Object of Obsession

Chapter 21

With a crowbar in both hands Raine reached the side of the building and smashed through a window, following up by running the tool along the sides of the frame to shatter any remaining edges before brushing the debris from the sill. She then motioned to Luna and locked both hands into a foothold, but her companion simply ran past her and pulled herself through almost effortlessly.

My legs are definitely healing...

Luna might have been happy about this, but not suffering for the sins of her past was making her increasingly uncomfortable, and as a result she'd built up a lot of anxiety over the weeks. All she could do for now was try to put this pent-up energy to use in rescuing Norma.

She looked around, but aside from a few dusty pieces of furniture to keep up appearances, this floor was clearly unused. Reaching a hand down, Luna helped the larger woman through the window. As they had discussed the two spread out, sweeping from room to room as they searched for any sign of Norma and her captor.

"Here," Luna called after a few minutes, summoning Raine to her. A rug was partially pinned under a heavy desk, the floor around them somewhat less dusty than the rest of the house.

"Good eye, Lun. Don't see any way to lift this thing without draggin' it, so she'll know where we're entering from. Ready when you are."

The two dragged the desk aside along with the rug. It wasn't difficult because the side that rested on the carpet glided easily, but the other side made a terrible scraping noise. For their efforts, though, they revealed a trap door hiding under the fabric.

"It's locked, of course," Luna said without bothering to try the handle.

"Not for long," Raine grinned, lifting a sledgehammer from her tool belt and bringing it down on the wooden door, shattering it to pieces.

The way revealed a set of stairs leading down to a surprisingly well-lit room. Raine went first, squeezing through the hallway cautiously. As soon as she passed the threshold, however, Quin lunged from around the corner, shooting Raine with a sophisticated, custom taser.

"Got you, you bitch!!" Quin hissed, but Raine didn't fall. Instead, once the electricity had passed through her she jerkily raised her arm, easily wrapping one hand around Quin's tiny throat.


Quin struggled against her assailant, losing her nerve as she stared into those menacing golden eyes... but the real struggle was to fight her instinct to drop what she was holding. Instead, she activated a second taser she'd been holding and thrust them both at Raine, giving herself a mild shock in the process but ultimately freeing her from being strangled to death.

"KOF- KOF!" Quin wheezed, taking advantage of the chaos to withdraw from the open room to another hiding place.

Raine had fallen backward onto Luna, who struggled to climb out from under her. It was clear that she had been rendered unconscious and wouldn't be getting up any time soon. Swearing under her breath, Luna collected a few tools from Raine's belt and continued on, holding her knife close as she stalked through the basement floor, passing what appeared to be a living room complete with two elaborate computer setups and some kind of eerie lab room. A short distance away, she heard a door shut. Closing in on the source of the sound, Luna tried the handle and found it locked. Using the screwdriver she'd swiped, Luna found the emergency access hole and pushed the locking mechanism until the telltale click assured her the door was unlocked. 

Luna rushed into the room, finding only a disheveled bed and dresser inside. A closet door caught her attention, and she approached it. From the other side, she could only just hear a voice sounding like, but not quite, her darling's.

"W-h-y... a-r-e... w-e... h-i-d-i-n-g...? Q-u-i-n...?"

Luna tried the door, which of course was locked. This one didn't have the standard emergency unlock mechanism, so Luna simply inserted the crowbar and wiggled it back and forth along the hinges until the whole door came off.

Inside was an incredibly dazed Norma, fully naked and clinging to Quin, who for her part merely stared up at Luna with an easy expression on her face. Ignoring her, Luna couldn't help but shout in delight at seeing her reason to smile again.

"Norma! I'm here now, you're going to be okay!"

"Look, my love, it's Luna! You remember Luna, don't you?" Quin drawled, far too calm in this situation for Luna's liking.


Norma furrowed her brow as if she legitimately couldn't remember.

"Yes, Luna. She's here to rescue you from me! Would you like to go with her?"

"F-r-o-m... Q-u-i-n? N-o! I... d-o-n'-t... w-a-n-t... t-o!!!"

Quin looked from Norma to Luna with a shit-eating grin on her face.

"Well! I guess you've wasted your time and a whole lot of gas money, huh? I'm not a bad host though, so feel free to take some energy drinks from the fridge on your way out."

Luna grit her teeth. Just what the hell did she do to her!?

"I am NOT leaving without Norma."

"Is that right? I rather thought we were done here. Norma herself doesn't want to go with you... so what are you going to do, abduct her?"

The wild look in Quin's eyes suggested she had all the cards right now, and knew it. Luna stared at the ground, completely embarrassed by the situation she found herself in now.

"I mean even if you did, you failed to protect her once already, didn't you? I just walked out of the room with her while you slept there. Kinda pathetic, wasn't it, my love? It's really no wonder that she doesn't want to go with you!"

Quin laughed haughtily, covering it behind one hand as she looked sidelong at Luna. Luna never took her eyes off of Norma, who simply seemed uncertain about the whole affair. There wasn't a shred of recognition in her eyes.

"I... I..." Luna stuttered.

"What will you do now, Luna? Are you going to cry? That's fine, but make it quick, alright? My beloved and I have things to do in this room, you know."

Luna pulled out her knife. Quin flinched at first, but her fear turned into sadistic glee as the albino fell to her knees and turned it on herself. Luna looked up at the air as if someone were standing there. As if she were in a trance...

If she's already in a trance state, then I should be able to use it...

To Quin's surprise Raine dragged herself through the doorway, somehow already conscious, if only barely. What is this woman, a super-soldier!?

"Luna... we've been over this. The warden's not here, she can't hurt you. None of this is your fault, so just put the knife down!"

You idiot... Quin laughed to herself. You've told me everything I need to know.

"That's right Luna... only through pain will you know absolution. You've truly failed the one you love, haven't you? And worst of all, you've failed me-"

"Don't listen to her, that's Quin! It's just Quin, put the knife down, Luna!"

"-and you know the price for failing your warden, don't you? After all this wasted time chasing you down... double it."

Luna's eyes widened at the suggestion.

God, how much of her own blood does she normally spill? She's seriously about to kill herself, isn't she!?

"Yes... warden..."

Luna lifted the blade to her own neck, pressing the teeth against her skin-


Everyone froze and turned to look at Norma, who looked just as confused by her own reaction.

"I... d-o-n-'t... I... d-o-n'-t... w-a-n-t... t-h-i-s..."

Quin looked angry.

"Nonsense, my love! Luna would stop if she didn't think she deserved this, wouldn't you Luna?"


"Exactly," Quin said with a sneer. "Continue."

Raine dragged herself weakly toward Luna, Norma stared on in horror, Quin watched on with morbid fascination...

Then Norma suddenly rose and ran for Luna. She made it only a few steps before Quin grabbed her from behind, holding a taser to her back.

"Just let this happen, my love. Trust me, it's truly for the best..." she whispered in her ear as she struggled against the smaller girl.

"Get your fucking hands off of my Normie before I d i s s e c t you, mmkay~?"

A new voice at the door frame took everyone by surprise. With beautiful red ribbons in her hair, ashen, undead style makeup and a machete in her hand, Mae glared at Quin with psychopathic glee despite the murder in her sing-song voice...

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