One Helluva Fox

S2: Zahav, Prince of Greed

Many Years Ago

Inside the mansion of Greed we move into a large room with two large beds. One with golden sheets and a gold bed frame. The other has Silver sheets and a silver bed frame.

In the golden bed we see a young Zahav, sleeping. His golden hair is all messy, he has short six in horns that curve halfway up.

He's holding onto a demonic looking red teddy bear. Suddenly a small body slams onto Zahav.

"Zahav! Wake up!" His one year younger sister, Kesef yells.

Kesef has long red hair tied into a pony tail and bright red eyes that hold much excitement. She's wearing a dress woven with silver threads. She's 4'1'' (124.9 cm)

Zahav groans and pulls the bed sheets. "Five more minutes."

"But Zahav, the sun's out and it's a perfect day to play outside!" Kesef whines.

Zahav shoots up and his two red eyes looks at his sister in excitement. "Outside?!"


The door to the room opens. "Now, now. Kesef, you know not to get Zahav all excited. It's not good for his weak heart." A deep, but gentle voice comes from the doorway.

The two children look at the door and see their Grandfather, Tamiel. He's a very tall Hellfox, being 9 feet tall (274.3 cm). He has red fur but has black fur on the tip of his tail and his ears are black. 

His eyes are golden with black sclera. He has golden hair and two large horns that are three feet tall, they slightly curve halfway up. His most prominent feature is the two large black wings on his back.

Tamiel is wearing a red suit.

"Grandpa!" The two siblings yell as they get up and run over to their grandfather and hug him.

Zahav is just a couple inches taller than his younger sister. 4'3'' (131 cm).

Tamiel smiles and hugs them back. "Now, it's time for breakfast."

The two little fox hounds smile. "Is father gonna be there this time?"

Tamiel chuckles and scratches his cheek. "He's uh... busy, with... Ruling the Greed Ring. But your mother and elder sister will be there."

"Mommy!" The two children smile. "Will you be there?"

Tamiel smiles. "It's kinda creepy when you both talk at the same time." The two children just blink up at him. "I'm sorry, but your grandmas want me to eat with them."

"Awww." The two siblings' ears droop, causing Tamiel to panic.

"I-I...uh... I'll eat dinner with you two and your mother tonight." He quickly says.

"Yaaaa!" The two kids cheer.

"I'll have Scarletti guide you two to the dining room." Tamiel stops hugging them and walks out of the room. 

An 18 year old Scarletti walks into the room. "Mr, Zahav, Miss Kesef, are you two ready for breakfast?" She says with a smile.

"Yes!" The two say together... again.

"Then let's go." Scarletti holds her hands out and the two siblings grab on and the maid leads the siblings out of the room.

The siblings giggle as they run ahead of Scarletti and start to drag her down the hallway. 

"Please slow down, your royal highness'." Scarlettie begs as she stumbles a few times.

The siblings just giggle and after a few minutes they reach the dining room.

The siblings push the door open and run into the room.

Inside is Koach, with her red hair done up in a bun. She has a flat chest. Koach is wearing a simple red and black dress.

And Sitri, the mother of the three children, sits across from Koach.


The two younger kids around around the table, with Kesef chasing Zahav.

"Kids." Sitri calls out. "Kids, please calm down."

Scarletti bows. "Sorry, Ma'am. They woke up really hyper."

Sitri waves off Scarletti. "It's fine. Go get some breakfast and come back within an hour."

"As you wish." Scarletti stands up and walks out of the room.

Koach rolls her eyes at her younger siblings. "They're so annoying."

"Koach!" Sitri lightly glares. "They're only 7 and 8 years old."

Koach scoffs and crosses her arms. "They need to act like they're titles."

Sitri just shakes her head and claps her hands a few times. "Children, come and sit now, or there'll be no chocolate truffle cake."

Suddenly the two kids appear in the seats next to Sitri. With Zahav being next to his mother and Kesef sitting next to him.

Sitri pats their heads and they purr. "Good kids."

Koach rolls her eyes.

Then Sitri's personal imp walks into the room, pushing a cart with multiple trays on it.

"Yeah!" Zahav cheers and he lets out a few coughs. His mother rubs his back.

"Remember, try to be calm." Sitri says.

"Yes, mom."

Kesef starts to bang her hands on the table. "I want food! I want food!"

"Stop it!" Koach yells.

Kesef sticks her tongue out at Koach.

"Mother!" Koach calls out.

"Will you two stop!" Sitri groans. "Ixtal, please start with Kesef."

