One Piece: Overlord Buggy

Ideas, Deals, & Time Part 7

Rosalina was the first to react to my declaration of not sharing everything right away.

"But, there is more, am I wrong?"

As nonchalantly as I could, I said "No, you aren't. Even if I told you every single idea that I have, which would go in many directions, by the way, we would be here for days. So I'm really only willing to share some of my ideas that pertain to this businesses expansion at the moment, and other ideas can come along later. It's only fair, right?"

"Yes, that does seem fair. Now, Branson and I need to come to a final decision, since our question has been answered. So if you would please leave for a minute, we will call you back when we are done conversing."

So, I got up, left the office, and stood on the balcony overlooking the entire shipyard, leaning on the railing.

'How am I supposed to move this to the Grand Line? I mean, it could be deconstructed and then moved using the ships for sale as a way to move all of it, but that would take forever to do, and especially finding an island and then remodeling the entire thing so more ships can be in stock, and the people I helped before could join in somehow, since I don't have much for them to do yet other than sit around. Already having trouble with people again and it's been two while days since, but I guess they may not have anywhere to go, so, I guess that it's fine? Anyways, how am I supposed to get the entire building into the Grand Line? Um... Hmmm... I don't.. wait. I can steal some ideas from the actual story to make it work. I can just make the entire business float! The best way to do that may require a lot of designing and such, but I can entrust that to these guys here, right? Or just leave the actual building of such things to them, while I love designing things, considering the notebook partially full of that. So, um.. how do I make a building float? Could I just.. maybe put it on a giant boat? Ooh! I can just have the entire building rebuilt into a boat from the ground up! If these people can't do it, then Franky is a super genius! Maybe I can have some of these people also try out other.. creative? No, um.. outlets? No, that's just creative again. Um.. branches of.. technology? I don't know, it would just be cool to have them at least try to work with making or just using other technology.'

I looked at the people maintaining ships and repairing the ones with some damage brought in by me.

'Hmm. Maybe I need to have some technology from my old world brought here. Like a lathe, or even a 3D printer or something, but I guess plastic needs to be created and I don't remember that process at all. Ooh, maybe a sander or a grinder, that would be.. wait, welder, stuff like that too, all that would be very helpful, especially in creating things like.. um.. what about weapon technology? Since I mentioned Lathe, I could use that to make weapons like a gun or something. Ooh, maybe have a weapon shop made and add on to the floating platform of the shipyard? Actually, with enough businesses started, or bought, I could technically move all of them to one place, make a mall or something like it, but how would people get to it?'

Racking my mind on ideas for a second, a lightbulb idea appeared, and my eyes widened as I stood straight up rather than leaning on a railing.

'I can use the Sea Train technology that Tom is working on right now! Have some rails connected to other islands so that people can come to the floating sea mall! But how do I allow ships to pass the rails without issue, especially since Luffy and his crew almost died from hitting the tracks? Do I just.. not have rails? Ooh, I can use that same technology in other ways, basically have a train running around the entire mall, especially if it grows to a large enough size, and then have steamboats using the same technology from the Sea Train as the engine, and have boats run from place to place to arrive on the island! But that needs more ships to do, I don't think that would be an issue if I have people from Water 7 work on them, so maybe have a hotel on those ships for a couple days of time? Especially if people want to come to this supposed mall, and give them the ability to take a day or two to wander around and buy stuff from wherever and whatever store there is.'

I rubbed my eyes.

'I'm just designing a mall at this point. It's a great idea, at least until you factor in how much money will be needed to even create such a massive boat or floating platform. I might have to save those plans for later, but I think they may work, but I'd need a stand-in for the owner of the actual place, maybe have Branson do it and say to any person who asks "I wanted to expand beyond just selling ships, so I made a whole mall!" and have that as a cover-up for me owning all of it. But that brings up another question, how do I secretly and discreetly get the passive income from all the businesses while still sailing the seas? I better leave that up to future Buggy, I don't know how much time I have left of them discussing, so might as well continue for a little bit.'

Crossing my arms and leaning with my back against the railing, I continued to think 'I might need a whole other facility for all the development and stuff I want to do to fully make "The One", so maybe a second "mall", so to speak? It wouldn't be a mall obviously, and would be a giant building full of research and development teams and tools, so maybe not actually have it as a second building. It may have to go on my Flagship, on one of the lower decks with like, maximum security so no one can just come on the ship and steal my secrets. I may need to store my notebook in a similar way, with its own hidden vault or something, maybe only somewhere I know, so it's easier.'

I uncrossed my arms.

'Okay, me being left to my thoughts can get out of hand, so what are they even discussing? Did they just stop talking about it and decide to have tea or something? That would be dumb, maybe I'm just being stupid and my ability to just wait is slowly dissolving because of this world too. I don't know, but.. just.. seriously-'

I was dragged out of my thoughts by the door opening in front of me, with Branson having opened it.

"Ah, ya are still here. We thought ya left, we yelled at ya a couple times, but nah answer, so it's great ya are still here, we got a final decision fer ya."

"Oh yeah, sorry about that." I walked in the room as Branson went and sat down in his fancy chair, and went to sit down while saying "When I'm deep in thought, I kind of block out ALL other sound, especially talking, it distracts me from my thoughts, and I think my mind does that on its own, blocking out sound anyways. So it's neither of your faults for me not realizing you were wanting me to come back in or anything."

I looked at both of them, before Rosalina said "We both had started to think you were going to be a bad person business-wise to have as a co-owner, but if I may assume, you were perhaps thinking of the company, am I right?"

I thought for a second. "Well, partially, it was mostly ways to grow and expand the company, but depending on what your final decision is, you may or may not get to hear it."

They both winced a little. 'Finally out of my thoughts mode, they seem to want to learn those ideas of mine, especially since the first one, moving to the Grand line, was out of the box.'

Branson started "Well, we would both love ta listen ta yer ideas, and so, we have decided ta have you become a co-owner, especially because ah what ya can possibly do fer tha shipyard. It'll be interestin to find out tha crazy things ya wanna do." Branson smiled, and so did Rosalina.

'I can especially watch over you, Rosalina. I need to keep an eye all over you, otherwise I may just have to get rid of a potential threat in the future, but I don't have full evidence yet to actually do anything, just you wait, I'll find out why you're full of spirit.. whatever. I will find out though, and hopefully Branson isn't in on it.'

"I assume that you mean I can just freely take care of Pirates and bring ships to you, right?"

"No other way, our partner." Both of them said in unison, as if they practiced before.

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