One Piece: Rise of the World Tree

Chapter 16

After waking up I looked at my map without waking the girls up, and calmed a little when there weren't any ships surrounding the island... did they desided to let me go unharmed? 

After I closed the map I got out of bed waking the girls in the process and went to the bathroom to take a morning shower... wonder if there are some air conditioning devices in the One Piece World. Always woke up swetty... atleast the cold shower is nice for hot weathers like here on the South Blue. Might need a hot water system too... maybe later.

After getting dressed we went to have a quick breakfast and the girls continue talking on my bedroom while I get to work on the ship... 

Now I remember... the proppeler and fuel system which I removed... how do I hook it back up I know it's supposed to go on the bottom floor but the machine thingy it's huge... and I will have to remove halve of both the bathroom and the kitchen to install it... also the side cannons... I didn't install any weaponry on my new ship... atleast the cannons aren't that difficult.

I went to the top floor were my future garden will be, and made a three meter wide pathway, along the beautifully carved railings. They are connected to the front stair that go inside my ship and the roof of my main water tank bamboo garden, on top of which is the bridge. Better connect the it from the inside too just in case of emergencies, I made another flight of stairs that connect the bridge with the main water tank garden which go to my guest rooms.

Perfect... just like me I guess. I installed 4 cannons along the walkways in the top floor and the main cannon that was in the front, I install it on top of the doorway that leads to the floors bellow in the front of my boat, connected to the 2 walkways with a set of stairs on both side. Surrounded the cannons with a nice carved shields to protect the shooters and tge cannons from enemy fire.

I used my big arms which have been suspending the ship above ground, and move my boat to the ocean and it floats. I installed the two anchors that were previously on the boat near the front on both sides. With the chains and the pulley.

"What was that. Are we under attack?" Bonney came from bellow only to be surprised by my boat, "Sorry but it was me just putting my boat back on the water do you like what you see? The boat has been reinforced with my treasured wood, and I added a layer of compacted soil inside the walls to protect against the cold." I beamed her an excited smile, and she blushed with embarrassment... "Sorry for starttle you I guess I kind of got carried away with ny remoddeling." She smiled a little and nodded, after alittle hug she went to Lexy and they giggled.

Since I am not using the propeller system... what do I do... think you gorgeous dryad, think... Wait a minute... Yes, I'll just summon some long paddles and dolls to row my way through the calm belt. I placed a hand on my soil and activated my powers to summon 80 lesser wooden dolls model Valkeries and place them on the walkway along the sides 40 on each side, I can probably used them to use the cannons too, and summoned 20 reinforced super long oars, two dolls for one oar. I made the necesary holes on the railings and secured the oars to the railings.

With all my preparations completed I called the girls over and once they arrive at the top garden I made my giant royal green flag with a golden drawing of a tree and hang it on its pole. "From today forward, we will be known as the Green World Pirates!!!" 

After I hanged the flag and looked at the girls, I can see them cheering, I also heard the spartan yell comming from my dolls... wait what? Were did they get those spears and shields? Why aren't the girls freaking out? Whatever...

"Alright girls prepare the oars, since the wind is blowing south east, you will be rowing to the Calm Belt up north, our destination Amazon Lily!!!" I ordered the wooden dolls and after cheering they went to position, started rowing after the shields and spears were stored somewhere inside their bodies. 

They looked like the traditional Valkeries, just made out of treasured wood... they look different front each other. They have tiny wings on their helms and their armors looked like they were barbarians.

After the initial cheer, Bonney and Lexy went down stairs while I took my map and made a wooden throne in the middle of my garden. I looked at the map only to see we were heading north and there is something small approaching from the north-west... Did an admiral went to punish me... Or joker what do they wabt with me... guess I better prepare for combat. 

Even if we are moving really fast, for a ship anyways, that someone will reach me in about 2 minutes... I called both Nel and Luc since they both can fly, and prepare for battle... I even used three quarters of my ability points making the dolls, the oars and the final touches and I haven't eaten lunch yet since it wasn't mid day yet...

After about 1 minutes I can finally see my opponent... it was a seagul... maybe it was headed toward Baterilla... wait tgat seagull caries a bag... right it probably carries the newspaper and the wanted posters.

I jumped on top of Nel and I went to get a news paper... the seagul was scared and it dropped the wanted posters... but something called my attention... it was my wanted poster... "Nel get me close to that wanted poster." I asked Nel while pointing at my wanted poster.

After grabbing it and looking at it... first thing first... Wow, I look hot on my picture... The Green Sage Lily was the name the government gave me... Luckily I introduced myself to those marines. For some reason I am wanted, but only alive... that is odd... My head is worth... 175,000,000 belly... Yes, guess I'm gonna become one of the Supernova once I reach Sabaody.

After admiring my wanted poster for about 20 minutes, I started to get hungry and went to the kitchen to start making lunch. After I finished cooking, the girls setted the table and we started eatin our daiky feast.

After I finished eating, the girls started their daily interactions and I went upstairs to absorb some sunlight since it's pleasant... I sat on my wood throne and looked at the horizon. "Can't wait to see what my new adventures be like." I started to get sleepy after eating so much food and tgis pleasnt sensation the sun is giving me... So nice I looked at my map and we are heading north no enemy ships or sea monsters on sight. I dozed after closing my map and storin it.


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