Nuwa System

Chapter 54 – The Truth

Nuwa rubs Aiwei’s head in her breasts and helplessly concludes that her eternal fate is to be a surrogate mother to emotionally disturbed teenagers. Or at least the kind of lewd mother that will get them off.

Nuwa rubs Aiwei’s crotch gently since she can tell he’s quite sensitive at the moment. Her hand rubs and moves away so that his boner decreases just as she puts her hand back on it again. Aiwei sniffles inside Nuwa’s bosom and because it feels so good, he pretends he’s still sad by fake crying.

Nuwa smirks at how this kid is years too early to fool her and just to get a little revenge, she rubs him hard from outside his pants. Aiwei grunts in a slightly high pitch before orgasming in his pants. It’s Spirit form anyway, there won’t be any mess in the Mortal Realm. His face is reluctantly separated from her cleavage by her hands.

Nuwa says in a seductive voice, “You’re a naughty boy, Aiwei. Pretending to cry just to spend more time in my boobies. You’re free to touch them when we’re alone. You can even.. suck on them.”

Aiwei thrusts his mouth at Nuwa’s breasts but she gets up and he lands in her crotch. He smells a wonderful scent coming through the thin fabric, like that of petrichor from the dew on a spring morning. Nuwa moans slightly at the unexpected stimulation of her vagina. She too got wet off the overactive imagination of this horny boy.

Nuwa pushes him off and lectures him, “Aren’t you bullying your big sis too much? You need to learn how to respect a lady’s personal space! This sort of stuff is fine if we’re alone, but you can’t be too forward with other girls, ok?”

Aiwei looks shamefully at the floor and says, “Ok..”

Nuwa softens her voice, “Good. I’m going now. We’ll see each other again tomorrow or the day after. We can’t do anything too serious until you’re an adult though, so don’t get your hopes up too soon, my little man.”

Aiwei deflates slightly, but hardens his resolve to be a real man. “See you tomorrow, big sis!”

Nuwa chuckles and kisses him on the cheek before disappearing.

Aiwei holds his hand to his cheek and blushes deeply. He tries to visualize the sight of Nuwa’s face before she blurred it yesterday when they first met, but he is unable to recall it. When he tried to use his Innate ability [Truth-Seer] on her blurry face, it seemed to continually shift to assemble into the most beautiful features he can imagine seeing before blurring into another set of equally beautiful features.

He is struck with disbelief over everything that happened the past hour. ‘The prettiest girl I’ve ever met made me her little brother and did lewd stuff with me! She’s a super scary liar, but she’s so nice to me! It’s impossible for her to be a bad person. I’m so lucky!! Even if I’m just one of the hundreds of people she’s helped become a real man, I’ll never let her down!’

Nuwa returns to the Mortal Realm and opens her eyes to Azula reading a book. She shifts her attention from the book and looks at Nuwa, apparently waiting for an explanation.

Nuwa lies in bed and smiles with a bit of guilt as she speaks apologetically, “Sorry Zul.. that boy. He’s special. We’ve just met, but I can tell he needs me.”

Azula looks at her sternly, “Why does it have to be you? Why can’t it be Ty Li or someone else? Aren’t you overworking yourself as it is with all these meetings?”

Nuwa’s original goal in her tryst with Aiwei was to leverage his feelings for her to not tell Azula the truth if he ever finds out. However, she felt a kinship with Aiwei due to their opposing Innate abilities almost as if life had thrown them each a set of challenges that only their counterpart knew how to solve. These were the reasons why it had to be her.

Nuwa thinks about how Aiwei would find out the truth. It could even be very simple. All he would have to ask is if Azula is the father and as long as Nuwa gave him a verbal response, he would know. Maybe after the child is born, he could be watching the three of them as a happy family from a distance. Then as long as Nuwa mentions “your parent”, while referring to Azula, to the child, she would have to be [Acting] or lying. The fact that she’s lying in that instance would ping Aiwei’s alarms.

