One Piece: Overlord Buggy

Conversation Night

AN: I'm gonna try something new here, it would be great to know if this format is better

POV: Senco, Before Night

I had finally gotten back to the church with bandages wrapped around my chest, as my personal doctor had found several broken ribs, and several fractures going down my spine. Not only that, but my neck had been causing me slight pain throughout the day, the back of my head was also causing me pain, and I had a headache from both.

'I cannot believe that brat actually did this much to me! I haven't felt pain like that since I first left the Cathedral! That power he weilds is tremendous, and could rival an Apostle! No, the Apostles held their own power back if they did such a thing.. But what could be the key to his power? Having one of those would possibly explain it, but that was just strength! It must be that other personality! That must be the key to his power! Xeta has told me before that he was terrifying, and seeing for myself, it's power that is terrifying, not him! It has to be connected to that personality, otherwise, how would be be able to do it? But how did he do it? Perhaps I will have to keep tabs on him for later...'

Being helped to the end of the building to the table due to the pain coursing through my back and neck, a seat had been procured to rest myself upon, and slowly set myself upon a magnificent carved, bejeweled, wooden throne. Seeing as I had been sat down, I let out a short grunt, and those who helped me to this seat of mine, immediately started moving a table to a position right in front of me. They then bowed before exiting through a doorway to the right side of me.

Alone, I continued my thoughts.

'That fruit should give me power akin to the Apostles, if not more! And I can surely find his true intentions thanks to it's power! It will no longer be just a precaution, I will finally take a step closer to becoming an Apostle myself, and have everything I could ever want! Only a few obstacles, like Buggy, this island, and the commitment to never swim again are in my way!'

Letting a smirk appear on my face, the doors to my right opened, and plates of both fresh baked bread, accompanied by avery small variety of other foods, including fruits and vegetables.

'I cannot simply continue these thoughts like this. There is plenty of time to procure a proper plan, but there is not plenty of time to heal from these injuries. Surely, some food will accelerate my own healing, right? It is a shame that there was no way to grow meat on this island, but some of the best bread and fruits will have to suffice.'

As soon as the food was set in front of me on my table, which matched my throne, I dismissed the people, and started eating alone in the church. But as soon as I picked up a loaf of bread, I heard someone yelling and causing a ruckus, singlehandedly.

"Sensen! What do I do!?"

My meal had been interrupted by the main doors being thrown open, and Xetalona violently stomped her way down towards me, as if both angry, and confused about something while nearing me.

"Xeta, what brings you here at this time? Normally, we would have our meetings earlier, and less frequently."

Taking a look at the nearing Xetalona, I noticed slight bags under her eyes. The rest of her expression conveyed the face of someone torn between two sides of one decision. Had I not noticed the slight bags under her eyes, I would have only known she had been stuck in a hard to make decision between a rock and a hard place.

'She looks ragged. What would have caused this? Or.. did Buggy cause this? I swore I wouldn't think about him while eating, but it seems as though I can't catch a break.'

Xetalona ended up on the opposite side of the table, food in the way. As done previously, she had slammed something, but rather than doors, it had been against the table. I did notice the plates and trays had shifted slightly, but ignored it.

"I don't know what to do!"

"... What do you not know what to do about?"

Retracting her hands from the table, she started her normal explanation, or rant, movements, where her hands moved around to exaggerate what she was speaking about.

"Well, Buggy promised... He PROMISED he wouldn't let THOSE eyes appear, and somehow the conversation was about you, and I don't have the new plans for the Ark Valus!"

'Those eyes are mentioned again. His power may truly be from this "other personality". And I was a point of conversation? There truly has to be more than what I have found about him.'

"...Would you like to elaborate on that?"

"O-on what? All of it?"

"Preferably all of it, but could you first start with.. the eyes."

"Oh. Okay. Uhm.. he promised to not let those eyes appear so as to not do anything to me.. but we started to talk a little bit, and they showed up. Out of almost nowhere, i was just petrified of his presence.. I only barely looked at his eyes for a second, and I felt like I couldn't breathe..."

'His, or his personality's power truly does rival an Apostle if he can do such a thing. I don't remember any of the apostles NOT being able to do such a thing.'

"So, how did the conversation get to such a point?"

"That's... That's because we were talking about you."

"And what were you talking about me about?"

"He kept accusing you of being a bad person, but the things you do are for the greater good, right? I believe you're a good guy, so I couldn't just let your name be slandered!"

'The conversation was about me being a bad person? I mean I am, but I shall repent for all those transgressions when the time comes.'

"I see. And what accusations was he slandering my name with?"

"He thinks you're blackmailing me.. and that you did something to the other people on the island.. and that you would've killed my parents..."

Her voice slowly got quieter and quieter, until she just stopped talking. I could tell she had finished what she was talking about, and I was in my thoughts.

'I AM blackmailing you, and I would've killed your parents back when I first met them, had I not decided to use them against you, but you don't need to know that, since you were an idiot child, and still don't realize I'm using you. As for the people of the island, they were starved for any experience from someone outside, and any possible hope of leaving thanks to their ancestors promising their children to be able to leave. So they just joined like sheep when that hope appeared, and yes, I did indoctrinate them a little, but they didn't care, nor did I, since they only helped me in the end. But that is only to have my own followers for when I become an Apostle. Anudikelto, you know I don't really like anything your previous apostles taught, my fated afterlife is already sealed, where I will repent, but I do hope you take into account the people I brought to you as well when the time comes.'

I had gone through several loaves of bread, and had started on one of the other plates of food, this one being apples. Taking a bite into one of them, the taste finally hit me, reminding me of something.

'When I get off this rock, I'll go and get some meat from Naha of Nitefelle, at least I know it'll be of the best quality, and my life of luxury can continue to grow in extravagance!'

The apple was still in my hand, and the juice from it ran down my chin. Not caring, I wiped it off my face using the robes I was wearing as a napkin. Breaking the silence that had infested the hall, I set the apple with a bite taken out of it on the now almost empty plate of apple cores and asked Xetalona a question.

"So? What was the other thing you spoke of?"

She shook her head a little, and returned to our conversation.

"I don't know if I can trust him like that! Where I end up on the receiving end of.. whatever is making me scared! I asked him to teach me, but right now, after all that, I just don't want to feel that fear again! I don't want that chance!"

That was news to me.

"... Teach you? What would that br- person be able to teach you? Aren't you already extremely knowledgeable? Isn't that why I asked for your help?"

Her body stiffened, and she raised a finger, rambling slightly.

"Y-yoy see, uhm.. I-I-I thought I told you... Maybe I didn't?"

"What would you have told me?"

"He made new plans for the Ark Valus, and I wanted to learn how to design like him.. so I asked him to teach me..."

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