One Helluva Fox

King of Greed: Mammon

Sylvester is staring at himself in the mirror of his bathroom, he's staring at his golden hair and slightly curved horns

Sylvester is staring at himself in the mirror of his bathroom, he's staring at his golden hair and slightly curved horns. Sylvester's hair is all shriveled and his clothes are messy. 

His right eye glows a little as he grips the sink, tightly.

 "I look just like him..." Sylvester mutters to himself.

Sylvester glares at himself and he picks up a file and starts to file down his horns. Then when he finishes he grabs a bottle of hair dye and quickly dyes his hair red. 

Then Sylvester looks back at himself and his eye soften. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a blood crystal necklace. "Wish me luck, mom." He rubs his eye and puts a hand through his hair. "I'll need it."

Sylvester lets out a sigh as he walks out of the bathroom and he heads for his front door, grabbing his brown trench coat and his hat.

"Let's get this over worth."

Sylvester leaves his apartment and heads out into hell.




Sylvester looks up to the green skies of the Greed Ring.

"I hate it here." Sylvester mutters to himself as he starts walking down the sidewalk.


(Arcane is a very good show, I recommend watching it. I even have an Arcane book that you should check out.)

As Sylvester walks he passes many Imps. Sylvester takes a out cigarette and snaps his fingers a few times and his finger lights up in flame and he lights the cigarette.  

An Imp falls out of a second story window, naked and he runs off. A second Imp peers out of the window and shakes his hand at the other Imp. 

Sylvester shakes his head as he keeps walking. He spots a poster and stops. Sylvester turns to the poster and growls at it. The poster says "Mammon Industries. Don't mess with us, 'cause we can buy you and your family." 

Sylvester huffs and walks off.

Sylvester comes to a homeless Imp begging for money. Sylvester sighs as tosses a few dollars in, the Imp then grabs Sylvester hand and hands him a box of cigarettes. 

Sylvester nods to the Imp and continues walking. 

Sylvester notices two imps walking across the street, carrying a large glass pane. 

Nothing happens, the two Imps and the glass pane make it safely across the street. What? were you expecting something to happen?

Sylvester walks past the two Imps carrying the glass pane.

Sylvester walks past a few rundown buildings with Imps living inside, gathered around a fire barrel. He also spots another Mammon Industries posters, but is has ASSHOLE spray painted over it.

Sylvester smirks and lets out chuckle as he walks by the poster. 

After a few minutes Sylvester makes it outside the town and he sees a massive golden mansion in the distance. "Here we go."

Sylvester heads towards the massive golden mansion and he lights up another cigarette. 

After a few minutes he comes to a large golden gate with two Hellhounds guarding it. One is a younger looking Hellhound and the other is a fairly older Hellhound, both are wearing suits and sunglasses. 

Sylvester approaches the gate and the younger hellhound holds up his hand to stop Sylvester. "Hold it right th-"

"Stop." The older hellhound says and he opens the gate. 

Sylvester just nods to the older hellhound and walks through before the gate is closed.

The younger hellhound looks at the older confused. 

"That was Prince Zahav." The older hellhound says. "I know he looks different from the photos you've probably seen, but I knew that was him. I mean, no one else dares to approach the gates to King Mammon's home. He also looks like his mother when he dies his hair and hides his horns."

"How long have you been working for this family?"

"I started when Sir, Tamiel was the ruler of the Greed Ring."

"...Wow, you're old."

"Hey, don't rub it in!"

With our HellFox.

Sylvester walks towards the Mansion and he walks on a bridge that's over a large lake made from liquid gold. Even the bridge itself is made of gold and its railings are silver and have rubies embedded into them. 

Sylvester looks to the large doors of the mansion and see's his father sigil embroidered into the door.


He walks up to the large golden encrusted door with red rubies on the door handles that shine within the sunlight. As he reaches towards the handle but the door opens up and a fox maid appears out from behind the door, she's just a few inches shorter than Sylvester.

As he reaches towards the handle but the door opens up and a fox maid appears out from behind the door, she's just a few inches shorter than Sylvester

"Ah, Prince Zahav!" The maid smiles. "I haven't seen you in so long!"

"Hello, Scarlatti." Sylvester greets his personal maid, that is a little bit older than him; By ten years. 

"I was thrilled for your return!~" Scarlatti says in delight.

"I think you're the only one."

Scarlatti shakes her head. "Princess Kesef is 'hiding' until you came here and Little Chayil is very excited for your return."

"Zahav!" A young female voice yells.

