One Piece: Rise of the World Tree

Chapter 18

After we finished with our lunch I went back to my sword. Both Bonney and Lexy are looking at me with stars in their eyes watching me pour every ounce of my power into my sword. It is starting to glow with rainbow lights, getting longer and thicker, it's also bending a little more. The handle is also getting longer and designs I did to wooden parts are glowing green and getting a little more refined.

After about 2 hours the sword stopped glowing and changing... I felt so tired, my ability points were on the 50's. I stored and appraised the sword to see if anything changed apart from it's looks and after it finished I clicked it again to see the info... "What!!!" I yelled in surprise...

"What happened are we under attack?" Lexy woke up, surprised by my scream... I could bearily contain my excitement and Bonney entered the room. "What happened, why are you so exited?" Bonney asked me and I took out my new weapon. 

A 2.2 meters long katana, it has a beautiful golden scaled design covering the handle and sheath made with my gold treasured wood. The guard piece looked like 4 leaves crossed over in a spiral made of a dark green metal, the same as the rest of the blade. 

After drawing the Katana half-way, enough to show the edge of the almost jet black blade, it has a the dark green hue covering it in a nice scaled pattern, but it's completely smooth. It gives the looks of a snake skin covered in resin, like those pendants I remember from my old life, depending on the sun the blade goes green to black, I sheathed the Katana and looked at the girls.

"So... what you girls think of my new and improved weapon, Kusanagi, formerly known as Ame no Murakumo, also known as the Grass Cutting Sword. A Supreme Grade named sword, It can adjust it's size and it's extremly sharp."

After I fixed and infused it with all my strength and soul, it evolved from being Great Grade to the fabled Supreme Grade, it also grows with me since it's connected to my being. It's original size was about 1.4 meters long

"A perfect sword for a perfect being. Right are your words of praise to difficult to pronounce or..." I was engrossed with my new toy when I was interrupted by Lexy.

"umm... What's Supreme Grade and no wonder the chief was able to cut the bamboo so easily, with that Grass Cutting Sword name. It looked really mysterious with that color changing blade and that beautiful golden sheath." She asked confused at first but then it got to the point were she was jumping with joy for some reason, also looked at Bonney waiting with expectant eyes for the explabation.

After explaining to the girls on how the grading system works for named swords. They started looking at the sword with awe, I was so tired... after storing back Kusanagi the girls snaped back to reality. 

"Well girls, guess we should start with dinner since I need my energy and it is getting late." I guess I spent to much time explaining about the grading system...

We headed to the kitchen and prepared the meat, we used lots of meats since I have 3 carnivores on my ship... I forgot to name my ship... well I'm sure I'll think of a good name, I would like to finish the lighting and temperature issues first.

Dinner was served and we sat on our table and Nel and Luc took about 4 pieces of juicy herbed sloth pork each, and I filled their giant water bowls using my super water bottle. Lexy took 2 of those and Bonney took one of everything like me, I took 3 large colas and my water bottle. 

Man all this dishes are huge there is a good 10kg of meat on those roasted pork legs... there are also sauces and spices we can add. Lexy, for instance like spicy food, Nel and Luc don't seen to have preferance appart from being meat based and Bonney can eat anything except carrots and other similar roots. I like pretty much anything as long as it's food...

After we ate we went to have our evening shower I change two of the cubicles and rmovet the middle wall to have more rooms since Lexy turns into a mermaid when she gets wet we have to help her and for some reason Bonney don't want me to wash Lexy without washing her too, it's not like it's a problem or anything.

After we finished bathing, we dried our bodies and got dressed. I made a living dress for both Bonney and Lexy, like my clothing which grows to match my size, Bonney's and Lexy's living dresseses adjust to their body change. 

The only problem is that so far I can only make Royal Green Color leaves and some golden wood accesories... not a problem for me but maybe they will get tired of their color... maybe I can fuse with more trees... the bamboo is not a tree since I can absorb it but not fuse with it...

After we reached my room we got naked again since the South Blue is so hot... I went to bed and Bonney took the spot under my right arm while Lexy took my left, they are using my arms as pillows... Atleast when I shrink down My arms return to flesh so they are probably sleeping confortably.

I need to control my hybrid form but in a smaller size too, in case I'm in a small space and can't go big for some reason... Speaking of big... why is it so hard to go full Dryad Form... maybe I'm not strong enough... maybe I need to complete something like Yugi's Millenium Puzzle to turn bigger and stronger, maybe cooler and sexier too.

After my two angels went to sleep I closed my eyes and dozed off, in to dream land...

Except that I'm not sleeping... Why is it all dark... Then a rainbow light started glowing and a really big... and hot... lady appeared before my eyes... Is she a goddess? 

"Why yes I am, this is one of the many world I made after watching an anime, I've made a coupple of anime, novel, games and much more. Oh right my name is Iris Rainbow Goddess of light and colors my Job is basically making a bunch of worlds were other lesser Gods can send different heroes to fight in their names on pointless things or reincarnating humans from different worlds." She replied to my thoughts and also introduced herself as an Otaku Goddess that can make different anime based worlds like One Piece...

"Lily it's kind of rude to called your savior things, for the record I have a lot of time on my hands, also I made worlds based arround novels and games. You were about to enter a pseudo world made by the humans, quite a feat for their technological and magical levels... unfortunatelly your game crashed befored you could make it. After a couple of minutes your body would've colapsed since the humans were sending the entire soul of the 69 betta testers... only 7 made it to that world but they can't return the others died instantly..."

"Wait what?!?" She looked like she is trying to not break the news to badly... but she failed to do that... since she already said all I needed to know...

"Fear not... there were also 3 others that were on a similar position than you, I send them to different world though so you don't have to worry about Michael who's building a giant harem in the world I sent him too." She says in a cheerful tone.

"I don't think it is conforting to know that only 11 out of 69 betta testers made it out alive. And who's Michael? he sounds like a generic harem seeking protagonist..." I asked a little sad... even if I don't remember anyone from my old world... it's still sad...

"Alive? Not really... sending someone to a new world is a Gods territory. Mortals cannot messed with that... yet the earthlings from your world manage to make a temporal connection, enough to send some of you to a new world. The only part that made it to the the world was the soul so... All of you guys pretty much died... But before you guys desolved into the world as a reward for 'surviving' the trip I gave you the chance to start on that world with the bodies that you guys made for that Tales of Scrolls game you guys 'made' which basically connects you to another world I made... You 4 however are a bit special." She explained in a warm tone with a little fascination in her voice.

"What do you mean special." I asked her and she giggled. "Well you 4 were such great fans of my animes that I had to reward you. Since you guys got stuck in the middle of the transfer and were destined to die I went the extra mile and took you guys into your favorite anime worlds to relieve your dreams in a fantasy world. I don't have a mission or anything for you guys, just try not to destroy my worlds, ok." She said and winked at the end. Wait... her animes... 

"I did said that I have a lot of free time on my hands, you are looking, right now, at the one that made the anime genre, hooo hohoho."


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