
Chapter 412 The real and fake Wu Zhongyuan

According to the established itinerary, Wu Zhongyuan should go to the East China Sea next, but after leaving Jiumu, he did not go east. Instead, he turned back the same way and returned to Nanhuang. He was worried about Zhu Qianwei, or to be precise, he was worried about the tens of thousands of people. Jin Yan, we have to fight back and look at the situation in Kaicheng.

Since he was not in a hurry, he did not summon the Qinglongjia when he went south this time. Instead, he used his body skills to go south with the third master.

This time we did not take the same old path, but went directly south from Jiumu through the primitive jungle. This place is hundreds of miles away from the South Pass guarded by Suzaku. Going south from here will pass some places that we have never been to before, and we can also Learn more about Southern Wilderness.

Wu Zhongyuan was so angry that he flew over, and the third master started to make noises in his ears, hating that he was hurting him by running back and forth. He also blamed him for being stingy and stingy, sending him to work but not giving him food.

Wu Zhongyuan only said that he did not send the third master to do anything, but the third master retorted that it would be fine to bring him over to recognize the door.

Wu Zhongyuan said that it was a scoundrel and a mischief-maker. The Third Master scolded Wu Zhongyuan for being despicable and designing to harm it, and yelled at Wu Zhongyuan to remove the magic and give it freedom.

Subduing the Third Master was the third time Wu Zhongyuan used his Seven Apertures. He had never encountered a similar situation twice before, and he never thought that the subordinates who had surrendered would be so repelled by his drive and control, but after thinking about it, it became clear. Well, the reason for this situation is not because there is any flaw in the Qiqiao psychic, but because he does not want to turn the third master into a puppet who obeys orders, and completely retains the third master’s spiritual consciousness, although the third master is very loyal to him , but the third master’s sense of autonomy is full of hostility to him.

It is not difficult to change this situation. You only need to send your thoughts to change the hostility of the third master towards him into friendliness. The master can control the emotions of the subordinates, just like the programmer can rewrite the system commands.

After sending out his thoughts, the third master was still making noises. The hostility was gone, but he turned into a full of complaints, nagging that Wu Zhongyuan didn't care about it and was not good to it. He only believed that the bird could still get the grain by flying to the ground. It eats rice, but it is so tired after flying thousands of miles that it has to find food by itself in the end.

Wu Zhongyuan chatted with it all the time. Everything had pros and cons, and the same was true for retaining the third master's consciousness completely. The advantage was that he could chat and relieve his boredom, but the disadvantage was that he had to endure its bad mouth.

At noon, a river appeared in front, and several green anacondas were lying on the beach basking in the sun. I don't know if it was due to the climate or the environment. The animals at this time were generally larger than their descendants who have lived to modern times, several feet taller. Long pythons can't be said to be seen everywhere, but they can be seen from time to time.

We are already in the south, but the temperature is still very low, and the anacondas have been lying on the beach without moving. Wuzhong Yuanyi, a master of arts, was bold enough to land on the beach for a closer look, looking at the head, body, scales and patterns.

Just when Wu Zhongyuan was concentrating on his observations,

The third master suddenly screamed from the side, "Ah!"

Wu Zhongyuan never expected that it would suddenly scream, and he trembled subconsciously, fearing to disturb the anaconda, and hurriedly retreated.

"Haha, coward, coward, Zhu'er is a coward." The third master flapped his wings and laughed proudly.

"Get out of here." Wu Zhongyuan was angry and threw stones at it.

The third master played a prank on Chu'er, which frightened Wu Zhongyuan. After regaining his psychological balance, he shouted to Nan Fei, "Let's go, let's go. If I come back again, you will be like a pig."

Wu Zhongyuan took a deep breath to calm down and turned to look at the beach. The anacondas had been frightened and swam into the river.

After scolding the third master, Wu Zhongyuan had no intention of raising his spirits and flew over. Just when he was about to summon the Qinglongjia, he suddenly noticed that there was smoke floating out of the valley upstream of the river. Since it was noon and the light was bright, the smoke was Not very conspicuous.

Since there were no villages in the area he passed through before, Wu Zhongyuan was a little surprised when he saw the smoke. After a short wait and a look, he boosted his energy and headed upstream.

The place where the smoke appeared is located twenty miles upstream. It is an indigenous village. There are hundreds of stone houses in the valley, and there are some caves of different sizes dug under the stone walls on both sides. At this time, the men, women, and children in the village are Gathering in an open area to eat, the number of people visually estimated was about four to five hundred, making it a medium-sized village.

There are several large pots in the open area, and everyone is sitting around the large pots. The meat cooked in the pots seems to be the meat of some kind of animal. Judging from the layout of the houses, this village is considered to be relatively civilized, but the degree of civilization is high. It does not mean that life is easy. At this time, even the food and clothing problems of the three ethnic groups in Middle-earth have not been completely solved, let alone these remote villages.

As long as there are people, there will be levels, and this village is no exception. There is a round stone platform similar to a millstone in the due north near the mountain wall. There is a circle of people sitting around the stone platform. These people are sitting in the village. The status here should be relatively high, most of them are elderly people, and there are also a few middle-aged men.

After briefly glancing at the stone platform, Wu Zhongyuan turned his attention elsewhere. His occupational disease was already terminal and he always liked to get to the bottom of things. He wanted to determine what these people did for a living through more detailed observation of the village.

After looking away, Wu Zhongyuan realized that there seemed to be someone very familiar around the stone platform just now.

He quickly moved his gaze back and looked again. It didn't matter what he saw. He was dumbfounded. He really knew the person sitting in the main seat due to the north. It was more than just a simple acquaintance. He knew him so well that he could no longer recognize him. That person was he himself.

