Nuwa System

Chapter 56 – Ordeal

Azula wakes up with a burning sensation in her chest and her entire body aching. The last thing she remembers is her entire throat being burnt and she still feels the phantom pains of burnt flesh inside her. She opens her eyes and swivels them to see Nuwa sitting next to the bed asleep in her chair.

Testing her movements, she finds that there's no new pain which means she's been healed, but there's still burning coming from her chest. 'I must have a hole in my Heart chakra. Fuck.'

Azula looks over at Nuwa and then at her belly. She doesn't feel the need to kill the fetus anymore. That was her jealousy acting up. She feels pity for Heza and Iroh, but also rage at them, and injustice over why Nuwa had to be the one to help them to this extent.

What really broke her heart was how nonchalantly Nuwa was acting during the time that she fooled her. 'She can fool me so easily. I thought I was close enough to her that she would come to me when she's troubled. Or at least she could show me she's troubled so that I can ask about it.'

'Instead, she's taken on these burdens alone. No. Wait.. it's not like that. She would have told me, but she knew I'd be jealous and upset. That's why her first response was to fool me, until it ate her up inside enough to force herself to spit out the truth. If.. if I wasn't so possessive, would we be happier?'

'Sigh, I can't do it. I need Nuwa. Without her, I'd definitely go crazy. I can't tell if she's lying or not anymore, which means that even if I want to trust her, my heart is telling me that I can't.'

Azula suddenly feels a burning sensation from her Heart. The one person she trusted the most, trusted more than her own self, broke her trust! She feels.. incomplete somehow, as if she was back in the walls of the Fire Nation Royal Palace where she hated her life and herself. Azula looks at Nuwa with rage, not wanting to feel self-hatred anymore.

Dragging Nuwa up off her chair, Azula puts her face down against the bed. Nuwa stirs with exhaustion and groggily makes some whiny complaining noises as she's not yet fully conscious despite being manhandled out of her sleeping position.

Azula, fuming in wrath, pulls Nuwa's pants down and lines up her erect dick with Nuwa's asshole. Azula thrusts her footlong penis against the tight asshole, but she's too dry and thick to make it inside. In the past, E-Nuwa would loosen her rectum to make room, but currently E-Nuwa didn't have the opportunity. Azula drops some saliva on the head of her penis.

Feeling an impact on her asshole, Nuwa is alerted but still not fully awake, as she lifts her head and rubs her eyes which are full of gunk and dried tears. Unfortunately, she awakens too late, as Azula shoves her entire footlong inside Nuwa's asshole the very next moment. Even though E-Nuwa emerges to relax her muscles as Azula is halfway through, Nuwa's asshole still suffers tearing at several locations near the rectum.

Nuwa screams, "AEEEIIII, FUCK."

Azula smirks with sadistic glee when she first tears a new one in Nuwa's overly tight ass. She frowns slightly at how quickly Nuwa loosens, but understands that Nuwa must have done something. Growing angry again, Azula pounds Nuwa in a prone bone position with desperation and the desire to dominate.

E-Nuwa lets out involuntary tears at the pain of rapid pounding against her bleeding rectum. She quickly imbues some healing factor into her breast milk and tries to pull her nipple up to suck on amidst the thrusting. Azula's pounding is relentless and she seems determined not to let Nuwa be able to do anything other than receive her punishment.

Despite her extremely high dexterity, E-Nuwa still takes a full 20 seconds to finally latch onto the nipple. As the golden milk flows into her mouth and heals her ass, her rectum slowly loses its inflammation and she's finally able to think and focus on other things.

E-Nuwa realizes that Azula is angry and she's delivering punishment. She can use [Acting] to automatically behave according to Azula's needs and wants, but E-Nuwa knows that Nuwa made a self-determination not to use [Acting] on those that she loves last night. Nuwa now views [Acting] as a weapon to be used sparingly, lest she become dependent on it and lose touch with her own skills in subterfuge.

E-Nuwa suppresses her own enlightenment by redirecting her thought processes into irrelevant tasks like memorizing noble etiquette until there's only Nuwa getting pounded by Azula. Nuwa has never had sex with such a slow speed of thought. She starts crying again in pain and pleasure as Azula grabs the back of her neck and pushes the side of her face into the bed.

Azula says, "This is your punishment! How do you like it, bitch? Seeing as it's your first time, I'm generously allowing you some leeway. Next time, you're not allowed to heal yourself! I have to put you in your place properly so that you know the consequences of lying to me!"


Nuwa screams with half her mouth muffled by the sheets, "AAHHH"


Nuwa moans as that spank coincided with Azula's thrust, "OOHHN"


Nuwa stifles her mouth and starts letting out adorable grunts as she receives her spanks and assfucking. Finally, on the 20th spank, when Nuwa's ass is decorated by a fully red palm print of Azula's hand hitting approximately the same spot each time, Azula cums a huge load inside Nuwa's colon.

+10k LEE, Total: 1727k LEE

When Azula pulls out of Nuwa's ass, her asshole gapes slightly as big globules of cum leak out onto her pussy and the bedsheets. She's still absorbing the energy in the cum, but due to her lack of fine muscle control, she can't contain the cum itself. This is the result of E-Nuwa taking the backseat.

