Object of Obsession

Chapter 20

Three weeks later...

"Unnh, unnh, unnh, unnh!!"

Norma's repeated moans were low, guttural. The size of the mattress did nothing to muffle the creaking of the frame as Quin thrust her teal strap-on into Norma at an even rhythm while simultaneously pressing the bullet vibrator against her beloved's clitoris with an intense amount of focus. She soon looked down proudly at the results of her efforts as Norma squirmed in pleasure beneath her.

"How is it, my love?" Quin asked between laboured breaths. "Do you like this? Want more~?"

"Nnnn... nnn... Y-e-s... p-l-e-a-s-e..."

Quin's twintails whipped back and forth as she began pounding Norma with renewed vigor, enjoying the glazed look in her beloved's eyes that she pretended was from over-stimulation. The way her breasts bounced back and forth from her thrusts was completely hypnotic, and time seemed to slow down as amidst the chaos of their lovemaking she carefully studied the way her beloved's nipples hardened in response to what was being done to her body.

They had been at this for hours, but each time she had denied Norma her orgasm. Quin suspected her beloved couldn't take much more, though, and would finally break.

"I'll give it you, my love! The release you're begging for and oh, so much more! But..."

Quin's wicked grin was at odds with the vulnerability in her dark eyes.

"I need you to say it, my fated. I need to hear those three little words I've been waiting so patiently to hear from you..."

Quin slowed her thrusts and reached to cup Norma's cheek in her hand as she looked down at her with equal parts frustration and desperation.

"It's all I've ever wanted from you, my love, just to hear you say it. Do you think you can you do that one, small little thing for me?"

Norma stared up at Quin slack-jawed, clearly still processing the situation. Then she slowly shook her head - but with regret, as if deeply ashamed.

"Nor... please! I love you! I love you! I love you so much, more than I can even comprehend! I would do anything for you, anything at all! S-so why!? Why won't you-!?"

Quin stopped her movements halfway inside Norma, her arms trembling to support her meager weight as her head fell and tears began to roll down her face.

"Q-u-... Q-u-i-n...? W-h-y... c-r-y-i-n-g...?"

The innocent, confused expression her beloved now wore in the otherwise erotic scenario they had been enjoying mere moments ago quickly killed all of Quin's desire. She gently took her toy out of Norma and removed it from around her waist, laughing wryly against her tears as she collapsed into Norma's waiting, eager embrace.

"It's not your fault, my angel. You did nothing wrong... No, the fault lies entirely with me."

In a delayed movement, Norma tilted her head, her unfocused eyes narrowing in confusion.

"Do you even remember, I wonder...?" Quin asked, more to herself more than to the dazed woman beside her.

Spurred on by Norma subconsciously massaging her tense shoulders instead of showing any curiosity, she resolved herself.

"Fuck it, I've already messed this up beyond repair, there's no harm in asking you now."

She pulled herself back from Norma about an arm's length so they could properly regard each other.

"Think hard, Nor. Your life before, the one I took you from. You... you miss it, don't you?"

Norma slowly rubbed her temples, like it was hard, or even painful, to think.

"B-e-f-o-r-e...? N...o..."

Quin chuckled to herself, tucking some of her beloved's messy hair behind her ears.

"That's sweet of you to say, Nor. It makes me happier than you know. But... it actually makes me even sadder."

Norma pivoted from joy to panic as the contradictory meaning of her words sank in.

"U-h, I-I m-e-a-n... U-h. I- I- I m-e-a-n-!"

She didn't seem to know what to say to make Quin happy. And how could she? Norma was no longer herself. Quin had ruined her, reduced her to this subservient husk that clumsily tried to satisfy her every desire.

All except one, of course.

Despite all of the drugs to make her brain pliable and inducing trances in that state to further influence her thoughts in the long-term, Norma absolutely would not tell Quin "I love you.", a fact which had soured the idea that this crazy fantasy of hers could have ever worked.

