One Piece: Rise of the World Tree

Chapter 17

After about about 2 days... I was bored... really, really bored. There is only sea water around me nothing interesting happening in this waters since must people go towards reverse mountain. 

Since I want to take a detour through the Calm Belt there isn't anyone that looked at my ship from a far... The map shows that I'm still in South Blue... I have been heading north for about 2 days, catching what little wind I could, still there is no sign of the Calm Belt.

I stood up and went down stairs, I found Lexy with Bonney, Lexy was dancing mesmized by the moved while Bonney was cheering for her and neither of them have seemed to have notice me enter the big room. 

I just sat near Bonney. "So what have you girls been up to?" I asked in a low tone, as to not disturbed Lexy. "Not much, we were just planing a surprise for y..." she stops mid sentence, looking at me, blinking her cute dark pink eyes. 

"It's ok Bonney, you don't have to worry about anything, but... this past few days have been so borring... We have plenty to eat and drink... an infinite bath to shower when we want... But now that I finished the ship, I have been wondering... what to do..."

Obviously I don't plan to be an evil pirate or a corrupted marine... nor would I want to be near the nobles and their messed-up system...

"I said I would be strong enough so that you and everyone that I hold dear, don't have to worry about anything... but what can I do to mess with the system the World Nobles created. I have been practicing with my powers... But I don't think just growing stuff and reinforce them is gonna be that meaninful when confronted by true power." My Wooden Dolls - Valkeries have been reinforced so much that they are each almost as sturdy as me... good luck to whoever wants to raid my boat.

At some point Lexy was sitting next me, blushing a little and not keeping eye contact. "You could mess... with them inderectly... like one of the nobles top activities... revolves arround slaves." Bonney said with a dark tone, and Lexy lowered her head.

Freedom... That could be my pirate way... according to my trusty memory... The top selling slaves are young Mermaids and male Giants followed by young female Giants and Minks... Why are they so perverted... Also they want the raw strenght of male Giants but female Giants are strong too... then again, most just like to ruin beautiful things just so no one will have them... bunch of sadist...

I'm already heading for Amazon Lily which I plan to turn into my base of operations... How will we enter the island... We are all cute girls here so maybe they will not attack us on site, wonder who is the current Empress... Is it a young and sexy Gloriosa or Hancock... wonder what year is it... maybe I can prevent the Boa sisters from becoming slaves.

"I kind of like that... a world were people don't have to be slaves... were they can be free from this stupid system were the World Nobles can do what they want. Maybe when I am strong enough, my voice will carry more weight than the nobles... If I can bring all the none humans under my branches, then slavers gonna have a really hard time messing with them."

"Why not bring everyone under you?" Bonney asked a little sad. Right she is human... "Well the humans aren't targeted as often as other races, usually the only humans that get sold as a slave are pirates, criminals and refugees. Some slavers fancy cute children and pretty ladies since they are easier to aquire and resell. Sorry if I made you unconfortable with the dark talks... I'm still gonna kill every slaver I see along with all the merchants that buys from them." I hugged Bonney to reasure her.

Both girls are quite sad... specially Lexy, maybe she knows that she can be sold for huge amount of cash... gotta work extra hard just to ensure that both of them are save and sound... 

Need to learn Haki fast... My body already is quite sturdy, and with my weight I ca... I'm not fat ok, I also has Ame no Murakumo which I still need to fix... I'll guess I can start there.

I took out my sword and started removing the rotten wood and the seaweed from it, "How did you get master Hokuto's treasured knife." Lexy was looking like she had stars on her eyes. "You are telling me that that huge frog with an afro, used a Great Grade Named Sword as a cooking knife..." The rotten wooden handdle was really long for a sword, so it looked kind of like a knife... after removing the rotten wooden handdle the metal underneath was normal lenght and pristine.

"Well he was kind off really old and was looking for a successor to pass his skills." Lexy says like it's common knowledge... "Well I need to restore this beauty and find a suitable owner." I pass a wet cloth over the side of the blade... guess that green sheen is a natural thing for whatever metal this sword was made of... 

I wrap the handdle on my treasured wood and compacted to the point that it's almost as thick as paper and wrapped around the metal handle until it had the apropiate thickness. I added the 2 metal peggs that hold the wood in place even if they are not needed since I almost fused the rolled wood in to a single piece and added the guard piece. I should have remember the different parts of a katana so I can stop disrespecting the original smith that made this sword. 

I gave the wooden handle some texture that looked like my trademarked scales that look like leaves. And started making the sheath for my blade. Using the same technique but l left a tiny gap arround the front so I don't cut in to the sheath and I gave it the same scaled design.

After I finished with the design, I keep supplying my powers to the wooden parts to further reinforce them. And the entire sword started gloowing with rainbow lights... what ever the blade wants more power I will give it more power.

After about halve an hour it was mid day and it was time for lunch but both my girls were watching, waiting for the coclusion of this sword. After 2 more hours, my powers were almost exhausted, and I reach a certain barrier that was preventing me from using more power, looking at my stats my powers were almost empty...

After taking my water bottle out I started drinking and drinking... I drank so much water that it was scary how much water I consumed... there is still more water here... Oh yeah... the bottle upgrades it self whenever a member is permanently added to my crew. Kind of forgot since I use it mostly for cooking... 

I rested enough for my powers to grow back up enough for cooking a feast since I need more energy to continue working on my sword. "The knife looks great, that golden wood makes great contrast with the green sheen that the blade gives, but why did you shorten the handdle?" Lexy ask and Bonney face palmed. "That 'knife' was actually a sword, and a powerful one acourding to legends, you even said that the old frog was a master that was looking to pass his skills." Bonney asked her.

"He was a master cheff that was looking for someone that could improve uppon his legacy. But since the tribe was saved by Master Lily he desided to give it to her." Lexy answers with stars shinning on her eyes, and both Bonney and me face palmed ourselves...


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