Sylvester looks past Scarlatti and sees a 13 year old Hellfox, with Red hair and Teal Blue eyes and white sclera. She is wearing a simple golden sun dress. She's about five feet tall(152.4 cm), running towards Sylvester.

"You're here!" Chayil slams Sylvester into a hug, barely moving him as she looks up with a big smile. "Ihaven'tseenyouinsolong!Howareyou?I'mokay,butIwishdadwouldplaywithmeinsteadofdoingwork.ButZorrorishere,he'skindamean.There'sSeere,butshedoesn'treallylikeme.Kesefjustgotdoneplayingwithmeandwentoffsomewhere.SoScarlattiandSilveraretheonlytwopeoplewhoplaywithme." She takes a couple deep breaths. (I'm so sorry.)

Sylvester blinks a few times. "...I'm fine."

"That's great!" Chayil smiles and hugs her elder brother tightly. 

"Now why don't you run off to your room, I'm sure Zahav will play with you later." Scarletti says.

"Okay!" She smiles and runs off.

Sylvester sighs. "She's the only one not to change." 

"She was too young to remember Mrs. Sitri. Everyone misses your mother." Scarletti states.

Sylvester doesn't answer and walks into the mansion. Inside is the definition of wealth. The floor is made out of expensive marble. The pillars leading up to the ceiling have carved ornaments. The walls are covered in expensive paintings that have golden frames. 

There's a large stairwell leading up to the second floor that has a jewel encrusted railing. Marble statues are placed against both sides of the walls. 

"Well, well, well." A mature female voice rings out from the second floor.  

Sylvester looks up the stairs and sees a tall female hellfox with red hair and red eyes and white sclera. She has a bottle of wine in one hand and an empty glass in the other. She has a large bust size, and she's 30. She's 7'' (213.3 cm.)

Koach has hair in a low ponytail over her left shoulder. Her attire consists of a white cravat secured by a silver brooch set with a red stone, as well as a light purple jacket with light sleeves, a wide belt around her waist, a matching pencil skirt with black tights and slippers.

"Koach." Sylvester greets with an emotionless tone.

Koach pours wine into her wine glass and she takes a few steps towards the stairs, stumbling a little. "It's been a L-Little while, since I've seen you." She slurs a couple words.

"You're drunk."

Koach scoffs and takes a drink from her glass. "So, who cares. This family is going to shit anyway." She drinks the rest of the wine in the glass. "I'll do what I want." She walks off, poring more wine into her glass.

"These past years have been hard on everyone." Scarletti.

"Where's my father?" Sylvester gives his maid a side glance.

"He's outside taking care of... business." Scarletti looks away in slight sadness.

Sylvester raises an eyebrow.

"If it isn't the runaway!" An annoying voice says smugly from the top of the stairs.

Sylvester lets out a growl as he looks up the stairs and sees a 15 year old hellfox. He has white hair and no horns, along with red eyes with yellow sclera. He's about 5'8''.(176.7 cm) This annoying little shit has a smug grin on his face.

His attire consists of a short-sleeved white dress shirt, the sleeves fastened just above his elbows by navy blue cuffs, each with twin gold buttons. Over his untucked shirt, he wears a golden vest, with a black handkerchief in his right breast pocket. He also wears a black necktie, navy blue trousers and black dress shoes.

"Zorro." Sylvester says with venom in his voice and he turns to Scalettie. "Leave us." She bows and walks off to another room.

Zorro chuckles as he walks down the stairs. "Don't be like that, we all know I'm going to be the heir to the 'Throne'."

"Like he'll pick you, you're just a bastard." 

Zorro gives a light glare. "Not on paper, and Father and Mother married just after you left."

"He married that blood sucking whore?"

"Hey!" Zorro growls as he reaches the bottom of the stairs. "My mother is not a whore." 

"And I'm fucking Santa. Your mother is a Big. Massive. Gigantic. WHORE!"

Zorro growls and gets into Sylvester's face as he releases a black and red aura. Sylvester glares down at Zorro and releases his dominating aura, making Zorro's ears fold down and Tail get tucked between his legs as he releases a whine.

Sylvester smirks. "Learn your place."

Zorro backs off and starts to run up the stairs. "I'm telling mother!" He runs out of sight.

"Yeah, run off you little shit!" Sylvester huffs and walks up the staircase. 

Sylvester tosses his cigarette but into a nearby ashtray. There are many around the house, since his father and Malina, she quit after she moved out, are heavy smokers. Seere, Zorro's mother, is a light smoker.

Sylvester lights up another cigarette and lets out a large cloud of smoke. As he passes butlers and Maid, of both Fox and Imp races, they bow to him.