Aside from that, though, Quin was entirely shocked by how quickly Norma had succumbed to her 'treatments'. Quin had never done this before, for one, with only VPN protected darkweb searches to serve as a foundation with some additional scholarly research to be sure the drug mixes wouldn't end up killing her beloved. But most of the information she'd found suggested it'd take months, maybe even years to have a real effect on someone's mind.

Norma had completely given in within a week and a half, as if she were born to be hypnotized and placed entirely under someone else's will.

But no, that wasn't quite right. The truth was, even though taking Norma as her captive should have made her frightened of Quin, it was the opposite.

She liked this.

That was no delusion, either. It was unmistakable. Quin had acted too hastily by far when Norma had first emerged from the bedroom. She'd panicked, thinking it would be better to start influencing her mind sooner than later, but her beloved was more receptive to being her captive than she could have ever imagined.

That's not to say she didn't want to leave at all, of course. She mentioned her school, her friends, and of course her entire extended 'family' more than once, and would randomly mention some fact about them aloud as if to etch it into her memory. But aside from this, she'd never once tried to escape.

In fact, she'd grown closer to Quin faster than even she had dared to imagine, trembling with nervous excitement about what her "crazy yandere kidnapper", as she jokingly called Quin, was going to do with her. But aside from Object of Obsession coming up in Norma's conversations with Luna every so often, Quin had no way to have been anything resembling prepared for this side of her.

And by the time Quin realized that the standard dose of medication and suggestion training were too much for her, it was too late. She was left with this beautiful, kind, but ultimately soulless body that her beloved had once resided in; either unwilling to - or incapable of - love. Quin had told herself early on that she'd gotten exactly what she wanted, but she couldn't keep lying to herself. What the hell could she do about this though!? How could she even begin to undo the damage she'd done to the one person she loved more than anyone - anything else!?


"What!? The proximity alarm, now!?" Quin sprung up from the bed, throwing on leggings and a crop top in a panic while Norma looked on in concern.

"You stay here, my love, and hide in the closet if you hear anything, okay? You can lock it from the inside. I'll be right back once I'm sure you'll be safe!"

She hesitated for only half a second before pulling her beloved in for what might be their final kiss, then hurried out the bedroom door...


"This is the place," remarked Raine.

It wasn't a question. After weeks of driving around with only an annoyingly vague sense of 'hot and cold' to go off of, there was no mistaking that they had finally discovered where Norma was being kept, their very skin shuddering in anticipation at the prospect.

When Raine had realized that finding Norma wasn't going to happen quickly, and both she and Luna were able to agree that their sense of her location hasn't changed or moved at all, they decided to take the time to have the truck repaired. Raine had a fair amount of 'entirely legitimately earned money' tucked away to keep them going thus far, but Luna had surprised her by paying for the repairs in full using only a fraction of the large bills she apparently had carried with her all this time. With a bit of a snarl Raine thanked her, and with their chariot restored they had honed in, painfully slowly but surely, to where they now stood.

It was a small white and blue house in a medium sized city, tucked neatly away from the hustle and bustle of the crowds but not so distant as to be troublesome to resupply from. Outwardly there was nothing to suggest anything sinister, with only a single security camera watching the yard to imply any logical link to Quin. Rather than the discouragement it was supposed to serve as, it only spurred them onward.

"Well, Miss Raine? What do you have in mind?" Luna asked while absently running her fingers over the blade of her serrated knife. After all their time together, she had rather come to respect the older woman. Raine grinned sheepishly.

"It ain't much of a plan, but..."

"I was afraid you'd say that," Luna laughed to herself.

"Here it is: She'll have seen us by now, so we go fast and hard. I'm thinkin' her doors will be too secure, so we go through a window. Either way I got crowbars and other burglin' tools. We fan out to cover ground but not so far we can't help the other out if need be."

"It's a little too simplistic but that suits me just fine. I need to see my darling safe, and the sooner the better."

The two stared at each other for a few seconds, judging the other's intentions despite having come all this way together. Then with a mutual nod, they sprinted towards the house. Raine had an unusually serious expression on her face, but as for Luna, she couldn't help but smile...

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