One Piece: Rise of the World Tree

Chapter 29

It's been a little over a month now, I have been training like mad in order to master the basics on haki. I focused on learning movement techniques since I'm slow and swordsmanship since I have a nice weapon and all. My stats have been raising nice and steady over the course of my training, I am stronger than the guards now, to the point that they cannot hurt me much. There's gonna be a tournament in about a year to determine the next empress and I will take part in it to gain a chance to fight the Kuja Pirates.

My Armament and Observation haki are pretty strong and I can use Conquerors haki too... but I haven't mastered it yet so Vivian doesn't want me to use it on anyone yet. 

I got a letter from the girls, they are focusing on haki, Bonney is also focusing on medicine for some reason. Lexy and Lapis are focusing on diferent martial arts type. They miss me which is nice of them and in 5 month they will get a week off to visit their friends and family.

The past two free days were tough, the numbers of kujas that came to visit me was increasing. I can see the first batch of kujas with their swollen stomachs... why are they showing their pregnancy signs so soon usually it takes more time for it to start showing... but I have never been pregnant so I can't really tell... all I know is that the normal pregnacy period last about 9 month.

I finished the plumbing for the south district and improved the bath house with my extra shower room that I had from my original ship. Now it has showers and giant pools with a bamboo garden for relaxing, there is also better public toilets courtesy of the same ship it's really well liked among the kujas. 

I also finished the compost mixtures, which I added some of the ashes for the first couple of batches to improve the soil, now together with the raining system I made, they have no problems having a nice harvest. I also gave them some nice fruit seeds, some spice seeds they didn't have natively and modified rice seeds that yields 10 times more rice and it's easier to grow.

Some of the warriors have even joined my fanclub, the rest are either jealous or plain don't like me. I manage to reach the top 5 position on the popularity poll, not that I care that much, the only ones above me are the 4 captains and the Kuja Pirates. Almost all the elders and non-warriors aprove of me too. 

Vivian was right, after I spent more time on Amazon Lily, the kujas will open-up to me. Kikyo hasn't shown up since the incident with the guard. Well not that I'll have it against her... whatever, it's time to return to my training... Vivian is gonna be mad at me if I'm late again.


Elder Rosita PoV

Those three girls that came with the green beast are all too extraordinary. They learn everything so fast... even, I as the head of this academy, am impresed. I even teach them haki since they aren't kujas they learn a little slower... By a little slower I mean they took an aditional week to get the hang of it... it use to take about a year for outsiders to learn haki...

Bonney has that time controlling ability that allows her to manipulate the age of someone that is close to her, she said she chose the medicine department of my academy to focus on specific parts of the body. Corrin, her teacher, is impressed with Bonney, she said she doesn't even need medicine to heal physical injuries anymore.

Lapis has the power to infuse gemstones on her skin to alter her physical body. She is like an adorable berserker that is really hard to hurt her without using haki... Even with haki her body get so hard that some weapons just bounce of her skin. After she mastered the basics of Armament Haki, that weakness got taken care of. She is also really nimble on her feet and her hits are really heavy, she is also really pure of heart and wants to do her best.

Last but not least... Is Lexy... A mermaid that can change into a human for some reason. She is just focusing on her speed and mobility... she looks like she is dancing while she has dead on precision hitting all the weakspot on her sparring partners, luckily she was using wooden short swords. Some of the other student can't even see her attacks and her stamina is insane... after doing all her moves and finishing all her matches, she wasn't even sweating.

They are all prodigies in different areas, one is a bruiser, there is also an assassin dancer and there is a support that can heal any physical injury without even using medicine... That Lily sure has a really good eye for talent, wish my little prodigy to be here to see them... They would've been friends and even friendly rivals... Damn outsiders, those slavers... if only Gloriosa was here she would have know what to do... 

We have been goin on decline for the last century or so... Then the great ones bless us with a good seed that can take our kujas to great height... Only to take her when we started her training... now we have 3 more candidates, if only they have been born here. I also didn't know that mermaids were that good with haki. 

I wonder if Lily will join the Imperial tournament, how will the other kujas react, how far will she male it... there are a lot of questions... Vivian says that Lily is more of a monster than her 3 girls. Shion of all people, says that Lily will reach the Sword Empress class. 

There has only been two Sword Empress in our island, the first Empress, who was also Shion's Master and our founder whos name was use for our island, Empress Lily the Amazon who lived for around 500 years, and the second is Shion herself. 

Shion took around 35 years to become a Sword Empress and she even said that Lily could become one in less than a decade if she was a little more serious with the sword...

She is taking her Haki training more seriously, maybe she wants to be the Throne Empress instead...


Kikyo PoV

I wonder if she still mad at me... it's not like it was her fault but... for some reason I was a bit angry when the guard I place at the gate was easily pushed around by Lily... but she was right I didn't have to react like that... even Vivian says it wasn't Lily's fault.

Vivian said I was treating her like a prisoner... But was I... she was the one that said we have to tie her with us... I have never done anything like that before... only 2 of the 14 elders are against Lily staying here since she wasn't born here... almost the entirety of the southern district likes Lily since she fixed our soil and now we have plenty of harvest. 

She even gave us some seeds for new crops that we might like. And that bath house... It has such good reviews made by my crew... all the houses on the southern district even have their own clean water supply.

I should apologize for reacting the way I did back then... I get all weird when I looked at her. It happened first when she appeared in the Calm Belt on that weird small ship. Usually I would've attacked at first sight of a possible enemy. But when she talked the first thing that appeared in my head was that I have to atleast hear her out.

Vivian said that by the time the Imperial tournament arrives it would be to late for me to become the Throne Empress... Guess my only hope is with Daisy, but she is also part of Lily's Fan Club... she is even pregnant. 

How can the Elders be so chilled about this... what does Vivian think she is doing...


Bonney PoV

I'm on the dorm room with both Lexy and Lapis. The food here is great and they serve us a lot of food since we ate a lot. The bath is an artificial pond with natural warm water that gets preheated on it's way there. 

Our free days were spent partying, eating and dancing... but apparently the adults do some other things if they are popular... with the masses.

I wish I was with Lily those days... but I understand that if I want to be together with her... I need to be stronger. I might not be the strongest fighter, but I don't need to be since Lily is gonna be the strongest... I also need to protect my sisters.

"Todays training was tough" Lexy sat besides me and said. "What did you expect when you focus both on Armament and Observation Haki, you should've learned both but only master one and then the other." I said to her. 

"Were is the challenge in that? If we don't push ourself how can we improve?" She replied with a smug face. "Yeah if we stay on our confort zone how can we surpass Lily." Lapis Joined in.

"How can we surpass Lily?" Lexy says with an increadulous expresion. "You should all know that our powers are more aimed at defensive styles..." I said a little sad. "Don't worry to much about it just keep pushing forward and something is bound to happen eventually." Lapis replied as if to cheer me up, easy for you to say when you can even survive a beating from the hand to hand teacher...

"We shoud focus on what we can do to make our crew the strongest one. Lily wants to be the fourth Yonko and she wants to be able to stand up to them." Me as the oldest one, tried to show that my head is in the right place.

"Yeah!!!" Both Lexy and Lapis agrees with me...


Status check:


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