"As you wish." The female Imp now know as Ixtal, puts a tray down in front of Kesef and lifts up the lid.


"Yaaaaay!" Kesef starts to grab her food and eat it with her hands.

"Kesef! Manners!" Stiri scolds and Ixtal places a tray in front of her and Zahav.

"But mooooom..." 

"Use your fork."

Kesef whines as she grabs her fork and eats food properly. 

Zahav grabs his fork and starts to eat his food.

"Animals." Koach mutters as she starts to eat.

"Koach!" Sitri warns. 

"What? They eat like animals!"

"Koach is being mean, no wonder mom doesn't like her." Zahav whispers to Kesef, causing the girl to giggle.

"You little shit!" Koach slams her hand on the table.

"Koach! Langue!" Sitri yells.

Koach groans and she stands up and starts to walk out of the room.

"Where are you going?" Sitri asks.

"Some place where I don't have to listen to those two little shits!" Koach slams the door open and storms out of the room.

Sitri puts a hand on her head and rubs it. "Who knew being a mother was hard."

She then hears Zahav and Kesef giggling and she looks over and her jaw drops. 

The two kids are covering each other with food. 

"Children!" Sitri shrieks. "What are you doing?!"

The two kids freeze and slowly turn to their mother. "Having fun?" They say.

Sitri puts her hands on her face and slowly pulls them down. "I'm gonna need a drink."

An hour later

Zahav and Kesef are sitting in a large golden bathtub that's filled with water and bubbles, with Scarletti washing them.

Zahav smirks and he splashes water onto Kesef.

"Hey!" Kesef yells in anger.

"Now, your Royal Highness', please don't make a mess." Scarletti asks.

"Take this!" Kesef yells and she splashes some water onto Zahav.


"Yaaaa!" Zahav yells and splashes water onto Keses.


The two children start to splash each other, but then they stop when they hear angry growling. 

The two children turn to Scarletti and she's staring at the two children in anger with her eyes glowing red. She's completely wet and her uniform is soaked. 

"Uh oh." The two kids say and they quickly back away from each other and sit down.

Scarletti then smiles brightly. "There we go." She grabs some soap and starts to wash the children's hair.




A pair of red fox ears poke out from around a corner of a hallway. They twitch a couple times before the owner of the ears peeks around the corner. 

Kesef's red eyes look around the corner. "It's clear."

Kesef and Zahav run around the corner and they laugh as they run down the hall.

Suddenly a door opens and someone walks out and Zahav accidentally runs into them.

"Oof!" Zahav falls to the ground.

"Oh, I'm terribly sorry." Zahav looks up to the voice and sees a young adult Stolas and he  reaches down and helps Zahav up. "I hope your not hurt."

Zahav shakes his head. "No, I have a thick skull!"

"I-uh- that's good I guess?" 

"I'm Zahav!" He greets and does a superhero like pose.

"Oh, I'm Stolas. It's nice to meet you." 

Zahav smiles. "Does this make us friends?!"

Stolas nervously smiles. "Maybe?"

Zahave smile grows. "Wow, you're my first friend."

"Oh, well-"

"Zahav!" Kesef yells from down the hall.

"Coming!" Zahav yells and he looks back up to Stolas. "I'll see you later, Stolas."

Zahav runs around Stolas and runs towards Kesef while laughing.

"What an interesting kid." Stolas says.




Kesef and Zahav have reached outside the mansion and they're in the backyard.

Zahav is following Kesef, but suddenly he stops and starts to take many labored breaths. Zahav stops and bends over and puts his hands on his knees.

Kesef stops running and looks back at her older brother. "Come on, Zahav!"

"I...I c-can't breath." Zahav sits on the ground and takes more labored breaths.

Kesef walks over to Zahav and sits next to him. "Darn your small heart! It ruins a lot of our fun!"

"...Sorry..." Zahav says between breathes. 

Kesef puts her head onto Zahav's shoulder. "I'm fine with it being like this." She closes her eyes as Zahav tries to catch his breath. 




It's nighttime in Zahav and Kesef's room and they're running around. Their mother is trying to calm them down.

"Children, children, please calm down!" Sitri calls out. "It's bed time." They don't listen to her. "If you go to bed now, I'll sing a song."

"A song?!" The two kids yell and they jump into their beds and get below the sheets. Zahav takes a few deep breaths. 

"Good." Sitri smiles to herself. "Now what to sing." She mutters to herself. "Oh, I know!"

