One True God

Chapter 44: Healing...

'This is bad...' Lucifer thought as he felt his head being massaged by a pretty woman.

Of course, Lucifer didn't care if Rachel was beautiful or not. Lucifer didn't give a fuck about something so mundane.

However, this situation was really bad as Lucifer was sure that he hadn't gotten any injury.

He hadn't gotten any injury or even a scratch from the old man or Professor Malbath's attack.

The old man was not that powerful, and he was a lot weaker than Sebastian. 

That was why Lucifer was sure that he hadn't gotten anything from the old man's attack.

And what's more, Lucifer...felt nothing at all when the old man attacked him. Absolutely nothing.

In fact, he felt as if the wind blew on his body, and that was it.

That was why Lucifer knew that Rachel wouldn't be able to find anything on his body.

And once Rachel founds it, Lucifer would immediately be suspected once she reports it to the old man.

Of course, there was nothing that even Lucifer could do in this situation.

It's not like Lucifer could kill Rachel or something like that.

Well, there was something Lucifer could try, and that put the same fear that he instilled on Asgo to Rachel.

Right, if Lucifer forces Rachel to become his subordinate, nothing would go wrong.

Hell, he could even control things out better if he did that.

However, Lucifer himself rejected that idea when he thought of it.

Why? It was's not like every demon would choose to follow Lucifer even if he instilled fear in them.

There are demons who would fight to the death, and there are demons who would choose to meekly follow once threatened.

There are also cunning demons who would pretend to follow the strong and then betray them later on.

There are also demons who would fight Lucifer first, and then give up once they found out that they cannot win against him.

There are various demons in the Hidden World, and Lucifer knows that very well.

What's more, Lucifer has not spent any time together with this Rachel woman at all.

That was why he didn't know Rachel's attitude or personality or mindset.

And since he doesn't know, it would be hard for him to know how Rachel would react if he decided to instill fear in them.

Rachel might be the cunning fox who would betray him later or Rachel might be the one who would fight to the death.

Either way, Lucifer didn't have enough information to risk it.

Although he could cast a curse, Lucifer's specialty was not cursing people.

Even though he was a Hell God, a demon won't be able to do something that he cannot do.

Incidentally, the reason why Lucifer just straight-up threatened and made Asgo his slave was because...he messed up.

Right, he messed up by bursting out in his anger and letting Asgo see that.

He couldn't control his anger and acted out right in front of Asgo, which is something that Lucifer didn't want to do at that moment.

That was just how...frustrated and angry he was about the princess.

He just covered it up by making Asgo his slave and threatened him.

Of course, he also put some extra precautions by putting a weak curse in Asgo.

Well, Lucifer was actually thankful that happened as Lucifer got the idea of conquering the underground world of the Zacharath Kingdom.

Anyway, Lucifer's head was still being massaged by Rachel as she tried very hard to find any scratches or injuries.

It was then that Rachel spoke as she just looked at the empty air.

"Hmmm...there's nothing on the head. Professor Malbath probably didn't strike him here."

Rachel said with confidence and without any hint of doubts in her voice.

It seems that she was really sure of what she found. Well, it was only reasonable that she would be sure.

After all, feeling things out with her hands was actually more accurate than seeing things.

Although it was weird, that was just how it was for Rachel.

That was how she did things ever since she knew that she could use healing magic.

Anyway, now that Rachel knew that there were no injuries in Lucifer's head, it was now time to explore other areas where Asgo said Lucifer could possibly be injured.

And that was...the shoulders.

She quickly moved her hands to Lucifer's shoulders. It seems that Rachel was used to doing this as she didn't have any problems finding Lucifer's shoulders at all.

Of course, Asgo could see it all happening, and he could feel his heart pumping out of his chest.

Literally, every single bump of his chest could Asgo feel the intensity of this situation.

After all, any time now could Rachel find out the truth.

And when she does, Asgo didn't know what he would do then.

That was why he was just hoping. He was hoping for a miracle right now that maybe...Lucifer would be able to do something in this situation.

However, even the man who was feared by many demons...could do nothing in this situation.

After all, it's not like Lucifer could just miraculously create a wound on his body or something like that.

Although Lucifer could control his mana so fine that he would be able to injure himself, it was impossible to do it under the supervision of Rachel.

What's more, Rachel was literally touching Lucifer's body. As Rachel was also a demon, she would be able to pick up if mana or some other stranger power was in the works.

That was why...even Lucifer can't do shit in this situation.

It was then that Lucifer could finally feel Rachel stop moving her hands while touching his shoulders.

It seems that Rachel...finally found out the truth as she wasn't moving at all.

'Did she find out...' Lucifer thought as he prepared himself for a battle.

He prepared himself to capture this woman and torture her in a short amount of time and possibly get away from this situation.

Of course, Lucifer would want Rachel to be submissive to him just like Asgo, but if that didn't happen...her life would be gone just like how an ant dies when it got stepped on by a demon.

Well, the best thing that Lucifer wanted to happen in this situation was that...Rachel found an injury in his body.

Although it was weird, that was just how desperate Lucifer was in this situation.

It was ironic even, for Lucifer, that he wanted to have an injury on his demonic body.

Anyways, it was then that Rachel finally spoke with shock on her face.

"T-this..." Rachel's hands started to shake as even her eyes were showing...astonishment.

Right, Rachel's eyes were showing astonishment even though she wasn't looking at anything.

Well, there was a reason for that, and that reason was...

"Wow...your bones got messed up in your shoulders real bad!"

"Even your flesh got damaged as your blood stopped circulating in your shoulder!"

"I'm surprised that this kind of injury didn't have any external signs!"

Rachel said all that with an excited voice. It seems that whatever she found was just that interesting.

Well, it was the truth that it was interesting.

She never thought that Lucifer's body was so bad that...there were no external signs on his skin or something like that.

It was weird as she wasn't even looking at Lucifer's body with her eyes.

Anyway, when Lucifer heard what Rachel just said, confusion entered his mind and taken over his thoughts.

'What the hell? What is she talking about...' Lucifer thought.

It was the truth that Lucifer didn't know anything about what Rachel was talking about.

After all, Lucifer did feel no pain, and he could also move his shoulders really well.

That was why...Lucifer used his senses to try and feel his shoulders.

However, there really was nothing. He could feel that his shoulders were fine, and there were no signs of injuries at all.

However, it seems that it was not Lucifer to decide as Rachel spoke once more.

"Professor Malbath is indeed strong, don't you think, Asgo?" Rachel said as she whipped her head to look at Asgo.

Her beautiful eyes locked down on Asgo's eyes, and her face...was just beautiful.

However, for Asgo, Rachel's face was just demonic as confusion also entered his mind.

Of course, Asgo tried to keep calm as much as possible and was able to blurt out some words.

"Y-yeah...Professor Malbath really did him good as he was knocked out right away..." Asgo said as he nodded his head.

And when Rachel heard that, she just nodded her head as well.

After all, it was now time to get to the business, and that was healing Lucifer's wounds.

That was why Rachel churned up her mana as her hands began to shine in black light.

Right, it was black light, and that black light penetrated Lucifer's shoulders!

Although it seems bad, it was actually not. After all, this was the healing magic that Rachel was confident with, "Unholy Light!"

Rachel shouted as she began to heal Lucifer's wounds while staring at the empty air.

And while he was being healed, Lucifer...was still confused.

'I don't...feel anything?'

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