One Piece: Rise of the World Tree

Chapter 34

Nel PoV

I dashed at the 3 remaining enemies that tried to prevent Bonney from healing Fisher using my Battle form. I summoned my War Hammer, Mjölnir, and bashed at the only one of the three that still was drawing his sword. 

"Thunder Clap"

Little to say that my first toy broke, with his head sunked on his torso and a bolt of Lightning that followed after, I doubt he is gonna continue playing. There was a sword wielding woman and a staff wielding old man.

"You will pay for killing Roy you bastard." The woman delivered a glowing side slash that looks really cool, I just summoned my Great Sword Ragnarök and delivered a upward slash.

"Rising Thundra"

A large freezing spike rose from the ground and the woman vanished from my sight. The old man delivered a sweep at one of my four horse leg, that's more like it, though my Golden Heart will fix all the damage done to my wooden bits eventually. 

My sword starting to freeze my arm so I put it away before my arm breaks off again... The lightning my hammer release sting a little but is not that bad, mom said that I need to train Haki to cover both my arms and weapons. So far Ragnarök is my strongest but I can't use it for long.

The woman is moving really fast in the air, I can still see the ice of my attack clinging to her long sword. Back to the old man he rise his staff and do a nice spin in the air before delivering another attack at my chest but I dodge in time and put Mjölnir away to summon my favorite one, Long Spear Güngnir.

"What the hell are you?" The old man asked me. "I'm just an innocent Dragon loking for some fun." I said to him and he is getting quite angry, wonder what gotten into her. "Mom said I need to grow strong so fight me." He attacked me again but I just thusted forward cutting appart his staff with my spear.

"Blazing Thrust"

The spear continued on and pierced the old man on the chest and after a coupple of seconds he turned to ash. I look at the woman who was about to attack me with fear in her eyes.

"You are a monster." She screams at me. "Well yes, what did you expect. That I would just let other weakling bully me or my family?" I answered as a matter of factly.  "Can I surrender..." She just dropped her sword and was about to cry... What? I though she wanted to play more... well whatever. 

There was a huge green explosion in the sky and she just cowered on the floor I put Gungnir away and pick the scared woman and throw her inside one of the giant cages. Looks like everyone finished their battle. What is that giant blue man doing... mmmm he is figthing along side mom.


Lily PoV

I delivered a quick vertical slash towards Strawberry who parries it and slashed with his other sword, I blocked with my arm and used haki to shield it, the sword almost cuts through it... He uses Soru to dash to my left and I block his sword with Kusanagi.

"You are pretty persistant, but at the end... strugling is futile. Between my haki and my Rokushiki my win is innevitable. Why go against the Government and become a pirate scum." He says after a brief sword exchange. 

"I will be the one to change the world... The world nobles... Those parasites are killing this world with their nonsence... The marines are the ones that should protect the weak... Yet here you are punishing someone that just wanted to help his kind. Don't patronize me with your crap about pirates being evil and the government being righteous... it is getting old you know." I answered a little anoyingly and he slashed at me from two different angles.

His swords are faster than mine I manage to block one but the other one cutted deep on my waist. 

I just remember, in one of the old animes I used to watch, were the main character had to grab his katana from the middle of the edge to make it shorter in order to match his enemy speed, but I just shrank my sword and grabbed the sheath out of my storage.

That last attack hurt like hell. I'm also slower than him even if my haki is better, if I can't keep up with my sight I would still loose.

"What is the matter mrs. 50 shades of evil. Have you realized that the only true justice, is killing the problem on the spot. You talking bullshit about trying to fix this crappy world... That is funny... when I started in the marines I was like you, were I tried my best to do good... then I got involved with a pirate that I though was different from the rest... turns out he was exacly like the rest. He killed marines and pirates alike. The only way to achieve peace, is to make all the other sides of the war submit. We almost achieve that... But that damn Rogers... his last words made a bunch of crazzy people jump on the pirate wagon, led by greed into the unknown, all our hard work went out the drain." He was getting visibly angrier...

Then he activated his Soru again... and moved twice as fast I guarded with my sheath and leg covering both on haki and I stabbed forth. I managed to graze his cheek. One of his sword is stuck on my leg and I use my sheath to attack his wrist, allowing me to keep one of his swords, I guarded his follow up slash with Kusanagi and the sword that was stuck on my leg went flying. 

"Boohoo, I suffered at the hands of a scheming pirate that used me, big deal, oh I just gonna paint every single pirate with the same broad brush since it's easy, whatever I don't care. Unfortunately you hurt one of my family members with your stupid view of justice. Justice is one of those words that doesn't really have a true meaning, since everyone will always give it their own twisted version of it." Even though my injuries were healing, they still hurt...

