One Piece: Overlord Buggy

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The next day, I decided to do some training. I was reluctant to start the night before, especially after being a bounty hunter, and then freaking Taki out, as well as it being near nighttime.

So when I got up early, I decided to do my own training, starting with the run around the island and going from there. 'Maybe Taki will see what I'm doing and know how physically capable I am. I mean, I could probably do the 4 or 5 Punch workout today, since I just did the 3 punch for a while. Guess I'll just have to see.'

I decided to think for a second. 'Wait, what is this state I'm in? I've done it for like a year straight or something, but I've never thought about it. Am I doing this training subconsciously? I don't remember actually doing it consciously except for pushing myself to do it. Did I consciously put myself in this state, having to only consciously check up? Is this a state of Zen where my subconscious switches with my consciousness, so that my subconscious does all the work? But it happened first try. Did my body get pushed so hard during the first time that it decided to switch my conscious with my subconscious so that I wouldn't have to feel the immense pain that came with pushing myself that hard? I guess that could be it. I'll call it "Zen Mode" for now, if I learn more about it, I can change it's name.'

I stopped realizing when I changed between running, pushups, situps, and squats, so much that I also didn't realize Taki had come out of the hideout and watched me, as I did my whole workout, without saying a word. I only realized that she was there after I got out of my newly named 'Zen Mode'.

I put my hands on my knees, and started to breathe heavy, the tiredness catching up to me. And then Taki asked "Is that your training? Do you normally do all of that? Where do you run to? Why do you do so much? Do your eyes turn purple every time you train? Why do your eyes change color? How much CAN you do? Were you thinking of training me the same way you train? Were you going to force me to do what you just did!?" Her tone changed from just a child questioning someone to more concerned and scared of me.

In between breaths, I was able to say "Yes.. this is.. my training.. yes, I do.. normally do.. that amount.. but it's.. been a.. while since then.. I run.. around the.. entire island.. multiple times.. and I do so.. much because.. I would-.. n't be.. as strong.. as I want.. to be.." and then I looked at her with slight confusion, calming my breath. "What do you mean that my eyes turn purple? I don't think that's just something that happens, either. If it does happen every time I train, then I haven't tested it or asked anyone about it. And before I forget, no, I wasn't gonna have you train how I do. I figured a better way to train you was starting with your devil fruit. I figured you wouldn't exactly like physical training, so other types were necessary."

She looked at me with a bewildered face that said 'Really? Did you think about it a lot?'

We stared at each other for a minute before I remembered. "Didn't you want me to show you what I'm capable of?"

Taki had a face that said 'Oh yeah!' and hit one of her hands with a fist. "Yes, I did want to see just how strong you are! I want to know if you can really do what you say you did yesterday."

I stood up fully and went and grabbed Surya, while saying "Well, I can, just watch." 'I guess since I grabbed Surya, I might as well do my two sword techniques as a start, since I'm still only starting. Then I can show off my devil fruit ability, since I don't remember showing her.'

I immediately got into the stance to Quickdraw. "Taki, this is gonna be quick, so be ready for it." She nodded and stared, waiting to be impressed. And I immediately drew Surya the quickest I could possibly have done, cutting the air like it was paper, which caused lines to be visible of the path the edge of the blade took.

I was only slightly surprised to see the little bit of difference between the first time I used it yesterday, and today. 'Is my physical training that good or something? I didn't think it would have been. But guess I should move on to the next one.'

With Surya still in my hand, I had decided to use my second sword technique and my devil fruit ability at the same time for some shock factor.

And so, I turned to Taki, held the sword up to my neck, detached my hand to make Surya spin like a tornado, and did so, chopping my head off my neck. 'I had guessed Surya wasn't going to hurt me, since it isn't a black blade. I guess my guess was right.' and then I looked at Taki, making my head float for more dramatic effect. And Taki's face was a mix of surprise, being scared, and sadness, as some tears started to form in the corners of her eyes.

And then I just floated there, still holding Surya and made my hand holding Surya float too.

And then I saw Taki run to my body and hold on to me, saying "DON'T DIE ON ME! I DON'T WANT YOU TO DIE!"

'Aw, does she think I'm dead? That's nice that she's sad, even if she is wrong that I died.'


'Well, she's still concerned about me, right?'



"BUGS! YOU'RE ALIVE! WAIT, HOW'RE YOU ALIVE!?" Taki backed up from my body, and looked as if she saw a ghost.

"Well, I guess since you changed from sad to scared, you really just meant it as you were counting on me to bring you to your home. As for why I'm alive, I also ate a devil fruit, a different one from yours, obviously. I can split into pieces, and that is my power. It allows me to be sliced by swords, but that's still not all I can do." I said all that while connecting all of my body back together.

Taki was in absolute disbelief, with her mouth wide open, putting everything together after learning what I just said.

And so, I decided to show her Soru first, by appearing behind her, and moving around her as fast as I could.

"You know, this speed is really good fast, for current me at least, I still have a long way to go if I want to finish my goal. But this is still only a little bit of what I can do." I smirked and stopped. And then after standing still for a couple seconds, I jumped in the air. And then jumped again, while mid air. I was using Geppo to fly artificially in the sky, just to show Taki another of the several abilities I've got already.

I yelled down to Taki "You can fly if you want, just like I can, but it will be a bit harder to do than you'd think." I was thinking from a different perspective, one from the actual One Piece world. How narrow-minded some can be, limiting themselves to exactly what their power is, instead of what the power can be.

And then I stopped using Geppo, which did surprise Taki. The look on her face asked 'Why did you stop flying?', as well as 'What are you going to do next?'

I started to plummet to the ground, coating my fist with Armament, and then closing my eyes, moving to hit right in front of Taki using observation. Everything slowed a little, and I was watching exactly what Taki would do, being 100% sure this hit would not affect her or hurt her in any way.

So I used Geppo upsidedown to get more force out of one punch, and once my fist hit the ground, the ground cracked and started to break apart, but only for a second. That one second of time had a crater form in the ground that was about a meter deep and several meters wide. Once the ground stopped breaking, I decided to stand up and dust myself off, only to look at Taki, who seemed like she passed out from trying to figure everything out and be amazed at the same time.

I spoke to the once again unconscious Taki "Guess I overdid it again." And brought Taki back to the Hideout to her bed, for the second time in a row, in two days.

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