As Nuwa lays on the bed with tears streaming down her eyes in pain and pleasure, she smiles at the irony of how she was wishing for a punishment and E-Nuwa gave it to her. She made her first unenlightened sexual experience of this life to be a brutal assfuck. The last time she had unenlightened sex was with John more than 40 years ago. In other words, she's never experienced something this big without help.

For some reason, she was extremely turned on when Azula told her she wasn't allowed to heal her asshole next time. 'Am I a masochist? I've dominated Dan this whole time, so I thought I was more suitable for sadism. No.. I don't think I'd like it if anyone other than Azula treated me like a cheap whore. In fact, I'd probably castrate them for their lack of respect if they dare to do so. I'm a queen, a slut queen.'

Nuwa looks at Azula, about to whine about why there's no post-sex cuddles, before she remembers their relationship irrevocably changed last night. Azula goes to a water basin, wipes herself down, gets dressed, and heads for the door. Nuwa watches her silently as she does these things with her asshole still gaping and leaking cum.

After Azula kicks open the thin earth wall where the door was and leaves, Nuwa feels the soreness and uncleanliness of her body and senses a sour feeling rise up in her sinuses again. It's a prelude to her unrestrained sobbing. When did Azula ever ignore Nuwa's aftercare? Never. Nuwa doesn't realize the little things that she had come to expect in their relationship are not to be taken for granted.

Azula stands just outside the room with her back on a wall next to the open doorway listening to Nuwa's crying. Her face is stoic, but inside, she feels a bit of warmth, knowing that their love runs deep enough to cause her this much anguish. That's right, their love is not a lie. She knows it in her head, but she has to convince her Heart of that fact.

As Nuwa's crying picks up in volume and intensity, Azula slowly sheds silent tears forcing herself not to go and comfort her. Azula knew that Nuwa had never really lost before. Her life in the Pea household has always been happy-go-lucky. So she decided that she would show Nuwa the pain of loss so that she could understand the pleasure of love.

She was even prepared to deprive Nuwa of her dick until she begged for it if she caught Nuwa lying or misleading her again. It would be true torture for the both of them, but these were the lengths she was willing to go to. So she grit her teeth and walked away to have breakfast.

In fact, the closest thing to betrayal or heartbreak that Nuwa suffered was the [System] misleading her. Even then, the [System] has never lied to her and she's never felt genuine love towards the [System]. Nuwa's relationship with the [System] was more of a childlike dependency without any love, followed by disillusionment.

~ ~ ~

Ty Li stayed in a room nearby last night after leaving, and woke up to Nuwa's cries. She jumps out of the bed and hears pounding from the room next door. 'Haha.. seems like Azula can move just fine.'

Hearing Nuwa's moans and screams of pain from getting spanked, Ty Li adopts a strange look on her face. 'Damn.. Nuwa is getting beat at sex. How glorious! I'm so turned on.. Haha, that's what you get for always bullying me, big sis!'

With two fingers in her pussy and her thumb on her clit, Ty Li delightedly fingers herself. She periodically squirts on the wall next door throughout Azula's morning fuck. Once Ty Li notices it quiet down in the other room, she quickly cleans up in a nearby wash basin and pulls her clothes on.

Ty Li peeks out the door and sees Azula kick down the wall into the hallway and walk out of Nuwa's eyeshot. She does not move any farther away though, as if she's waiting for Nuwa to call her back. Then Ty Li hears Nuwa's crying, like the soft wail of an abandoned puppy. She gets mad and decides to wait on what Azula will do, so she sneaks very carefully as she opens the door and climbs up on the rocks to the ceiling.

From the ceiling she has a closer view of Azula and the doorway. She sees Azula's silent tears and loses her anger as she feels pity for the couple while also feeling dread hoping this wouldn't be the end of the Gang. Ty Li waits until Azula is clear out of the hall before dropping down from the ceiling, rushing in, and hugging Nuwa's face tightly.

When Nuwa feels Ty Li's soft breasts on her face, she calms down slightly and stops crying. She rubs her messy face full of tears, eye gunk, and snot on the heavenly pillows. Although Ty Li wants to tell her off, she really can't bring herself to, given the situation. Nuwa's ass experienced more brutality than Ty Li had imagined.

Her right buttcheek has an inflammation in the shape of a handprint and there are bloodstains on her crotch. Ty Li cringes at the damage, but knows that Nuwa can heal it. She's worried since Nuwa is just lying there without healing it.

Ty Li brings some wet cloths and wipes down Nuwa's ass, making sure to get rid of as much cum and blood as she can. She's not a waterbender so it takes her some effort, but she knows that Nuwa appreciates it and wouldn't want Katara, Dan, or Aang to see her like this. "Thanks again *sniff* sis."

Ty Li sighs and asks, "Why are you torturing yourselves like this? You're just hurting each other over and over. I don't understand! You're hurting yourself and she feels constant pain in her Heart while hurting you!"

Nuwa stops sniffling and gazes blankly at nothing in particular as she responds, "You're right, but this is how it must go. This is an ordeal of love."

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