Sylvester doesn't pay them any attention as he walks down the hallway, but he stops as he notices something outside in the back of the mansion.

Sylvester looks outside and sees his father and two Hellhound guards standing in front of a cowering Imp butler. One of the guards has a shotgun in his hands.


Mammon Greed, yes his last name is Greed. And that makes Sylvester's full name Zahav Greed. 

Mammon is a tall Hellfox, easily towering over the two tall Hellhounds, who both are 6 Feet(182.88 cm). Being 8'8''(268.2 cm) Mammon makes many people look small. Mammon has red fur and golden hair that looks neat. He has two, two foot long black horns that go up and slightly curve half way. He has two pricing red eyes with yellow sclera. He carries a mostly expressionless face, but his eyes held anger in them, because of the Imp in front of him.

His outfit is an expressive suit.


He has a couple of golden rings with red jewels in them on both hands.

"I'm sorry, sir. Please, just give me another chance." The young Imp butler says.

"You know the punishment of stealing." A gruff and deep voice of Mammon says.

"I-I only stole a small cup, I-I-I needed the money! My mother's very sick and my sister's too young to work. And you barely pay us anything."

Mammon holds out his hand to the hellhound with the shotgun and the guard gives Mammon the gun. Mammon opens the gun and inserts two golden slug rounds. "I've give you a ten second head start."

"But, my King-"

"Starting now." Mammon shuts the shotgun and pulls back the hammers.

The Imp looks fearful as he swiftly turns around and starts running towards the forest. Tears start to pour from his eyes as he runs, thinking about his sick mother and young sister, who just wants to go to school.

Mammon lifts up his shotgun and aims at the Imp.


Mammon fires off a round and it blows off the Imp's right leg and he tumbles to the ground.

"Hmmm." Mammon looks down at the shotgun. "I need to adjust the sight." He walks towards the down Imp, with the two hellhounds following him. 

The Imp crawls along the ground, sobbing and whining from fear and the pain from his missing leg. A large shadow covers him and he looks up to see Mammon glaring down at him. "Please, sir, just give me another chance."

Mammon doesn't say anything and holds the shotgun down at the Imp's face and fires, blowing the Imp's head into pieces. 

Mammon opens the shotgun and two golden shells fly out and he shuts it. Then he hands the shotgun to one of the guards, the tip of the barrels dripping blood. "Get it cleaned."

"Yes, my king." The guard says and walks off, leaving the other guard behind.

Mammon looks back at the mansion and makes eye contact with Sylvester. Sylvester glares at Mammon before walking off.

Sylvester huffs as he walks down the hall. "What an asshole." He mutters to himself.

"Hasn't he always been." A voice says behind him.

Sylvester turns around and sees Malina. "Hey, guess I'm not the only one suffering now."

Malina gives him a light glare. She's wearing the same outfit from when Sylvester visited her. "We both here only so he doesn't do anything to us."

Sylvester rolls his eye. "I'm just here to see who'll become the heir, then never come back here."

"You already know who'll be the heir." Malina walks off.

"I hope you're wrong." Sylvester walks down a hall and comes to a pink jewel encrusted door. 

He's about to open it when he feels a presence behind him. "Seere." Sylvester turns around and looks up to his 'Step Mother.'


Seere is a 6'8'' (207.2 cm.) tall hellfox. She's holding a long cigarette holder. There's an Imp standing just behind her. (Sylvester is 6'2''. 182.9 cm)

"Zahav." Seere glares down to him. "You need to treat your brother with respect. He's the heir to the 'throne'."

Sylvester scoffs. "That little shit, he looks like a girl and he doesn't even have a Hebrew name." All of Mammon's children are named after his favorite things in Hebrew. Zahav is Gold. Kesef is Silver. Koach is power. Chayil is strength. 

"He doesn't look like a girl!" 

"Then where's his horns? All males in the Greed family have horns." 

"H-He's just a late bloomer." Seere stutters. 

Sylvester smirks and lets out a chuckle. "You are a pathetic woman, my mother was such a better person."

"Sitri was weak."

Sylvester glares and he opens his left eye, making Seere a little scared. "What's wrong? Scared? You know you shouldn't insult my mother."

"I-I'll tell y-your father!"

Sylvester let's out a psychotic laugh. "Go ahead, I don't care."

Seere takes a step back. "You should learn that your place is below my son!" She storms off, with her Imp follwing.

Sylvester glares in her direction before he lets out a breath and closes his left eye. He turns around and looks at the pink door. Then opens the door and sees Chayil in the middle of her large room, playing with her stuffed animals.

