One Piece: Rise of the World Tree

Chapter 09

We were tired, really, really tired... I used most of my ability points making tha Goddess fruit and Bonney was tired from her transformation... We just went straight to bed. Wish I had an air conditioner... Sleeping in the nude is great and all but nothing beats sleeping in a well cooled room. Kissed Bonney on the head, we said our good nights and we slept.

During morning, we both got up, washed ourselves and had breakfast... It was almost automatic, then we went to grow little Adams, who was starting to get quite large at 600 years. We pour every ounce of power in to Adams... hope he appreciate having two beautiful ladies by his side helping him grow... 

It was near mid day and we were getting hungry... Adams is now 1,500 years old now really nice progress... he is getting... way to damn big!!! Getting him to stay hidden is gonna be a challenge... But now we shall feast!

"Adams is gettin huge, hahaha." After we ate we took a break and Little Bonney is enjoying the sight... she is just too adorable. "Yeah... but we need to rush his growth beyond the 1,000 mark since he is gonna be taller than the tallest peak on this island... We are getting over time, Bonney." I said with a smile after lunch and that hour break we are both full and go at it again.

It was starting to get dark and we managed to get him to 3,000 years, we were a bit tired but still we went to prepare dinner, get a good long bath and went to bed... "Guess tomorrow we will be done with this island. What do you think they will do when the see a gigantic tree in the morning? Will they try to take Adams from us... If something happens you might want to hide while I try to do something about it." I said with a solemn face and little Bonney noded with a sad expresion... 

"Please don't be sad, I promised to get you to safety and I will get you safety. So please, smile for me, I need my Bonneyum." I said smiling like an idiot. She laughat the little joke so I guess it's my win. "Good night, little Bonney." I said and kissed her on her head while she hugged me thighter... guess she is not fully convinced yet. I need to reasure her that tomorrow we would be ok, guess I just hug her for now, and with a slight squeeze she calmed a little. And like this we ended what could possible be, our last night on Baterilla Island. 

During the morning we did our routine and went to work, after about 7 hour we finnished growing Adams, he is like 90 meters tall, hope I don't die from using Adams as my first... Hehe. But first we went to have lunch and take a bath, we were tired but I still need to fuse with mr. Adams. I stored our matress and our belongings in case we need it and went to mr. Adams I looked at little Bonney and nodded, but before I was gonna start, she jumped at me and hugged me. I squeeze her in my embrace he seems to have make peace with my twins since she isn't fighting them, she is just to cute... 

After a minute or two I put her down and went to mr. Adams and said, "please be gentle" gaining a chuckle from Bonney and from that weird voice in my head. Guess that counts as a double win... I put my hand on mr. Adams and activated my fusion skill for the first time, both the tree and me started glowing, me with rgb goodness and mr. Adams with a royal gold.

I was surrounde by gold light. It was fusing with me... my body felt like it was set ablaze... even If I have never expirience burning alive... my skin was itching... my muscles were in contrast tearing and healing... My bones being destroyed and created anew... my organ were opening and closing absorbing what little energy they can... my twin sisters are getting sustantially heavier. My wood was getting softer and harder... wait what was the last bit... Oh my limbs, upper back and neck are surrounded by... no more like they were made by wood... Adam's treasured wood. There is also a small itch in my lower jewels... It feels weird... Some of my internal organs are shifting... My eyes hurt so much...

After what felt like an eternity I wake up and had a worried looking Bonney looking at me... She looks tiny... I put my hand on top of her head... but instead of a head pat, my hand was bigger than her head... How did this happened... Without warning tiny Bonney hugged my hand against her face... I wonder how long was I out... Did anyone showed up while I was powering up... guess all those stories were a lie.

I stood up still holding Bonney on my hand but she is now sitting on my hand, looking like she has starts for eyes, guess she likes when I turn into a giant woman. Better do something to cover my flawless body... It would be a shame to hide my beautiful twins so I need to change how my robes look while on my hybrid form... According to my system I unloked... Hybrid Dryad Form: Adams... But Adams is a dude's name.

Better get my green robes 3.0 now with a giant perfect size, since I'm like 5 meters tall while in hybrid form, wonder how my human form changed... better check later though... for now... It's clothing time... I'm gonna keep the panties design, then I work on my sisters and made a sports bra, they are both made from Adam's super improved dark green leaves, filled with life and vigor. Then I made a captain's coat and hanged over my shoulders made from the same leaves and some treasured wood pieces like the buttoms and shoulder pads, I make shure to put my logo on the back in gold treasured wood. 

Now with my wooden limbs... They look like bark... Adams golden bark... probably my uppet back is the same... I cannot have an imperfection like this... I focused on the golden bark and made look like gold armor with a scaled design that look like a bunch of leaves stuck together. The end result was beyond perfection... it fabulous, I can feel my overwhelming power floowing through my body... 

I bring tiny Bonney to my face and asked her. "What do tiny Bonney think of my perfect self... couldn't have done it without you. For that you have my eternal gratitude. How about we desing our new boat get out of this island." Her eyes were opened so wide that I fear they would fall from her head. "Yes! Giant Woman!" She said with so much excitement and started jumping on my hand, she was basically weightless so I didn't mind, I was more concerned for her safety since a 5 meter drop could kill a child. 

But my happy times don't last forever and the overly excited girl on my hand duck down and started shivering... I look behind me and there was an entire fleet with 3 rear admirals... well guess I'm popular with the marines too, hahahaha. "Where is the treasured tree? And who are you and what is you relation with Jewelry Bonney, wanted criminal with a 66 million bellies on her head. You better come quitely since you did something to the tree and were clearly aiding a criminal."

"Wow girl, 66 million bellies on your head, hahaha." I said to tiny Bonney then turned to the marines. "Don't you know it's common courtesy to introduce oneself first before asking about someone else. But since you bunch of mortals want to hear this one great name I'll say it once and remember it because this one has a lot of plans and can't wait to get started. This one is known as the Great and Powerful Green Sage, Green D. Lily. Now mortals you better scram before the great me gets angry and slaughter all of you insolent trash that dare say that this cute thing is a criminal."

Status Check:


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