One Piece: Rise of the World Tree

Chapter 11

After all this is done. Return to my original height of about 2.5 meters I'm still pretty tall but some characters from the One Piece anime tended to be really tall so I'm still perfect I guess, at my original height, tiny Bonney has returned to be little Bonney, still she looks adorable, can't wait for her to start using her powers to their full potential, that fruit of hers gonna be one heck of an ace. Maybe I should help her train more... but were can I found a bunch of people willing to train us... we need to master haki fast and I don't even know were to start...

Wait... If my memory serves me, like it should, we should be directly bellow Amazon Lily and those ships could have come from Impel Down, who can travel through the calm belt... Heheheh. Guess I still need to 'borrow' some more from the World Goverment, looking at all the carpentry hardware the marines had with them guess they were attracted by yours truly... So they were just some pick-up crew that the World Nobles ordered to claim my wood... To bad the wood they wanted would bite them in the back when they least expect them.

Looking at both mrs. Quilin and Bonney playing fetch... were did they get that ball in the first place... It's gold so I guess mrs. Quilin made it with her wood. I still need to come with a better name for her... I use those name when I don't really care about remembering their names... like mr. Coward who became her first meal... how she doesn't get an indigestion for eating trash... Maybe she likes eating trash... she acts like a dog... I called them both over and petted their heads.

"I need to give you a name since I can't keep calling you mrs. Quilin when you are an important part of me..."she has a flowing green mane... as a Quilin she is part horse... yes, yes, yes... even if her horns are not like ram's and more like antlers and her tail is that of a dragon instead of the standar horse tail... and she isn't halve girl like her... no, no, no... But they act similar in a cute air headed way... she does share some similarities... And they both drool a lot... Yes, Yes, YES!!! "From this day forward you shall be known as Green D. Nelliel, Nel for shorts, hope you like your new name."

She does a little dance with some barrel rolls in the sky, guess she like her name. "That name is adorable." She does a cute spin trying to imitate Nel in the sky. Can't wait to get out of this island... this heat is killing me... not really, I just I don't like all the sweating... Better prepare a bath, since I have to skip mine because of those 'guests' and I haven't bathed like this before... I look at kids and see little Bonney chasing after little Nel. "Kids I'm gonna take a bath don't stray to far from the hideout, then it's gonna be you guys turn." I say to then and went to the bathroom after I get confirmation from the girls.

After I enter the bathroom I willed my clothes out and I inspected this perfect body of mine... damn after looking at my body... I think I'm in love with this body of mine. I entered the bath and washed my perfect body and my glourious bright green hair that reach my beautiful, plump rear... I feel a slight need to cross polinate with others... wonder if there are other Dryads in the One Piece world.

After about 5 minutes, I finished bathing and called the kids over, after they arive I started giving little Nel her first bath and I helped little Bonney wash her back and hair I made little Bonney a set of living clothes and panties made from my perfect leaves, after about 15 minutes we finished up, got dressed and I stored all the soap, shampoo and towels on my storage... I think I might miss this place.

I pick little Bonney up and little Nel shrank a little more and I also picked her up, she wrap her tail on my waist. After the girls are secured, I sprinted towards the harbor town of Baterilla, who is about 20 minutes away from my hideout, those ships are still docked acourding to my Awesome Map. After jumping over the wall I went to the docks by jumping over the roofs of the buildings and I dropped in a nearby alleyway. 

I sneak in to the biggest ship, since all those navy ship came from Impel Down, or from Red Port and pass through Impel Down to get here faster, so it means they are equiped to travel through the Calm Belt and I can skip most of Paradise and get straight to Amazon Lily and Water 7.

After I reach bellow deck there was some activities, there were some marines playing poker and some that looked to be cooking or cleaning. This map is just too good, I can just zoom in on other rooms, at first it didn't let me see inside like in the town buildings, but once I got inside the ship all sort of information started showing... is it treating this ship as as a building, since I was able to save mr. Owner's shop info once I got inside... this has to be the best map relic coin thing inthis world.

With the grils behind me, I told them to hide in an empty room while I take care of business, I place a hand on the ship's wooden floor after they hide and started channeling my ability, filling it with power I need to activate one of my favorite skill, Treasured wood carving. I waited for all the ship's wood to be covered in my aura, feeling all those weaker marines as they move inside my new ship, I grabbed all those marines and wrapped then with vines, and took all their den den mushies so they can't comunicate with hq. And bring all those marines to the deck, making sure I didn't missed a single one of them.

After un-wrapping their heads so that they can see me, their confused and panicked eyes were focused on me,  "Now listen up soldiers you new mission is to rescue your fellow marines that tried to steal yours trully, treasured tree. They are in a wooden cage made from my treasured hard wood and they can't leave without the key, which by the way, is about 5 meters from there in front of the cage. I know that you were not aware that you were stealing the tree of a Dryad... but then again your superiors probably don't care... but I'm a benevolent Dryad and will spare your lifes for that mistake... now I'm gonna be taking this ship and everything in it as compensation while you guys go rescue your fellow marines. Do I make myself clear? Also, you guys can keep what little money you guys have in your pockets right know since I don't need it, unlike you guys who need to buy food and lodgings, maybe you can stay at the Fat Sheep inn, I ate there once and the food is actually pretty good." 

After I finished my little speach I set them outside my ship and went inside, using my powers I controlled the ship and prepared for sailing. The girls ran towards me and I pet them both on the head.

I looked at them and said, "You girls ready for a brand new adventure in the sea?"

"Gao" little Nel gives a cute roar.

"Yeah... can I really be free..." little Bonney asked me with expectant eyes... Oh right she didn't see my awesome moves to get rid of the three thughs. I pat her again "Aslong as you want to... no, even if you don't want to, I'll make sure to keep you save." I said while smiling, and I ruffled her hair, "kids are meant to do kids things... You can take as much time as you want, I'll wait for you to heal your scars and provide you with a nice shade to relax under my branches."

"Aye! Captain!" little Bonney answer with some determination on her voice.

"Gao!" guess little Nel doesn't want to loose, they are so adorable. And with that we set sail.

Status Check:


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