One Piece: Rise of the World Tree

Chapter 24

I finally finished all the 33 fields and it was about mid day and I was hungry and tired. One of the older kujas came to me and asked, "Would you like to join us for lunch, you have worked hard for our sake and you need to refill your strength, a little bird told me you are quite the eater so we made a lot of extra for seconds." I was a little surprised since my senses are pretty good, must be because I'm so tired and hungry, I just nodded and followed her back into the big house near the entrance of the southern district.

After I followed her inside I was surprised to see my girls already eating, there was a huge feast in the middle of their table, and there were some of the younger kujas happily eating with them. I was seated in one of the big table were the adults were eating, I just stretch my back and arms before sitting, grabbing a large plate that was in front of me and started filling it with different food. Their lunch consisted on many meat dishes, different cheese, vegetables and fruits too.

After a nice lunch I return to the fields only to see a bunch of kujas from all ages picking the different crops, I need to fix the problem even if I plan to live here. For starters the soil it's pretty dry guess there isn't much rain here in the Calm Belt, or maybe it's just Amazon Lily, I think Rusukaina has a more rainy weather, although I think the climate is crazy on that side... If I plant a bunch of wet bamboo the soil might become too wet... I don't think they would like that. Also the sun is way to strong here since there aren't that many clouds in the sky, I wonder if that's how it normally is.

Maybe I can make an atrificial rain system, and fed it using wooden pipes from my infinite water source tanks like in my ship but with a much higher capacity. They should be gravity fed since I don't think I can make a pump. Better discus that with the elders since this is gonna be a big project and I might need their approval for building. Maybe we can make an organic compost for making the soil better, I read in some kingdom building novels they use ashes to make the soil better maybe we can use a little on our future compost mix.

I met with the elder who was called Vivian, "That is an interesting idea, but... most of it would take too long to built, we also don't have the resources to re-build the entire southern districts fields. Also we have tried the compost methods that we took from other islands but the don't quite work since our soil is so dry and hard. What you have done should be plenty for about a month or so, you have done more than enough already." She said with a sad smile.

"Well I just need permission to built it, I will be making everything and provide the materials. It should cover the south portion of the fort and there should be four giant water tanks that are constantly been refilled, maybe if you guys have a sort of waste water ways so that I can kill two birds with one stone. Also need a space to build an artificial pond for all the excess water that would overflow." I explain and pointed at several parts of my map and she looked a bit puzzled but the southern walls are not being used so it was not that hard, she pointed to were the water ways were and I just went to the walls.

There were some of the patroling kujas that were looking at me from the top of the outer wall. I looked at the middle walls that reached about halve the hight of the outer ones. 

There is a is a large rectangle in the middle conectin to the east of the outer walls and go out to the main and only gate, guess this is the eastern or central district, outside the gates is the docks. Most of the kujas live here, the market place is here too. There is also a main road that crossed from the main gate and later branch out to the northen, western and southern district. 

The northen district is were all the warriors live, this is the second biggest district and also house the imperial palace. There are also several dojos for different types martial arts and weapon masteries. While the western district is were the main academy is, well it's more like a school were the older kujas teaches the youngest, it is also the smallest of the district, most of the elderly lives here aswell, there are also two dojos here for learning the basics of haki.

The southern district is the biggest and it houses all 33 fields for crops aswell as several houses were they raise some animals for their meat, hides, milk and eggs. It is also were most of the non warrior kuja spend most of their days, helping arround in the fields or tending to the animals.

I arrive at the northwest corner of the inner wall on the and make a gigantic pillar that is about one and a halve tines larger than the inner walls, I reinforce it and condense it to the point that it was as sturdy as a solid mass of steel, it was about 3 meters wide and perfect cylindrical, burried about 20 meters deep into the soil. 

I moved to the outer walls around the area were the southern most part of the inner wall connects to the outer wall and I made an identical pillar and went on top of it and jumped on the side of the outer wall. There I made anothet pillar, but this time it went out sideways, it rested on top of the two pillars I made prior to that. I made thinner so that it didn't weight that much for me to mantain it straight, after I reach the second pillar I reinforce it and increase the size to about a meter by two meters rectangle with the same density since I don't want any of the pillars getting cut down by someone and potentially kill those underneath.

I fused the 3 pillars together since nails or screws might become a weak point of my construction. I went to the first vertical pillar and repeated the process, but since the distance is greater then I placed 4 cylindrical pillars down and another horizontal pillar to connect them with the same dimmensions as the other horizontal pillar. 

I went to take a break since my ability points were getting dangeorusly low, I drank some water from my bottle and Vivian appeared out of nowhere with a basked of freshed baked sandwich filled with meat, mushrooms, cheese and vegetables. It was really tasty and filling, she handed me cup and together we enjoy a nice tea, I really like their tea. 

"So this is what meant when you said you will build it yourself with all the material included. That golden wood it's also really a beauty, it looks almost like Adam's treasured Wood. The younger lass are all staring at you sent your three angels to the academy were they will learn about diferent things, then they can join a dojo they like and learn a martial art or two." The old lady says and continued to drink tea.

"Well thanks for that I though it would be difficult to find a haki teacher for us. Since we are not kujas and all..." I say a little happy that the girls are already learning something usefull.

"Nonsense dear, about a third of our population are not natives of Amazon Lily. It is also that you are working hard to help us so it is the least we could do. That feat that you did on the fields made so that we can have food for about a month now. And we have the Kuja Pirates here this time in case of those nasty slavers." The old lady took another sip of tea while I nodded and she then continue, "The rain system you would like to finish could change most of our way of life too since we will not have to leave this island just to bring food here." I feel proud to help, I simply finished the the tea and said. 

"Well better return to work and atleast finish the roof frame work before the day is over. Can you send someone to get me for dinner. At this rate I might finish this whole thing in about 3 days if I keep this pace." I told Vivian and she nodded. I drank more water and return to the outer wall. I need to make about 8 pillars that connect to the longer pillar I made near the middle of the southern district. 

I made some marks about the same distance between them and went to them following my map and made vetical pillars close the outer wall and an horizontal pillar on top of them and fused the whole thing so that its a single, dense as steel piece and I got down from the walls and Vivian came to me and help reach the dinning area. I wonder how she do that? 

After a nice feast I was led to the bath house and I have a nice and warm bath and then to my room were I have a nice bed. After I lay on my bed I started thinking, there were some younger kujas bringing  buckets of waters in to the bath, and it got me thinking maybe I can make some more tubbing to make the life of the kujas a little easier. I'll start with the southern district and move upward from there.



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