
Chapter 413 When the fake is true, the truth is also false

The demon ran along the mountain path at first. After running for more than ten miles, the sound of horse hooves was heard in front of him. The demon felt the sound and hurriedly changed direction and fled due south.

The demon ran south, and Wu Zhongyuan followed it south. After moving, he looked back and saw a young man riding a strange horse galloping past on the road, heading east.

Because the horse looked a little strange, Wu Zhongyuan took another look. Although the animal had a horse face, it was not a horse, but more like a deer. It should be an elk. This thing is also called Si unlike. Legend has it that this is what Jiang Ziya was riding. Elk also exist in modern times, but the number is very small. This is the first time he has seen it. He did not expect this thing to run so fast.

The demon has a guilty conscience and is afraid that someone will come after him, so he turns his head and looks back from time to time while escaping.

In order to avoid being discovered by it, Wu Zhongyuan did not follow too closely and kept hanging from a distance. He wanted to make sure that there was no one behind this demon.

After running for dozens of miles, the demon transformed into another form. His previous guess was correct. This demon was the wretched man with the head and eyes of a rat from Goat Valley.

Worried about being caught by everyone, the demon kept moving quickly, running hundreds of miles in one breath, and then stopped by a creek. After slurping water to quench his thirst, he stood leaning against a tree, unwrapped the small package, and took out the A small wooden box.

The wooden box was not big and long, somewhat like a later paperweight. The demon opened the wooden box and took out the contents and looked at them one by one. The box should contain the inner elixir of some animal. There were three in total, with slightly different sizes. .

But if you look closely, it seems that it is not an inner alchemy, because the shape of the three beads is not a regular circle, and the color is wrong. These three beads are all green.

The demon seemed very excited. After inspecting it, he picked up one of them and wanted to put it in his mouth. But as soon as he raised his hand, an arrow flew from a distance, pierced his right shoulder, and nailed it behind him. on the big tree.

Before the demon could react, three more arrows flew from a distance, hitting his left shoulder and both legs respectively.

Only then did the demon react and let out a miserable scream. He tried to struggle out of trouble, but was unable to move.

Wu Zhongyuan left his hiding place, put his long bow on his back, and approached slowly.

Seeing that the person who came was actually Wu Zhongyuan, the demon was horrified. Knowing that the impersonation had been discovered by him, he thought that he would die, his liver and gallbladder were split, and his face was ashen.

The demon kept staring at Wu Zhongyuan, but Wu Zhongyuan ignored it and didn't even look at it. He walked to the stream and drank some water, then washed his face, and then turned to look at it, "Aren't you afraid?"

The demon didn’t know why Wu Zhongyuan asked this question.

She was terrified and looked at him in horror.

"Aren't you afraid of death?" Wu Zhongyuan asked again.

"Afraid." The demon's teeth chattered.

"Why don't you beg for mercy?" Wu Zhongyuan's face was expressionless.

"Is begging for mercy useful?" the demon asked.

"How will you know if you don't try." Wu Zhongyuan said casually.

The demon was stunned at first, then begged for mercy, "Sir, please spare my life. I ruined your reputation and deserved death. I beg you, please be kind and let me live..."

"Okay, okay," Wu Zhongyuan interrupted the demon, "Who ordered you?"

"What?" The demon was stunned.

Seeing its confused expression, Wu Zhongyuan knew that it had done this alone and had no behind-the-scenes instructions, so he pointed at the thing that fell to the ground and asked, "What is this?"

"Wood Spirit Pill." The demon said.

"What is the Wood Spirit Pill?" Wu Zhongyuan squatted down to pick up the wooden box and picked up the three beads one by one.

"The inner elixir of red deer is extremely rare. If you swallow one, you will not be afraid of hundreds of poisons for the rest of your life." The demon dared not hide it. After saying this, he began to beg for mercy again.

Wu Zhongyuan knew that the red deer mentioned by the demon was an elk, but elk should not produce this kind of inner elixir. Firstly, it is not easy to become a spirit. Secondly, there seems to be no green inner elixir in animals.

Seeing Wu Zhongyuan frowning, the demon became more and more frightened, "My lord Mingjian, everything I said is true."

Wu Zhongyuan glanced at the demon, picked up one of the inner elixirs and looked at it carefully. After looking at it carefully, he brought it to his nose and smelled it, feeling a vague bitterness.

It is certain that this thing is not an inner elixir. Its properties should be similar to those of bezoar dog treasure. It is a kind of calculus in the body of elk. This is the first time he has seen this thing. He does not know whether the effect is as miraculous as the demon said, but bezoar Regardless of whether it is dog treasure or horse treasure, its main function is to detoxify. The stones in the body of elk should also have this effect.

As we all know, the liver is the detoxification organ of the human body, and the five elements of the liver belong to wood. This thing is green and should have the effect of strengthening the liver and spleen.

"If you eat this, can you really be immune to all poisons?" Wu Zhongyuan asked.

"Yes, yes." The demon nodded repeatedly.

"How do you know?" Wu Zhongyuan asked.

"Everyone knows that the Wood Spirit Pill is magical." The demon said. I don't know whether it was because of pain or fear. At this time, the guy's face turned pale.

Wu Zhongyuan put the three Wood Spirit Pills into the wooden box and put them in the bag, "What else do you want to say?"

As soon as these words came out, the demon just thought that Wu Zhongyuan asked him to confess his last words. He was so frightened that his face turned pale, he burst into tears, and begged for mercy.

"Don't just beg for mercy, you have to reflect on your mistakes." Wu Zhongyuan sighed helplessly.

The demon didn't know if Wu Zhongyuan was teasing him or if he really wanted to let him go. He just assumed it was the latter. He endured the pain and reflected on his sins. He only said that he should not be obsessed with profit and change and pretend.

