Nuwa System

Chapter 55

Azula’s mind goes into turmoil. She first feels utmost hatred for whoever usurped her position as father of the baby and seeing that the fetus is only a few days old, she decides it’s no big deal if she kills it. A disgusting parasite occupying her beautiful lover!!

She moves chi to her hand on Nuwa’s belly and starts heating it up so she can cook it without hurting Nuwa. Even now, she doesn’t really blame Nuwa. She loves Nuwa too much to comprehend the fact that Nuwa had manipulated her just like any other person. Nuwa had gotten too good at lying ever since she got her Dao of Deception and her [Acting] could bypass Azula’s womanly intuitions and lie detection.

Azula’s face contorts into a strange combination of sadistic joy and misery. Lightning crackles out of her eyes as she looks at Nuwa’s belly slowly heating it up. Nuwa puts her hand over Azula’s which is on her belly with tears streaming down her eyes in acceptance of whatever punishment Azula decides.

At this point, Azula turns her face to Nuwa and sees the pain in her eyes. She feels dumbfounded and pauses the increase in temperature. “Nuwa.. you wanted this?”

Azula remembers that this whole time she is only thinking about how that child stole her own child’s spot when her child never existed. Tears also drop out of her eyes, “Nuwa.. at least let me kill that man.. I feel like my heart’s splitting apart at the seams..”

Nuwa, still crying, replies, “You can’t.. Just take out your anger on me, love.”

Azula moves her other hand back and tries to punch Nuwa’s stomach from an angle. ‘I need to get rid of the source of Nuwa’s misery! The thing that got in between our love! It cannot see the light of day! It was just a mistake!’

As she sees Azula move her hand backwards in an obvious motion, Nuwa seems to accept that this is the punishment that fate decided upon her. Even though she would feel sorry for the loss of that unborn child towards Heza, she puts her love for Azula first and closes her eyes.

But just before Azula’s clenched fist lands on Nuwa’s lower torso, it’s blocked. Azula looks back up to Nuwa’s face in a rage, but instead becomes extremely confused.

In front of her eyes, Nuwa’s whole body slowly changes into a middle-aged woman with a look of pity and sorrow in her eyes. Temporarily dumbfounded but still enraged, Azula asks, “Who are you? What did you do with Nuwa?!”

Heza sighs, “Poor child. You should not be so quick to take your anger out on innocent lives, especially when they carry the hopes and dreams of others upon them. I understand that you’ve been hurt, but the fault does not lie with my child.”

Azula perks up, “Yours?! You bitch! You took over Nuwa’s body and got her pregnant!”

Azula restrains herself from attacking because that could lead to Nuwa getting hurt.

Heza sighs again at the misunderstanding, “I am just a lingering regret that should have been gone with the wind. Nuwa took on my troubles voluntarily. She is the only one that could. You understand how unfathomable her powers are, don’t you, niece? I wouldn’t be able to do any of this if she didn't actually want it deep inside.”

Stuttering, Azula asks, “W-w-what did you just call me? Niece?”

Heza smiles, “You’ve grown into a fine woman, Azula. You love and are loved. I’m sure that Ursa would be proud.”

Azula momentarily blanks as she matches the voice and body shape to her long gone Aunt. Nuwa’s revealing clothing doesn’t quite fit well on her plain body. She also hasn’t seen her aunt Heza since she was 8 years old, so it took some time to make the match.

Staring at Heza, Azula sees the pieces coming together inside her mind, but stops thinking about it. She doesn’t want to think anymore.

Azula gets up and stumbles to the window because she feels rampant chi inside her body needing release. She pukes out a bolt of lightning nearly as wide as her hand from her mouth into the sky.

The lightning produces thunder so loud that all of the glass in the Palace is shattered. Only the passive chi reinforcement prevents the two girls mired in sorrow closest to the source from bursting their eardrums.

