One Piece: Overlord Buggy

To The Royal Deck

My slowed decent allowed me to relax for a second, enough that I even realized that my partial Zen Mode was done, and I was calm, finally.

Well, that would have been if I didn't think about anything.

'Ah. Finally, a slow decent.'

'Yes, it is.'



'Wait a minute... Why did I jump out the side of the building?'


'I jumped. Off a cliff. To exit. A building.'

'... Hm. Yes, you did.'

'That's not the point.'

'What is the point?'

'The point is.. there were other obvious ways to get down.'


'The elevator? Climbing down? Taking any other path that may have been created? Flying?'

As the ground came in to view, along with my foot, I slowed my own decent down to almost no speed, just floating, until I dropped to the ground, directly re-attaching my own foot to my leg. I kicked around for a second, and then layed on the ground, out of the air.

'Well. All of those would have been good options. But, they wouldn't have been as fast as this.'

I rolled my eyes at the other me.

'I also can't believe you also made me calm down through Zen Mode again. In fact, can you stop?'

'No. I can't. And I won't. Your fear of heights? The only way to combat that is through forcefully using Zen to calm you down.'

'... It's a fear of falling.'

'Doesn't matter. You're in need of some psychological help, and I'm gonna be the one to help, even if forcefully.'


He had a good point. I knew I had to get over some fears. In my previous life, I had never done some things thanks to such fears.

'.... Fine.'

'Fine what?'

'Fine... I'm fine with you doing... Whatever you were. While I really hate you for doing so, I can't get rid of you, and apparently can't admonish you from my body.'

Silence then ensued for what felt like a couple minutes, but was more like a couple seconds.

'.... What?'


'What was that?'

'Oh, that. Sorry. Uhm... I will hate you for this, but please do whatever you need to.. for my fear of falling off high places.'

'Oh... Yeah, sure.'

'Okay. Now that that's done....'

Immediately using my Observation, I searched for the Royal Deck. It wasn't obvious with what happened to it since the last time it was just laying on its side, so I had to reach really far.

'I... I can't see it.'

'Then move closer.'

I nodded to myself before using Geppo and Soru to fly across the beach, gliding over the tops of the odd beach that never disappeared.

'Why's this beach still here?'

'That's.. a good question..'

'Although,it's more like.. HOW'S a beach still here? It should've been gone with the waves like an eternity ago.'

'Especially on this island... actually....'

'How did the waves not take any sand away with how aggressive they are?'

I detached a hand to fly alongside myself and run my fingers through the sand. It felt like sand, but there was also something else.

'The sand is dry...'

'.. is that.. a membrane of some kind?'

'I think that's the word... but yes. There's a layer of something both invisible to the naked eye, and yet strong enough to keep the entire beach dry..'

'Wait.. how were we buried in the sand THROUGH the layer thingy?'

Before any more thoughts could be exchanged between me and myself, I sensed something.

The ship.

'Oh. Thank. Mora!'

And I had celebrated a little too soon. While she ship wasn't in one piece from the original crash landing on the island, it was more easily repairable than the state it was currently.

More than a some of the actual sides of the ship were missing or broken off. Not only that, but the masts of the ship were also snapped in half, with several areas smashed in. There were definitely also cracks along some of the entirety of the ship, bad enough to crack with any more damage.

That, however, was not the worst part.

The ship had indeed moved, but not just from the ocean slamming into it.

There was this different, as there were people. What does this have to do with the ship? They were both on and around the ship. What was happening with the ship? It was being lifted up into the sky, people on the ground watching, and people on the ship pulling ropes.

The Royal Deck itself had ropes and clamps underneath wrapping around the hull, and was in the air. I couldn't tell, but it was very possible that other people were at the top, where I figured the ropes were connected.

I slowed down, still sliding over the sand, and was in perfect view of the ship, behind several people watching from the beach itself as my ship was lifted up. The fog was not in the way, and it seemed as though they had only just started the lifting process only a little while ago.

'What the hell are these guys doing?'

I recognized some of the people, although it was just a passing glance that I had seen of most of them beforehand, I still had an inkling of rememberence of these people.

It also seemed as though none of them had even noticed that I had shown up. But one face was very recognizable. Senco.

Using observation, he was looking through the ship. MY ship.

Immediately following the thought that he would get into the vault, in a slight panic, I used the electric generator in my arm to stimulate my own cells, followed by Soru and Geppo at the fastest I could. I disappeared from where I was standing, and immediately flew up to the Royal Deck and through the very short maze of halls, considering the size being relatively comparable to the Going Merry.

"Did you guys feel that?"

"Feel that wind? Yeah. Another wave must be coming, so we better tell everyone to hurry up."

"Right. Wouldn't want Sencotorume to get mad."



The interior of this 'Buggy's ship wasn't anything special, just a hallway with some rooms, some stairs, and a few other rooms dotted around. The exterior did remind me of Marine ships that I had seen passing by on several occasions, but nothing out of the ordinary.

'I still cannot figure out what group this "Buggy" is with! He apparently arrived in this ship here, which is an odd, small Marine warship! And from when I took a quick look over the outside, it had plates of what I think are Sea-Stone! Only Marine warships have those! And yet, they are on this small ship! What's more.. it really seems to have crashed onto the island! While I can't pinpoint what he's after, I can at least say he's alone! After having people look around for others, no one reported back, even after looking through the mines and the well!'

I gripped my hand around nothing, and slammed my newly balled fist into the wall.

'What does this person want? Just because there is no one else on this island does not mean there aren't others, waiting for a signal!'

I leaned on the wall.

'Who is hunting me, and sent someone who could frighten Xeta to the point of just remembering made her shake?'

Too many questions, not enough answers. That was why I was personally on this ship, searching through everything to find answers. But none were obvious.

I walked around the hallway for a second, passing by several rooms.

'The captains quarters look more like just a bedroom more than anything, nothing to indicate anything about him except for.. comfort. there's a bit too much to sleep on, and what is this floor? Odd that it isn't wood, but I can look more thoroughly at it when we are at a safe height.'

Within a few steps, I passed by a staircase, and ended in between two rooms, I looked at the left one first.

'The one on my left is a room dedicated to art.. I don't know who, out of those three, created such pieces, perhaps that military princess? Another piece of a rebellious phase?'

I took a closer look around the room to find shelves and art supplies knocked over, with art pieces all laying face down on the ground, stacked from falling over multiple times, it looked like, at least. I then turned to the other side.

'Is this that cloaked child's room? More items pertaining to art.. a bed flung around.. or is this the princesses room? That would explain a couple things, but I need to learn the layout of this place.'

I looked down the hall and noticed something different about a door. It was metal judging from the shimmer off of it. There was also a lock on it.

'What secrets are in there? Perhaps I can figure more out just by looking in there!'

I was then about to take a step forward when a boom sounded next to me, a blade appeared next to my head, and the words "I don't believe you should be on here, Senco.." sounded from behind me.

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