One Piece: Rise of the World Tree

Chapter 10

After I finished my glorious speech a silent wind flow beteewn us... were did that tumble wind came from... anyways, I can see one of the Rear Admirals fuming with rage, guess he should be the first to attack. I put Tiny Bonney inside my twin's Valley and used some vines, leaves and golden bark to wrap her, making it as cofortable for her as possible, for some reason she stopped shivering.

I use a finger to tap her head and said, "Everything's gonna be fine girl, even with your current powers  you could've atleast dissable those idiots, have a little more faith in yourself, after all you were partially responsible for making me." I smiled at her while ignoring the rabble ouside.

"You dare insult the Marines, steal the World Government's Treasured Tree using an unknown method, you are hiding a criminal from justice and you are not surrending yourself, I could have helped you if you were to just hand the tree and Jewelry Bonney over... but instead you choose to loose everything the hard way... youngsters these days... you offer them an easy way to heavens... yet they choose the hard way to hell..." The angry Rear Admiral said with a condescending smirk.

Without thinking it much he ordered all thouse marines to shoot me down, unlike with Logia users, were the bullets would go through, in my case though... my perfect self is so dense, that the bullets just bounce off of me... and they hit each other with with them. They don't die though since my body absorbed most of the force... My health and ability points are not decreasing, guess this shows how fabulous yours truly body is.

"You want to tickle me to submission?" I taunted the Rear Admirals, "Let me show you how a Royal Dryad, inside of a forest, deals with trash and unwelcomed 'guests', don't blame me for bullying the weak since you were the ones in the wrong, trying to steal our hard work with your sorry ass excuse... trying to enslave my precious friend... trying to make my glourious self to you you trash..." I said a bit annoyed while I stomp on the ground, the entire Valley started trembling and I surrounded the weaker marines since they are annoying with their tickling and all, I trap them inside of a giant wodden cage while a bunch of golden vines sprouted from the ground and binded then since their riffles are annoying... "You guys are lucky that I'm an upright Royal Dryad."

I looked at the 3 Rear Admirals who have drawn their weapons, mr. Angry has two saber in his hands, his bald head is distracting... so maybe that is also a weapon? He is a buffed dude, typical thug build, he has a riffle on his back... he looks more like a pirate than anything... if he only he wasn't wearing the Rear Admiral uniform...

The next one is a handsome young man he has an apologetic smile on his face maybe he is not that bad he has black shoulder lenght hair and appeared to be the youngest of the 3 I'll call you mr. Young and he is using a katana, it's still sheathed but I think he is into the quick draw style of the old samurais. 

The last one is a woman surprisingly, since most marines are male. She has light blonde hair and is holding a longsword, she is a bit on the lanky side and as a result her twins are not as big as mine, though now that I'm 5 meters tall they are huge comparing them it a normal sizes is even beneath me...

Maybe they can use Haki, better not take an attack head-on... Mrs. Lanky uses a combination of Soru and Geppo and soared to the air, aiming at my perfect face. "To bad I have to crush that beautiful face of yours, not really, I'll be gaining a raise after I bring both of you, criminal scum to Justice." She yelled at me, maybe she is jellous of my perfect self, but it's understandable... I'm the closest living thing to a god in this world... I just slap at her but she dodge and attack my hand but I managed to get her away from Bonney and my face. Like I though she is using Haki but... she just made a slight cut that is already healing... 

Mr. Angry also reached my feets and attacked my right leg with his two sabers, he dealed more damage than mrs. Lanky but it was still, not that bad. "What the hell is up with this... It's like I'm attacking a super dense block of... Oh, I get it." He backs-up an prepeared his riffle and started aiming, "Theo hurry up and attack her, I'll aim at her eyes and joints, we need to work together if we want to be Vice Admiral, at this rate we will be the fastest to be promoted to Admirals, hahaha" I just send some vines to mess with him since those bullets are annoying...

"You expect me to attack her, when she can just brush both yours and Elena's attack like she doesn't even care... Maybe you guys should attack her fleshy bits like those huge knockers of hers, hahahaha" and I though he was the only good marine here, turn out to be a pervert... Why are the marines so corrupted... I know that some are just or just following orders, that is why I just dissarmed those lesser ranking officers.

"Yeah we should just jump at the titans face and get slapped to mush or send flying. Only Elena has masterd Geppo enough to actually use it in combat. The most we can do is keep using Soru and avoid her attacks." mr. Angry is not as dumb as he looks or maybe... That stupid bald shine is distracting me... 

Were was I oh yeah, after looking at my new skill I found 2 new skills the first allows me to enter a tree and teleport to another tree of the same species on the same island, I can't use that since tniny Bonney would be left behind. And the other allows me to create lesser beings made out of wood... my wood.

"Hahaha you guys... even if you are so weak I'm getting bored of playing with you... allow me to show you a fragment of my power." I jumped back and place a hand on the ground. "Come forth and answer my call... Treasured Wood Creation, model QUILIN!!!" 

I placed about two thirds of my ability points in to the ground and a gigantic dragon appeared bloomed out of the soil, it had the head of a deer, a long mane covers it's back, long serpentine body and it's antlers are actually branches with a couple of small bushes at the tips, every space of its body is covered in golden wood, polished and with scales carved out of it... It look like how I change the look of the wood of  my limbs. 

The valley started trembling and the Quilin unleashed a roar so load that mrs. Lanky had to return to ground to regain her bearings. I took this chance and kicked her... little to say that I heard something cracked and she disappeared. One down two more to go... after punting mrs. Lanky, I went for mr. Angry and left mr. Pervert to Quilin. And the battle ended really quick with mr. Pervert turned coward lifting his arms in a surrending fashion but before I could stopped mr. Quilin... He took a bite of mr. Coward's torso... Guess mr. Quilin is either hungry or not alive... to no ones surprise... he died and mr. Quilin is using him as a chew toy... Taking a look at mr. Angry he is staring at mr. Quilin playing catch the coward by himself and I grabbed him. "Well sorry you have to see mr. Quilin acting like a puppy, but life is like that, as an act of benevolance, I will spare the remaning marines that are inside, the Treasure wood prison I'll even leave a key that will dissable the prison next to it for someone from the harbor town to found it and free them." I said while still holding the struggling mr. Angry who is even angrier. 

I took the map from my storage and I see three gigantic ships at the northen harbor, looking at the opposite side, I look at mr. Angry who had a pale face and is looking with wide eyes at the map that is showing the entire island of Baterilla, guess he has never seen a beautiful and benevolant woman looking at a holographic display before. 

I look at mr. Angry and ask him "Do you float or know how to swim?" I gave him a squeeze and do a traditional baseball pitcher pose lifting my perfect leg up, as I lift him above my head and I threw him directly south over the hills, with all of my strenght, I watch a little surprised at how fast he dissapeared from sight... 

As espected of me, mr. Quilin appears at my side in all of his golden glory and shrinks down, I looked down and pet the now tiny dragon... He really is a puppy I guess, guess he ate mr. Chew Toy, as espected of the puppy of this world greatest being. I unwrap tiny Bonney who has fallen asleep between my sisters... I guess I should let her rest, mr. Quilin looked at Bonney and licked her waking her up... so much for that better I start my preparations to leave this island behind. 

"Morning, what did I miss..." tiny Bonney looked at mr. Quilin and just pet him like a kid that has gotten a new pet... Yup she is still adorable... And now they are playing on top of my twin sisters. He looks kind of cute... or is it a she... mrs. Quiling maybe, as if I called her she looked at me and tilted her head... yup a girl dragon-dog... still... she is adorable, my very own dragon.

Status Check:


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