
Chapter 411 Crow’s Mouth

After Wu Zhongyuan finished speaking, everyone was curious, got up from their seats, and followed him out.

Seeing the look of expectation on everyone's faces, Wu Zhongyuan was afraid that they would be disappointed after seeing the Third Master, so he hurriedly got vaccinated first, "It's not a rare bird, it's just a talking bird, not big. "

He didn't say it, but everyone really thought he had subdued a large bird that could carry people. When he said this, everyone stopped thinking about it. The old blind man couldn't see it. Wu Di's cultivation was low, but Li Wanzi saw it first. , sincerely exclaimed, “How come it’s so fast?!”

When Li Wanzi spoke, the third master was still a hundred feet away. Before he finished speaking, the third master came closer, folded his wings and landed on the ridge of the east chamber.

"Is this a mocking bird?" Li Wanzi looked up. At this time, there was no starling to talk about. Birds that speak human words are generally called mocking birds.

"Looking at the body shape, I think it's a swift." Wu Di said, and after that, he described the third master's appearance in detail to the old blind man.

After listening to Wu Di's talk, the old blind man suddenly remembered something, "This thing has appeared in Goat Valley many times. It is a white-headed gray sparrow."

"Sir, do you recognize it?" Wu Zhongyuan was greatly surprised.

The old blind man nodded, "In the early years, it went to Goat Valley to steal food, and was shot by Wang Li of the tiger tribe. Afterwards, it became dissatisfied and chased Wang Li and insulted him for several days."

Wu Zhongyuan smiled. He recognized the Wang Li the old blind man mentioned. He was a master of purple energy from the Tiger clan. He was later exploited and died unexpectedly.

"Did you send it down just to spread rumors?" the old blind man asked.

Wu Zhongyuan nodded, "Yes, you all remember its appearance. If I have any news in the future, please ask it to send back."

"This thing comes and goes without a trace, but no one can stop it," the old blind man said, "but it is naughty and has no words. If you entrust it to speak for you, you must be strictly restrained. Don't let it talk nonsense and delay It’s a big deal.”

"You stinky beggar," Third Master tilted his head and cursed, "Don't think I can't recognize you if you change your clothes."

Seeing that it spoke so fluently, Li Wanzi and Wu Di were very interested. Li Wanzi tilted his head and asked with a smile, "What else can you say?"

"Why should I tell you?" Third Master turned away.

"This bird is really interesting." Li Wanzi said with a smile.


"Wu Di said, "With it, the journey will not be boring. "

Wu Zhongyuan smiled, then sent out his thoughts, ordering the third master to remember the old blind man and others.

"Practice it again." Wu Zhongyuan looked at Li Wanzi.

Li Wanzi nodded.

Wu Zhongyuan once again sent his thoughts to the Third Master, ordering it to deliver a verbal message. He asked the Third Master to deliver the message but not verbally, otherwise it would be able to express itself freely and it would have to be sent out with thoughts.

After sending out his thoughts, the third master felt it and said, "Auntie, prepare some dry food for me. I will get up early tomorrow and hit the road."

Hearing the third master's words, Li Wanzi was surprised and happy, with mixed feelings. She never thought that the third master could imitate Wu Zhongyuan's voice. Moreover, Wu Zhongyuan had never called her aunt. She always thought that Wu Zhongyuan was separated from her. At this time, Then I realized that Wu Zhongyuan just didn't want to reveal it.

Wu Zhongyuan looked at Wu Di again, "Try again." After saying this, he sent his thoughts again. The third master felt something and spoke again, "Wu Di, you must take good care of Mr. Wang."

"It seems." Wu Di exclaimed. She was very surprised that Sanye could answer and talk with people. She didn't expect that it could imitate Wu Zhongyuan's voice and accent, almost to the point of pretending to be real.

Wu Zhongyuan never thought that the third master could imitate his speech, so he was very interested and sent out his thoughts three times. This time the third master said, "Sir, thank you for your hard work. The mountain and river map is very useful. I should finish it early." .”

"What an imitative flat-haired beast." The old blind man also laughed.