Sitri clears her throat and starts to sing.

"Come Little Children
I'll take thee away~
Into a land of enchantment~"

The two kids look at their mother in awe.

"Come Little Children
The time's come to play.
Here in my garden of

Sitri dances around the room as she sings.

"Follow sweet children
I'll show thee the way.
Through all the pain and the sorrows~"

She goes around and slowly blows out all the candles in the room.

"Weep not poor children
For life is this way
Murdering beauty and passions~"

Zahav and Kesef's eyes start to grow heavy.

"Hush now dear children
It must be this way
To weary of life and deceptions~"

Kesef yawns and rubs her eyes. Zahav grabs his demonic red teddy bear and hugs it.

"Rest now my children
For soon we'll away 
Into the calm and the quiet~"

Sitri dances around the room and water seems to flow behind her as she dances and hums.

Sitri dances towards her children and rubs their heads as they slowly fall asleep.

"Come little children
I'll take thee away
Into a land of enchantment~"

Sitri smiles as she watches her children fall into a land of slumber.

"Come little children
The time's come to play
Here in my garden of

Sitri uses her mater magic to snuff out the last candle and she walks to the door. "Good night my sweet children." She walks out.




Mammon looks out a window from his office. His father, Tamiel, is over at a book case, reading a book.

"The children are growing up nicely." Tamiel says with a smile.

Mammon scoffs. "Koach is a brat who doesn't listen. Kesef is a wild animal and Zahav...." He groans. "Zahav is a weak child who'll never amount to anything."

Tamiel sighs. "You need to be more considerate." His black wings wings fluff a little. 

Mammon glares at his father's reflection in the window. "You're the one that told me that power was everything."

"That was to give you motivation."

"It gave me motivation that led me to kill my five other siblings." Mammon states.

"I do regret giving you that advice."

Mammon gives a light growl and he grabs a large golden candle stick in front of him and he takes the candle out. "I wish you never made me marry Sitri, she's given me nothing but disappointments."

"Well, I owed Asmodeus a favor for making out bloodline immune to sexual diseases." Tamiel says as he flips another page in his book.

The golden candle stick morphs into a golden short sword. "And that was for me to marry his cousin?"

"He wanted that."

"Her twin sister looks better and has produced me a male heir." Mammon says.

"You cheated on your wife?"

"Like I said, Sitri's given me nothing but disappointments." Mammon silently walks to his father. 

"I wish you wouldn't take about your wife like that."

"You've just grown weak old man." Mammon's sword lights up in flames. 

"Mammon I-" Tamiel coughs up blood. "Huh?" He shakily looks down and sees a golden sword piercing through his chest where his heart is. "Mammon?"

"I don't need weak people in my life." Mammon says as he rips the sword out of his father's chest and Tamiel falls to his knees. 

"But, but..." Tamiel falls onto his back and his lifeless eyes stare up to the ceiling.

Mammon looks down at his father's corpse and scoffs. 





Rain pours from the sky as a casket is lowered into a grave.

Zahav and Kesef are bawling their eyes out as they look down into the grave. Koach is behind them and she wipes tears from her eyes.

Sitri is standing next to Koach and she has a sad look on her face.

Mammon is off at the edge of the mansion with a hellhound guard holding an umbrella over his head. 

Mammon looks at Zahav. "This could be the start of greatness for you."

14 Years Later

Inside Stolas's house he wakes up, looking dejected. 


Stolas groans and gets dressed in his robe, goes to his boudoir, and takes a bottle of pills.

He goes to his library and opens up his grimoire, in the window behind him Blitzo appears and sees the magic floating out of the book. 


Stolas tries to pull open the window to get inside. Stolas closes the book and walks away. He did not see Blitzo. Blitzo falls off the window.

Stella's muffled voice is heard. "Yes, together we're-" The rest is to muffled to hear.

Stolas checks on a sleeping Octavia and then wanders into his kitchen where Stella is loudly having a phone call.

"I know still being married isn't a big enough occasion." Stella says into the phone. "But, to be fair, it's no picnic being married to a boring stiff like Stolas."

Stolas looks as though he wants to speak to her, but she holds up an index finger at him and he instead walks away to his kitchen table to drink his morning drink. He uses magic to open up and hold the newspaper up in front of him. It reads "Not Divorced: Anniversary Party! Couples only"


"Stella, what in Hell is this?" Stolas asks.

"Ugh, Stolas. You know I like throwing parties. Plus, it's true, so you know you can come if you want." Stella flips her hair feathers and walks away with the butler, who is holding the receiver of the phone.

