One Piece: Rise of the World Tree

Chapter 19

"Hooo hohohoho" She keeps laughing. "Did you also made that laugh?" I ask her in a slightly annoyed tone. "I made more than just the laugh of most iconic characters. I also made all the deres and most tropes." She said with a proud grin displaying her more than ample bossom... 

"Thank you for the compliment. I also contacted you to congratulate you, for making it to this world. I was kind off busy helping the others since they were sent to more... Chaotic Anime Worlds... this one is also quite wild, but since you were on a more stable position I left you for last." She said with a wide grin...

"You have also been busy, even abusing some of the gift I left you. Like that Adam Seed I gave you to train your powers and my fruit... That devil fruit you created on the forums is so un-balanced... but it's to late to do anything about it... Why did you decided on remaking more of my fruits... It's not like it matters much, since they are lesser versions of the original..." She calmed down and continued, quite the chatter box...

"The others got similar skills and systems, you have probably the highest potential to destroy my world... Hope you don't try to destroy it. I don't care if you slaugher all the mortals of this world since making more is not that hard... But an entire planet... promise me that you will protect this world." She ask me, waiting for my answer, it's not like I had the intention of destroying the planet or anything... 

"Great, once we finish our little talk, you will wake-up refreshed, ready to tackle anything on this trip of yours. Also... you finished a Supreme Grade Sword... I don't even know how to express my disbelieve... Remember I'm currently watching all 4 of you tackling my worlds, I will not interfere unless my world is in danger, hope you will remember that." She said in a dark tone and my vision started to look blurry. 

"I'm expecting lot's of entertainment from you, I might made your adventure into a spin-off or a movie if your performance is good enough. Also, if you reach Go... nevermind... have fun and acomplish your dreams." Iris finished her speech and drowsiness hit me like Truck-kun.

I woke up with some tears on my eyes... my dreams huh... I looked at both Bonney and Lexy who are still sleeping and I sigh... a family... but why... well guess I need to get out of bed.

On second thought, It's still night out there since it's so dark... Need to work on my lighting and temperature controls... I don't want to use a fire source, since I'm a plant girl... In the middle of the ocean on a floating wooden ship... yeah, no fire please... guess I'll just go back to bed then.

I woke up to both Bonney and Lexy looking at me, we were both sweaty... after a quick stretch we went to the showers and had a nice long bath. Followed by a nice breakfast, Lexy and Bonney went to practice to their secret little dance club or whatever and I went to the deck for a nice sun bath on my wooden throne.

It was almost mid day, when I finally spotted something different on my map, after drinking some water I focused on my map and was happy to discover that the Calm Belt was at the far edge of it, just another 80km since that is the maximun range of my map. Already there were something coming this way from the west and I prepare for combat just in case.

What came into view was another ship with a black flag... great... pirates... I called both Nel and Luc just in case and told the others to hide.

All 80 of my Wooden Valkyries pulled the oars in and we dropped anchors. They pulled their shields and weapons out from out of nowhere... I can hear their Spartan-like warcry. 

Some of them had broad swords, while some have war hammers, there are some battle axes and most were equiped with long spears. Their golden wood armors and weapons sparkled nicely under the sunlight and had great contrast with the dark green clothing made of leaves. Also their skin is a softer looking wood, their faces have no features, but those were hidden under their helms.

I took Kusanagi out and went to the front, a cannon shot was fired but it didn't connect with my ship, guess they are adjusting their aim or something. Treasured wood is almost inmune to damage from other ship attacks, maybe if someone could infuse the cannon ball with Armament Haki the story would be different.

They don't fire a second time but are still getting closer... "Guess they are after my booty..." Always wanted to made that joke... sounded funnier in my head...

When they are close enough the started turning the ship to board us, and we just waited a little, after about 2 minutes  some Pirates thughs came they were several hundreds and their ships were almost three times bigger than mine... but I wasn't afraid... for some reason all the girls, even if they don't have faces, were all eager to start a brawl.

"What a lovely ship you have here, I am the great Alfonso Bon Stratos, you are also not bad looking, actually now that I looked at you you are really beautiful, you will be my 13th bride, also you have an army of nice looking girls with you... they will serve for good 'entertainment' won't it boys. Our journey toward reverse mountain is gonna be fun" A blonde haired, noble looking man with pretty face that just beggs to be punched, that is almost as tall as me declared like he owns my ship...

"Girls, do you mind taking this trash out of my ship, you are free to do as you please since this is just some low level trash. Nel, Luc, you can go there and find someone to play with... I'll keep an eye for the captain." I gave the orders ignoring mr. Noble Face... and with a loud shout and two powerful roars my deck was rocked a little, such a stable boat.

There was some confusion from the enemy pirates... I was confused too... like how come there were pirates so close to the Calm Belt... but the enemy was probably conserned with some other matter... 

I remain standing on my soil with a sheathed Kusanagi at my right side. My girls went and jump over to the enemy ship like mad warriors... hacking and slashing... pircing and smashing... while deflecting the enemy's blows like they were just playing mock knight battles or sparring matches... except they don't fear death... I can see one of my girls fighting with a hole on her chest, she just ripped out the enemy spear out and the hole started closing...

Nel was fighting with some higher rank pirate, he looked like slender man with those long limbs of his, black long hair and has a pair of steel claws like wolverine on his toned hairy arms, I can't see his face well from here, but I think he is grinning... a battle junkie I guess... dragon claw vs. steel claw.

Luc if attacking mr. Noble Face from afar... more like she is shooting small green fire balls at the captain, who has to guard like an idiot if he doesn't want his ship on fire... little did he know that those fire balls were not cappable of burning wood or plants... she is just playing with him... whatever I used my map to scan the enemy ship and there was someone hidden inside of a barrel...

I summoned a long wood arm and went fishing for that barrel... Since I don't want that mysterious person attacking my girls from a blind spot.

After about 25minutes the battle finished and my girls went gathering for some supplies and treasure, some of the girls were stacking the corpses... I don't like the sight of that... there were no casualties on my side, but there were 5 Wood Valkyries that were resting on my soil, guess they are recovering.

After the rest of the girls returned from the enemy ship with some barrels chests and crates I can see Luc burning the corpses... after all my girls were onboard, I drew Kusanagi who wanted to participate too... probably... I didn't wanted to use it on a living person since I don't like blood that much.

Bonney and Lexy came from inside my ship and the hidden person took a pick out the lid of the barrel... little did it know that 3 Valkyrie were watching behind the barrel, in case whoever is in the barrel try anything funny...

I looked at the enemy ship and lifted Kusanagi up and sliced downward with all my strength, just see what this baby can do... And the enemy ship aswell as the ocean under it was split into ribons... 

"Holy crap!!!" I yelled and looked at the girls, the Valkyries were celebrating by slamming their weapons against their shields. Bonney and Lexy were staring wide eyed at the ship that was split into multiple blocks of wood. And the final girl was staring with a pale face, looking like she is about to cry.

I turned to the little girl after sheathing Kusanagi and storing it. "Care to explain how you got inside of that barrel on a clearly enemy-of-women-type pirate ship?" I asked her witha warm smile on my face, Bonney and Lexy snapped off their trance and looked at the mysterious girl.

"Please don't kill me... I'll do anything, from chores to other thing more pe" I flicked her forhead. And she was about to cry "Please don't ever say say stuff like that... I'm not interested in kids. Kids should do kids things like gossiping or playing with other children... Don't say such sad things." I pat the dirty girl on her head and then she cried...


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