One Piece: Rise of the World Tree

Chapter 33

Lexy PoV

After arriving at our stage I was overwhelmed by the smell of fresh blood... I need to control my senses more, luckily most of them are marines... And Master Lily just trapped those lambs inside a cage away from me...

Maybe I can get Fisher's autograph later, now that Bonney went to heal him is just a matter of time. Maybe I can get Jimbei and Arlong's too.

My blood is boiling in anticipation for this moment, there are some fools that want to prevent Bonney from treating Fisher's wound. "As if I let you..." I moved at my highest speed toward one of Bonney's assailant, a lanky man with a big nose.

Reaching close to him I quickly spin over to deliver a kick at his chest. I can see Lapis and Nel taking care of the rest. First part of our mission complete... I can see that both Lapis and Nel got stuck with multiple foes... But somehow this Lanky man feels stronger.

Even when I use my Haki infused drill kick, he just dusted off... Guess I have to kick him harder next time.

"What do we have here... A brat that can stop me mid dash... This is gonna be interesting. You are also a new face so I guess you are just a noob at this. Why not join the side of the good guys?" He says smiling at me. 

But my blood started boiling even more... There is so much blood already on the ground... I'm trying so hard not to loose it, and this uggly weirdo speaking nonsense... Atleast we are a little sepparated from the rest... 'Why not let yourself enjoy this fight more, be more honest to yourself. That Lily girl gave us  the meens... now we have an end.' No something might go horrible... I don't want to hurt my friends... 'Don't worry... they are also my friend too... remember we are one.' she is right... 

"So what are you gonna do child, with your talents and strenght you can be a Vice Admiral in like 5 years. With a little more training and you can be as strong as me, Rear Admiral Gunther. Don't waste your potential on these pirates... you are better than this." This Gunther fellow finished speakin.

"It's not like you would understand... You corrupted system only favor the rich and powerful... The mermaids are in constant danger thanks to that. To you all, we are just trophies, expensive decorations... I want to fight this cruel system that the so called world nobles called perfect... You say you guys are the good guys... yet you condem a man that just wanted to free his fellow fishman from the oppression of those monsters. DON'T EVER MENTION THAT YOU ARE THE GOOD!!!" I said angrily at him.

My other self started to take control of my conciousness. 'Don't worry leave everything to your favorite murder buddy.' Please kill that man and help me get stronger. 'Together we will be the strongest, together we will slaughter our enemies, together we will meet our sexy mom.' Yeah, together. 


Gunther PoV

What a weirdo... What is her deal, it's just some low lives, she is to naive to think that she can push back the world... History is always written by the winners, us... the law. If she would just understand that... but she chose to die like a dog defending a criminal...

Strawberry said that this will be easy, but now that walking treasure chest came here. She is going towards him... wish I could capture her for her bounty, but I doubt that Strawberry will let her live, he see every pirate as scum...

Looking back at the girl in front of me... She has a weird smile on her face. Didn't know that her teeth were pointy... maybe she is a fishman hybrid? Her eyes are glowing red and are staring directly at mine...

After tilting her head a little to the side she banished. My haki told me that she was aproching towards my right side. I dodge and kicked at her... but my haki told me that was a mistake.

AAAHHHHHHH!!! She kicked my leg away and now it's bent in a weird angle... damn I was careless... I need to end this soon to get my leg fixed up... Even with the modifications in place my joints and bones should be as tough as steel. 

There's a weird red mist flowing around her arms and legs. And her eyes are still glowing... what the hell is she... 

That brat came at me again and this time I can't dodge since my leg is busted I desided to focus my haki on my fist. 

"Shigan - Full Cannon" I punched with all my strength at her fist. But it was a bait... I though she was berserk or something. She opened her fist and just use my strength to spin in place and then a black leg came directly at my face... 

I saw everything in slow motion, how that matte black metallic looking leg came at me at speed that were imposible to dodge under normal circunstance much less now that she used all my stregth against me with her own mastery of strength...

It feels like I was dancing at her rythim the whole time. I can see who the whole world was covered in green before everything turned dark.


Lapis PoV

Thanks to my training I did with Master Lily and the Kujas I can now mix and match different gemstones. Before, I only had 3 gem forms, but after meeting with my Master and eating her precious fruit, I have gem fusions and haki to play with now. 

No longer I am the weak kid that was starving on the street. Always running for my life... even my own dad tried to sold me off to buy food... now I'm turning into a glutton.

After we reached the counter-ambush zone, everyone went and do their part. I went after Lexy and Nel who spotted some playmates, after entering my Emerald form for speed I dashed after her. In mid air I change into my Ruby form for attack I tackled one of them into another one, taking them both with me.

One them a female officer use her sword against me and I just entered my Saphire mode for defense. After tanking that sword with both haki and my Saphire form, I activate fusion and entered my Amethyst hybrid form for attack and defense.

"Come on lazy bones let's get wild." I taunt them... but it wasn't that effective. "Why is there a brat here, Nancy." The big muscle head ask. "Heck if I know, Gustav... but look how shinny she is." Her eyes are weird. 

The muscle head whos name is apparently Gustav, tried to grabbed me but I punched forth. He change to a punching stance to intercept my punch and our haki infused punches made a small shockwave. I can see the scary woman trying to slash my arm of but with my haki I came unscathed from both attacks.

"Are all Marines as weak as you two, this is getting boring." I 'unintentionally' said out loud, and their assault continued, more fiercely than before. I activate Fusion again since I am to slow on my Amethyst Hybrid Form and changed to my Aquamarine Hybrid Form Defense and Speed. I starting parrying their attacks using haki to balance my weaker attacks. 

I can't deal enough damage to Gustav to get to that woman... She always attack me when I attack him. Forcing me to focus on defending myself since I don't want to loose a limb or my head. 

Gustav is just moving arround, so I decided to focus on the annoying woman. We moved almost at the same speed, but she keeps hidding behind the muscle wall that keep trying to grab me. 

"What's the matter girl? Can't reach the bad lady behind me. How about you let me hug you." Gustav says, annoying the woman behind her. "Who are you calling bad? Just because I like gambling and drinking doesn't mean I'm bad you perverted oaf, what did you mean trying to hug a random 10 year old." Nancy 

They apparently don't like each other... Whatever... better try my ace even if I can only sustain it for a minute it should be enough. I focused my powers and activate my ace... Ultimate Fusion - Diamond Hybrid Form Peerless Figther. 

My beautiful hair and eye are glowing with the colors of the rainbow. I focused on my right hand and used my haki to cover my translucid hand in black. Gustav takes this chance to grab me but I just punch his stomach with all my strength, he is sent flying with his whole torso caved in and a trail of blood and vomit following him. How dare this pervert stained my beautiful self with his filth. 

The woman try to slash at my neck, her blade covered in haki. I just ignore her sword covering my neck in haki, I extended my other arm toward her face. Her sword came at my neck at the same time that my hand reach her face. I slapped her face and I can see some teeth flying... and her sword manage nick me on the neck... That b...

I dashed to the woman and before she can even correct her stance I appear above her.

"How..." She looks terrified and slashed upwards at me, her silver longsword turns black. I raised my fist which is covered in haki and I hit her sword which offered little resistence against me and my fist went forth. Her sword snapped in halve and my fist landed on her face her expresion of fear prevalent until the end. There was a massive green explosion behind me and my fusion was released and I returned my normal self looking at the sky.

"Guess I still need to train even harder if I want to stand on the top with them." I looked at the imposing Luc in the sky and at Nel fighting with three others she looks like a pet playing with her new toy. 

Man using my Diamond Form is exhausting... 


Status check:


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