One Piece: Overlord Buggy

No Trust

"So.. what are you here for?"

"That's simple. Lona said she was supposed to bring people from the outside here. And so, we're here."

He skeptically looked at us, as if he was trying to find any trace of me being untruthful.


He then scanned the three of us up and down, taking in a bunch of details, I think, at least. His eyes darted all over each of us, and I felt him take in absolutely everything about us.

"A blue haired clown child trying to act like an adult, carrying a weapon in his hip. A child living out a dream of being a princess, and yet possibly forced to be a part of something related to military. An even younger child with orange and black hair wearing a cloak to hide themself. What an odd combination. Three children being stranded here, were you playing and got lost?"

'Did he..'

"Are you.. making assumptions about us?"

"Hmm? Are they wrong?"

"... I don't know what age is considered as being an 'adult', but understand that I am old enough to make a decision to come to the Grand Line from a completely different sea, with confidence that I can survive."

I let some anger out, ecentuating "with confidence that I".

He let out a slight growl while scowling at me directly. "Just as a child would do. Trying to prove yourself to someone else for no reason."

He didn't give me any time to speak to him before he turned to Rem.

"Did I get anything wrong with my assumptions about you?"

Rem freaked out slightly from being put on the spot.

"Mm.. uh.. mmmmmmm.. I'm... Not.. young?"

Even I wouldn't have bought those words, but I knew she was 300 years old, aproximately.

"What does that mean?"

I blurted out "She's around 300 years old, if you must know."

Rem AND Taki both freaked out at those words, Rem because it was supposed to be secret, and Taki because she didn't know what I was doing.

"What are you doing?" Rem whispered into my ear.

I took a second of thought, answering with "I like to prove people wrong."


"I know, I did a thing, and I shouldn't have. The only thing a can do now is-"

My own short self reflection and explanation were cut off by a laugh ringing throughout the chamber. It could only be called a laugh, but it was more like a mix of that same scratching nails on chalkboard along with sounds I felt like would fit a vampire laugh more than anything.

"Schreeschreschreschre! That's funny! Schre! Talking about immortality. That doesn't exist! We're all stuck with these measly bodies, and equally as short lives! That's a funny joke! Schreschre! Heh.. that's a weird backstory you made for yourself! On top of being a military princess, you are immortal! You really are a child!"

Laughing and smiling, he wiped a tear away, since he had laughed so hard before.

Watching him, I whispered back to Rem.

"He.. uhm.. he took it well."

I saw Rem shiver slightly. "You're off the hook for that, but please, please keep it more secret! Rosa said that if the Marines learn of us, we would be hunted down!"

I gulped before answering her whisper with "Uhm.. ah. Yeah. This is... probably gonna happen only once. Let's just.. never speak of it again, yeah?"


"So.." our attention was brought back to Senco. He had turned to look at Taki, and I could tell that his stare was quite uncomfortable for her. I was about to say something before he spoke "I don't have anything wrong with my observations on you. Black and orange hair, and wearing a cloak that covers your entire body. Now.."

He turned to face the three of us, putting his hands on the table in between us, and looking up menacingly, he asked us in a harsher tone.

"What is your orientation?"


"I asked what your orientation was."

"That doesn't help."

"Ugh.. what faction are you with?"

"Again.. hmm?"

"Which faction of the world are you three part of?"

"Which faction...?"

"Are you perhaps someone sent by the Apostles?"

"... Apostles?"

"Did they finally get people to come and find me?"

"What?" Taki, Rem, and I all had our head slightly tilted to one side, with question marks above us.

"I'll take that as a no. Are you perhaps Marines?"

Something clicked in my head.

"Oh! Do you mean if we're Marine or pirate or something else?"

".... Yes. That is exactly what I have asked."

"Oh, well uh.. mmmmm.."

Taki had spoken while under the veil of her cloak "We are currently just explorers. Treasure hunters of sorts."

All three of us were surprised by this slight development. I didn't expect Taki to have an answer.

"What do you mean by currently?"

Broken out of that, I spoke, noticing a slight nod when I moved out in front of Taki and Rem. "That means.. we have diverged from the path of being bounty hunters, which we have done, by the way.. into searching for treasure. What better place to search than the Grand Line?"

We stood in silence while Senco was in his own thoughts. I started sweating a little after thinking he wouldn't take that answer. But I was proven wrong a second later.

"Hm. It's odd you would travel to a graveyard to search for treasure, especially a place where the strong reign. But, it is possibly the best place to do so."

He looked to the side, and continued "If that was what you were doing, it explains everything. I have a picture now of the situation, thank you. I do find it odd that some children have been bounty hunters, and now have become treasure hunters in the Grand Line, but I can tell you that you are stuck here until Xeta is able to get the Ark Valus finished."

"....We can wait for that." Rem decided to join the conversation leaving just a few words, trying to tie in to our lie.

"Is that all, Senco?"

"Please, call me Sensen." He turned to us. "No, I do have a request of you, clown."

"It's Buggy... But.. sure?"

"Can I see that sword on your hip?"

'What? No, obviously you can't! I don't remember the last time someone even tried to touch Surya! I even remember that it will try to kill people if they aren't worthy! I have no doubt you aren't worthy!'

Senco shook his head. "May I see your blade, Buggy?"


'What do I answer? No? That's suspicious! Wait! I got something! Sorry Surya to say this, but I don't need him to figure anything else out about me.'

"I'm sorry, you can't. This, right here, is a cursed blade, one that only I am able to wield. If you even try to hold it, you may die."

Hearing those words, his face went from calm to slightly angered.

"Hm. Still a child, I see. Still trapped in your own story, one that you trapped yourself in. I was hoping that you had come to your 'adult' senses, but I can only think I was wrong to assume you had grown up in such a short amount of time. Now, that is all. You may go." And then he shooed us away with his hands.

The three of us looked at him shooing us away, and then at each other, before turning around.

"Oh, and do send Xeta in please, I need to speak to her as well."

"Will do." And we walked down the center aisle, directly to the doors.

"What did you make of him, Taki? Rem?" I whispered in a low tone to the both of them, who were in front of me while walking.

"Well, I couldn't tell you what his emotions were, but I think he wasn't fully truthful."

"Well, he was truthful, Rem. But, he had other thoughts going through his head."

"... How do you know that?"

"I could feel his emotions change. He was angry a good part of the time. Only when immortality came into question did he actually laugh." We were still facing towards the doors as I continued. "Although, he was very antagonistic. I think he was interrogating us for some reason, he may possibly nott trust us either. I guess that means we both have secrets. Now, Taki, what were your thoughts?"

Taki didn't speak for a second, but she answered with "Him speaking and especially laughing hurt my ears."

"Ah.. uhm.. I'm sorry about that. I didn't know his voice was just that bad, even though I absolutely hate it too."

"What do we do about him then?"

"About his voice? Just don't be near him when he speaks."

"No, our trust with him."

"That's nonexistent. So, we just don't trust him, that's all. We watch his moves, and if he does something first, we do something back. It's that simple."

I could feel both of them smile. Rem because she didn't trust him at all in the first place, and Taki, I could only think to test out how strong she is.

"Okay. Let's get Xeta in here before he does anything hasty."

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