One Piece: Rise of the World Tree

Chapter 27

This awkward silence is disturbing, on another note... I didn't know Vivian and Gloriosa were sisters, like really... she is just sipping tea there next to me and I'm just trying to find the words to tell her about the possible pregnancy about those girls...

"Ummm... Vivian... I might have..." I tried to tell her about the issue at hand... "Might have what? Speak-up girl, what did you do?" She asked me with an annoyed face... I stood-up and straightening my back and answered "I think I might have impregnated those kujas yesterday, mam." I was kind of sweating bullets now.

She looked kind of puzzled for a while. "Wait, you did what? But you said you weren't a man!!! I even saw when the other lads carried you to the bath, you didn't have a penis then." She asked me sweating bullets and kind of funny... focus Lily, "There was a warm glow and some things started happening and then everything escalated quickly. You abandoned me back there... I..." "Don't act like you didn't enjoy their fun too, I heard the lads they are even calling you a beast." She interrupted me and told the truth too... I did enjoy my time with the kujas.

"You got me there... I'll take full responsibility for that... I just wanted to find a haki teacher, maybe accumulate some points so that I can gain a teacher for us to learn haki..." I said a little dejected and Vivian look at me but I just turn my sight to the ground. "Well if you need a teacher for something simple like that, I can help with that. As for the runts on the way... we will think of something while they are in the oven, I might need to warn the others though, that there is a chance they can get pregnant, for the next free day. Though most of them don't even know the difference between both genders and what been pregnant means... you better be a good disciple for all the trouble this will entail..."

I was really happy about that, "Yes, mam. I..." Vivian looked at me with a serious expression and interrupted me. "Enough about mam or whatever, call my Granny or Master."

"Yes Granny Vivian." I bowed my head a little, to greet my new personal trainer. "Why does it feel like I have been insulted?" She asked me and I dismissed the though shaking my head.

"Whatever I'm too old for this... probably us old folks and the Kuja Pirates know about the birth of other kujas... you probably don't know anything either considering what you just did... It's gonna be bussy in the coming months..."

After taking a deep breath to calm herself she continued, "Your lessons might be postponed until the next couple of weeks... I wonder how all your 'fans' will still want to take part on the next free day after this... We still have plenty of space in the island for future kujas so don't worry about much and finish what you were doing..." she finished and went off somewhere.

 I was still thinking how to improve this opportunity around a little... She probably thinks that there might be some that are pregnant... but I have a feeling most, if not all of them are... the skill itself was really clear, the Goddess wants me to leave descendants into this world... probably not that many though.

I reach the first water house and the water tank was almost full, like I kind of forgot about making it rain yesterday... Well no use crying over the past I guess. I wonder if my girls are alright, I kind off missed them. I wonder what they are learning in that academy, the sage fruits should help them learn faster, so I did all I can right now.

I'm a bit curious about were did Nel and Luc went... like the map says the are east of here but I can't see land in that direction. Guess they also went to train were Reighley helped Luffy train his haki... Well even Sea Kings are warry of them so they should be ok... the status screen also showed that they are both ok.

After inspecting all my water tanks, I went to the pump house. I opened the rain valve and watch bellow how all the fields get some rain and I close it after a while. Might need to make this process a bit more automatic... mmmmm... maybe I can summon a doll here, mmmmm... maybe a second one to keep her some company... maybe 4 for some security.

I finished my preparations and place both my hands on the ground to summon 4 dolls. After using a fifth of  my ability power into Treasure Wood Creation, model Valkyrie, they start sprouting from the ground. One was bigger than the other three, they have more facial features this time, they have their nice scaled bark armors with royal green battle dress. A Valkyrie commander and 3 Valkyrie soldiers, I told their jobs and with a nod they change to some modern working clothes, even the comander, she looks like the manager of a working site.

I might need to make this pump house bigger, maybe make a lounge for them to have fun or just a couple of big empty rooms for them to decorate as they want. 

Wonder how my ship and Valkyries are doing... I guess I should go and see if I can bring my ship in. I reached the central district's gate and the firat thing I see is a huge market place. They are selling some of the crops I grew too some even recognize me and waved which made some of the other kujas look at my general direction I just waved back at them and some were even blushing.

I moved toward the dock and they were selling a bunch of different foods here... but I notice I don't have any money I can use here...

