One Piece: Overlord Buggy

Lucifer’s Control

"I don't believe you should be on here, Senco.."

I was behind him with Surya to his neck, having used quickdraw, followed immediately by a thunder vacuum to stop him in his tracks. I watched as a shiver went over his body, and I could tell he knew who it was.

"Heh.. I didn't expect you to even find out about this, Buggy."

"It sucks that I found you on MY ship, right?"

"Y-yes, very unfortunate..."

"Technically.. you could die in here... And no one would know."

"W-what? Why would I be.. uhm.. dead though? There's no reason, right?"

"... Yeah. There would be no reason..."

I pulled Surya back just a little, and I felt that Senco was relieved of it. That relief  that he felt was quickly gone as soon as these words left my mouth: "... If I trusted you."

I felt some panic from him as my will exploded outward in a burst, and it was evident that Lucifer had taken some control, and I let him. Immediately after that burst of Conquerers Haki, I grabbed Senco and threw him to a wall, pinning him to it with one hand, and stabbing Surya into the wall right next to his head with the other.

"What are your plans, Senco?"

He shuddered at my words, and even I felt the venom in them, as they were coming from myself. His breathing got heavier as he stared directly at me.

"... Y-you.. what Xeta said before..."

"Oh, what would that be?"

"... Your eyes.. why are they..."

"Red? Personality switch."

"I... Don't know what that is..."

"Eh, you don't have to. Now.."

I pulled him back for a split second before slamming him against the wall once again with a loud bang.

"..I would like to know what your plan was for my ship, the Royal Deck."


"The silent treatment, huh?"

I pulled Surya out of the wall, and immediately stabbed it into the wall while simultaneously cutting into his ear. While he groaned from the pain, and some blood dropped, I then slammed him even harder into the wall, causing a crack to be heard, and an observation that the wall had started to bend.

"What. Was. Your. Plan?"

He shook just a little, staring directly into my eyes before shaking his head.

"Fine. Fine. Fine, fine, fine fine fine. The plan? If you really must know: it was going to be dismantled! Like ALL other ships that have been wrecked here! Including my own!"

"Oh? You think I will let you?"


He yelled that in my face, which finally caught the attention of the people on deck.

"Hey! Wasn't Sencotorume alone?"

"He should be, so why was he yelling?"

That was a little bit of the conversation I heard from the stairs before I turned to the man pinned against the wall.

"Well, Senco, how childish of you to think you can do whatever you want with such little power. I'm actually starting to think you were never worth wasting my time of investigating."

Those words struck a nerve with him, as he gritted his teeth.

"You become more courageous to yell at me about this, and yet, I still hold all the power here. Now that I know what you hope will happen, let me tell you what will happen.."

Another short pulse of Conquerers Haki came out of my body, and I watched as his body responsively reacted by shivering.

"You, Senco, will continue to lift my ship all the way to the top of this island. After doing that, you will do no such thing as dismantle my ship. As a matter of fact, I will need pieces from the ships you have previously dismantled to fix my own. Not only will you help me out in such a way, you will never come near me again, lest I kill you. Do you understand my words, child?"

He scowled slightly while shuddering at my state and apparent threat.


"I asked you a question."


"Yes what?"

"Yes. I understand your words. Child."

I was ready to drop him to the ground, but then, the people matching the voices from earlier came to check. Two guys walked down the stairs to see me holding an adult with one hand against a wall and a sword near him.

"What are you doing to Senco? Let him down, you Heretic!"

One immediately started to run towards us while the other yelled up "EVERYONE! WE HAVE A HERETIC ON BOARD!"

That was followed by some gibberish, but I was more looking at the one running at me. I readied Surya to attack using Quickdraw, but that idea was quickly put down.


The one who was running at us stopped, and even the other men just showing up to the scene stopped in their tracks after having heard Senco speak out.

"What do you mean, don't!? This.. kid already got off scot free yesterday, and you're giving him a free pass for attacking you, a bishop of Anudikelto!?"


They were all too shocked to move at that moment, in which I had a feeling they were also shocked to see my glare at the one who thought I was basically dead. In that same moment, I felt some blood hit my hand, finally having gotten down to my hand. And in sequence, I let Senco drop to the ground, reeled Surya back into it's sheath, making a swinging motion before sheathing it.

Senco dropped to the ground, and I felt that Lucifer had disappeared as well before sighing.

"You gonna do what I asked, Senco?"

He heaved for a second. "... Yes..."

Everyone watching broke out of their stupor before immediately re-entering it.

'WHAT DID THIS KID GET OUR LEADER TO DO? AND HOW IS HE STRONG ENOUGH TO EVEN THREATEN HIM?' That was something I could guess what's going through the people's heads when I started to walk away.

"I'm gonna be in my quarters. Don't bother me. Leave as soon as we get to the top. I'll know when we're there."

I glared once more at Senco before watching him nod his head. The people watched as a walked past them, and as I stopped to wipe the blood of Senco off on one of them. I got more glares from them, but they followed Senco's words and did nothing. As I entered my room, I faintly heard from one of the people crammed into the hallway ".. May Anudikelto bring retribution over you, heretic..."

I ignored it and just entered my room, closing the door, and I stood there for a minute. I ended up using Observation to watch as the people complained outside my door to Senco, helping him up and out, then them all disappearing above deck. And then, I was finally alone.

I looked at the state of my room. Some things were tossed everywhere, like my clothes, but those were easy to fix, along with my giant blanket matress. I then fell backwards after finding my fix to be adequate, and was left to my thoughts, immediately rolling over my bed and groaning.

'What was that? What WAS that!? Why did I call him a child? He's probably still older than me, and I'm mentally around 20! That was such a dumb thing to say! And! AND! I HURT MY OWN SHIP! WHAT IDIOT DOES THAT? IM SORRY ROYAL DECK! I'LL FIX YOU PERSONALLY UNTIL YOU CAN NO LONGER SAIL!'

I was helped up by the people who came and checked on me, which caused me some pain from a few bones being broken from one of the hits against a wall. As I was being dragged upwards, I watched Buggy receed into a room, which I suppose was his, I had a few thoughts running through my head.

'Why does he have the same power as an Apostle? Those bursts of energy... Just how much did I underestimate him?'

The words of the people were drowned out as I was helped up, and one of them even started to hold some cloth to my bleeding ear. I had forgotten about it as I started to walk through the pain with people trying to continue holding me up, until one of them spoke "Why'd you let him do that to you?" Which caused a wave of the same question to be asked in different ways.

'That is a good question. What happened for him to be able to do that to me? A personality switch? He seemed different from yesterday, and that may explain why he threatened me! But they were only threats! And being slammed into a wall!? I mean, does his strength reside in this personality switch? It must!'


"Sencotorume! Tell us!"

'Wat a second..

 I want to become an Apostle! I can't just sit and take that! I need more strength! These people can't be the only answer to reach that! More people won't just show up either! I need.. more power! I need to use... That... Then, maybe I can...!'

I let a small smile out, and I spoke to my people as we got to the deck.

"Don't worry about it. I'll take care of it."

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