Wu Zhongyuan did not restrict Third Master from cursing people. When the old blind man said that it was a beast, Third Master became angry and said, "You stinky beggar, you deserve to be blinded."

Not only did the third master retaliate for his anger, but he also had a very venomous tongue. When he saw it, he cursed people again. Wu Zhongyuan waved his hand at it hastily, "Let's go, let's go."

The third master was still angry, but Wu Zhongyuan let him go and he had to go away. He fluttered his wings and flew in a circle, then went around the old blind man's head and sucked some shit into his head, and then flew towards the forest to the north.

Wu Zhongyuan had suffered similar losses before. When he saw the third master coming back, he guessed what he wanted to do. Before the bird droppings fell, he extended his spiritual energy and swung it away.

It was almost dark at this time. Li Wanzi ordered a dinner and went to supervise the work in person. Wu Zhongyuan and the old blind Wu Di returned to the room and continued talking. This time the three of them were talking about the possibility of forming a wizard team. He had previously I went to Ruoshui Longze and asked for a dragon bone from Wu Chen. With the dragon bone, I can test my bloodline.

The reason why this matter was not mentioned in front of Li Wanzi was because Li Wanzi and Wu Chen had a grudge. The two had cursed and exposed each other outside the ancient tomb where the Qinglong Armor was sealed. If Li Wanzi knew that he had gone to Wu Chen, In the morning, you will definitely feel unhappy.

There are three issues involved in forming a wizard team. The first is the overall impact of this matter. You must know that only the bear clan had wizards before, and neither the cow clan nor the bird clan. The spells that wizards can cast are collectively referred to as the spells that the royal family can cast. It is the Yellow Dragon Technique. It is precisely because of the Yellow Dragon Technique that the Bear Clan can compete with the Ox Clan with the White Dragon Pill and the Bird Clan with the Green Dragon Armor. The three tribes have formed a situation in which each other is intimidated, maintaining a delicate balance.

When he formed a team of wizards, he did not intend to only select from within Daze. If the Yellow Dragon Technique was passed on to the Ox and Bird tribes, it would be detrimental to the Bear tribe.

Secondly, Li Wanzi's Jiumu Jiulian and Jiang Dahua's Gushan and Hongshanli Mountains. These five walled cities previously belonged to the Bird Clan and the Niu Clan respectively. The people in the city had the blood of the Bird Clan and the Niu Clan. He was not sure about the Bird Clan. Can people with the blood of the Wagyu tribe practice the magic of the Bear tribe?

Finally, there is the qi training method. The qi training methods of the cattle and bird tribes are different from the bear tribe. It is unknown whether the qi training methods of the ox tribe and bird tribe can activate the bear tribe's magic.

Since Wu Zhongyuan proposed this idea, the old blind man and Wu Di knew that he wanted to do it. If he didn't want to do it, he wouldn't mention it at all.

Since he wants to do this, the two of them have to help him implement this idea. As for how to operate it, it is up to the two of them to figure out a way. But one thing is for sure, that is, even if a wizard team is formed, after the five seals disappear, In the past, the wizard team could not play a big role. The reason was that the offensive spells of the Bear clan were mainly Thunder Fury, and this is a spell that requires the light blue aura to be cast. Now there is only one left before the seal disappears. In one year, the newly selected wizard cannot practice Qi so fast.

If you want to see the effect as soon as possible, there is only one way, and that is to directly select people with pure Yang or pure Yin blood from the warriors in the city under Jiang Dahua's jurisdiction and the city under Li Wanzi's jurisdiction. However, the chance of this is very small, because the two There are not many warriors in the city under human jurisdiction. Most of them have been taken back by the Ox Clan and the Bird Clan. The few remaining warriors are unlikely to have pure Yang or pure Yin blood.

And even if one or two are of pure Yang or pure Yin blood, due to the difference in Qi training methods, it is likely that they will not be able to use the Bear Clan's spells.

No matter how difficult it is or how small the chance is, the wizard team must be formed. This is a long-term investment. This war will last for many years. It is not too late to start forming it now. Sooner or later it will come in handy.