"Hey, Chayil." Sylvester says in a soft voice.

Chayil smiles and turns around. "Zahav!" She gets up and runs towards her elder brother. "Did you come to play?"

Sylvester smiles and rubs Chayil's hair. "Yes."

Chayil squeals in happiness and she grabs Sylvester's hand and drags him over to her toys. "Oh, I'm soooooooo happy!"

Sylvester smiles and laughs.

A few hours later.

Sylvester is sitting on the ground as Chayil has her head in his lap and she's sleeping. Sylvester softly rubs her head as he looks up to the ceiling.

A knock is heard on the door and Sylvester looks at it. The door opens and Scarletti pops her head in. "Prince Zahav, it's time for the meeting."

Sylvester sighs. "Well-" He looks down at Chayil. "Crap."

Sylvester groans in annoyance as he looks back up to the ceiling. "Mom, grant me the strength to not try and kill Seere and Zorro." He gently lifts up Chayil and puts her on the large pink bed and he walks to the door. "Let's get this over with."

Sylvester walks of out the room and Scarletti follows him.

"Mrs, Seere has been throwing a fit over what you said for the past few hours." Scarletti informs. 

Sylvester gains an amused smirk. "Really."

"Yes, Prince. So has Zorro."

Sylvester chuckles. "You must be enjoying that."

"It would be improper of a lowly maid to miss speak about her superiors."

"You didn't say no." Sylvester points out.

"As I said, it would be improper of me." Scarletti says with a smirk. 

"This is why I've always enjoyed having you around."

A few minutes later.

Sylvester and his maid come to a large silver and gold door. 

"Good luck, Prince." Scarletti gives a curtsy and walks away.

Sylvester lets out a long sigh. "Satan, give me strength."

Sylvester opens the door and inside is a large golden table, and Mammon is at the head of it, with Zorror and Seere around the corner on his left. Koach and Malina are around the right. Koach is drinking from a wine glass.

"You finally join us, Zahav, or Zdara or Sylvester. What ever name you give yourself." Mammon says.

Sylvester sits at the opposite end of the table from Mammon. "Yeah, nice to see you too."

"Why don't you sit closer, my son." Mammon motions to the open seat next to Malina.

"Yeah, no. I want to as far away from you as I can."

"Still being rebellious I see."

Sylvester huffs.

"Can we get on with this meeting?" Zorro asks.

Mammon nods. "Yes. I've finally decided who'll be my heir when I feel like retiring from my title of being Ruler of the Greed Ring." Zorro and Seere look at the three siblings with smug looks. While the three just glare at them. "...It's be Zahav."

It's silent for a few seconds. "WHAT?!" Sylvester, Seere and Zorro yell.

"I'm glad it's not me." Koach gives a large drink from her wine bottle.

Malina sighs in relief.

"Why him/me?!" Sylvster, Seere and Zorro yell.

"I'm much more of a fit then the runaway!" Zorro shouts.

"Yeah, he's nothing but a disgrace to the family." Seere states.

"I've made my desision." Mammon.

"But-" Seere start.

"You will keep your mouth closed, woman." Mammon glares at Seere. "Zorro hardly looks the part of being the King of the Greed Ring. For Satan's sake he looks like a girl! I will not have a girl or even a boy that looks like a girl, ruling the Greed Ring."

"I'm a late bloomer!" Zorro says.

"Just your mouth boy, before I shut it for you." Mammon orders.

Zorro shrinks down in his seat. Seere is flabbergasted. 

Mammon turns back to Sylvester. "We'll just have to get that dye out of your hair and wait for your horns to grow."

Sylvester slams his head into the table. "Fuck me."

"And we'll have to get you a wife."

"I'm fine without one!" Sylvester growls.

Mammon raises an eyebrow. "I've heard rumors that you have a few 'lady friends'. I've never really cared for Harems, your grandfather had one before he 'passed away'. I can't handle that many women, they're so needy and high maintenance."

"I won't marry anyone you pick and that's final." Sylvester glares.

"You know, I heard that Stolas was involved in the burning of my Loo Loo land." Mammon states and Sylvester's eye widens in slight fear. "I built that place to honor my best friend Lucifer."

"What are you saying?" Sylvester asks.

"Stolas has some land that I want, and he has a daughter."

Sylvester stands up and slams his hands on the table. "I'm not marrying Ocatvia. She and Stolas already have enough on their plate as is, I don't want to pile it on with a marriage." 

Mammon gives Sylvester a little smirk, which scares him. "I could just have Stolas Punished, have his title ripped away."