Stolas sighs and takes a sip of his drink. He then gets up and goes to the living room where a phone is and he dials someone up.



An adult Sylvester is sleeping on his bed with a cigarette butt hanging from his mouth.

Suddenly his phone starts to ring.

Sylvester snorts and the cigarette butt falls into his mouth and he swallows it.

Sylvester then sits up and starts to roughly cough as he beats onto his chest. Sylvester coughs and he beats his chest hard and the cigarette butt flies out his mouth.

"Fuck!" He voice cracks a little as he coughs a few times. He then picks up his phone and answers it. "Hello."

"Sylvester, my friend!" Stolas cheerfully says on the other end of the phone.

"Stolas? Why are you calling so early?"

"Sylvester, it's 10:37."

Sylvester blinks a few times. "Why are you calling so early?"

Stolas sighs. "I uh, need a favor?"

Sylvester rubs his right eye. "Uh, sure, what ya need?"

"Stella's throwing a party-"

"Didn't she just throw one like last week?" 

"...Yes. As I was saying, I need someone to at least help keep my sanity while it's going on."

Sylvester sighs. "You know I don't like being near that woman."

"I know, but please."

Sylvester lowers his phone for a few seconds as he puts a hand through his red hair before raising his phone up again. "I'll be there."


"When is it?" 


Sylvester groans. "Fuuuuuck." He sighs. "See you later tonight then."






Stolas takes a drink from a fancy goblet as he looks around to the guest strew about the ball room.

Stella laughs loudly as she is with two of her bird friends. "No! Stolas is terrible in bed! I swear to fuck, he just lays there staring at the wall, and I have to do everything! It's embarrassing." She sighs. "I'm glad one egg fell out of me, so I could stop pretending to want to fuck his scrawny twig ass."

Stella makes a loud drink sip sound and then even louder laugh as she tosses one of her two glasses behind her and the glass shatters. Her friends laugh with her.

Stolas is standing not too far away from the group, clearly hearing everything that's being said about him to his immense displeasure.


Stella and her entourage walk away laughing.

Stella turns to look directly at Stolas. "What a pathetic fucking man.

Stolas snarls like an angry owl.

"What a bitch." Sylvester walks up next to Stolas, wearing his detective looking outfit and smoking a cigar.

Stolas gives Sylvester a warm smile. "Sylvester, you made it."

Sylvester blows out a large cloud of smoke. "Yeah, sorry I'm late. Had to spend the last hour convincing the guards to let me in."

"Sorry about that, Stella doesn't like you very much."

Sylvester scoffs. "She can bite my red furry ass."

Stolas chuckles and Sylvester hands him a bottle of absinthe. 

"I think you'll need this." Sylvester says.

"Thank you." He pours a little into his goblet and sips it.

Stella's muffled laughter is heard. " Poor people! Ugh, I'm so glad that they're not allowed into this thing. I don't want them anywhere near me." She laughs. "Can you imagine if you didn't have money?" She laughs derogatorily. 

Sylvester growls as he glares at the woman's back.

Stolas looks to the bottle of absinthe and just chugs it.

"Stolas, sir?" Someone says from the side.

Stolas and Sylvester look to the person and they both cough and choke a little.

"I'm fine!" Stolas says.

Two Hellhound guards holding Blitzo up between them one looks more wolf-like and the other looks like a dachshund.


Sylvester looks confused as he stares at Blitzo.

The right Hellhound speaks. "We caught this nasty imp trying to sneak into your chambers, what should we do with him?"

"Into my chambers, really?" Stolas asks. "Oh, well. That is, concerning." He clears his throat. "Leave him to me, will handle him accordingly." He blushes.

The two Hellhounds unceremoniously drop Blitzo. Stolas hands Sylvester the bottle of alcohol. 

"Follow me, imp." Stolas walks past and Bltizo follows, glaring around the room, before waving to Sylvester.

Sylvester gives a confused wave. 

Sylvester looks down at the bottle in his hands before taking a large swig. "Satan, I hate parties."


Stolas blinks awake, groaning in pain. He's lying next to a bottle of absinthe. He's still wearing his outfit from Ozzie's, though now his mascara is running down his cheeks. He goes and takes his pills which are labeled "Stolas' Happy Pills". 

He turns on his phone and scrolls through his photos which is a series of pictures of Blitzo or things related to Blitzo. Stolas begins to sing.