The only way to prevent this would be to make a breakthrough in the Dao of Deception such that she would deceive herself into believing that Azula is the true parent of the child. However, E-Nuwa has mentioned several times that she lacks that degree of comprehension and experience to make a breakthrough in the Dao of Deception. To attempt to deceive herself on such a specific point, without some experience, she runs the risk of deceiving herself on many points.

Nuwa shudders to imagine accidentally deceiving herself to believe that this life isn’t real. It would be like the movie, Inception. She would constantly be in self-doubt and attempting suicide to accomplish insane goals like escaping the dream, going to the next world, or getting to the final world to unravel the conspiracy of the [System], which reveals itself to be the final boss.

All of these things would make no sense! As soon as she started taking insane actions without focusing on the Dao, she would lose her True Dao and her strength would drop drastically. Her only option to gain power would be through rampant sexual activity, which would get her easily captured and relegated as a sex slave or declared as a depraved demoness. From there, she would become a sex slave or executed just to become a slave again in the next world! That definitely wouldn’t be any fun.

Any of these things can happen if a single wrong self-deception occurs. Nuwa agrees with E-Nuwa that she is definitely not far enough along in the Dao to take that step. Even if she becomes a sex slave, she’d want to enjoy it, not be constantly thinking about how she’s trapped in a dream.

Nuwa then considers telling the truth to Azula and feels abject fear, but within that fear, there is another strange feeling that she doesn’t recognize. It was like love and also like regret.

‘John? Why am I thinking of my first life when I look at Azula right now? Did I want to tell John the truth all along? Did he know of my dissatisfaction with his micropenis, but was pretending he didn’t because he loved me and didn’t want to lose me? Is that how I want my relationship with Azula to go?’

‘Maybe this was the reason fate had me meet Aiwei. Have I become so divorced from the Truth that reality is as malleable as a dream to me? Even now, I find myself resistant to the idea of an objective truth, despite knowing that it exists through my Dao of Deception.’

Azula stares at Nuwa whose eyes are swimming with emotions and feels like maybe she was too direct. ‘Nuwa is thinking way too hard and her eyes are full of regret. Did those meetings depress her that much? It can’t be that she regrets our relationship or the pregnancy. That’s impossible.’

Nuwa turns her face to look at Azula and desperately suppresses her [Acting]. With tears silently leaking down her eyes, Nuwa starts to feel sorry for herself. ‘Fuck, becoming a Goddess of Sex is really damn hard. I really shouldn’t fall in love in my next life.’

She thinks this because her emotional intelligence is too low to understand she really should be feeling sorry towards Azula for not being upfront with her from the beginning. She still views telling Azula the truth as the most painful option among many solutions she can come up with. But for the sake of not wanting any regrets like she had with John, she wants to rip off the band-aid.

She focuses her entire Dao core on interacting with the path of fate and senses that although her choice has disastrous consequences for herself, there is a chance of finding light at the end of the tunnel.

~ ~ ~

All Daos interact with the flow of fate along the space-time axis maintained by the World’s Will. As a Daoist, Nuwa has the ability to make a query to the flow of fate for a price.

The price of Fate’s Query is always half of one’s current daon count. This is set by omniversal regulations to favor those who practice True Dao, because their individual daons are stronger, and prevent complete genocides by aiding those who are weak to escape danger. Naturally, this can also lead to the “unkillable cockroach” situation that the villains in some Records are known for.

As a potent lifesaving technique, some retainers for kingdoms only become Daoists just to be able to perform Fate’s Query, however, the quantity and quality of the daons sacrificed also dictate the clarity of the answer given by fate. Therefore, inaccurate prophecies from misplaced Queries often result in tragedies. Also, the World’s Wills, as managers of the space-time axis in each Record, can dictate the flow of fate to some extent, which means they can tamper with the answers.