Azula finally realizes that Nuwa had hidden a lot from her. She always knew Nuwa doesn’t love her as much as she does. She thought that she was ok with that. But nothing about this made sense!

‘Why does Nuwa always make sacrifices for the sake of others and not us?! Will Nuwa always philander behind my back even decades from now? I can’t recognize her lying anymore! I used to be able to.. Was she lying even then? How many people has she fucked that I don't know about? For her goals.. will she sacrifice anything?’

Azula bends down on the windowsill and coughs out blood from her burnt throat and mouth. Her Heart chakra’s violent expulsion of chi in the form of lightning makes her feel like her whole body is about to fall apart.

As her vision darkens, she is relieved to hear Nuwa’s voice and not Heza’s. Azula smiles wryly, not understanding why even now she can’t bring herself to hate Nuwa for what she had done. Just prior to losing consciousness, Azula feels Nuwa’s nipple and milk in her mouth and a hand around her penis.

~ ~ ~

E-Nuwa performs perfect first aid on Azula’s body and lets her [Milk Maid]’s breast milk imbued with healing factors from Dan’s [Semen of Life] soak into Azula’s throat and do the rest. The main problem is Azula’s injury to her Heart chakra. This isn’t the usual broken heart of a scorned teenager rejected by his crush.

Azula had invested all of her love in Nuwa which was objectively a bad decision, since Nuwa was not prepared to return that degree of love. This sort of confrontation would have happened sooner or later in the next few years as Azula slowly increased her demand for Nuwa’s love.

Unfortunately, this is a part of Azula’s personality. When she sets her mind on something, she dials the heat up all the way to 100 percent. Previously, her perfectionist tendencies were focused on training, but now they were focused on loving Nuwa.

As Azula’s love for Nuwa infinitely increases, she would start to feel dissatisfied with the amount of love that Nuwa returns to her. Nuwa’s love, which previously felt like a huge flood of warmth, would eventually feel like a small trickle amid a desert, despite the fact that nothing changes in their relationship.

This is the deficiency of depending on another to fuel one’s own power. Azula’s premise for her Heart chakra’s firebending was flawed from the beginning. It might have worked if Nuwa and Azula were on the same page, but they were not. They are both still immature when it comes to the intricacies of love.

Nuwa brought Azula back to the bed, waterbent the blood stains on her jaw away, and clothed her.

The 2 AM thunder had woken everyone up and the window had burst open from inside so everyone knew where it had come from. Aang bursts open the locked door and sees Nuwa crying with her head down next to Azula. The room is a mess from the thunder.

Just as Katara and the others also arrive, Nuwa shouts, “Get out!” and puts up earth walls at the door and the broken sections of the walls where the windows were. She only left small slits open for moonlight to go through. The concerned friends stand by the walls shut out from the room and look to Toph.

Toph is too sleepy to make trouble this late in the night though, so she humphs and shakes her head. She knows that dropping those walls would instigate Nuwa’s anger so she says, “Can’t you see she wants to be left alone? They’ll figure it out among themselves. It’s probably just a small fight.”

Zuko looks around at all the broken windows throughout the Palace and remembers the thunder which felt more like an earthquake. ‘This numbskull is definitely crazy if she thinks this is a small fight!’

Dan has some small worry for his Mistress, but otherwise knows that everything will be fine, since his Mistress is infallible. Ty Li is the most worried of all of them. She asks Aang, “What did you see inside?”

Aang quietly says, “Not much. I think I saw Azula lying on the bed sleeping, but Nuwa was crying next to her so she may not be sleeping?”

Ty Li curses and asks Toph to discreetly thin out the walls so she can speak to Nuwa. Unfortunately, Toph’s earthbending is anything but discreet so with a big crack and bang, most of Nuwa’s earth wall on the door comes off and falls to the floor, leaving only a single cm wall. Noticing Nuwa not doing anything, they all breathe a sigh of relief.

Ty Li walks over to the wall and speaks through the thin wall. “Sis.. it’s me. Is everything OK in there?”