"♫ Owl in a cage ♫

♫ You show your age ♫
♫ Your sweetness has run foul ♫

♫ Without a change you're lost, exhausted ♫
♫ By your time on stage ♫

♫ Then you walked in my room ♫
♫ And like sparks in the dark ♫
♫ Life was suddenly thrilling and new ♫

♫ What between you and I ♫
♫ Just a comfortable lie ♫
♫ I'm the fool who believes when you look in my eyes ♫

♫ Prince, all alone, upon your throne ♫
♫ Your power is so frail ♫
♫ You raise your voice ♫
♫ You have no choice ♫
♫ Inside your gilded jail ♫"

The noise of footsteps; Stella walks up behind him being dramatic on the balcony. "The fuck are you doing?"

"Reflecting." Stolas says without looking back.

"Well, stop. It's annoying to hear you screeching your silly woes all the time."

Stolas turns around. "Why are you still here? You leave with Via on weekends, but then you stay around the house despite everything."

Stella smiles as she takes a few steps towards Stolas. "I like tormenting you. I want to keep reminding you of what you did.:

"I know what I did. I would feel bad if I hurt you, but we both know I didn't do that. You and I were arranged for one reason; to birth a precautionary heir to the Goetia family, nothing more. I tried so many years to make it comfortable for us; to have this family, but it was never enough. The only reason I have endured your constant insults and cruelty was for that girl to have a normal life. ...I cannot do this anymore. I want you out. Now." Stolas points towards the door.

Stella glares. "What do you mean, out?"

"I mean out! Out of this place, out of my life! We are getting The Divorce!"

"How dare you?!" Stella steps forwards as Stolas shrinks backwards looking slightly frightened of her. "What do you think the rest of the Goetia family will think?" Her hand moves towards Stolas to backhand his face. "Andrealphus-!"

Stolas catches her hand, stopping it before it can hit his face and cutting her off. "I don't care what your arrogant brother thinks! And the only thing the Goetia family wanted from our marriage is already 17. So, it's over! I'm DONE!"

Stella stares intensely, then pulls her hand away from him in a silent rage. "Fine. I have no desire to stay in the place of a traitorous embarrassment. You have fallen from what little grace you had, and I know you'll pay for it."

Stella walks away. Stolas sighs, collapses onto the balcony and looks up at the sky. Then Stolas walks back into his room.

"T-that was intrrresting." A voice slurs his words.

Stolas looks towards the voice and sees Sylvester, still in his suit, albeit a bit dirty, sitting in a chair with a large bottle of vodka in his hands. His right eye is slightly open. "Sylvester."

"The onnnnnne and only!" Sylvester smiles and hiccups.

"Have you been drinking?"

"I uh... I started last night and um... haven't stopped I guess." Sylvester slurs. 

Stolas walks over to Sylvester and kneels down next to him. "Why are you here?"

"I-I...uh... my family had a meeting yesterday..." Sylvester takes a swig. "And I'm the fucking new-" He hiccups. "Hair...heir.... to the Greed Ring."

"Oh, I'm sorry my friend." Stolas sits on the ground next to the chair.

Sylvester takes a large swing from the bottle. "And that's not the worst part!" Sylvester hiccups and leans back into the chair. "My father found out that you were involved in the burning of Loo Loo land and he's not happy about it."

Stolas eye's widen. "Oh no."

"Oh, fucking, no is right!" Sylvester takes a big swig. "And he says I need a wife."

"Don't tell me."

"He made a deal with the Goetia family to get me married to Octavia, but I managed to hold off to give my answer if I want to or not by the end of the month." Sylvester sighs and rubs his face. "I'm sooooo sorry Stolas."

"What happens if you don't."

"He'll strip you of your title and probably do another painful experiment on me."

Stolas let's out a shaky breath.

"I-I tried to stop him, but he wouldn't take no for an answer."

Stolas puts a hand over his mouth. "I'll talk to Octavia about this."

"Please do, I didn't want to make your life harder than it already was." Sylvester takes a swing. "But my father's an asshole who only thinks for himself."

Stolas sighs and hangs his head. "Thank you for telling me."

Sylvester stands up and pats Stolas' back. "Eh, what are friends for." He heads for the balcony. 

"Where are you going?" Stolas asks.

"Home." Sylvester walks to the edge of the balcony.

"But the exits the other way."

"Trust m-" Sylvester stumbles over the edge and Stolas quickly gets up and looks over the edge, just to see Sylvester stumbling away, seemingly not hurt.


(I feel bad for Stolas.)


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