"It's not profound enough. Let's talk about it with a stick of incense." Wu Zhongyuan took out a cake and said, "Speak carefully. If there is any pause, I will never let you go."

Seeing that there was a chance of survival, the demon dared not slack off, and immediately began to deeply reflect. However, it had so many words that it could not stop talking about a stick of incense. It was just those few words that it kept repeating, lest Wu Zhongyuan would blame it for perfunctory, so it could only think about it. It added some new words and reasons, and in the end even it didn’t know what it was talking about.

The poor words are part of it. Four arrows have been hit in his body. It hurts to breathe. He keeps talking, and the wound is in severe pain. By the end of the sentence, he is sweating profusely and his face is as white as paper. If he hadn't had spiritual energy cultivation, I'm afraid I have fainted and died.

Wu Zhongyuan ate the dry food and clapped his hands, "What other bad things have you done pretending to be me?"

Hearing this, the demon shook his head repeatedly, "No, no, just this time. I know that my sins are serious. If you can let me go, I will definitely change my ways, shut myself up and think about my mistakes, and never come out again."

Wu Zhongyuan said, "It's unfortunate enough that my daughter was robbed, but you took advantage of the situation to rob and deceive others. Do you think you are evil?"

"Oops, I know I was wrong, ouch..." The demon was in pain, probably because of the pain, and started coughing and retching.

Seeing this, Wu Zhongyuan stepped forward and pulled out the four arrows one by one. The demon fell limply to the ground, hesitating and trembling.

Wu Zhongyuan walked to the stream and cleaned the arrows, "Where is Taiping Village?"

"On Taiping Mountain." The demon said weakly.

"Where is Taiping Mountain?" Wu Zhongyuan asked. He had only heard the old blind man talk about Taiping Village before, but he did not know the specific location.

"Two hundred miles to the southeast, it's easy to identify. It's the peak without a peak." The demon replied in a trembling voice.

Wu Zhongyuan nodded, released his palm, sent out his thoughts, and the four arrows returned to the quiver.

Seeing that Wu Zhongyuan was about to leave, the demon hurriedly cried out for help, "Sir, I am too injured to walk or crawl. Please leave some food for me."

Hearing the demon's pleading, Wu Zhongyuan turned around and walked back. He secretly squeezed his fingers, stretched out his right hand, and used the Resurrection of Heaven and Earth to heal the wound on the demon's left leg, then turned around and started again.

The demon came to his senses and begged again, "Sir, please do your good deeds to the end. Please help me treat my right leg as well. I can't walk even if I only treat my left leg."

"You can't walk, but you can jump." Wu Zhongyuan said casually.

The demon was still pleading, so Wu Zhongyuan ignored it, raised his energy, and swept towards the southeast.

Everyone has their own style of acting. Wu Zhongyuan’s style is that there is an absolute balance between grudges and grudges. He does not repay kindness with kindness, nor will he repay kindness with hatred. The reason why he did not kill the monster is because although the monster ruined his reputation, he only cheated and did not kill anyone. . The most important thing is that the demon helped him get these three wood spirit pills. He has long been invulnerable to all poisons. These things are of no use to him, but his friends and subordinates are not invulnerable to all poisons. They can give them to him. give them.

Since he was not going to return the three Wood Spirit Pills, he had to help the victim get his daughter back. The bandits in Dongyunju had been causing harm for a long time, and others did not dare to touch them, but he did.

Taiping Village is not difficult to find. Since Dongyunju has been operating here for many years, Taiping Village is not a copycat village as imagined, but a rather large-scale mountain city.

When they reached the end of the field, Wu Zhongyuan was not in a hurry to take action and took a nap in a sheltered place. Dong Yunju was a master of Taixuan and his strength should not be underestimated. He had to be mentally alert before taking action.

When the time came, I saw a group of people riding elk coming from a distance. I took a closer look and saw that they were the people from the previous village in the valley.

Seeing the arrival of the Lord of Misery, Wu Zhongyuan walked out of the forest and waited by the roadside.

Wu Zhongyuan thought that everyone would be very happy to see him, but he never thought that when they found him standing by the roadside, they ran over angrily.

When he got closer, the old man got off his horse and pointed angrily, "You, you, you liar, how dare you come here."

Wu Zhongyuan didn't know why and looked at him doubtfully, "What did you say?"

At this moment, a young man came over, drew his sword out of its sheath, and said, "Hurry up and hand over the Wood Spirit Pill."

"What a mess." Wu Zhongyuan frowned and looked at the young man. He had seen this young man before. When he was chasing the demon, this man had hurried past on the road on a elk.

"You are still pretending," the young man said angrily, "I was ordered by the clan leader to go to Goat Valley to investigate. The Yellow Emperor left a few days ago. Who are you?"

Hearing this man's words, Wu Zhongyuan suddenly realized that no wonder the demon kept looking at the sun while eating. It turned out that this guy was trying to catch up on the time difference and knew that the old patriarch had sent someone to check out his details, so he left in a hurry.

"Who are you?" The young man approached with a knife.

"I am Wu Zhongyuan. The liar was caught by me and severely punished." Wu Zhongyuan said.

How could the crowd believe it? They surrounded him, shouted loudly, and forced him to hand over the Wood Spirit Pill.

The shouts of the crowd alerted the bandits in the north. Someone shouted from the sentry tower, "Who is here? Dare to act wild in Taiping Village."

Hearing the minions shouting and asking, everyone stopped chattering and looked at the old patriarch, waiting for him to make up his mind.

Just when the old patriarch was at his wits' end, a middle-aged man stepped forward and whispered in a low voice.

Hearing this man's words, the old patriarch frowned, "Is it possible? What if Dongyunju finds out..."


.Leader confirms turning around, birthday update

( = )

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