One Piece: Overlord Buggy

Taki’s Devil Fruit

"I'll be counting on you then!" Said Taki, who let go of her legs and smiled, and her tail uncurled. My hand was still on her head for a second, and I thought 'I swear I will protect this cute little fox girl. Maybe she can be a part of "The One". I never said to myself that it just had to be things, so people should also be a part of "The One". "The One" already has the "cursed" sword Surya, and has someone of the Mink Tribe, and a pile of gold! What a great start, but 100% not enough. I can ask for her to be a part of the One later.' I took my hand off of Taki's head and then remembered 'Wasn't the whole reason I learned her story to find out about her devil fruit?'

My face went serious for a second. "So, Taki. That fruit you talked about eating that tasted horrible? That was a devil fruit, but I couldn't tell you exactly what it is or does unless I see what you can do myself."

Her face went blank, and she tilted her head. "You want me to show you what I can do?"

"Yes, please show me these so called 'rocks' that you make out of thin air. I might be able to figure it out then."

"Okay then." And with a smile, she instantly became nervous. "Can I... not show you on my bed? I don't want to mess it up. Let's go over there!" And she pointed to the room.

So, in the center of the room, both of us stood, and I was just watching her with some anticipation. 'I might know this devil fruit, it could be Pica's before he got it. I don't remember much other than it being able to control and manipulate stone, so maybe it is and the timeline already changed from me being here? But that wouldn't explain it, at most I've trained, so it couldn't be that. I guess I just need to watch.'

"Are you ready? It's a bit surprising."

"I'll be fine, just do it." I smiled a little.

And with a nod, she closed her eyes hard and focused on something. After a couple seconds, she had her arms sticking out in front of her, and a near-perfect stone sphere appeared out of nowhere, and the stone ended up in her hands.

I was a little shocked, and it showed on my face. 'This isn't like the Stone-Stone fruit that Pica ate! I just realized that Pica couldn't MAKE stone! So this is a different one! It isn't a logia because she didn't turn into stone, but it isn't a Zoan either, because Zoans don't just create a material! So this is a Paramecia! I don't remember what Pica's was before, but going logically, Pica's was a Paramecia, so this is a different fruit all together!'

I noticed that during my thoughts, Taki lowered her arms, still holding the rock, her ears drooped, and her tail was on the floor. I heard her say quietly "It's okay of your scared of what I just did. Everyone was scared of my appearance and ran away or grabbed something to make me run away. So if you want to, go and-"

"Can I see that rock?"


It was her turn to be shocked, apparently. "Can I see that rock? I might be able to tell what your devil fruit if I get a closer look at what it creates." I felt my eyes sparkle a little with curiosity.

"Y-you aren't scared?"

"Why would I? I literally told you before that I knew you had eaten a devil fruit, and I knew that you had a weird power, so can I have that rock? I want to look closely at it."

She seemed genuinely surprised at what I just said, but I thought it all made sense. And she walked over to me and handed me the rock while her ears went back to normal. After handing me the rock, she let go of it and backed up a little with a small smile. And as soon as I had the rock in my hand, I couldn't lift it with the one hand I was trying to and fell to the floor.


Taki chuckled a little. With a bit of anger, I thought out loud "WHATS SO FUNNY? I ALMOST LOST A HAND BECAUSE OF THIS THINGS WEIGHT! CAN YOU HELP ME PLEASE?"

My hand was stuck under the rock, with my hand on the floor, I felt like my hand was starting to crack a little from the sheer amount of weight focused in the palm of my hand.

So after my yelling, Taki came up to the rock and picked it up like it was nothing. I was shocked again. 'IS THIS A THOR'S HAMMER SITUATION? LIKE, WHERE IT ONLY WORKS WHEN YOU ARE WORTHY? But how would that work here? It's just a rock, right? Maybe the power changes the weight so the user can hold it just fine but it weighs a ton when someone else tries to lift it?'

"Can you just hold it while I look closer at it? I don't think I can hold it."

She chuckled a little at this before smiling. "Sure!" And held it straight out in front of her. I had sat down on the floor at this point, and decided to ignore the pain of a broken hand for the time being to focus on figuring out what the fruit does.

I looked a little closer at it to find what looked like... points of impact. 'What? Why does this rock remind me of something? A plate? It could be the design on a plate I've seen. No, that doesn't make enough sense. A bowl? I mean, it could be the outside, but still a no. Is it a cement ball? No, it's too perfect with weird dents in it. Besides, cement wouldn't just become a ball when it was first generated in the air. Besides, it's got a very stoney texture, but what could it be? It could be a different variation of Pica's Stone-Stone fruit, but that wouldn't make sense unless it was not stone but some rock type that I don't remember. Maybe the Rock-Rock fruit? No.. you would think of.. well.. a rock, not some sphere like an Atlas Stone, you'd think of some imperfect shaped stone with random points on it, not a sphere. So, what could this be?'

"Um, did you figure anything out?"

"No, give me a little bit more time."

'Didn't I see one of these before? Oh. OH. OOOOH, THAT'S WHERE! I cut a bigger version of this to get in here like a couple hours ago at this point! Maybe I was thinking too small, I might need a bigger size of this stone to figure out what it is!'

"Um, so, Taki. Do you think you could make a bigger one of these? It might actually help a bit."

Taki just stood there. "I caaan, but you'd need to move back, I don't want to hurt you with it."

"We are past hurt. I'll move back, but you just need to make it bigger."

And with me moving back a few feet, Taki made the rock bigger, slightly bigger than the one at the entrance. 'Ah, more detail! What a great thing! Now looking at this, there are weird shapes that look almost random, and it looks almost... moon-like. Is this the Moon? Like, a smaller version of the actual moon here? With all these indents, they look like impact craters. Is it possible to do that? What am I asking, this is the One Piece world! Of course it's possible. I just need to make sure. ... How do you make sure this is the moon? Do I make sure with the weight? That would mean that it is a small moon, but it's not like I could do that before either, so...' and then a lightbulb appeared.

"Taki? Can you ONLY make these weird rock spheres?"

"Yeah, I can only make these, why?"

"Well, I think you might have the Moon-Moon Fruit. And I don't remember seeing it in the Devil Fruit Encyclopedia, so you ate a devil fruit that isn't written about anywhere. I guess I should write it down later. But first, I realized something. More like a couple things. First, you are the only one who can hold those stone orbs without getting hurt by them. The second thing is that no matter the size, it will be heavy." I stopped there.

"Only I can lift this like this?" And she held the big moon in one hand like a ball. I instinctively held my arms out in front of me.

"Yes, you are the only one who can do that, as shown by my hurt hand. And the third thing, is that I cut the entrance stone in half and it still weighed a lot, so even half of one could probably kill someone."

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