One Piece: Rise of the World Tree

Chapter 12

After sailing off towards north-east since there is a small island that I plan to use to make some major modifications to my new ship. The propeller system of this boat uses fuel, what fuel it uses it is still a mystery to me since that was never discloused in the anime. Since I have a full tank that means that they refilled it somehow, maybe there is more in the storage room, better save that fuel just in case since I can get by with just the sails for now.

After I set the course we went to the kitchen were there is a lot of food prepared. We have a feast in our hands, we finished preparing the dishes and by we, I mean little Bonney and me, little Nel is just sleeping in the floor. After we were done with the preparations, I went outside to see if we were been followed, but to my surprise... we were alone at sea, so I returned. 

After I was seated we started dinning, there was enough food for 100 people here... but I looked at little Bonney eating like there was no tomorrow... little Nel was literary inhaling the food... I wonder if there is enough food for all 3 of us until we reach Amazon Lily... I can still make produce... Without thinking much more, I started esting. I like my food better though, this is a liittle bland, even the food at Fat Sheep inn was better than this.

After we finnished our meal we went to the bath, little Nel went to a room to sleep and I went to the bathroom with little Bonney to washed up. They have multiple showers in the same room, guess there are 30 showers in here acourding to the map scan I did previously when I rounded the marines out of my ship.

We each took a shower for ourselves and had a quick bath, then we went to one of the cabins and found a bed. There are about 50 cabins with multiple beds I went for one of the four big rooms that have one large bed, it might haved belonged to one of the 3 thugs. I went to the bed together little Bonney and prepare to sleep... only to find that this bed... is too soft and I, being the perfect being that I am, am a littler heavier than normal... it's not that I'm fat mind you, being a dryad of such caliber, I cannot get fat... I hope.

"Bonney do you mind if I replace the bedding with the comforter." I said with a normal face as to not put preasure on her. "Actually I was about to ask you the same... I think I like our old bed a lot better." She said with some hope in her eyes, maybe she didn't like the bed either. Without waiting another second, I stored the matress into my storage and replace it with our comforter that we know and love I spread the sheets and lay on our old bed again. 

The layout of the ship is horrible, the beds are too soft too... The shower room is ok I guess, although I wish there was an actual bath... the food was a little bland too, no wonder they attack pirates on sight... they are jealous of them an their fun lifes and better food... Well, atleast when their chefs are close to Sanji's level...

Now that the night has come I got out of our bed without waking Bonney and went to work I need to change the boat and improve on the desing... I can't add new wood since I need to be standing on soil... since I'm not using my precious wooden body to fix a boat...

Luckily for me this ship is pretty big, maybe I should just wait until I reach that small island. Lets remove the flag for now I'm still planing my Jolly Roger... but I don't want to have a skull in it... I'll just ask little Bonney on the morning. After checking to see if we weren't followed, I return to my bed, only to see we had another one join us in bed. After making sure I don't wake either on my little angels I found a spot in the right side of the bed, and went to sleep.

Morning came and I was about to get out of bed when I found out, I was surrounded... little Bonney was hugging my waist with her arms and my left thigh with her legs and little Nel was curled into a ball under my right armpit while resting her head on top of my belly... how will I get out without waking them up...

Taking my map out, it shows that if I keep this pace up, we should arrive in one or two hours... it also shows that there is a big ship docked at the east side of the island... maybe the marines are there, waiting for me already. Guess I had to see.

After waking the girls up I got up, got dressed and got to the deck of the boat. I went to the top of the main mast and took a rather convinient telescope that was secured inside a thin wooden barrel. I look at the general direction of the island and spotted the flag of the boat... it was a pirate ship, they were invading the island I plan to use to upgrade my boat.

I was about to just ignore the island and go straight to the calm belt, when I spotted her... A freaking mermaid girl inside of a pond in the middle of the island and she was being surrounded... she was shooting water at the invading pirates... but there are to many, it was only a matter of time. They were not attacking her so they are probably slavers that got lucky... unlucky for them though since I spotted and I want to see if the mermaid would be my friend at least. Maybe she would guide me to Fishman Island once I reach Sabaody.

I got down and stored the telescope inside my storage, and got toward the girl who are eatting breakfast. I sat down and discussed the situation with them, "There is a mermaid that is about to be capture to be sold as a slave. I want to help her, but I don't think I'll make it in time since I'm still about an hour or so away from them. Need ideas get there." Little Bonney started panicking a little and got to think when suddenly little Nel started floating in the air and did a flip. "Yeah that right, why don't you ride little Nel to get there faster. Great idea Nel, who's a good girl, uh you are, you are, hahahaha." little Bonney says while rubing little Nel's belly, apparently she can translate now?

We went to the deck of the boat and little Nel returned to her original size and we got on top of her, and off we go. She is flying really fast, why did I needed tge boat in the first place. With this speed I could've reached Amazon Lily in about 4 hours... I don't think my butt can take that... luckily I stole, err... earned this boat. In about 2 minutes we reached the island it was a small island with no town or village. 

It was surrounded by clean almost white sand and clean waters, perfect for a resort... for non-users like me. After the beach it has a dense bamboo forest, but unlike normal bamboo, this one sprinkles water... shame that those pirates have destroyed about halve the forest... what were they fighting... What are those... giant frogs corpses... 

Is this Yokozuna's home island... maybe they are not related... although Franky did came from South Blue, maybe he came with him... Why are some people filled with greed, to the point of killing the weak and making the days of those that are not killed a living hell... you will always get the wrong attention even if you do nothing but work... is this the so call system that the World Nobles stablished... a world were those that are not born into a powerful family has to fear... that one day, they or someone they love will be sold to slavery or killed for some belly... 

I gotta get strong and stand on top of the world... then no one will take those that I love from me. Guess I should take Fishman Island under my branches before Big Mom does.

Status Check:


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