One True God

Chapter 43: Rachel

The two demons, Asgo and Lucifer, were able to enter the room without a fuss.

Of course, Asgo did all the work with an energized and happy face.

It seems that he was really determined to do the task that was given to him by Lucifer really well.

After all, he just found out that Lucifer was just pretending that he got knocked out by the old man.

Although Asgo already had a hunch about Lucifer being able to withstand the old man's strike, it felt different when he saw it for himself.

It felt different when he saw Lucifer move fine even though he just got hit by the old man, a professor.

Anyway, now that they were inside the room...Asgo thought that they would immediately meet up with professors or the examiners or something like that.

However, in this room that they entered, there was nothing special that could make Asgo think that this was the examining room.

In fact, it looked like the previous room where they met the old man.

But...there was something different in this room, and that was...another student was waiting in here.

Asgo was able to tell that it was a student just from how young and youthful the...woman waiting in here.

Of course, when Asgo entered this place, the woman immediately noticed them.

"Hey!" The woman shouted out loud as she waved her hands towards Asgo.

Asgo immediately heard the woman's voice, and thus, he answered back with a, "Ohh!"

Asgo then walked towards the woman while carrying Lucifer around his arms.

He didn't have any problems, and he was able to walk smoothly.

That was why he was able to reach the woman in no time, and as soon as he did, Asgo...put down Lucifer roughly on the ground.

Thud! Lucifer's body hit the ground with a loud sound, but Asgo didn't care about that at all as he just spoke to the woman.

"What's going on? Where are the others?"

Asgo said as he looked at the woman's black eyes. The woman was quite tall, and she also had black hair.

Her figure...was average, and she was lacking in some parts. Of course, that was just on the men's standards.

However, a man would probably be able to fall in love with this woman just from how she looked.

Right, the woman was beautiful. With her alluring slit eyes and her pointy nose, the woman was beautiful.

The woman was just wearing simple clothes that were easy to move in as this was something that could be called common sense.

After all, no one would wear sexy outfits or tight outfits in an exam.

What's more, the exam might contain some battles or killing as this was a demon academy.

Of course, even with those simple clothes, the woman's face was just...too beautiful that not even those clothes can bring her charm down.

Anyway, when the woman heard what Asgo said, she quickly answered.

"Ah, the exam already started and the other students that were in here before already started taking it."

"Professor Malbath told me to wait for you guys here, and that we would take the exam together at the same time."

The woman said, but it seems that she was not done as she held out her hand with a smile on her face.

"My name is Rachel! How about you?" Rachel said as she offered a handshake towards Asgo.

Of course, when Asgo saw that handshake, he immediately took it.

After all, he needed to socialize with other demons as well as they might turn out to be helpful to him.

"My name is Asgo! We are late for the exam due to certain reasons, and we got punished for it, as you can see."

Asgo said as he pointed to the ground with his left hand. Of course, he was pointing at Lucifer.

He then continued speaking as he took back his right hand.

"This guy is named Lucis. I don't know if you've heard of him, but he's a great guy."

"Well, not that great according to that professor. Hahaha."

Asgo laughed as he cracked up a joke, but Rachel didn't really laugh at it.

Instead, she even became horrified when Asgo mentioned that professor.

After all, what Asgo meant by that was the old man or rather Professor Malbath.

And Professor Malbath was an absolute fear to the students that even Rachel began to cower just hearing his name.

Well, Rachel could already guess what happened to Lucifer as Lucifer was just...lying on the ground with a peaceful face.

"S-so it was true that he does hurt students..." Rachel murmured as she looked at Lucifer.

Right, Rachel didn't believe it at first that Professor Malbath indeed hurts students, that the proof is right in front of her, Rachel was forced to believe it.

However, Rachel stopped cowering in fear right then and there as she remembered something.

She remembered why she was chosen to be with the latecomers for the exam, and that was...

"Ah! I forgot about it! I'm supposed to heal this guy so that we would be able to take the exam anytime Professor Malbath calls us."

Rachel was a demon who could use healing magic. And that was why Professor Malbath made her stay in this place.

She would be the one to heal Lucifer back to health so that they would be able to take the exam any moment now.

After all, they were already late. Being late just because Lucifer was knocked out unconscious by a professor was unforgivable.

If you think about how Professor Malbath set this up, he was actually considerate enough to think about his students.

Well, it was just because it would be unforgivable for Asgo and Lucifer to be late once more to the exam.

"So...where exactly is his injury? This Lucis guy..." Rachel said as she whipped her head towards Asgo.

Rachel couldn't see any signs of injury on Lucifer's body at all. That was why she turned to Asgo for help.

After all, Asgo would be the one to know where was the injury of Lucifer.

He was the one who was present on the site when Professor Malbath knocked Lucifer out.

However, it seems that...Asgo was thinking something else as he hesitated slightly.

This was the first time that Asgo actually hesitated over something, but there was a proper reason for it.

Asgo knew that Lucifer was just pretending, and it was because he knew that he was hesitating.

He was hesitating to tell of where Lucifer's injury was. After all, there would be none since Lucifer was just pretending.

And seems like Rachel was indeed a demon who could use healing magic, that was one more reason to hesitate.

After all, that means that Rachel would know where to look to confirm if Lucifer did have any injuries.

And since Lucifer was just pretending, it was clear as day that there would be no injury to heal.

That was why Asgo was hesitating, but...he soon calmed down as he remembered the feat that came from Lucifer.

It was weird as hell that he was able to calm down due to fear, but that was only normal.

After all, Lucifer already said that Asgo should just act normal.

'Right, I should just act normal...and he would do the rest.' Asgo thought as he finally made up his mind.

"Yeah, I think it's in his right shoulder. Professor Malbath was too fast for me to see where he struck down Lucis, so I'm not quite sure about it."

"However, since this guy was stuck on the ground for some time, I think it is somewhere on the shoulder or the head."

Asgo said as he tried to give as many details as possible without sounding suspicious.

He literally went all in with the bet known as Lucifer as everything would come crumbling down if Rachel found out the truth.

Anyway, when Rachel heard what Asgo said, she immediately bent her knees near Lucifer's head.

After all, that was the place where Asgo just said. It was then that Rachel brought up her hands to Lucifer's head.

She then...moved her hands without looking at Lucifer's head. It was quite amazing as she didn't need to see it to know it.

She just needed to feel the injury, and she would be able to do the healing magic.

That was why...Rachel was combing through Lucifer's hair right now very slowly.

It was so slow that Asgo forgot to breathe as this was a crucial moment for, for his master.

Of course, Lucifer knew that very well as he thought, 'That old coot...he's already assessing me.'

Right, Lucifer knew that Professor Malbath was already evaluating him with this...Rachel.

Although it was just right for Professor Malbath to heal Lucifer after knocking him out unconscious, this move...was just dirty.

After all, Rachel would be able to find out how much Professor Malbath's strike did damage Lucifer.

Of course, if Rachel snitched everything she found out to Professor Malbath, it was easy to guess what would happen next.

That was why...this move was dirty.

At least, it was, for Lucifer.

'This is bad...' Lucifer thought as he felt his head being massaged by a pretty woman.

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