All powerhouses avoid directly antagonizing the World’s Will or else they will assuredly get shafted by fate. Of course, there are some Wills that succumb to corruption and favor villainous characters, but they don’t last long. Omniversal regulations state that Wills cannot be corrupted, so a new Will is spontaneously born from fate and combats the Corruption, which loses its status as a Will. Battles between Wills and Corruptions are cataclysmic and usually take the form of apocalypse scenarios.

~ ~ ~

The main reason that Nuwa’s prophecy is accurate is because the World’s Will helps her find the answer from the flow of fate, otherwise she would be too weak to get any answers farther than the direct disastrous consequences of her telling the truth, which are obvious. The World’s Will owes Nuwa a few solids so it wants to pay her back.

Azula grows steadily more uneasy as she watches Nuwa crying silently watching her. She puts the book down, gets in bed with Nuwa, and hugs her. Azula rubs foreheads with Nuwa’s and says, “Hey, hey, I’m not that mad. I already knew you were going to have sex with others. I can’t imagine my Nuwa doing anything other than fucking around, hehe.”

Nuwa cries even harder and guilt surges up within her. ‘I should have told her everything from the start! My immortality, my dreams, my hateful [System].. Why didn’t I? Is it because I didn’t want to be seen as a monster? Is it because I didn’t want her to look at me with pity? What does that matter?! She’s the one I have chosen in this life and now it’s come to this..’

Nuwa pulls down Azula’s pants and strokes her dick. She goes into E-Nuwa mode while forcing her thoughts to be on telling the truth. E-Nuwa immediately starts coming up with countermeasures for if Azula blows her top and causes wanton destruction in their room. She considers chi-blocking Azula in advance, but that runs the risk of Azula’s body exploding due to being unable to eject rampaging chi from within her body.

E-Nuwa deduces that their best option is if Azula takes out her anger on Nuwa through sex. That way even if Nuwa is treated roughly, she can redirect and absorb any excess chi with enlightened muscle control. Nuwa’s imbuement in waterbending can contend against Azula’s fire in quantity of power, but her control over her chi and stances is pathetic compared to Azula’s years of experience. E-Nuwa can probably suppress Azula’s firebending with imbued waterbending, but that would stifle Azula’s release of anger and she would need to find some release at a later point anyway.

E-Nuwa analyzes what would happen if Azula doesn’t blow up. In that case, the situation would be even worse, since it would indicate that Azula had given up on love and emotion entirely. A truly nightmarish scenario with almost no solution besides years of therapy and apology.

Nuwa lets go of Azula’s dick while tears stream down her face at E-Nuwa’s analysis. She feels like she deserves to be punished for how she acted, so she didn’t stay in E-Nuwa mode, otherwise she would have all the power in the upcoming scenario. Nuwa starts to understand that just because she has the power to ignore right or wrong, doesn’t mean she should.

Nuwa shudders at how casually she was thinking about manipulating the one she loves. ‘That’s something that fucking [System] would do!’ She grows nauseous and almost throws up thinking that she’s so similar to the [System].

Finally, as Azula is in intense confusion over how hard Nuwa is crying, Nuwa speaks up softly punctuated by bouts of crying and sniffles.

“Zul.. *sniff* I messed *sniff* up.”

Azula is very curious what kind of mistake could possibly cause Nuwa to cry so much. ‘She’s always so confident in her plans even against overwhelming odds.’ Azula comforts, “I’m sure it’s not that bad. You’re probably overreacting!”

Nuwa rubs Azula’s cheeks, “..Will you *sniff* still love me?”

Azula nods, “Of course!”

She then starts rubbing Nuwa’s belly with a smile.

Nuwa waits until she stops crying and admits to Azula with a serious face, “This child is not yours. It will take me a few years to be strong enough at the Dao to give birth to your child and the Spirit Realm asked me to give birth to a chosen man’s child in the meantime.”

Azula freezes up.

Nuwa’s face crumples into misery and she starts crying again, “I’m sorry, Zul.. I should have told you.. I got drunk on my power.. I wanted to fool everyone, even myself..”

Azula’s hand on Nuwa’s belly starts heating up.

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