Nuwa, who’s deep in sorrow, feels some warmth hearing the voice of her sister, which reminds her of the Pea household, her home. Her thoughts go back to how she ambitiously claimed to be the safe haven where Azula could always be loved during their Heart-to-Heart.

‘What was I even thinking back then? I wanted to show her the warmth of family, but now I’ve broken her heart.’ As her thoughts spiral back into depression, she hears Ty Li again and lets her inside by bending some earth walls.

Ty Li enters and sees her sister making the same miserable face that she saw a few months back when Zuko was burned. This time she seemed even more miserable though because her eyes were bloodshot with despair, her eye bags were puffy, and her beautiful face was crusty with tears. She had long taken off her Stella Face Mask.

Ty Li runs up to Nuwa and hugs her tight then checks Azula’s breathing. “Sis.. you’re fine. Azula is fine too. What’s going on? Did you two have a fight?”

Nuwa shakes her head still crying, “I broke her heart, sis.. you haven’t checked her pulse. I fucked up! It’s all my fault!”

Checking Azula’s pulse and sensing how erratic it is, Ty Li furrows her brows. ‘This is bad. Azula might not even be able to bend.

Ty Li goes back to hugging Nuwa with both her arms and consoles, “Shhh. Shh. Where’s wallowing in despair going to get you? The Nuwa I know can plan a solution for any problem! You’re strong, beautiful, and kind. You may be a little bit of a snakebitch like Toph says, but don’t let your flaws define you!”

Nuwa cracks a small smile and chuckles at Ty Li’s consolation, then starts sobbing again. “I’m.. *sob* not good at planning *sob* matters of the heart.”

Ty Li adopts a troubled look. She’s one of the single ladies in the group, so she doesn’t know much about matters of love. “The only thing that matters is that you love her and she loves you, right?”

Nuwa laughs again at how Ty Li is oversimplifying the entire situation. In silence, Nuwa thinks about what Ty Li said further. ‘Is that really all that matters? I’m sure that my main failure was hiding the truth and breaching Azula’s trust. Does she still love me? Can she? If I apologize properly and prove myself worthy of her trust, will she love me again?’

Nuwa starts laughing out loud out of nowhere, confusing Ty Li who is still midhug and showing a worried look at Azula. Nuwa picks up Ty Li and twirls her around in the air, then kisses her on the mouth. “Sis, I love you! You’re right, love is all that matters! I need to apologize to Azula with all my heart!”

Ty Li blushes profusely. She’s been kissed by Nuwa in the past during sex, but never outside of it like this. Ty Li says with a whiny tone, “Sis.. I’m glad you’re feeling better, but you’re bullying me.”

Nuwa laughs again and gropes Ty Li’s breasts roughly, particularly focusing on squishing Hummy, “Sorry sis, I can’t help it. You’re just too fun to bully!”

Ty Li puts on a slightly lewd face and pushes Nuwa’s hands off, “Humph, go back to your girl.”

Nuwa wrenches her attention off of Ty Li, who’s rapidly transmitting erotic thoughts to Nuwa’s Dao Core of Sex. Nuwa sees one scenario where Ty Li imagines herself being fucked by Nuwa’s clitdick just over Azula’s unconscious face. ‘Damn, this little slut can be too much sometimes! She’s acting one way and thinking another, how cute.’

Nuwa returns to the bed and holds Azula’s hand as she waits for her to wake up. She intends to earnestly apologize for however long it takes until she can earn forgiveness. After some silence, she says, “Thanks, sis.. for being here when I needed you.”

Ty Li calms herself down, hums modestly, and leaves the room with Toph’s help. After answering whatever questions her friends ask outside the room, they all still don’t really understand why something so big happened, so they go back to sleep. Nuwa also drifts off to sleep seated next to the bed due to extreme emotional fatigue.


Uncensored title: Chapter 55 - Heartbreak

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