Five people ate dinner together. Wu Zhongyuan specially sent someone to call the second child back from the mountain. This guy had been working very hard recently and had been digging holes. He had made great achievements and made great contributions.

After dinner, Wu Zhongyuan took Huang Mao'er to the post house. Huang Mao'er followed the old blind man and Wu Di to protect their safety. Dasha, on the other hand, plays the role of a footman, responsible for carrying the old blind man and others everywhere.

Dasha now enjoys special treatment and eats only the best cow dung.

Huang Mao did not develop a friendship with Dasha because he often spent time with Dasha. Maybe it was because Dasha was too stupid in his opinion, and he was not the same kind. He preferred to play with the pug he brought from modern times, even though Both of them are males.

Not long after he sat down, the third master came. Until then, Wu Zhongyuan was not sure whether it was right or wrong to retain his original temperament. This guy was a bitch with a sharp tongue. He would push dung bugs and bark like a mangy dog ​​when he came.

Wu Zhongyuan was too lazy to pay attention to it. This guy had a crow's mouth. He didn't say a word, but if he really wanted to attack him, no one could beat him. Fortunately, he flew fast. If he had run slower, he would have been beaten to death long ago. .

It was about nine o'clock in the evening when I returned from the post. After returning, I first went to the room of the second brother and the old blind man, and talked with the old blind man about Gao Zhan's situation. The main reason why the old blind man thought Gao Zhan was worthy of promotion was It's because although this person has been in trouble for many years, he has never done anything bottomless. It is not easy for a person to stick to the bottom line when he is down.

To be fair, Gao Zhan still has many shortcomings. At present, he is still a little timid and not able to stretch enough. However, Wu Zhongyuan did not underestimate it because of this. Everything has a process. It is impossible for a homeless man who has been in poverty for many years to suddenly become a general. Confidence is built up bit by bit, and the pattern is formed bit by bit. Point of improvement.

Wu Zhongyuan did not say more polite words to the second child. When he and the old blind man talked about Gao Zhan, he did not shy away from the second child. This was the greatest respect for him, which showed that he did not regard him as an outsider.

Although he knew that Wu Zhongyuan would not make mistakes, the old blind man still kindly reminded him not to act too hastily. Some things depend on chance. Psychic weapons are no different from ordinary weapons and have a heavy symbolic meaning. You must be careful when rewarding them.

Wu Zhongyuan understood what the old blind man meant. The old blind man was worried that he would be careless in his eagerness to find all the Eighteen Prime Ministers and turn the search into patchwork.

The reason why the old blind man had such a reminder was not because he did not trust his ability to observe and judge, but because he had not explained Zhu Qianwei's situation clearly before. The old blind man lacked the necessary understanding of this person and put some details into his mind. After telling the old blind man, the old blind man gave up this worry.

Wu Zhongyuan originally wanted to see Jiang Dahua, but the old blind man suggested that he should not go. There are two reasons. One is that the Ox Clan and the Bear Clan are at war at this time. According to Wu Ao's style, he will definitely pay close attention to the situation in Gushan. You must know that when the city was ceded that day, the three tribes only took away some of the warriors, and the ordinary soldiers did not have time to evacuate. Jiang Dahua still holds 30,000 soldiers and horses in his hands. Wu Ao must be worried that he will join forces with his father-in-law. He appeared at this time In Gushan, the impact is not very good. The second is that Jiang Dahua cannot be allowed to demarcate an area for the wolf clan. He must personally designate this matter, and Jiang Dahua must be made to know that he has absolute control over the six walled cities under his command.

Wu Zhongyuan knew why the old blind man didn't want him to go to Gushan. The old blind man wanted to beat the Ox Clan and the Bear Clan to a bloody head so that he could unify the three tribes in the future. The old blind man was afraid that he would suddenly appear in Gushan, and Wu Ao would Withdraw your troops and stop fighting.

But the second reason mentioned by the old blind man does make sense, so I won’t go.

Early the next morning, I put on clean clothes, carried weapons and food on my back, said goodbye to everyone, and left Jiumu...

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