One Piece: Overlord Buggy

Senco & Xetalona

'They are LIARS! They clearly aren't what they say they are! There is no way that some children could get here without any help! They may be incredible actors to be able to say all of those things, but there is nothing more! There HAS to be more people than them! Hiding out, waiting for something. What are they here for? Are they here for.. me? Wait, was that child a part of the church? Did they finally find me? Were they searching for me all this time? Did they really want to find me? Can I get out of here without Xeta's help? No! I mustn't expect that! I left to find followers to grow my own influence, and got stuck here! I have grown that influence, but I have to get back to the nearest branch of the church so I can even attempt to become an apostle! I can't rely on anyone, especially if they are the ones to find me first! I will have my own people work on a way out, and then, I'll become an Apostle! That money! That fame! It's all within reach!'

My thoughts were interupted by Xetalona opening the doors, coming in.

While walking, she nervously spoke "Uhm.. Sensen, is there a reason why I couldn't listen in?"

With a grin  on my face, I answered. "Do not worry, they are not going to be killed like the others. I know what you have seen before would not prove that I will not kill them, but take my word.. these three are not going to be named heretics."

'Although, I do need the people to keep an eye on them. Make sure they don't do anything. They need to make sure no one else has shown up on the island alongside those three. I'll put David on it.'

"O-okay. You.. wanted to talk to me?"

"Yes. I wanted to talk to you about several things. Why were you not at my sermon today?"

She began to look slightly down, as if remembering the events of the morning.

"Well, I was going down to the beach, just to keep my skills as sharp as possible, when I saw a ship on its side. Those three with me were the people from inside. Uhm.. I saw them and tried to get a little closer for a better look, but somehow, they noticed me first. And then a wave crashed, I took them to my workshop, that Buggy guy gave me some pointers on the ship design, and then I remembered you said to bring any newcomers to you, so here we are."

She took in a large breath of air after speaking all of that in one breath before sighing heavily, followed by breathing slightly heavier than normal.

"... That is why you were not at my sermon this morning?"


"Hmm. Now, you just mentioned something important. I know you weren't at the beach for only a few seconds, nor at your workshop for a minute or two."

I watched as her expression changed to one of slight fear of why I was implying.

"Xeta. I want to know what you talked about. I NEED to know about them more."

She visibly shook slightly before looking at me and spoke "Bu-but didn't you just-"

"I want to hear your thoughts on them."

"... F-fine.. uh.. Rem and Taki, Rem being the one to look like a rebellious princess and Taki being a.. cloak.. they're fine. They.. uh.. talked to me a little, but it wasn't more than asking what I do and a little bit about the island. The little conversation we had was nice.."

"Hm. So you talked to them?"


She was finally relaxing from her fearful expression.

"You spoke with.. Buggy.. too, am I wrong?"

She froze for a second, her back straightening into a straight line, and he body shivered.

I leaned over the table a little. "What? What did he do?"

"It's less of.. what he did.. and more.. what happened.. a lot. A lot happened."

"What. Happened?"

"I'll start with the easy stuff.. uhm.. he asked me questions about how we were gonna get off the island, and now we need to redesign the entire..... ship?"

I furled my non-existent eyebrows.

"What do you mean, 'need to redesign the entire ship'?"

She noticed the anger in my question and backed up a little.

"I-I-I mean-, that is.. uh-, Buggy looked at the design I made, and asked so many questions about how we keep the ship in the air.. how to steer in the air.. floating.. docking? There was too much to remember.."

I put some venom in my voice. "... So, what does that mean?"

She very clearly flinched at my voice.

"Uh-uhm.. the final thing should still be done soon, but instead of like a week, it's gonna take like.. a couple months..."

Those were not words I wanted to hear.

"Are you pushing the end date back by a few months?"

Her reply was nodding up and down while staring at me, fear even more visible on her face.

I leaned back from on top of the table to get back on my feet, on the floor, sighing.

'Anothe reason to not trust them. Not only can I not trust their story, I can't trust the information they give to me. And now, this Buggy kid is pushing back the final date of being here? He's delaying my own agenda to get back to the church!'

I took a quick look at Xetalona before something clicked in my mind.

'Wait.. is the reason for that.. Taki child being covered because.. she's a hostage? Did Buggy take the child of a church member as hostage? And does he need me for something? Is that why he's been doing this? Is he actively hunting members of the church!? What faction is he truly with!?'

I looked at Xetalona for another second.

'No, I need to know this. I don't need anyone to be able to kill me outside this island, or on this island! I'll just have to have people on constant watch, everywhere.. especially around me! AND that Buggy kid!'

I realized I was lost in thought and went back to Xetalona.

"Ahem. Anyways.. what else happened between you and Buggy?"

Coming out of her slight terror, she replied with "Uhmm..... We...... argued.. about the ship.. and how to correctly design it... and he promised to teach me about stuff while he redesigns the Ark Valus.. stuff like.. I think he said 'obscure knowledge'? He wants to help out.. I think he wants to leave too.."

".. He.. wants to.. leave?"

'What does that mean!? The mysterious guy wants to leave!? Or does he just want an escape plan? Is he really smart enough to do that? I mean, if he was here to kill me... He would have a perfect escape plan! WHAT ARE HIS TRUE INTENTIONS?'

I lowered my own voice. "Is.. is there more?"

At first, she shivered from my own voice going lower, but only for a second. And then, she became fully terrified, shrinking down to her knees, holding her legs.

"..Uh.. I know I was slightly terrifying, but I didn't think I was THAT much.."

She looked up from the ground directly into my eyes and spoke "N-no, not.. not you..." She then exhaled, and continued "HIM."



"What about.. Buggy? Is he why you're so-"

"Yes. He.. he's-, he's more terrifying than you...."

"What? How?"

"His eyes..."


"Uhm.." Xetalona continued to shake, as if reliving what had happened.

"He.. uhm.. he figured.. no.. WHEN he figured out that newcomers were killed.."


Looking at me, she nodded.

"That's the terrifying part?"

She nodded no.


"....His eyes...."

I was taken aback by that.

"Hi-his eyes?"


"His eyes were terrifying?"



"When.. after he figured out what happens.. he asked questions.. and more.. and he learned so much by me not answering.. and he asked if other outsiders were killed.. and his eyes.. they turned red....."

"His eyes turned...."

"His gaze... It looked like what I imagine would be the look of a predator looking at their prey..."

We just stayed, positioned how we were for a minute. A minute of silence.

'He gets more and more mysterious.. Is he.. an actor..? A builder..? A scientist...? A hunter of the Church of Anudikelto..? Is he bluffing on some things? Does he take people hostage? A child with the ability to make me think of all of this.. is he really older than I thought?'

Some tears had started to form in Xetalona's eyes, and so, she wiped them away and continued.

"Uhm.. ah.. sorry about that.. uh.. his eyes turned red.. and when he was forced to notice by Taki pointing it out, he started to freak out... I think he didn't know it was happening. Uhm.. apparently.. he figure something out, because he asked for Rem's help later.."

"...... Is there anything else missing?"

"Uh.. ah! He.. he apologized for causing me fear.. and his eyes turned blue... He tried to comfort me too after apologizing...."


"Ah-aaaanything else?"

"Nu- I don't think so...."

I sighed, groaned, then hit my head against the table.

"Okay. If you remember anything else... Come to me. Um.. you can go now..."

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