One Piece: Rise of the World Tree

Chapter 30

It's finally the day of the finals and I'm facing against Daisy. It has been a pretty easy tournament for the both of us since Daisy is the only Kuja that has eaten my Sage Fruit, as for me, well I'm me so it is pretty obvious. 

The girls are chatting with their new friends from the academy on the spectator sits around the arena. I heard that they are cute little monsters, they seem to be really popular with the younger Kujas. Even the 14 elders likes them.

It has been a pretty busy year. I manage to finish the island plumbing system and thanks to the Wet Bamboo, the caverns under the islands are getting cleaner by the day. I am currently the most popular woman of the island, some even think that I'm a reincarnation of the founder, Lily the Amazon. Had to correct them which took a while and now my new Alias is Lily the Dryad, which I like.

There is also my daughters who are cheering for me all 750 of them... It has been a bussy year. They apparently grow four times as fast, guess they grow like trees were they grow really fast at first and then slow down when the reach adulthood. The oldest ones appear to be 5 year olds, while there are some that are sitting with their mothers. 

The elders are wraping up their long speech, better prepare myself. My clothes, check. my over coat, check.. my sword, check... guess I'm ready. I activate my hybrid form but I keep my size normal, something that was really hard was to fix that since I can't always be a giant woman.

"And on this side standing tall at 2.5 meters tall she is heaviest being on the island even with that sexy figure. The one and only, Green D. Lily the Dryad, also known as the Great Green Beast."

Almost all the Kujas started cheering and I raise my left fist, I looked at Daisy and she is also cheering for me. She got big, like her muscles aren't that big but really toned and she got taller too at almost my height. She still looks really hot thanks to my Sage Fruit though, now I willhave to test just how much she has improved.

We both walked to the middle of the giant arena and got ready she takes her two short swords out, guess she focus on speed. I shrunk my Kusanagi to the size of a normal Katana and drew the beautiful blade out.

Once the elder told us to start, Daisy and I clashed at full power, she was sent flying but after a couple of flips she landed and started giggling, I took 3 steps back but she managed to block my sword. We clashed a couple more time but she was getting accostumed  and I was finally stretching my limits. The battle was getting quite quite intense and some of the arena was getting trashed with stray slashes.

She kept dodging my attacks and I just blocked hers. It looks like we are throwing a performance for the rest of kujas. The world was slowing down and I finally got my chance and slashed down, she was in the motion of making a dash so she couldn't dodge. She saw the attack and raised her two swords to block mine. 

The sky darkened a little when our swords clashed, but my sword was superior to hers and after a shard explosion my sword's skill triggered and her swords were diced into dust. After the dust settled Daisy lost consciousness and fell backward inside the crater. I sheathed Kusanagi and store it and walked into the crater.

Guess the sound of the explosion knocked her out or my Conquerors Haki. She is unharmed since I stopped my blade from cleaving her in halve, since I don't want her to die. The crowd was going wild and I picked Daisy out of the crater and handed her to the healers just in case.

I turned to the audience and with a wave they went wild. I can see the 14 elders comming here so I returned my wooden bits to normal. 

"Well done Lily, guess you become the Throne Empress." "I still think she would've become a great Sword Empress though..." The elders starting joking around.

Vivian came to me and offered me a weird crown. "It's just for the ceremony, you don't have to wear it afterward." She told me and turned to the rest. "For all you have done for us and your magnificent display of both strength and elegance, talent and diligence, I Elder Vivian, am here to award you with our greatest honor." I lower myself in front of her and she placed the crown on top of my head. "Empress Green D. Lily Ruler of Amazon Lily and our strongest warrior."

After the speech there was a huge uproar, the cheers were so loud that, some of my daughters started crying... guess they got surprised since they probably can't understand what Vivian just said that caused it. After about 20 minutes of cheering and waving, everyone started leaving the arena and I left with the elders to the main hall were the banquet shall begin.

After the banquet the girls and me entered my house were they would hang for a week. We took a quick shower and I went to bed since I was exhausted. I have been training with those 14 monsters learning different types of martial arts to combine... I finally made it and I mastered the basics of both Armament and Observation haki, Conquerors haki is kind of hard to train since I can attack others souls with it I can accidentally kill or cripple someone with it.

The girls finish their training and in about a week we will resume our journey... It should have been 4 years since Hancock was taken so that means that Fisher Tiger is on his way to Foolshout island to return Koala back to their parents. Maybe I can tip the scales on that battle since Strawberry should be almost a Vice Admiral right now. If I manage to save Fisher, then the rest of Fishman island should get favorable news of me, maybe. 

Also Fisher can keep Aarlong in check to prevent him from ruining Nami's life. Although the original Strawhats are all children wonder how their adventure would go in the future if I save a couple of important figures like Fisher or Tom... Guess that os a story for the future.

