One Piece: Rise of the World Tree

Chapter 28

After a long boring day I just rested on my bed I went to my kitchen and made a nice dinner for me... alone... After I finnished my large Sea King Steak I took a quick shower and went to bed. 

Maybe tomorrow will get better... thinking about everything that BNB. happened today got me a little depressed, but I have to continue forth... the world will not stop for me to get the hang on how social relations, political ties and what not.

Wish I have payed more attention to my parents... I can't even remember their faces or their names... but I know that dad worked as a head cheff on a resort and mom left us for whatever reason. I remember the times I took dad's secret recepy book, even though I only learn about 3 recepies after I got inspired by a cooking anime I liked.

I just slept my worries away. As the morning sun shinned through my window I went to the bath for a quick shower and made breakfast. While I was eating, someone started knocking on my door. The map showed there were several people outside. I'll just ignore then for now, I finished eating breakfast and they were still knocking on my door.

Better see what they want, otherwise it would be kind of hard to relax and clear my thoughts. I opened my door and there were almost a hundred kujas outside... "Did Vivian sent you girls?" I asked them before they can say anything.

"What no, why you asked? We were just curious since you didn't show up during breakfast nor at night." She said in a curious matter, I think her name was Mandy. 

"I just feel like the whole world is just trying to use me... I know my powers are awesome and I know I'm among the most beautiful woman in this world... but it's kind of sad when it is blatantly said to my face that I'm an outsider but I can't leave this place,I kind of feel like a prisoner." I said a little dejectedly.

"Why do you want to leave this island? You are a magnificent woman with great strength and elegance." Mandy asked me.

"Yeah did you know that you are in the top 50 in the popularity poll, now with your display of strength at the main gate you should be even higher." Another Kuja joins in the conversation, I think her name was Sussy.

"Maybe if you show your strength more, you can even join the Kuja Pirates, then you will have the authority to go were you want." I think I can see stars on her eyes, If I remember correctly her name was Cassie.

"Please don't leave the island, I really want to experience next free day with you again. I kind of miss your 'Big Brother' inside of me." Dorria said with some dangerous looking eyes. I remember her, she was the first that jumped at me after my big brother appeared.

"I already have my own crew so I don't think I will be joining the Kuja Pirates. I just came here for some training on haki and I got kind of carried away yesterday... I didn't know anything about your free day... and I think some of you girls might... actually have my baby..." I say to them, feeling a little sorry for them.

"We didn't take anything from you I swear." Mandy says in a hurry and started looking at the others but I stop her and continued.

"Do you kujas know what a baby is?" I asked them andtheir confused faces says it all... "My 'big brother' as girls called him is not a toy I used... It's, apparently, a part of me. Well, the..." wow this is hard... "the sticky stuff... that came out of... came out of my uhh, big brother is... what is needed to make babies... You girls are... adults, but a while back you girls were babies too..." Some were kind of confused, some had an enlightened face and the rest were really delighted for some reason...

"Wait, how does that white stuff turns into a baby?" I just shrug my shoulders.

"Will I be able to carry the baby of the green beast too?" Wait... what. This...

"This is an important decision you girls that is our future daughters we are talking. We have to plan som" I was interrupted by Dorria who has a really sharp stare. "But you are planning to leave this island and before you do I want a baby... Our baby." Near the end her eyes were turning pink and she was blushing.

"Yeah we like to experience the rise of the baby too." I think I might want to get out of here... I feel like a lab rat now. "The late stages of that will hurt you girls, specially when the birth of the baby begins." I try to disuade the situation.

"Will we get a baby if we spend our free day with you, miss Lily." A shy kuja asked me. "I don't know, maybe..." I answered and they started to get rowdy again... 

There like 80 kujas here... and there's more outside... "Wait why are there so many of you girls here?" I asked them and some looked back at the rest.

"Well I came here to see the Green Beast in person, then you started talking about this 'Big Brother' of yours that I heard was the best toy on the island. Then you started talking about this 'baby' and how your toy isn't a toy but a part of you." The tall slender kuja says with a curious look.

"Yeah I went on a couple of expeditions with the Kuja Pirates when I was younger, and the only different ones are the guys. I was a bit curious at first, because Vivian said you were female and a pretty hot one at that, then you started speaking about this 'baby' and it got me curious... I kind off want my own baby too." Another fit kuja started blushing.

"I just came here to challenge Lily to a duel... now you made unconfortable... I guess I can return some other time..." A kuja guard stood and left... she was sweating for some reason...

"What are you doing Lily telling the innocent girls about baby making!" Vivian entered a bit angry.

"Oh great... it's the master that wanted to charm me by sending a bunch of said innocent girls to seduce me... there were even virgins mixed there too..." I just said a little dejectedly.

"What are y... Listen first of all I didn't know you could grow a penis out of nowhere and second I just told them that you were available for free day, I didn't force them nor did I lie to you. It's not my fault that you were so... whatever... now even the warriors are taking notice of you I don't want the island to be filled with a bunch of pregnant girls." She said to me while massaging her forehead.

"Wait what... I didn't know anything about free day and before I can process the information of what you said, a bunch of horny girls jumped at me... I also didn't know I could grow one it was the first time that it happened to me..." I said to Vivian a bit angry.

"I though your plan was to trap me here to be sort of breeding horse specially when my 'you know what' appeared out of nowhere. Kikyo even said that I couldn't leave the island even putting a guard, that she thought was enough to intimidate me and dissuade me from trying to see if my ship was fine." I started to sob but I continue venting and Vivian was getting annoyed.

"And after I try to play along that guard stabbed me on my shoulder, if it wasn't for my regenerative powers I would be crippled for who knows how long. I was a bit angry and punched her in the face and sent her flying... after that I just took my ship and turned into my house... Kikyo came and she was glad that I didn't kill that guard... what about me... she freaking stabbed, me using armament haki no less... what if she has pointed at my heart or my head... Yet she didn't care... she... probbably think I'm an outsider like the guard..." I can feel some changes arround me... there was a small tremor arround me.

I started crying and I felt a bunch of hands on my shoulder... it was Mandy and the girls... what... I...

"Listen I didn't saw the guard incident, but I heard the rumors and investigated on my own... You are on the top 20 of the list now because of it... not counting the Kuja Pirates by the way, it's true that you are an outsider, for now, since you have stayed for a couple of days only there will be some time required for stuff like that to settle... You are doing fine..." She hugged me.

"I just need to talk with a certain Captain about how to read the between the lines and separate the truth from from the rabble. There might be some jealousy from the warriors we will start with your haki training in 4 days since it's against the rules to be the master of someone that has spent less than a week here." Vivian said after she released me from the hug.

"Wait she sent a guard flying with just strength alone. Wow wait until I tell everyone, hihaha." The kuja guard that said she was leaving said and went off.

"......." Both Vivan and me were silent for a moment. Then the other girls eyes started shinning with a dangerous light. 

"Well hope you feel better soon." Vivian told me and she turn to face the other girls "Come on girls remember we have to wait until free day." She said looking back at me with a playful smile. and looked at the other girls looking at me with desire... Guess I have 13 days left of living...


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