One Piece: Overlord Buggy

Taki’s Training Starts

The day after freaking Taki out, I did my own training again in the morning, this time using Observation to see if my eyes did change to purple, which they did. 'I guess my Zen Mode has some body changes too. That's not crazy to think about, I also see all muscles flexing to get through the training faster. I should probably add Sword training, Geppo and Soru training, and devil fruit training. Man, I have a lot of training that I didn't do yesterday.'

After finishing my own 5 Punch training, since I did the 4 Punch the day before, I decided that before I did the rest of my own training, I should start Taki's. So when I saw Taki, I said to her while still breathing a bit heavy "Yo!.. Taki!.. I got.. you so-.. -me training.. to do."

And I decided to do some training with Surya first.

While swinging Surya in  I said to her "I'm gonna have you train your devil fruit. Just.. focus on making multiple moons at the same time. It'll be the start of your training, I've come up with some things that you could do, only with enough training can you do them. So all I need you to do is make bigger moons, and make as many as you can. That is all, until I come up with more you can do."

Taki tilted her head, processing what I just said.

"So.. you don't want me to do what you just did? I really thought you were joking about it not being different from yours. Why did you want me to train my ability to create moons?"

I switched stances for swinging Surya. "To be completely honest about that, I know of the Sulong form you have. You know, that form where all of the fur on your body turns white, you grow in size and strength, electricity comes off of you, but only when you look at a full moon."

Taki froze at that. I was watching through observation, and had it split between focusing on swinging Surya and Taki herself, just to get more training in.

"Y-you know a-about that?" Her eyelids were squinting closed, and there was sweat coming off of her, forming drops, which was a little surprising considering her fur.

"Well, at first it was a guess, because the first time you asked me to not be at the hideout, I was subconsciously wanting to make sure you were okay. And so, I guess that it was you going into your Sulong form, which is something intrinsic to only the Mink Tribe, so is that electricity you can make. But after watching you turn into your Sulong form, I learned that you didn't want me to be at the hideout so that you wouldn't end up hurting me, which thanks for doing that, by the way."

I sheathed Surya, and set it aside, only to start splitting into multiple pieces, training enough so I could fully work towards being able to turn into sand. I was still using observation, watching all the pieces, and testing if I could use Observation from different pieces of me if they were far away.

Taki stood up angrily "You just ignored that I wanted you to stay away!? I could have hurt you! I don't want to hurt the only person I trust to bring me to my homeland because he's stupid!"

"Well, I didn't come even close to the hideout. I was perfectly comfortable in the hotel room I had. How I know that you had a mechanism to block the moon from your sight is a different ability, and I will eventually train you to use it, but not yet, as your devil fruit training is more important right now. If you aren't strong enough to follow me to your Homeland, why would you have me bring you?"

Taki couldn't say anything to that. I was simply going through my training, forcing myself to split into more pieces every couple minutes to see my own limit. I could currently, with my imagination, split my whole body apart into 50 pieces. I was slowly doing this rather than how I did my physical training, I had several ideas flowing through my head with what I could do, remembering parts of the Stampede movie, and even things from other shows that I could potentially do just by having this power. I even had some scientific knowledge on ideas I wanted to work on, but taking time on the basics was the best option, especially to have a good starting point.

"You want to make sure I'm safe while I made sure you were safe? I have to be strong for you to bring me along?" Taki had sat back down and watched me for a minute, made of floating pieces, contemplating what I said.

"Well, yes. Basically. I want to create one of the greatest treasures ever, and to protect it, I have to be strong, extremely so. So, if you want to follow me to your Homeland, you ALSO have to be extremely strong. I don't really want weak people to be on my crew."

Taki got even more confused. "Crew? Greatest treasure ever? What?"

"Well, to be strong enough to create the greatest treasure in the world, I have to be strong enough to actually get everything for it. But I plan on having my crew protect it alongside me, because life would be boring otherwise. Oh! Also, before I forget, I want to ask if you want to be a part of that treasure?" I smiled while holding my separated hand towards her, but all she gave was more confusion.

"Me? A part of your treasure? A great treasure you want to make? I'm not gold, or made of money, or that important. What do you mean, asking if I'll be a part of the treasure?"

I looked at her like she was dumb. "I mean that you can have a necklace or something with the mark of the treasure, and be both a guardian and part of the treasure. I never said the treasure was just gold, or jewels, or money. 'Treasure' includes people, architecture, blueprints, weapons, technology, and yes, gold. So making the ultimate treasure is much harder than collecting a lot of money, it will need a long time to even create, especially since I only started about a year ago, and I only have some money, a sword, and you if you say you'll be a part of it."

I forced myself to split apart more, still taking my time. 'I really hope she'll become a part of The One, this was really out of the blue for me too, I really think Buggy has affected me more than just my body. Oh well, he will also help my growth in strength. Thanks past Buggy!'

Taki was still speechless, sitting on the ground, contemplating what I just said.

"You don't have to give me an answer right now if you don't have one. I seriously just said that on a whim because I didn't know when a better time to ask would have been."

There was almost silence again. "Okay, how about you do some training, and then think on becoming a part of the ultimate treasure. It will obviously be a hard decision to make, and I just pushed it onto you quickly, so how about you keep that question in the back of your mind, and do a little bit of training, yeah?"

Taki nodded at that, and still dazed, she created a few small moons, like seven. She then placed them around herself, and while sitting in the middle, she focused, I think, on making the moons grow. But nothing happened. I still watched while split apart, moving every single piece of me around, testing range of movement and number of pieces.

"Okay, Taki, you might be going about it wrong. I think you were wanting to create as many moons as possible, but ended up not being able to grow all of them at all. You might have to force your limit to break a little."

She looked at me like I was the crazy one this time. "*Sigh* Okay, I am able to push my own body so hard because of the same reason my eyes turn purple. You might have to go into a calm state, with only one thought in your mind, being to create more moons.. nevermind that. I had a better idea. I just need you to focus on one moon. And make it as big as possible. Then see how you can move it around. Maybe use my body as an example. See how I can make all these pieces fly around? Think of making the biggest moon you can while also making it fly around. That might be the best place to start training."

And so, the rest of the day, I was testing out how long my split form would last, while Taki was very much focusing on making one moon as I instructed, still thinking about my proposal of becoming a part of The One. 

One thought I had was "Should I sell the ship tomorrow, or go bounty hunting?"

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