I called both Nel and Luc who have been hunting and training in Rusukaina island. Right now I am the Empress of Amazon Lily, I can't show the world yet since I plan to disrupt the government and I don't want to bring trouble to them. I went to sleep thinking about my future adventures. 

Morning came and I was surrounded by my girls all five... of them? Wait a second here, theres Bonney and Lexy on my right, Lapis is sleeping on top of me but in my left there is a green haired and a blonde haired girls... They both have horns but from the angle it's kind off hard to see their faces without waking them. None of them look like strangers though... could it be? The blonde haired girl woke up and she is looking at me. After rubbing the sleep out of her eyes she finally talked to me. 

"Morning mom, it's been a while" she said while she stretched her arms and I can see her twins, her really large twins... wait, mom? She kind of looking a bit puzzled at my confuse face. "It's me mom, Lucoa and that sleepy head is Nelliel. Oh, right this is our humanoid form, since we are to big to enter your house and all, we also don't have any clothing thus while we are naked." She said with a smug face.

"I didn't know you girls could turn into girls, oh yeah did you girls ate a Sage Fruit, is that the reason you girls can turned human." I asked just in case.

"What's a Sage Fruit, we have been eating a lot of big monsters, ferocious beasts and delicious Sea Kings. I don't like fruits and vegetables that much to be honest." She finish saying and Nel woke-up with all the noise. "Did someone say Sea Kings, I'm kind of hungry and they taste so good I want to fight a big one." She stood abruptly and the other girls woke a bit angry at her.

"Seriously can let me sleep it's like 8 in the morning..." Bonney just turned over and Lexy just return to sleep. "Are Sea Kings strong I wanna have a go too." Lapis said excitedly and Nel just noded like a hyper idiot... "Of course you can they are pretty tough but I can move really fast under water so I can manage." She stood proudly revealing her ample assets too... Why are both Luc and Nel so big... "I don't think Lapis can go under water." Lucoa tried to dissuade the hyper duo with a weird smile on her face. 

"It's ok, when I entered my gem mode I don't need to breathe." She said proud of her self and Luc just face palmed... "You are a devil fruit user so your powers will probably not work sea underwater." Lucoa said and Lapis took a while to understand that she would drown even if she doean't have lungs, her face went from happy to sad in seconds and she went to sleep next to Bonney, I gave her a head pat and she calmed down a little.

"Luc you should be a little more gentle with your words, since not all people are as smart as you." I scolded Luc a little and I patted her head too. She was a grown woman but since I'm so tall she looks like a teenager, a really 'big' teenager. Will all my other daughters be like this I wonder... well whatever.

"Girls is time to wake-up since I have some plans that I want to discuss before we head out." I say to the two sleeping girls. After we were all awake we went to have a nice shower together. I had to make a set of living robes and panty set for both Nel and Luc since they don't have any clothes their arms and legs are covered in golden scaled. After a really large breakfast... I haven't notice before but... we eat for about 50 people...

We went to see Vivian and told her I plan to explore some more, but I will be going stealth since I'm planing to change the system and don't want to incriminate the Kujas. She wasn't happy about that but I said I have one more give for the Kujas. We went to the place were we are going to be building my palace. I place both my hands on the ground and activate a skill I haven't use in a while...

"Heed my call and show your magnificent self, Oh great tree from legends, Protector of the world and bearer of fruit life and wisdom, Treasure Wood Creation Yggdrasil." I used about three fourth of my strength to summon my own tree. It feels a little incomplete, but it's growing big it's almost as tall as the outer wall and it's sprouting Lesser Sage Fruits. 

They are about the same as a normal Sage Fruit but it works slower than the normal one. The Goddess Fruit I ate is also the same but it gave me that 7 Colored Body and works even faster than the normal one. Overall the fruits raise the speed at which you gain strength and skills. There might be another step between the Goddess and the Sage fruit like a Greater Sage Fruit or something.

"You girls can take only one fruit per person. My girls don't need the fruits since the have the benefits from myself and there should learn haki faster thanks to you kujas. Distribute the fruit equally and focus more on the young ones since it would be more beneficial to you all in the long run." I told Vivian and the other elders that were staring at my giant tree with admiration and at myself with like I was cheating in life, guess the though I couldn't make to many fruits at a times. Well whatever... 

I walked towards the main gates and I told everyone that were a bit sad that I will return since this is my country. Nel turned into a giant 25 meters long Quilin with a green collar and a golden saddle and I jumped on her back with the others. And just like that, Nel starting running on the air stepping on thin clouds. "Onward to Foolshout Island." I yell and with a powerful roar and a loud cheer from the Kujas, she soar through the sky.


Status check:


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