One Piece: Overlord Buggy

Proceedings Of A Deal

"Well then, I guess I've become a stock-bringer for the shipyard. I hope that I'll be able to do all that I want as an owner."

"We do have a concern about moving to the Grand Line, would that really be the best place to open business?" Asked Rosalina, with some concern revealed in her voice.

I thought for a second out loud "That is a good concern to have, especially about a place that pirates go to die, but I don't think you'll have to worry, I have ideas that should work for security, so we will get to that when we get to that, considering that it's going to be a while before that happens. So, all I ask is some trust in your new co-owner, along with some help, to get all of that set up."

I stuck my hand out to shake their hands, but they had something else first.

With a questioning look, Branson said "Do ya not wanna sign any paperwork to show that ya are a co-owner? T'would be a better, more 'official' thing ta say ya own a part of dis place."

I freaked out a little. 'UM.. DO I HAVE TO SIGN SOMETHING? I WASNT EXPECTING IT. Although a way around is to just.. take the signed paperwork and come up with an excuse why. I should probably do that before I sign though.'

I smiled "So, when I sign, would it be okay to.. take the paperwork for personal reasons? Although it's not showing, I partially want to keep a low profile. You think that would be okay?"

While a little surprised at my question, Branson said "No, a bit of a weird request, but should be fine, guess we all 'ave secrets we don't wanna tell. If that's all we can get that done." He smiled at the end.

The next part went really quick, since I had the paperwork put in front of me, I signed 'Buggy D. Clown', they both looked at it, and then handed it back to me, entrust myself with the document of co-ownership.

'That was a bit easier than expected. My anxiety may spike later, but I don't think it will, especially since my body has affected my mind. Oh well, I can think later, I'm now a co-owner of the Forwilth Shipyard! Finally, a step towards the current goal of passive income! Now! Time to keep this secret while still getting money. Let's go! Real progress!' I smiled wider than I could have ever done.

And then I was about to leave, and said "So, I'll see you guys sometime, I may need to go with you Rosalina to travel around to other islands for, well, more stock. I will see you all sometime though, so have fun until then!"

And I turned back around before hearing Branson say "I would watch out for Lucifer though! He'll attack anyone in 'is way! He wears all red and apparently has blue hair! Jus be careful out there!"

'Oh crap, he's talking about me! I'll just have to leave before I say anything!'

Without turning around, I said "I-I'll make sure to be safe, you both be safe too!" And then ran out of the building to the hideout, still holding the co-ownership paper.

As soon as Buggy ran out of our office, I sighed and turned to Rosalina.

"Ya know we jus made a contract with a kid, right? Was that tha best idea? I mean, he wanted to move dis place to tha Grand Line? Are we sure we can trust 'im?"

Rosalina was deep in thought for a second before saying "I could tell he was different, Branson. While he may be a child on the outside, he has a lot of knowledge that we don't know about. He seemed very confident about moving this place to the Grand Line, and we have heard some of his ideas for this place as well. I would think we can trust him, so let us see what he does. He may do something completely unexpected."

I was surprised at this, but not very at the same time. 'Rosalina has never been wrong about stuff like this, better take it seriously and just trust him.'

As soon as I got to the hideout, I completely ignored everything else and immediately put as much money into a suitcase as I could, and then using an empty one, I put the paper in it, and then my notebook, along with a second one just in case. I then immediately put it back in my pile of blankets known as a bed, a secret only I knew.

And after finally finishing that, I turned around to find Mariga and Taki staring at me, and my eyes went wide while my jaw dropped.


'Um, Bugs, what was that?" Taki asked, pointing at the exact place I put the suitcase.


"Bugs? What's all that?" Said Mariga, copying Taki.

I started to sweat. "Oh.. that? T-th-that was nothing.. nothing at all!" I hoped they didn't ask, but knew they would.

Taki was the one to say something. "That's suspicious Bugs. What was the notebook and that paper?"

'Should I explain? It might be best, I can just convince myself it's for trust reasons, and I'll be good.' I fell backwards onto the bed, and sprawled out, ready to talk to both of them.

"Well, that suitcase is most likely one of the most important things in the world. Now, I know that may be an exaggeration, but it's got secrets and future events, and lists upon lists of people who don't exist yet, devil fruits and their users that aren't in the Encyclopedia, and a lot more. Again, it's most likely the most important thing in the world. The paper, that's just something that I want to keep secret, and what better place to put it than to have it with the most important notebook? I didn't have anywhere else to put it, and just went with the first thing I could even think of."

I stopped thinking for a second and then heard Taki say "Can we see the stuff. There's no way you have future things in there."

"Oh, there's world secrets too. They are mostly from stuff surrounding the World Government, but I want to find more, so it's technically an incomplete notebook. Besides, if I find enough, I would need a second one. Oh, also, I may show you later, but not right now."

And then I remembered something, lifting myself off the bed quickly, and then saying "I just remembered what I did today, and completely skipped over it! I became a co-owner of a whole company! You remember passive income, right Taki?"

She just raised an eyebrow at that.

"Good, well, becoming co-owner means I'm one step closer to actually gaining passive income! It may be a little bit longer than expected, but WE can go on that journey to your Homeland after a few little things happen. I would list them off, but you'll be able to learn about them later."

And then, a week passed. In that time, I took out a couple crews, coming to a total of 7 million berri, and I turned them in to the Marines, obviously.

During that same time, while wandering and finding pirate crews, I had started to overhear conversation about 'Lucifer', who has become synonymous with having one goal in mind, killing people. The only reason no one could identify me as Lucifer was because I had a beanie on the whole time, which covered my hair. It was a bit warm sometimes, but I just wanted to keep that under wraps. I still hadn't come up with what came over me or anything, but I can make it out to be just me protecting someone I care for, and nothing else. Hopefully.

'Why did Lucifer become a killing machine? It's more like a demon by the way people are talking about it. "Oh, did you hear about the killer Lucifer? I heard he was able to punch a solid door and break the wall holding the door, killing people with the same punch. You think a person could do that?" Or "I think he may be a pirate. He appeared and disappeared without a trace. Or he's a demon who only comes out at night to kill." It was weird to hear people talking about a me I still didn't know about at all. So I just ignored the rest of the talk about 'Lucifer', and wandered more.

One day, I brought Branson to the dock, having him take them to our store, and it didn't take long for him to find any and all damage. I still couldn't get used to seeing him crawl like a bug on those ships.

Turned out Rosalina was there as well, preparing to set sail, I guessed for bounty hunting reasons.

And when she noticed me, she waved me over, which I then walked over, only for Rosalina to ask out of the blue "So, do you, Buggy, want to leave now?"


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