One Piece: Overlord Buggy

First Bounty Hunting Experience

Not even a month passed before pirates started to show up almost daily at Logue Town.

'It seems that people really want to find the One Piece, enough that they just up and left whatever island they came from, only to probably spend all of their money on a ship and a crew to find the One Piece. It's too bad that most won't make it past the first island they get to in Paradise, if they don't die from sea kings or something.'

I was really just watching for people with bounties to show up. I had gone into the Marine Headquarters on Logue Town to get bounties and made it a recurring thing to get any new wanted posters for a week. Because people REALLY wanted the One Piece.

Some of the few bounties were like one or two hundred thousand for some of the captains. 'I really should have chose a better sea to do this on. I don't think it would really matter which other sea I chose, as long as I can get a lot of money from it.'

I was sitting in a chair outside a cafe with my normal fancy suit and a new black beanie I had gotten, since my blue hair would give me away. I wasn't covering my nose because while it was outstanding, no one here would normally know who I was, thankfully. I also had Surya on my waist, ready to be used whenever.

While I was sitting, I had the bounty posters directly from the Marines in my hand, flipping through several uninteresting ones. 'I should probably just try and find these people, I think starting with some of these people would work.' I was seeing if anyone passing by that looked like a pirate had a bounty so I could get at least some money. And after noticing a rather high, or more like high for nearly right after the pirate boom, million berri bounty on some guy and the guy walking in the crowd, I decided to watch his movements using Observation, which wasn't hard since he kinda made himself obvious. 'Drage "The Menace" Brooks. It's your unlucky day. A million happens to be a lot as a bounty here. So sorry that you're my first pick.' and I smirked, following him all day.

My first fight with a pirate crew was underwhelming. Why? Because having a bunch of abilities before even fighting once is a bit powerful, especially for the so called 'Weakest Sea'.

How it went was, after I followed him around all day, he finally went back to his ship. I was obviously following behind him to make sure I caught him. When he was about to set sail, I decided to hop up on the ship using Soru and Geppo at the same time to make it look like I teleported on. Why? Because cool entrances are good.

Anyways, on the ship, everyone immediately noticed me, a 16-ish year old kid in a suit and black beanie standing in the middle of the deck. The crew was super confused until one of them pointed their cutlass at me with a threat of "Who're you? If you're not part of the crew, ya tryna join? If not, I'd say ya better get off our ship, or ya will die."

"Well, I thought pirates would speak more proper, but I guess not. Anyways, I am here for your Captain's head." I was just standing there in a pose that suggested I could take out Surya at any moment, and some were doing the same, as if they were ready to fight with a sword.

But when the captain showed up, coming out of the cabin, I decided 'Ill take out the Cannon fodder first, better to actually test out my own technique with a sword.'

The captain Drege had decided almost immediately after seeing some kid on his ship to yell to his crew "The person to kill that brat on our ship gets free booze on me the next time we dock!" He had a perverted smile on his ugly looking face, as if saying 'Im gonna love seeing some rich kid get killed. I can use his dead body to get money out of his parents I bet.'

I heard all of those words and saw his face, and thought 'Seriously? That's the type of pirate you are? All the better to start with then.' and chaos ensued. With my muscle memory activating and my use of Soru, I was able to draw Surya at a high speed and move around the deck to slice at all of the pirates. None of them stood a chance as I sliced each and every one of their chests, from one shoulder down to the other side of the torso.

Within a couple seconds, I had already caused a lot of damage to the crew, as most of them flew backwards, landing hard on the deck, and not getting up after. 'Guess I shouldn't use Geppo and Soru to fight here, it makes it too easy to defeat them, and I need to train with Surya here, not defeat everyone without any sword training. But since this is my first time, I guess using Soru wouldn't be bad.'

The face on Drege before completely disappeared. "Well, you know, Drege 'The Menace' Brooks, I was going to give you the benefit of the doubt, but after seeing and hearing your actions and words, I think you do deserve death. But before I kill you, how about I see why you're called 'The Menace'?" And I smirked while sheathing Surya.

The battle only lasted two moves from me. One of the moves, I had come up with what to do on the spot, being to burst forth with as much speed as possible without using Soru, and then to quickly pull Surya from her sheath as fast as possible, so I could take his head off his shoulders in one move. I said "Ittoryu: Quickdraw." And my blade shot out of my sheath, only to hit a cutlass. 'Oh, really? I guess I wasn't using observation and thought I didn't need it. I probably still don't need it, but I didn't notice him pull his cutlass out, so better be a little careful though.'

I did notice the cutlass partially get cut, but it stopped being cut by Surya halfway through. 'Okay, guess I do need my full training. Only doing half if what I can do is limiting my current strength, so guess I should go back to working out a lot. I should have Taki start some training too if she wants me to bring her to Zou.'

And I only barely saw Drege smile like he had won, but I used Geppo to spin around and swing with more force, holding the blade with both hands this time, and aimed for his neck.

"ittoryu: Tornado Beheading."

And with more force than before, I beheaded Drege, like cutting through butter. And I didn't feel a thing.

Watching his head fall to the ground, I thought 'Man, this pirate world had affected me a lot. I didn't feel bad for killing him. Is it my own personal justice though? Because he deserved it? That might be a contributing part to it, but I'll just say the world's affected me more than I thought.' 

I sheathed Surya, and looked around the ship to find a small pile of gold on one of the lower decks. 'Well, I can take that, no one will care, it's mine now.' and I took it while smirking a little, stuffing it into my pockets and beanie, putting any gold necklaces on and hiding it under my shirt.

And before leaving the ship, I thought 'Am I able to sell the ship too? I could probably get some money for it too if I find the right person. Although all the people I nearly just killed should probably be taken off the ship to sell it, maybe clean it too.' and put the head of Drege into a bag.

I dragged all the crew onto the port, and tied them up, much to the surprise of everyone else around. I just left them there, all tied with some rope, and didn't have any idea what to do with them. So then, I decided to bring the body and head of Drege to the Marines to cash in the bounty, just so I could have some time to think about the rest of the crew. 'Maybe I should bring them in anyways, seeing as they were Drege's crew.'

When they saw a kid bring a grown man's dead body to them and put a bounty poster in front of them, they were shocked. A more important marine stationed here came out and it was a whole process to do, but I got the money, a million berri. But before I left, I tipped them off about the tied up crew of Drege at the port before leaving, and immediately going to the ship and taking the flag and anything saying it was a pirate ship off. I did clean the ship too, but that took the rest of the day. 'I'll have to find someone to buy this ship off me later.'

With that, my first bounty hunting experience was complete.

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