I just thought I was dazzled, shook my head, and looked carefully again, yes, no matter the body shape, facial features, or clothing, he was exactly the same as him.

After experiencing too many things, very few things could shock Wu Zhongyuan at this time, but the scene in front of him directly confused him. When he came back to his senses, his first reaction was the paradox of time and space. He had once Traveling back and forth multiple times from different time and space, is there something wrong with some link?

If this happens, it would be ridiculous. Which self is the real self?

After a brief period of shock, Wu Zhongyuan gradually came to his senses. No, there shouldn't be a problem with time and space. If so, the person next to the stone table shouldn't be wearing the same clothes as himself.

As long as time and space are not distorted and disordered, all other problems are not a problem. If you calm down and look carefully, you will soon find the clues.

He has now advanced to purple energy. Even though he has never used spiritual energy in front of the stone table, he can still see the other person's spiritual energy cultivation. That person only has three holes of blue energy, and his breath is mixed with black energy. This is alienation. human characteristics.

It took me a long time to create a different kind of illusion, which was a false alarm and scared me half to death.

He was currently located in the lower reaches of the valley, far away from the valley. After calming down, he walked around the forest and reached the north side of the valley. From here, he could not only overlook the situation in the valley, but also hear the conversations of the people below.

The identity of the demon who transformed into him is still unknown. His speaking voice is not much different from his, just a little hoarse. The people in the valley seemed to be asking it for help with something. The demon hesitated and said something else. It is not accepted.

Wu Zhongyuan was confident that he could kill the monster with one arrow, but he was not in a hurry to take action. Before he took action, he had to figure out why the monster changed into his appearance and what exactly this guy wanted to do.

Before he arrived, everyone had been talking for a while, and the specific things seemed to have been finished. At this time, everyone in the village was begging it for help. But no matter how everyone begged, the demon did not agree. He only said that the matter was of great importance and it needed to think twice before acting. He also said that he was powerless and could do nothing to help.

Wu Zhongyuan heard and saw clearly that this demon was extorting some favors. If he really wanted to refuse, he would never have this attitude and tone.

After listening for a while, it turned out as expected that this demon must be asking for something specific, rather than an ordinary reward, because everyone proposed several ways of reward, but it didn't accept any of them.

This village should be an independent small tribe, and there are also people who practice Qi in the tribe. Most of the people sitting around the stone platform have spiritual Qi cultivation. The old man headed by him is the deep blue cave, and the two people below him are also blue Qi. Based on his cultivation level, this demon should know that this village has something he wants, but he is just afraid of the Qi practitioners in the clan, so he doesn't dare to grab it openly.

Maybe he also knew that he was playing with fire, and lest his flaws were exposed, the demon kept trying to imitate his tone and movements, even the way he held the wine glass and held the chopsticks.

If this guy didn't pretend to be so similar, Wu Zhongyuan couldn't remember the origin of this guy for a while. Just because it imitated his eating movements, he had a suspect. This monster should have seen him in Goat Valley before. and observed him closely.

There are also the clothes that this person transformed into, which were also what he wore last time he went to Goat Valley. He had been wearing summer clothes before, but he changed into winter clothes last time when he went to Goat Valley.

Not long ago, he stayed in Goat Valley for more than half a month. During this period, he went to restaurants many times to eat. Although there were many aliens in Goat Valley, he only saw two aliens with three-hole blue energy cultivation. One was an old woman and the other It is a middle-aged man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks. This person should be the middle-aged man's phantom, and his true body must be an animal like a weasel.

"Sir, we don't need you to fight with him, as long as you go with us and say something fair," the old man said.

"Yes, sir, you are the Yellow Emperor of the Three Clans. As long as you say a word for us, we will be grateful." Someone agreed.

The demon pretended to be solemn and shook his head slowly, "That Dongyunju is one of the three hegemons of the Southern Wilderness. He is arrogant and arrogant. And I rarely come to the Southern Wilderness. I am afraid that he will not betray my face. If he disagrees with me, he will not take action."

Hearing this, Wu Zhongyuan vaguely guessed what everyone was begging this demon for. There were three Taixuan masters in the Southern Wilderness, Liu Jin'e, the master of Tiancan Valley, Wan Shanhong, the master of Yanyun Mountain, and Dong Yunju, the master of Taiping Village. Earlier, he had heard from the old master The blind man told these three people that Taiping Village is a den of thieves and Dongyunju is a bandit leader. This guy is more than seventy years old, but he is old-hearted and is a groom every night. No need to ask, he must have robbed this guy. The daughter of the family.

Seeing that the demon declined, everyone begged again. While the demon was talking to everyone, he looked up at the sky from time to time, seemingly judging the time.

Perhaps because he thought that he could not achieve his goal, or perhaps because he was retreating in order to advance, the demon stood up, expressed his apology to everyone, and then said goodbye.

Everyone was eager to persuade him to stay, but the demon insisted on leaving.

The old man was anxious and pulled the demon into the cave behind him. After a while, he reappeared with a small package in the demon's hand.

"My lord, please go and prepare. I will be waiting outside Taiping Village at Youshi." The old man said.

The demon looked solemn and nodded slowly, "It's going to be difficult tonight. They're afraid they will provoke and retaliate afterwards. You should prepare early."

"Thank you for reminding me, sir." The old man nodded worriedly.

Seeing the old man frowning, the demon threw the small baggage in his hand to the old man, "It is your duty to hoe the strong and help the weak. You should take this thing back."

The old man was willing to take it, so he gave it to the demon and then escorted it out of the valley.

When there was no one around, the demon immediately cast his body skills and fled to the southwest.

Wu Zhongyuan went around the valley and chased after him...

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