One Piece: Rise of the World Tree

Chapter 23

After a very, very hard bath... we dressed-up and left the bathroom. I went to the kitchen and started cooking dinner guess I should make enough for everyone. 

I told everyone that I'll be making dinner and started prepping the ingredients, good thing my kitchen is designed for making a meal for about a hundred people at a time with a lot of counter space.

I take out several pounds of Sea King meat, cut them into cubes, season then with some spices, cover it with diced onions, a little bit of olive oil and leave them to absorb some of the flavors. I took several large cooking pots and boiled some water, bloomed some rice and washed it to then added to the pots with some spices and diced herbs. I bloomed several scallions, carrots, potatoes and diced everything.

I added water in to the remaining four pots from my water bottle, and let it boil, then added the potatos and the carrots to get softer, added the Sea King meat with some tomato paste I made yesterday when I was making ketchup, added more spices and the diced onions. 

After about 40 minutes of constant styring, the Sea King spicy stew was finished and I added the scallions on top of each of the four cooking pots. The herbed rice was almost done too hope that 6 large pots of rice is enough for the girls, the kujas and myself... Better throw some large seasoned stakes in the grill for the two Yudas, Nel and Luc too. I wonder if the Valkyries eat though... 

Out of nowhere, a random Valkyrie dressed as a maid pass through sweeping the doorway of the kitchen and looked at me. I asked her, "do you girls would like to eat anything? It has been like a week since I made you girls, but I have never seen you eat or drink anything." It might be a bit late to ask this now... She just shook her head and continued sweeping.

The food was ready and arround 24 Valkyries came to help me bring the food. On my main deck I made 4 long tables in the middle with around coupled with about 80 large wood bowls. The Yudas, Nel and Luc started eating their meals in harmony. I guestured at the Kujas and my girls to sit and the Valkyrie maids started serving the food.

It was a pretty nice meal if I say so myself, some of the kujas were in tears as well as my girls, was it too spicy? Also Daisy is already joining us at the table, she eating like normal while looking at me from time to time. 

The Valkyries made a table for them and are playing cards and are drinking something golden, it looks like sap, maybe? They seem to be having a nice time, there are some that are refilling the bowls of food.

Sea King's meat taste so good... and there still so much left wonder if I can fish a full grown one, they can grow-up to reach 5km, imagine how many tons of meat is in each of them. 

After eating the Kuja Pirates start leading us toward Amazon Lily, there isn't a single Sea King in sight, guess they're really warry of Nel or Luc... or both maybe?

I can see the island from afar, the huge mountain near the middle of the island with a bunch of serpent stone statues around it, the kanji of the word Kuja engraved on the front. There are some small trees around it and the mountain is hollowed out and turned into a natural fortress with the village inside, can't wait to personally see it though.

After about an hour later we arrived at the dock and there are some kids running around, curious to see what the Kuja Pirates brought home. There are some large kujas looking at us too. I think I just spotted Aphelandra, a giant girl with orange hair and an even younger, normal sized, blond girl standing on her shoulders, maybe that's Marguerite. 

I entered Hybrid-Dryad form and made my long coat out of my leaves and struck a flexing pose. The Valkyries were doing their traditional spartan warcry, and standing around me. Nel and Luc are doing some barrel rolls on the air while the girls are just waving at the kujas. The kids were cheering while other kujas are a bit warry of us, some were even a bit afraid but still are preparing their snake bows.

"It's ok girls they are with us, they are our guest and possible solution for our food problems." Kikyo said to the Kujas calming them a bit. But the kids started cheering even harder and I waved at them and some fainted. The adults were now gossiping and looking at me, maybe they are trying to guess what am I going to do about their food shortage.

We disembarked and I get surrounded by curious kujas, there were some that didn't like me, like at all... but it's understandable since we are strangers and there has been some cases were slavers capture some of them... I return to my normal state to make it easier for them.

I followed Kikyo in to a large building that looked like a gate, while the other kujas were helping with the unloading of their cargo, my Valkyries decided to stay on the ship for some reason. My girls are following behind me, and Luc has shrunk a lot and is wrapped around my right arm while Nel is walking beside me, on my left side.

There are so many women around us, some were taller and more muscular, some were around my size with sexy body types, they were all dress in skimpy clothes. They don't look as goofy as the anime, maybe my perception is changing but some of the kujas I remember were really weird, like super big torsos with small legs... now that I think about it, most of the other humans that I have met so far looked... normal. The kujas now look like real anime amazons, there are those that are a lot bigger than me, maybe they have some giant's bloodline in them.

I reached the entrance of the fort, gosh I love the architecture of this place everything feels so nice, the air is so clean and the nice smells of spices and herbs. The buildings look great with their white walls, the red tilled roofs with white snake statues decorating the corners. The red wood frame of the doors and windows, the kujas walking around on the flat dirt street, there are some carved stone walkways too, some stopped briefly to look at us but then continued on once they saw Kikyo. 

We arrived at a hotel were Kikyo paid for our room and we went up. After a nice chat over tea, she excused her self and we prepare for bed, the temperature of the room is nice too... everything about Amazon Lily is perfect so far. The girls were on their room with a triple beds setup, mine is a queen sized one and the map doesn't show any hostile movements.

Luc is curently curled up with Nel sleeping soundly, they are giving a faint glow, didn't notice that my treasured wood glowed in the dark though...

The bed isn't as confortable as my old one but I left my comforter on my ship... well guess I'll try to sleep without it... I missed my girls. It's night out and I need to look my best tomorrow. Need to grow a huge field and find a nice teacher to train my haki and my powers.

I woke-up by my girls during the morning I left for the open bath of this hotel with the girls and started washing myself before finally entering the artificial hot spring. Man this feels great... It looks and feel so natural but I don't think there is an actual volcano around her.

After a nice soak we got dried and dressed, even their their breakfast was nice but a little bland the tea was great though, I really need to get to Water Seven. 

I was greeted by Kikyo in the lobby, and she told me that it was time to head to the fields. We were then escorted and after we reach the southern corner of the fortress, I can see a bunch of farming kujas tending to about 30 different fields. There are some of the elderly giving directions to the younger ones, their crops look really thin and not as colorful as mine... 

I stepped in the middle of the first field and place my hand on the ground, before one of the elderly scolded me, I use my powers to help the crops grow, it takes about 20 ability points but I manage to make it. All the crops on the first field bloomed, more colorful and healthy than ever probably. The farming kujas were looking straight at me with weird looks on their eyes. I just walked to the second field and repeated the process, this field took 24 ability points to fully grow... thats weird the fileds look identical in size. Maybe the quality of the soil was better on the first field, lets just finished this task and moved to find a teacher.



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