One Piece: Overlord Buggy

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"I don't want to kill anyone! I just want to survive! Why would I kill someone?" Taki freaked out like I accused her of something.

"Uh, okay. That was a hypothetical. I just figured it was the best way to convey how freaking heavy these moons you make are." I was slightly concerned about how she reacted, but she wouldn't have killed someone, it would have been traumatic for her to have done. 'Um, isn't she a mink? She's looked at the full moon before, right? So could she have killed someone? No, she doesn't have enemies, even if  she went into Sulong form before, I don't think she would have attacked anyone. Guess I should tell her that.'

"I wasn't accusing you of killing someone, it just means that you should be careful with it to not crush anyone accidentally. Now, can you please get rid of that, or use it to replace the door?" I asked as calmly as I could with the thought of death breathing down my neck. I shivered at the thought.

"Oh, that's what you meant? I've been trying to be careful with it, so you don't have to tell me twice."

And she wandered off down the hallway to the entrance, carrying a shrunken moon in her hand.

'So, in a matter of hours, I got Surya, got my money stolen by Taki, learned of her past and Devil fruit, and promised her to bring her to Zou on the back of Zunesha. What an eventful time. Is everytime going to be like this? Just a lot of info learning? Nevermind, I got the answer, Dressrosa took like 120 episodes, and I think it took place over the course of like a day or something, maybe two. But a lot can happen in a short amount of time, as I just learned.' I sat cross-legged and crossed my arms as well, just sitting on the floor. And then, I looked at my clothes, because it was the second brightest thing in the room after the gold pile.

'Wait. I have money now! Do I need to be a bounty hunter? *Internal sigh* I should probably do it anyway, I won't always have a lot of money if I just spend all of this. I think it might only amount to a couple million berri. Ah. That might be a venture, do what Crocodile did and start a Bounty Hunting organization. Obviously no one will need to know the majority of the money goes to me, so just make a batter Baroque Works? Maybe have a couple things to make money and write them down. I mean, at this stage, it's just an idea, besides, the Great Pirate Era hasn't started, so them being concepts works for now.' I stared blankly for a second. 'Didn't I have a thought about my clothes for a second? Oh yeah! I have enough money to deck this place out for the time being, grab some important stuff to begin my journey, and get new clothes, obviously. Something that matches would be nice.'

And then Taki came back from the entrance. "Did you cut my rock in half? I didn't believe it until I saw it, just sitting in half. What did you use?" And then she looked at the sword on my hip with an interested look.

I knew where she was looking thanks to logic, so I answered while holding Surya's handle "This is what I used to cut the moon at the entrance, it's name is Surya. I got Surya for free today, and I'm gonna become a great swordsman with it. And on the topic of getting stuff, I need new clothes." I looked at her again to remember the fact that she was wearing rags. "Sorry, we BOTH need new clothes. I'll buy them, and don't worry about other people, we just gotta go in. You have actual money other than gold, right?"

We walked around town with cloaks on and a bag of a lot of money, because Taki stole the gold from the few pirates that even existed when they weren't looking, and the rest of the money came to about 10 million berri.

It was already about five in the afternoon, so the streets were still bustling, but not as much as earlier in the day. Since I didn't remember where clothes stores were, I followed Taki and almost lost her a couple times if not for my Observation. 'She is really sneaky, I bet she could do spy stuff, but that's just an idea. We gotta get to clothes now.'

And after following behind the very easily hidden Taki, we arrived and stood in front of a shop called Robecca Hamburg.

"Taking me to a fancy place, huh."

And from underneath the hood covering her face, I heard her say "I haven't actually gone in here, so I thought it would be good to go in for clothes."

"Well, fancy clothes I guess. Let's go. I have a plan for inside, so it's fine."

And we entered the store called Robecca Hamburg. When we entered, I saw a few people looking around, and then looked at someone behind the counter. 'Okay, does every shopkeep here have white hair?'

I walked up to him anyways and looked at him directly. His white hair was in the shape of needles and cloth, with longer hair in the back while some hair needles were in place of his bangs, and looked like they were knitting.

"What can I do for you, dear customer?" He tried to sound nice, but his somewhat grumbly voice didn't make it sound as nice. He did have a small smile on his face too.

"I need this place clear of people. If that is an issue, I will pay you to kick everyone else out of here."

His eyes squinted a little. "I don't want to kick out potential customers just for one or two... kids. So, if you aren't serious, then please, get out of this store." He said with the most polite smile he could muster.

'Wow, already? He gets stuff done. Guess I'll have to use some money to bribe him to kick everyone out.' So I pulled out 500,000 berri in a bag from my cloak and sat it on the counter, which caused the man's eyes to shift a little, as if asking how much it was.

"500,000. If you take it, you have to kick everyone out of here. If you don't, act as if we never talked."

His eyes looked around for a minute before he reached and grabbed the money. "I assume you'll pay for the clothes separately?"

"Yes, that money is to kick everyone out and keep quiet about this. I also need the curtains at the front closed if you don't mind."

Money in hand, he nodded, and kicked everyone out as fast as he could, saying "I have esteemed guests here and they need privacy." He closed the curtains and front door, then walked back to us at the counter and asked "I assume you're important if you're going through all of this. The cloaks we're a giveaway that you had secrets. So if you want clothes from here, you will need to take them off."

"Okay... what's your name?"

"Hannon, now if you would please take your cloaks off."

Now, why did I go through all this trouble to get clothes? Because as soon as Taki took her cloak off, Hannon stiffened, and his body spazed a little while I think he stopped breathing.

'Okay, probably a bit of a shock to see Taki the first time, especially having never seen a mink at all before.'

I took of my cloak too and waited for Hannon to come back to reality, then telling him "She is why I asked all those things. Now keep this secret and it'll be fine."

With some sweat rolling down his face, he became serious and helped us find some clothes. It took a little while, and both Taki and I tried on several pairs of clothes. I mainly went for actual matching clothes, mainly because the clothes I had been wearing didn't have any theme, because only having part of the rainbow didn't work. During the whole process, all I thought was 'Well, since my name is Buggy D. Clown now, I might as well have some colors.'

I ended up finding and making some sets of clothes with the help of Hammon, when he wasn't helping Taki find clothes. And when we finally finished, we ended up with several bags full of clothes. 

'I didn't really have a wardrobe, so this amount of clothes is fine. But I don't know how much Taki ended up with either, so this makes sense.'

We ended up spending almost as much as I had spent to keep him quiet about the whole matter, and we spent about 425,000 berri on just clothes that day.

'Designer clothes are expensive. But this guy is ahead on the trends of clothing, so I can't complain.'

I ended up with several colors of suit pants with matching vests, matching ties, several white rolled up sleeve dress shirts, a new pair of shoes, and surprisingly, some bigger, comfy clothes like sweat pants and just bigger shirts. I walked out of the store in one of those matching sets of suit pants, vests, tie and dress shirt, of course in black, and covered in a cloak.

Taki ended up walking out in some blue shorts, a purple sash, a red short sleeve shirt, and new shoes too. Of course, also covered in a cloak when we left to the hideout.

'It seems me and Taki like comfort. She probably likes it because she didn't have it before, so that makes sense.'

And we spent the rest of the day putting all of the clothes in the hideout.

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