One Piece: Rise of the World Tree

Chapter 13

I also see from a distance that they are butchering those frogs... are there people that buys that meat... I think I'm gonna be sick... "Nel... Can you be a dear and sink that boat over there... you are free to do as you please, also take little Bonney with you and keep her safe... there might be more trash inside their ship, so be carefull... I don't want her to see how I resolve this... this madness..." I say to big Nel, while I pet her mane, looked at little Bonney who is now wrapped in vines and pat her head.

After giving my orders I jumped from big Nel's back and change to my bigger form, now a 5 meters tall woman, I landed near the pond with a huge tremor... after looking at Nel flying toward the enemy ship, I sprinted toward the pond in the middle of the island. 

I took a bamboo stalk and eat some, they are salty but it doesn't matter right now, I look at those trash slavers... and with a slapping sound, I put my hands on the wet soil and channeled my power "Mass Floral Bloom: Bamboo Spike Trap" I yell and a bunch of sharp bamboo sprouted and a lot of the trash got pierced from bellow. Those who were not, were trapped inside a super dense wall of reinforced bamboo.

Without giving then much time I channeled about two thirds of my remaining ability power points. "Come forth and answer my call... Treasured Wood Creation, model QUETZALCOATL!!!" there was a huge tremor and huge feathered serpent with a golden mane, started growing like a tree. With powerful a leap the serpent went to sky and started channeling her powers into her mouth and a massive ball of green fire started forming.

I can see the fear and disspair in their worthless eyes while they looked at my majestic creation. I took this time when they were distracted and arrived at the exhausted mermaid who sees me and try to swim away from me, but it is tangled in some ropes that were thrown at her and I picked he up and made a wooden bowl, which I used to scoop some water. Then I put the tired mermaid inside and say to her, "It's gonna be alright, let me take care of this trash. You can rest in the meantime to get your strenght back." She cried a little but went to sleep anyways, guess she was too tired to even cry, maybe the frogs were her friends. 

About 30 seconds passed and a huge ball of green fire was shot at the middle of the bamboo trap I made and the trapped slavers were turned to ash, but for some reason, after the fire died quickly, the bamboo was intact, maybe it's the water that they sprinkle that made them fire proof. 

After the slaver were dealt with. Some more frogs appeared from the pond, they were a lot smaller than the ones that perished protecting their homes. Guess the reason that the tiny mermaid was fighting so hard was to protect those kids. I can see some more big frogs at the bottom of the pond protecting something... those were eggs. Guess that they will not go extinct... that's good news at least. 

After I was done inspecting the pond I returned to my original size and another frog appeared, it was huge and had an afro and a bushy beard, he came to me and handed me a dark green sheathed katana. It was wrapped in kelp and probably does not work anymore but, I still took it as it would be rude to not receive it. With a nod he returned to the pond... That was weird why didn't he try to prevent me from taking the little mermaid girl... And instead gave me an old sword.

Oh well... I stored the sword in my storage and appraise it to see if it's a hidden treasure or junk. Not like I can use a sword anyway...

'Appraisal of mysterious sword completed successfully.'

I clicked again to see the info and almost fainted... A great grade named sword... Ame no Murakumo... what is such treasure in the hands of some random frogs, was this their original aim. It's handle and sheath are ruined but the blade and all the metal parts are still brand new... just how long was this katana down there. I might need to remade the ruined parts again, but the blade it's still sharp and whole so I can make a weapon out of this. 

I thank mr. Chief, and carried the sleeping mermaid girl towards the others, mrs. Quetzalcoatl is following behind me expecting something. I pet her "From this day forth you will be known as Green D. Lucoa. Hope you like your new name." I said smiling at her and she feels proud to be named and shrinks down and wrapped her lower half on my waist while resting her head on my sholuders. I pet her again, not saying that one of the main reason I change her name, is that her old name was too long... I then continue moving forth.

I reached Nel and looked at the destroyed ship at the coast, she is still battling some dude, maybe he is the captain of this sorry excuse of a crew... I'm still angry for what happened earlier... I grabbed one of the long bamboo sticks and fling it at the mr. Captain... I missed but it gave big Nel an opening and she bit at his side. After playing some more with mr. Captain, she threw him at the sinking ship and just look how the ship sank...

Better get back to my ship and start to do the mods... oh right the ship was left sailing on itself... I looked at my map and see that my ship sailed arround the island and continued on it's bayage on its own... "MY SHIP" I yelled and Big Nel came to me and I put both little Lucoa and the sleeping mermaid, on the ground with little Bonney, and asked little Lucoa to look after them, she was about to protest when I jump on top of big Nel and went after my ship.

Upon landing on my ship I used my powers to turn the ship arround, and I arraived at the small island then I park the ship near the sinking boat but I pushed the ship in land and sprouted some massive wooden arms to pull my ship out of the water, and into the soft soil. I entered the ship again and started storing everything inside into my storage I also appraiced everything, just so I know what I can throw away and what to use.

I need to change the layout, I use the big arms to remove the floor and inner walls and just leave the frame bare with just the outer walls, I need to reinforce the frame of the ship and make it smaller too. I used my powers to compact the wood and change it to treasured wood, I shrank it to about halve the size, but now it weighs a little more. 

I picked the ship using the big arms and place it on the ocean to see if it floats, and to no ones surprise, it does. I picked again and pull it to land and continued my experiments.

I installed the bathroom like it was but in the rear of the ship, I made a water tank out of treasured wood that looks more like a pool. Then the floor and some walls to encase the bathroom, make sure all the plumbing is hidden and connected properly and that all the water exit inside a second tank pool which I filled with wet soil from this island, I made a roof and installed some windows. 

Right next to the bathroom, I place the kitchen, again I liked a lot so the only thing I did was to replace the cabinets and tables with treasured wood. I connected the piping into the tank pool up top, I encase it a floor and some walls making sure all the pipes are hidden and all the drainage goes to the bottom tank pool too and added some windows for ventilation and natural lighting

The tank which is on top of both the bathroom and kitchen to feed the water using gravity, it's actually pretty large wooden pool, I will be using the wet bamboo, which uses it's roots to 'drink' dirty or salty water for sustinance and then sprinkled some clean filtered water out of it's small branches. I covered the area around the water tank with soil and used my powers to sprout some of that wet bamboo, guiding most of the roots towards the bottom tank and some to go inside the tank itself to cycle the water.

Now I have and endless supply of clean water. I enclose this tank pool room so that it doesn't get dirtied with sea water and put a lot of glass windows to let sun entered and helps with their photosynthesis. And our wastes will be used as fertilizer for the bamboo.

I made a large living area in front of both the kitchen and bathroom that I divided using really big doors they covered the whole front portion of the ship's bottom layout, I installed the floors and walls, along with the  windows and walls, I installed a set of stairs on both sides on the front point of the boat. 

To insulate all my walls and floors I add it a bunch of compacted soil. It made the ship heavier, but after some testing it stills float so it is a win for me... I'm tired so I'll just continue after lunch. Which I plan on cooking using my brand new kitchen.

Status Check:


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