He came at me again using both Soru and Geppo he is also activating Shigan while holding his sword with both arms while both his sword and arms glowed a little black with haki, he slashed downward.

"Mountain Cleaver"

"I will show what true justice is." He yelled at me swinging his sword down. 

Guess even if his head is so large he istill only a muscle head. I tap the ground with my leg and 9 large pillars appeared out of the ground. They twisted in the air forming an even thicker pillar which continued toward Strawberry. 

"Nine Pillars of Gaia"

After I did that I sheathed my Kusanagi and took a drawing pose, close my eyes and just waited for Strawberry.

His attack cuts through my giant pillar and he appeared in front of me. Drawing Kusanagi I met his attack with my own, using haki to empower my slash. Both of our attacks connected and the shockwave destroyed the remains of my nine pillars into splinters. The ground sunk under the preassure of our attacks.

After the collision, Strawberry vaulted towards his second sword and then look at me in disbelieve.

I was panting since I have used too much Ability Power Points, he grabbed both swords backwards and lowered his stance putting both his swords in front of his face. He activated his Soru and dashed forward at ridiculous speeds with both swords forward pointing down looking like a mantis. I activated Kusanagi's abillity turning it back to a 5 meters long sword and place it at my side ready for a side slash.

After he was close enough I slashed forward in a horizontal slash but it was a trap... He guarded with both his swords and jumped over my sword then he activated his Geppo and headbutted me on my chest he used haki on his huge forehead. I was sent sliding on my feet... I think he broke a coupple of my ribs. 

After spitting a mouthful of blood he was about to strike again but then a blue meteor came and stroke Strawberry. "Danm the Navy." It was Jimbei. 

I stood up and wiped my mouth. He looked so young now... and he is extremely pissed maybe he is looking for Fisher... there was a massive green explosion on the sky, after it settled I can see a lonely Luc in the sky like doesn't she know the meaning of controlling more her attacks, she is too... I ran after Strawberry and attacked one of his arms.

I manage to score my first clean hit on one of his arm. "Damn it you pirate scum... Justice will always prevail." He said spitting some blood.

"Fish-man Karate: 2,000 Brick Fist"

Jimbei ignore his rambling and punched Strawberry on the chest. I quickly make a giant wooden hand behind him since after the punch he will be sent flying. 

After less than a second of delay that felt like an eternity Strawberry was sent flying like I though and I caught him... more like he slammed onto it and lost conciousness and I grabbed him and stored both of his swords on my dimmension space just in case.

Jinbei was looking at me not knowing what to do since he might be a little aprehensive against humans after that ambush. "Yo" I greeted the mighty Jinbei. "Fisher is alright, if that is what you want to know, he is been healed right now." I just need to rest a little.

"How... Why did you healed him... and why were you after the marines... I mean thanks for the help and all... I was like so worried for my brother." He was a lottle calmer but was still a little antsy.

"Just let me heal a little, Bonney should be done with his treatment. Also don't missunderstand... My main target is not the marines... it's the World Nobles and their Government. I'm Lily by the way, Captain of the Treasured Garden." I said smiling a little, it was a bit hard to smile when several ribs are fixing themselves back into position... how do anime character are fine after getting several bones fractured or broken... luckily for me it's sunny.

"I'm Jinbei, second captain of the Sun Pirates." He offered me his hand and I stored the sheathed Kusanagi on my storage and ignore the 2 notifications I got and shaked his hand with my own.

After most of my treatment was done, I returned to my human self and went with Jinbei to were Bonney was healing Fisher. Jinbei was about halve a meter taller than me, he was like one of the coolest characters in the anime and now he is walking at my side. I might need to get his autograph later. 

After walking close to were Bonney is I opened the little room I made for her, since I didn't want a stray attack to hit her while she was treating Fisher. She jumped at my arms, and we moved to were he was sleeping there he looked really peaceful and brand new. "Great job Bonney your treatment was really good did you fed him the fruit too?" I asked her and she nodded in approval.

"What fruit?" Jinbei looked alarmed at both of us. "I gave him a Sage fruit, it will increase his potential and prowess apparently it's because it stabilized the soul and made the vessel more compatible with the soul, the vessel being the body. It will also expel all impurities and improve your devil fruit mastery." I said looking at Jinbei who was looking like what I said was unbelievable I just shrug and continue talking to Bonney. "Oh yeah, Bonney, want to get Strawberry for ruining your life?" I looked at her and she froze a little bit.

"What do you mean?" She asked and I pointed at the giand hand made of wood behind me. She started to cry a little and I pull her for a hug.


Status check:


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