Sylvester grips the tides of the table and grits his teeth. "Give me a month to decide." He says wanting to give himself time to inform Stolas.

Mammon smiles. "I can work with that."

Sylvester sighs in sadness. 'Fuck! Sorry Stolas, I know you're in a rough patch, but I don't want you to lose your title.' 

"Now that has been decided, it's time to leave your job at I.M.P." Mammon says. "I.M.P. how did someone let an Imp start his own business and how can you work for one. It's a disgrace to the family." Sylvester gives a low growl. "Then you'll come and live here and forget your life from before."

"No." Sylvester says softly.

"What did you say?"

"No!" Sylvester growls at his father. 

"Do you forget who your talking too?"

"I'm talking to a massive asshole!"

Mammon gives a look of displeasure. "We'll get the phase out of you, and you'll be like me in no time."

"I'll never be like you!"

Mammon smugly smiles. "I said the same thing to my father, but look where I am. I was exactly like you, rebellious and everything, but in the end I crawled back to my father and became the Ruler of the Greed Ring."

Sylvester smirks to himself. "Then you were weak."

Mammon grows angry and slams a fist into the table. "What did you call me?!"

Koach and Malina slightly smile at their father's anger. Zorro and Seere look on in fear.

Sylvester smugly smiles. "I called you weak." He pushes his chair back and heads for the door.

"You come back here and apologize, right now!" Mammon orders in anger.

Sylvester laughs. "Fuck off, old man. I don't care." He opens the door.


"It's Sylvester, dumbass!" Sylvester slams the door shut behind him as he leaves with a laugh, his father angry yells become muffled.

Scarletti walks over to him. "How was the meeting Prince."

"Joyful." Sylvester says sarcastically. 




Sylvester is in the back of the mansion along the tree line. He's standing in front of two graves. A cigarette is in his mouth.

One is Tamiel, his grandfather and the other is Sitri, his mother. 

"Hey, sorry I haven't visited in a while." Sylvester starts talking to the graves. "A lot of shit has happened." He sighs. "I don't want to be the Ruler of Greed Ring, I don't even want to be near this Ring. But that bastard wants to ruin everything." He puts a hand up to his eyes. "Fuck! I just want to live a normal life, with a normal family!" He releases a shaky breath.  

"King of Greed is the right title for that asshole." Sylvester lowers his hand and stares up to the sky. "He should also be the King of Selfishness. Doesn't think about anyone but himself."

Sylvester puts a hand through his hair. "I... uh... I guess it's time for me to go. I need to make it up to someone and I kinda want a hug, so maybe talk yo you guys soon."

Sylvester turns around and walks off, not noticing that Malina is looking at him from a window in the mansion with a sad look.





A knocking is heard and Blitzo gets off the couch with an annoyed look.

"Who knocks at someone's door at like 8 PM!" Bltizo complains and he grabs the door handle. "I swear if it's a girl scout, I'll-" he opens the door and sees Sylvester. "Sylvester!"

Sylvester gives a soft smile. "H-Hey, Blitzo. M-Mind if I come in?"

"I-uh, Sure." Blitzo moves out of the way and Sylvester walks in. Then he shuts the door and turns around. "What is-"

(I don't know why, but I wanted to put this here.)

He's suddenly hugged by Sylvester. "Sylvester?" Blitzo questions.

A few tears fall from Sylvester's eyes. "Sorry, I just really need this."

Blitzo holds out his arms to hug Sylvester, but he stops for a few moments before wrapping them around his son.

"I-I just had a bad day, so I-" Sylvester starts but Blitzo cuts him off.

"It's fine." He says with a smile. "I'll be here anytime."

Sylvester hugs Blitzo tighter. "Thank you."

After about a minute Sylvester lets go of the hug and wipes his eyes. "That felt good."

The door to Loona's room opens and she pokes her head out and spots Sylvester. "Sylvester?"

Sylvester turns around. "Oh, uh... hey, Loona." He gives a nervous smile and waves.

"H-hey." She steps out of her room.

Blitzo sneaks away.

"I-I.. I, uh, wanted to apologies for what I said." Sylvester rubs the back of his head.

"No, no. It's okay, you had a reason." Loona rubs her arm.

"No, it wasn't... You want to go and get some dinner?"

"A-Are you asking me on a d-d-date?" Loona blushes.

"Why the hell not." Sylvester then gains a smirk.

"I'd like that."

Sylvester holds his hand out. "I know a good place."

Loona grabs his hand. "I hope so."

Blitzo is off to the side. "Awww, they're so cute."



4140 words

(This was longer than I thought it was gonna be, so I hope you enjoyed it.)


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