After reaching the main gate there were a bunch of Big Kujas guarding the entrance. 

"What do you want outsider?" there was clear hostility on her voice but I just ignore it, "I want to see my ship and my crew at the docks." She looked kind of annoyed at me, "Get lost pip squeek, only Kuja Pirates are allowed to leave. Besides what you mean your ship, everything the Kujas confiscate in the Calm Belt around our area belongs to the kujas, now get lost." 

I use my hybrid form and looked down at her. She was kind of surprised but was still on her 'being annoying' act. "You think just because you are bigger now means you now have the right to talk here? Just get back to doing your gardening or whatever before I have to teach you a lesson of true strength."

"Really couldn't hear you down there what was that?" I desided to taunt her to see if she was testing my mettle. To my surprise though she wasn't testing me, she was of the mentallity that might was right and I'm 'weaker' than her since she is a guard and I'm a 'farmer'. A part of me wants to have a slugfest. 

She attacked me with her spear and I'm impaled near my shoulder, guess she was aiming to kill me outright... I just grabbed her arm with my injured arm ignoring the blood flowing from my wound. "You might want to clench those teeth of yours budy." I said and punch her on her face and sent her flying through the main gates. 

I walked towards her while removing the spear from my shoulder and the wound is healing at a visible rate. It hurts like hell, but I manage to keep my cool, guess she uses armament haki since she was able to pierce my flesh, it's the first time I was wounded too. She also protected her face with armament haki since I wasn't able to knock her out, atleast I didn't break her nose... don't want to leave lasting damage even if she was in the wrong, she was still doing her job.

She visually shaking, seeing that I wasn't bleeding anymore nor was I pained, I just walked past her and ignore her. I went to my ship and see that it's intact, the Valkyries started cheering for me when I sent that Kuja bully flying and I just store my ship on my storage and the 80 Valkyries started following me. 

I again passed the stupefied Kuja bully and return to the central district some of the other guards were appraising me with their eyes while the kujas that waved at me, back at the market place starting cheering. I just raised my hand a little and the cheering got stronger.

I continued with my Valkyries towards the southern district. I reach the pump house and made a wooden hangar for my ship that is connected on the outer wall right infront of the pump house, I took my ship out of the storage space and place it on a platform so that my ship's deck was leveled with the pump house.

Now all the Valkyries can hang around each other, nice there is some more room around the pump house so I could make other buildings here. Now I have 84 Valkyries who are socialising with each other, there are 21 comander rank and 63 soldier rank Valkyries. Sitting on the desk on the pump house I took a nice drink of water.

I heard a knock on the door and I look to see Kikyo looking at me and took a seat on the couch behind me, "Sorry about the guard, she was probably doing her job... but she kind of have that condescending attitude with me... am I really an outsider or a prisoner here?" I asked her taking another sip.

She lookes a bit sad, "it's not that you are a prisoner... we kind of don't want you to leave. I saw the confrontation from affar, you manage to resolve that really well without killing her, I though that she would be enough to keep you from leaving. When you keep walking towards her, I was a bit worried you would go for a killing or crippling blow. Sorry for that, I know you wouldn't just leave your girls here either. But I still don't know the threat level you might cause to us kujas if you were to go on a rampage." She looks a bit sad for some reason, guess she really is sorry or maybe she is sad since she probably know that I can leave when I want since the Kujas pirates need to leave eventually.

"Forget about it this isn't working out so good for me... My girls are being use as bargain chips, there are some kujas that are probably pregnant because Vivian wanted to bind me with lust, there is gonna be a bunch of strong kujas that try to kill me, just to prove they are stronger than me but I accidentally kill someone then I'll be the bad guy of this... Please leave me alone... Guess that's what I get for trusting someone that I have never met before..." I said with a tired expresion and return to face the desk drinking water and looking at my map...

"Please listen, we" just when she was about to talk I interrupted her. "I just need some time alone with my friends here." Just when she was about to leave she stopped and looked at me againg "Wait what did you mean pregnant." 

"Just ask Vivian or whatever... since you girls don't trust me, you will probably will not believe me either, just leave..."


Status check:


Sorry for the late release, I was sick and it slow me a little, it is a bit long but have less fluff than the previous chapter. Hope you like it.

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