacle the moment it finishes splurging inside. Nuwa takes over.

+1k LEE, Total: 1657k LEE

~ ~ ~

Nuwa reviews the vague memories of her lifetime as Heza. Born as a cute village girl in the Fire Nation, she moves to the city since her father was a mechanic for building metal tanks. While staying at an apartment and gazing out the window at the hustle and bustle of the city, she sees a young General Iroh talking with some army friends walking down the street.

He wolf-whistles at her and she scrunches her nose in distaste. The men get a laugh out of it. However, she’s still a feisty village girl at heart, so she’s not used to the disrespect. She picks up a plant, throws it, and it lands on Iroh’s head as the men walk away.

Iroh’s friends all go silent as he stands in the middle of the street with soil and mulch on his head. They look at each other uneasily, thinking, ‘This damn village girl is surely bold to throw a plant on the crown prince of the Fire Nation!’

But to their surprise, Iroh starts belly laughing at what happened. He joined the army to get some thrills and fun experiences, but it’s so boring there, and instead while walking down the street, there’s a cute girl who does something this outrageous! How fun!

Heza’s face slowly turns to a smile as she looks upon Iroh’s naive joy from the second floor of the inn. She starts laughing cutely and to Iroh, it sounds like the tinkling of a bell. After several more meetings, Iroh starts seeing her regularly and their friendship turns into something more. He especially loves the tea that Heza serves to him when he visits. Despite the frequent campaigns he goes on due to the war, he always makes time for her when he comes back.

Heza falls deeply in love and they have a child together, a boy that they name Lu Ten. Iroh wants to quit the military at this time, but as the crown prince, he has a responsibility to the morale of his troops. Morale is difficult to maintain in the long stretches of the Earth Kingdom full of bandits, innocent, starving villagers, local warlords, and Earth military ambushes.

Lu Ten grows up wanting to see his father more often and joins the military alongside Iroh. Heza is home alone, but feeling grateful that her son can spend time with her husband. She too wants to spend time with her husband so she decides to surprise him one day by sailing to the base he sent a recent letter from in the Fire Nation colonies.

As a simple village girl who spent most of her time in relatively prosperous Fire Nation farms, Heza does not understand the poverty and ruthlessness of the colonies. Seeing a starving girl on the side of the road, she goes over to offer her some money for food. At the same time, a shady looking man puts a bag from her head to her knees and lifts her on his shoulder as she screams. Heza shouts at him to stop and that was the beginning of Iroh’s tragedy.

The slaver turns around to take a look at Heza, and notices that she’s dressed in a nondescript manner with the kind and gentle face of a farm girl. He asks, “Why should I stop? I need to eat too. If I can get this little girl to work for me, then don’t we both win?”

Heza shouts, “Don’t confuse the topic. You are kidnapping her. That’s wrong. I will buy her right now.”

The slaver feels that she is too naive, “That’s not going to cut it. She’s too expensive, why don’t I take you instead? You’d surely make more money for me.”

Heza nobly declares, “That’s fine by me. I’m related to people you can’t offend so you’re not allowed to mistreat me. We can pay you as much as you need as long as you leave that girl alone.”

The slaver snorts and lets the girl out before leading Heza away. He drops her off at the gang headquarters without fully explaining the situation and the rest of the gang assume she’s a recently kidnapped slave or whore, so they force themselves upon her. Heza feels ultimate despair and true regret at her foolishness. She cries pitifully and angrily as they tear her clothes off. Later, the gang members register her cries and recognize the names she was screaming the whole time and they panic. They knock her out, kill her, and chop her up to hide the evidence.

~ ~ ~

In the meantime, Iroh hears about his wife’s disappearance, but the siege of Ba Sing Se cannot continue without his presence. He cannot make any excuse to leave because there have been tens of thousands of lives that were lost due to this blessed war. He also cannot offer preferential treatment to his son. Lu Ten has to work his way up the military ladder on his own merits.

This offers the perfect opportunity for Ozai to set up a scheme through some corrupt officers to assign Lu Ten to a suicide mission as the seige of Ba Sing Se is ongoing. Just when the Earth Kingdom is going to be conquered, Lu Ten is killed and Iroh feels his soul crushed by despair.

First, his wife goes missing, and now he lost his son. He calls off the siege and searches the Spirit Realm absentmindedly for years after that incident before slowly finding peace in making the same kind of tea that Heza used to brew.

Heza’s consciousness wept at the death of her son and Iroh’s suffering over their loss. Nuwa tries to understand these feelings, and can feel them coming from Heza, but when she tries to imagine her acting on them, she knows they wouldn’t be genuine. Azula is still alive, so she can’t imagine feeling that degree of soul crushing pain.

She’s also never had anyone non-consensually fuck her before, so she truly cannot find anything in common that she has with Heza, other than both of them being in love. She could even see being kidnapped by a gang as an opportunity to seduce the leader of the gang into being her henchman. Nuwa and Heza’s thought processes could not be any farther apart.

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