One Piece: Overlord Buggy

Lost In Thought

When I got back to the hideout near nighttime, I told Taki about what happened. "Sup Taki. Guess what I did today? Nevermind, I'm gonna tell you anyways." I saw Taki was going to ask, but didn't when I continued to talk. "I fought for the first time against some pirates, and got their bounty. I also happened to have gotten some gold and a free ship. I'm planning on selling that one so that we have even more money, and we can just use another ship to travel around, it won't hinder our travels, at least until we have to get rid of that one, but we can worry about that in the future!" I said that in one breath, and started to breathe in a lot of air.

I thought I saw a loading circle above her head. 'Are there multiple different things other than exclamation points and question marks? Nevermind, this is One Piece, there's gotta be some cartoon in it.'

And once the loading circle stopped, Taki said "Wait. Did you say you took down.. a whole pirate crew.. and got their bounty.. and now have their ship.. and your gonna sell it for more money? Did you fight them by yourself?"

"Yes!" I said as charismatically as possible, especially with a straight face.

Taki did the loading thing again, as if processing everything I've said. "What do you mean, you fought them by yourself? Do you actually mean by yourself, or did you get help and pay them to not say a word?"

Taki was sitting in a blanket chair and thinking it over. "If you fought them, did you die?" She started to spaz out a little, and her eyes widened, looking at me. "If you died, does that mean.. YOU CAME BACK TO HAUNT ME? NOOOO! GO AWAY, I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO YOU, SO PLEASE DON'T HAUNT ME!!!" And she fully freaked out, backing away and bowing down in front of me, trying to appease me, who she thinks is dead.

'Well, since she's this far in, how about I continue?' and I smirked, only to say "You know what? I think I did die. Thanks for reminding me. Hell didn't want me to stay, so they kicked me back up here so I could torment you for breaking my hand a while ago." And I crossed my arms while still standing and staring at her, like my eyes were seeing through her, trying to look menacing.

"NO, WAIT! NOOOOOO-" and before she finished yelling out, she fainted, falling face first onto the ground. "Um, okay, I guess that was a little much to make you fall.. unconscious. But today was successful anyways. And I'm talking to someone who can't hear me." I slumped a little, before picking her up and putting her on her blanket bed, pulling one of the blankets over her.

I sat next to her bed, and thought while waiting for her to wake up.

'Should I start her training soon? My own training needs to be upped, so why not have her start too? Maybe hers should start with some devil fruit training, and work from there to get to Haki training, which will probably take longer. I'll need to teach her my visualization method so it can be done faster. Make her mind more.. open. Otherwise she'll be very limited in her power and abilities. I mean, Taki could probably create a bunch of bigger moons and have them rain down on an island, maybe call it "Fall of the Moons" or something like that.' I shifted around to get more comfortable, laying Against the blanket mattress.

'Wait, would it be better for me to have a bunch of devil fruits? I could potentially just have a bunch of hearts with different devil fruits to become the strongest in the world, but finding the perfect ones would take probably my whole life and by then I wouldn't really have a reason to have multiple devil fruits so I might as well stick with only like three or four more other than my current one. Okay, stop thinking about it, I don't even know if my theory on multiple devil fruits is correct. Teach is really around the same age as me right now, and won't actually get more than one devil fruit until the Marineford war.' I hit myself in the face a little, and changed positions again, to find myself somehow upsidedown.

'What was I thinking about before? ........ Oh yeah! What should Taki's training be? It was some devil fruit training right? Couldn't she.. maybe control gravity.. artificially anyways? Multiple large moons with gravity of their own could potentially do that. Actually, how powerful IS this devil fruit? I assume with enough training, she could actually create a moon the.. well.. size of the moon, right? With that amount of power, it could literally destroy the world. It's even stronger than the Earthquake fruit that Whitebeard has.' I changed positions for the third time, this time to laying straight, like a stick.

'I guess it's a great thing I have a Devil Fruit Encyclopedia, and a notebook to write down other Fruits that exist. I should try to find devil fruits too, and definitely someone who can help me make some of the things I've come up with, an inventor or scientist of sorts. On that, I do need a navigator, otherwise my almost useless navigation skills, which I very much have none and could learn the basics of, will get me and Taki killed, probably by taking a turn too hard and flying off the side of the ship or something.' I sat up, and looked at Taki, still in my train of thought.

'I don't even know the terminology for how to sail, I don't even know what "Starboard" is, or if I thought it right. Man, I really should just work on my captaining, devil fruit training, physical training, and I should probably keep up on training with Haki, just to keep it at a certain level so I don't die here.'

And then I saw Taki move a little. Turns out that during my thoughts, she woke up and found me staring at her, with no idea what to do after I didn't respond to a word she said.

"Oh! You're awake. I didn't notice you waking back up. And I'm not dead by the way." I said with a smile, as if nothing happened.

"Why were you staring at me with a weird smile?" She pulled one of the blankets up to her face, hiding behind it.

'Um.. was I making a weird smile subconsciously? I don't know what my subconscious thinks, it's like a separate entity from me, so is that why I smiled weirdly? Guess I need to clear this up.'

"Sorry about that, Taki. I was just thinking of how to make you stronger, because I may not be able to fight your fights sometimes. Besides, you can become incredibly strong if you follow what I want you to do. And that smile? I think it was because I got you with that joke earlier." And I smirked with the biggest smile I could.

Taki stared at me for a second, looking for a lie, but couldn't, moving the blanket down from in front of her face, and said "Well, I don't know just how strong you are! That's why I thought you died, and then your help to get me to my homeland of Zou would end there, and I'd have to live life in fear of people trying to attack me!"

'Ah. That's why she fainted. She's thinking I'm the only one who can help her to get to Zou, although that isn't entirely true, finding anyone else who has been to Zou is more rare than people who come back from the Grand line at this point in time. In fact, it's probably more rare than coming across actual buried treasure. Now that's understandable, especially for a kid like Taki, who's already been alone and scared for several years of her life. She's lucky to have not gotten killed at this point, or strong enough to actually survive. Wait, is she actually strong enough to survive? I didn't think about that. For multiple years, she survived alone, but I guess I came and found her at the right time, otherwise she probably wouldn't have survived! Did I change the timeline? Was this a secret thing that was never gonna be explored in the original story that I caused? I probably should have known that when I first found Taki and changed a couple things around her. Timelines are complicated.'

"Ah. Well, maybe I should show you how strong I am, just so you can not be worried anymore, right?" And I just smiled at her.

She hesitated for a second before also smiling and saying "I hope I won't have to worry about you, Bugs."

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