One Piece: Overlord Buggy

Supposed To Be A Nice Chat

Rosalina had a point. As for how I responded to such a statement, a simple, yet complex answer.

"Yes, I know that it's a weird thing, and I don't think I can get rid of it. It's like a habit."

Silence came from the other end for at least, or what felt like, a couple minutes. I overheard from Rosalina quietly over the snail "This is new, but I do not need to address this issue as of right now. It can be put off until after this one is over with." Which was promptly followed by a very short sigh and something much more audible.

"Putting that conversation off for now, I have a possible way for you to interact with the other personalities within your mind. It is almost purely theoretical, but I have had a very short amount of time to test such an ability. As for the little bit of testing I have done, it has gone very well, although it has only been tested on Djane, considering he is the only entity on this island that I am willing to use as a test subject. For a subject like yourself however, I will need more time to develop an ability for Rem to use effectively and not damage your soul in the process. It would be preferred that I personally do this, but all of the work I am doing at the moment would go to waste if I were to.. perhaps leave for more than around a day. Although, I have no doubt that Rem can perform this.. contact.. within your soul without issue once a full ability has been developed, so you do not have to worry. As for something to take into consideration, I have never done something like this, and I am personally shocked that I have made even some of the progress currently within such a short amount of time. Something else to take into consideration is that I have also been doing work on this mobile shipyard for several hours, alongside working with this bounty hunting group, while also working on this issue of yours, simultaneously."

"Hmm. So.. you're not done?"

'I would've thought that someone with such a long time of having the ability to just command souls to do whatever she wants, this would have come up at least once, but I guess not since its taken longer than it should have. No, all that work at the same time.. I probably would have taken even longer than her to do the same amount of work, and I probably still wouldn't be done. I'm glad someone competent is doing these things.'

Replaying her most recent words in my mind, I, in a compulsory manner, spoke, correcting some of my own words.

"But you're doing a couple other things at the same time, while ALSO dealing with me and my requests. That's actually more than I would be able to handle right now... so... please disregard my previous question and... uhm... thanks for doing these things for me."

"Oh... well... you are welcome."

It was very slightly obvious by a very small change in tone from Rosalina that what I said, while it did come out of almost nowhere, and was worded weirdly, it was appreciated.

"Okay. ALL the work is appreciated, but thanks to this very odd conversation, I'm thinking you should just call back when you have a proper, tested, soul-entering ability developed."

"That.. is most likely the best option, so as to not freak you out like before. I would give you an estimate of when to expect a full ability, but I would then also have to give you an estimate of when Rem would be able to help you with this problem."

"... At this point, I can only say that it's for the best. Well. Okay then. Thanks for the update, since I realize how much time it would take to do something like this is NOT one day. And uhm.. is there anything else before I end this call?"

"Are.. you wanting to end this call so soon? I would have loved to chat a little before doing so."

"Uh.. I don't.. there's.. um.. okay, I don't really have any reason to end this other than getting back to what we were both doing before.. but that's all I can think of. Sorry, my mind kinda screwed itself when I overreacted to you just calling me."

'I mean, in hindsight, I did do this to myself, getting a little too overexcited that Rosa finally got back with at least some way to come into contact with Lucifer. Yeah. I'm gonna have to figure out how to fix some of these issues at some point.'

Being taken out of my thoughts, Rosalina had spoke "With your oddities, you are far more intriguing, because you and your soul are far different from any normal soul on this planet. While these things about you may be frustrating, even if only slightly, we were bounty hunters together, and we are business partners currently, along with.. being friends. I am willing to put up with anything you throw at me, no matter if it has to be discussed at a later time. So, let us pass by this.. concerning problem of yours and converse about superfluous topics outside of the scope of current happenings."

I had to wrap my head around that for a minute before responding.

"I'm going to go off of context and ask what you would like to talk about then."

"Well, I would like to talk about Rem."

"Okay...? What about her?"

"I would like to know how she is doing."

"Did.. didn't you talk to her earlier?"

"I did. But I would like to hear from the person I have entrusted her to."

"It's been.. what? Maybe two weeks or something? I can't really tell you much other than she's a little stressed from trying to help me, and has slight trauma from Djane. But other than that? I don't really know what you want me to say other than that."




"Do you have any more questions?"

"Mm. Yes. How is Taki?"

"... A bit worse?"

".... How so?"

"Uhm.. she tried to kill someone...?"



"... Did Taki, perhaps, actually kill someone?"

"Oh.. no, no! She didn't, just.. more of an attempt? And I think I know what caused it, but I don't have like.. any proof other than speculation."

"... And what about the one she tried to kill?"

"Aren't you.. kinda skipping past some important questions you could ask?"

"If I ask what speculations you have devised, it will open up much more than just one question. That is why I am going past such questions, as you have stated before, there are far more important things, even during this... what was supposed to be a far more relaxed conversation. And putting that idea aside, I would think that what I am currently working on may be able to evaluate what is going on with Taki, whether or not that was the intended purpose."

"... You understood that way too quickly, how did you know about my speculation, even when you haven't heard about it at all?"


"Of course."




"So, what happened with the one she tried to kill?"

"Okay then just completely ignoring the fact that Rem told you that, um.. yeah, she's fine. Probably, no, scratch that, definitely a little traumatized from being squished in between two moons like a pancake, but nothing was broken, because Rem stopped Taki from doing anything more. I had to knock Taki out, and then, while definitely wary of Taki, she's fine."

"Ah, so they are fine. Good to know that nothing major came of it."



"Now, is there anything else you want to ask?"

"... I do not think so this time around, Buggy."

"Then... bye? For now?"

"... Yes. We shall speak again once more progress has been made. Goodbye to you too."

"Uh.. bye-"

I was cut off, as the transmission had ended from Rosalina's end.

"Man, I'm not good at ending calls."

Following that call, nothing important happened for the rest of the day, and the only way I could tell it was getting to night time was from the slowly darkening gray fog around us. At that same time, I found I could like a lantern with just a little shock, like a taser. Having the electric generator modified to work with my body was extremely helpful, and a slight form of training. Also, it was fun lighting some lanterns for on the ship.

Some things have multiple uses.

When it was pitch black, I moved everything into the ship rather than keep it all on deck, which was on obvious thing so that no plans flew away, or got stolen. I subconsciously asked the other me to use my observation all night, just as an extra precaution, in case something were to happen.

Yes, I became a little paranoid, since I didn't know how Xetalona was doing, especially with Lucifer's outbursts, and Senco was just a wildcard at this point, only because I didn't know what his next move was. And I had pushed it onto the only one I could trust with our security: a different, slightly smarter version of myself.

I made sure that he would take care of it, and I ended up ready to just fall asleep. But, when I got to bed, both Rem and Taki had followed me, and my blanket bed then became populated by more than myself. Rem, to my left, hugging my only flesh arm, and Taki, curled into my right side, and my mechanical arm wrapped around her back. The three of us were under a blanket as well, considering the elevation and the temperature.

As one final thought before I fell asleep, I had the thought 'All our problems need to be fixed, but right now, I could care less.'

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